diff --git a/src/vmime/net/imap/IMAPUtils.cpp b/src/vmime/net/imap/IMAPUtils.cpp
index 0bb086ff..869b61aa 100644
--- a/src/vmime/net/imap/IMAPUtils.cpp
+++ b/src/vmime/net/imap/IMAPUtils.cpp
@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ shared_ptr <IMAPCommand> IMAPUtils::buildFetchCommand
 		// Also fetch MODSEQ if CONDSTORE is supported
-		if (cnt->hasCapability("CONDSTORE") && !cnt->isMODSEQDisabled())
+		if (cnt && cnt->hasCapability("CONDSTORE") && !cnt->isMODSEQDisabled())
diff --git a/tests/net/imap/IMAPUtilsTest.cpp b/tests/net/imap/IMAPUtilsTest.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db88b539
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/net/imap/IMAPUtilsTest.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+// VMime library (http://www.vmime.org)
+// Copyright (C) 2002-2014 Vincent Richard <vincent@vmime.org>
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
+// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making
+// a combined work based on this library.  Thus, the terms and conditions of
+// the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
+#include "tests/testUtils.hpp"
+#include "vmime/net/imap/IMAPUtils.hpp"
+#include "vmime/net/imap/IMAPParser.hpp"
+using namespace vmime::net::imap;
+		VMIME_TEST(testQuoteString)
+		VMIME_TEST(testToModifiedUTF7)
+		VMIME_TEST(testFromModifiedUTF7)
+		VMIME_TEST(testConvertAddressList)
+		VMIME_TEST(testMessageFlagList)
+		VMIME_TEST(testDateTime)
+		VMIME_TEST(testPathToString)
+		VMIME_TEST(testStringToPath)
+		VMIME_TEST(testBuildFetchCommand)
+	void testQuoteString()
+	{
+		VASSERT_EQ("unquoted", "ascii", IMAPUtils::quoteString("ascii"));
+		VASSERT_EQ("space", "\"ascii with space\"", IMAPUtils::quoteString("ascii with space"));
+		VASSERT_EQ("special1", "\"(\"", IMAPUtils::quoteString("("));
+		VASSERT_EQ("special2", "\")\"", IMAPUtils::quoteString(")"));
+		VASSERT_EQ("special3", "\"{\"", IMAPUtils::quoteString("{"));
+		VASSERT_EQ("special4", "\" \"", IMAPUtils::quoteString(" "));
+		VASSERT_EQ("special5", "\"%\"", IMAPUtils::quoteString("%"));
+		VASSERT_EQ("special6", "\"*\"", IMAPUtils::quoteString("*"));
+		VASSERT_EQ("special7", "\"\\\"\"", IMAPUtils::quoteString("\""));
+		VASSERT_EQ("special8", "\"\\\\\"", IMAPUtils::quoteString("\\"));
+		VASSERT_EQ("special9", "\"\x7f\"", IMAPUtils::quoteString("\x7f"));
+	}
+	void testToModifiedUTF7()
+	{
+		#define FC(x) vmime::net::folder::path::component(x, vmime::charsets::UTF_8)
+		// Example strings from RFC-1642 (modified for IMAP UTF-7)
+		VASSERT_EQ("1", "A&ImIDkQ-.", IMAPUtils::toModifiedUTF7('/', FC("A\xe2\x89\xa2\xce\x91.")));
+		VASSERT_EQ("2", "Hi Mum &Jjo-!", IMAPUtils::toModifiedUTF7('/', FC("Hi Mum \xe2\x98\xba!")));
+		VASSERT_EQ("3", "&ZeVnLIqe-", IMAPUtils::toModifiedUTF7('/', FC("\xe6\x97\xa5\xe6\x9c\xac\xe8\xaa\x9e")));
+		VASSERT_EQ("4", "Item 3 is &AKM- 1.", IMAPUtils::toModifiedUTF7('/', FC("Item 3 is \xc2\xa3 1.")));
+		VASSERT_EQ("escape char", "&-", IMAPUtils::toModifiedUTF7('/', FC("&")));
+		VASSERT_EQ("ascii", "plain ascii text", IMAPUtils::toModifiedUTF7('/', FC("plain ascii text")));
+		VASSERT_EQ("special", "!\"#$%*+-;<=>@[]^_`{|}", IMAPUtils::toModifiedUTF7('/', FC("!\"#$%*+-;<=>@[]^_`{|}")));
+		#undef FC
+	}
+	void testFromModifiedUTF7()
+	{
+		#define FC(x) vmime::net::folder::path::component(x, vmime::charsets::UTF_8)
+		// Example strings from RFC-1642 (modified for IMAP UTF-7)
+		VASSERT_EQ("1", FC("A\xe2\x89\xa2\xce\x91."), IMAPUtils::fromModifiedUTF7("A&ImIDkQ-."));
+		VASSERT_EQ("2", FC("Hi Mum \xe2\x98\xba!"), IMAPUtils::fromModifiedUTF7("Hi Mum &Jjo-!"));
+		VASSERT_EQ("3", FC("\xe6\x97\xa5\xe6\x9c\xac\xe8\xaa\x9e"), IMAPUtils::fromModifiedUTF7("&ZeVnLIqe-"));
+		VASSERT_EQ("4", FC("Item 3 is \xc2\xa3 1."), IMAPUtils::fromModifiedUTF7("Item 3 is &AKM- 1."));
+		VASSERT_EQ("escape char", FC("&"), IMAPUtils::fromModifiedUTF7("&-"));
+		VASSERT_EQ("ascii", FC("plain ascii text"), IMAPUtils::fromModifiedUTF7("plain ascii text"));
+		VASSERT_EQ("special", FC("!\"#$%*+;<=>@[]^_`{|}"), IMAPUtils::fromModifiedUTF7("!\"#$%*+-;<=>@[]^_`{|}"));
+		#undef FC
+	}
+	void testConvertAddressList()
+	{
+		IMAPParser parser;
+		IMAPParser::address_list addrList;
+		vmime::string line("((\"name\" NIL \"mailbox\" \"host\")(\"name2\" NIL \"mailbox2\" \"host2\"))");
+		vmime::size_t pos = 0;
+		VASSERT("parse", addrList.parseImpl(parser, line, &pos));
+		vmime::mailboxList mboxList;
+		IMAPUtils::convertAddressList(addrList, mboxList);
+		VASSERT_EQ("mbox-count", 2, mboxList.getMailboxCount());
+		VASSERT_EQ("mbox-1", "mailbox@host", mboxList.getMailboxAt(0)->getEmail().toString());
+		VASSERT_EQ("mbox-1", "name", mboxList.getMailboxAt(0)->getName().getWholeBuffer());
+		VASSERT_EQ("mbox-2", "mailbox2@host2", mboxList.getMailboxAt(1)->getEmail().toString());
+		VASSERT_EQ("mbox-2", "name2", mboxList.getMailboxAt(1)->getName().getWholeBuffer());
+	}
+	void testMessageFlagList()
+	{
+		int flags = 0;
+		std::vector <vmime::string> flagList;
+		// Test each flag
+		flags = vmime::net::message::FLAG_REPLIED;
+		flagList = IMAPUtils::messageFlagList(flags);
+		VASSERT("replied", std::find(flagList.begin(), flagList.end(), "\\Answered") != flagList.end());
+		flags = vmime::net::message::FLAG_MARKED;
+		flagList = IMAPUtils::messageFlagList(flags);
+		VASSERT("marked", std::find(flagList.begin(), flagList.end(), "\\Flagged") != flagList.end());
+		flags = vmime::net::message::FLAG_DELETED;
+		flagList = IMAPUtils::messageFlagList(flags);
+		VASSERT("deleted", std::find(flagList.begin(), flagList.end(), "\\Deleted") != flagList.end());
+		flags = vmime::net::message::FLAG_SEEN;
+		flagList = IMAPUtils::messageFlagList(flags);
+		VASSERT("seen", std::find(flagList.begin(), flagList.end(), "\\Seen") != flagList.end());
+		flags = vmime::net::message::FLAG_DRAFT;
+		flagList = IMAPUtils::messageFlagList(flags);
+		VASSERT("draft", std::find(flagList.begin(), flagList.end(), "\\Draft") != flagList.end());
+		// Multiple flags
+		flags = vmime::net::message::FLAG_REPLIED;
+		flagList = IMAPUtils::messageFlagList(flags);
+		VASSERT_EQ("1.size", 1, flagList.size());
+		VASSERT("1.found", std::find(flagList.begin(), flagList.end(), "\\Answered") != flagList.end());
+		flags |= vmime::net::message::FLAG_SEEN;
+		flagList = IMAPUtils::messageFlagList(flags);
+		VASSERT_EQ("2.size", 2, flagList.size());
+		VASSERT("2.found1", std::find(flagList.begin(), flagList.end(), "\\Answered") != flagList.end());
+		VASSERT("2.found2", std::find(flagList.begin(), flagList.end(), "\\Seen") != flagList.end());
+	}
+	void testDateTime()
+	{
+		vmime::datetime dt(2014, 3, 17, 23, 26, 22, vmime::datetime::GMT2);
+		VASSERT_EQ("datetime", "\"17-Mar-2014 23:26:22 +0200\"", IMAPUtils::dateTime(dt));
+	}
+	void testPathToString()
+	{
+		#define FC(x) vmime::net::folder::path::component(x, vmime::charsets::UTF_8)
+		vmime::net::folder::path path;
+		path /= FC("Hi Mum \xe2\x98\xba!");
+		path /= FC("\xe6\x97\xa5\xe6\x9c\xac\xe8\xaa\x9e");
+		VASSERT_EQ("string", "Hi Mum &Jjo-!/&ZeVnLIqe-", IMAPUtils::pathToString('/', path));
+		#undef FC
+	}
+	void testStringToPath()
+	{
+		#define FC(x) vmime::net::folder::path::component(x, vmime::charsets::UTF_8)
+		vmime::net::folder::path path = IMAPUtils::stringToPath('/', "Hi Mum &Jjo-!/&ZeVnLIqe-");
+		VASSERT_EQ("count", 2, path.getSize());
+		VASSERT_EQ("component1", FC("Hi Mum \xe2\x98\xba!"), path[0]);
+		VASSERT_EQ("component2", FC("\xe6\x97\xa5\xe6\x9c\xac\xe8\xaa\x9e"), path[1]);
+		#undef FC
+	}
+	void testBuildFetchCommand()
+	{
+		vmime::shared_ptr <IMAPConnection> cnt;
+		vmime::net::messageSet msgs = vmime::net::messageSet::byNumber(42);
+		// SIZE
+		{
+			vmime::net::fetchAttributes attribs = vmime::net::fetchAttributes::SIZE;
+			vmime::shared_ptr <IMAPCommand> cmd = IMAPUtils::buildFetchCommand(cnt, msgs, attribs);
+			VASSERT_EQ("size", "FETCH 42 RFC822.SIZE", cmd->getText());
+		}
+		// FLAGS
+		{
+			vmime::net::fetchAttributes attribs = vmime::net::fetchAttributes::FLAGS;
+			vmime::shared_ptr <IMAPCommand> cmd = IMAPUtils::buildFetchCommand(cnt, msgs, attribs);
+			VASSERT_EQ("flags", "FETCH 42 FLAGS", cmd->getText());
+		}
+		{
+			vmime::net::fetchAttributes attribs = vmime::net::fetchAttributes::STRUCTURE;
+			vmime::shared_ptr <IMAPCommand> cmd = IMAPUtils::buildFetchCommand(cnt, msgs, attribs);
+			VASSERT_EQ("structure", "FETCH 42 BODYSTRUCTURE", cmd->getText());
+		}
+		// UID
+		{
+			vmime::net::fetchAttributes attribs = vmime::net::fetchAttributes::UID;
+			vmime::shared_ptr <IMAPCommand> cmd = IMAPUtils::buildFetchCommand(cnt, msgs, attribs);
+			VASSERT_EQ("uid", "FETCH 42 UID", cmd->getText());
+		}
+		{
+			vmime::net::fetchAttributes attribs = vmime::net::fetchAttributes::ENVELOPE;
+			vmime::shared_ptr <IMAPCommand> cmd = IMAPUtils::buildFetchCommand(cnt, msgs, attribs);
+			VASSERT_EQ("envelope", "FETCH 42 ENVELOPE", cmd->getText());
+		}
+		{
+			vmime::net::fetchAttributes attribs = vmime::net::fetchAttributes::CONTENT_INFO;
+			vmime::shared_ptr <IMAPCommand> cmd = IMAPUtils::buildFetchCommand(cnt, msgs, attribs);
+			VASSERT_EQ("content", "FETCH 42 BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (CONTENT_TYPE)]", cmd->getText());
+		}
+		{
+			vmime::net::fetchAttributes attribs = vmime::net::fetchAttributes::IMPORTANCE;
+			vmime::shared_ptr <IMAPCommand> cmd = IMAPUtils::buildFetchCommand(cnt, msgs, attribs);
+			VASSERT_EQ("importance", "FETCH 42 BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (IMPORTANCE X-PRIORITY)]", cmd->getText());
+		}
+		// Any header attribute + full header should give RFC822.HEADER
+		{
+			vmime::net::fetchAttributes attribs;
+			attribs.add(vmime::net::fetchAttributes::ENVELOPE);
+			attribs.add(vmime::net::fetchAttributes::FULL_HEADER);
+			vmime::shared_ptr <IMAPCommand> cmd = IMAPUtils::buildFetchCommand(cnt, msgs, attribs);
+			VASSERT_EQ("full-header", "FETCH 42 RFC822.HEADER", cmd->getText());
+		}
+		// Test custom header
+		{
+			vmime::net::fetchAttributes attribs;
+			attribs.add("X-MyHeader");
+			vmime::shared_ptr <IMAPCommand> cmd = IMAPUtils::buildFetchCommand(cnt, msgs, attribs);
+			VASSERT_EQ("custom-header", "FETCH 42 BODY[HEADER.FIELDS (x-myheader)]", cmd->getText());
+		}
+		// Test multiple flags
+		{
+			vmime::net::fetchAttributes attribs =
+				vmime::net::fetchAttributes::UID | vmime::net::fetchAttributes::FLAGS;
+			vmime::shared_ptr <IMAPCommand> cmd = IMAPUtils::buildFetchCommand(cnt, msgs, attribs);
+			VASSERT_EQ("multiple", "FETCH 42 (FLAGS UID)", cmd->getText());
+		}
+	}