2007-10-04 Marcus Brinkmann <marcus@g10code.de>

* kdpipeiodevice.h, kdpipeiodevice.cpp, kdpipeiodevice.moc,
	w32-qt-io.cpp: New versions from Frank Osterfeld.
This commit is contained in:
Marcus Brinkmann 2007-10-04 14:09:58 +00:00
parent 228ca8fab2
commit a70248939f
5 changed files with 181 additions and 174 deletions

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
2007-10-04 Marcus Brinkmann <marcus@g10code.de>
* kdpipeiodevice.h, kdpipeiodevice.cpp, kdpipeiodevice.moc,
w32-qt-io.cpp: New versions from Frank Osterfeld.
2007-10-02 Marcus Brinkmann <marcus@g10code.de>
* kdpipeiodevice.cpp, kdpipeiodevice.moc: New versions.

@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ public:
QWaitCondition bufferNotEmptyCondition;
QWaitCondition hasStarted;
QWaitCondition readyReadSentCondition;
QWaitCondition notInReadDataCondition;
QWaitCondition blockedConsumerIsDoneCondition;
bool cancel;
bool eof;
bool error;
bool eofShortCut;
int errorCode;
bool inReadData;
bool consumerBlocksOnUs;
unsigned int rptr, wptr;
char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE+1]; // need to keep one byte free to detect empty state
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ Reader::Reader( int fd_, Qt::HANDLE handle_ )
eofShortCut( false ),
errorCode( 0 ),
rptr( 0 ), wptr( 0 ),
inReadData( false )
consumerBlocksOnUs( false )
@ -226,13 +226,13 @@ KDPipeIODevice::Private::Private( KDPipeIODevice * qq )
handle( 0 ),
reader( 0 ),
writer( 0 ),
triedToStartReader( false ), triedToStartWriter( false )
triedToStartReader( false ), triedToStartWriter( false )
KDPipeIODevice::Private::~Private() {
qDebug( "KDPipeIODevice::~Private(): Destroying %p", this );
qDebug( "KDPipeIODevice::~Private(): Destroying %p", q );
KDPipeIODevice::KDPipeIODevice( QObject * p )
@ -290,11 +290,15 @@ bool KDPipeIODevice::Private::startReaderThread()
return true;
triedToStartReader = true;
if ( reader && !reader->isRunning() && !reader->isFinished() ) {
qDebug("KDPipeIODevice::Private::startReaderThread(): locking reader (CONSUMER THREAD)" );
LOCKED( reader );
qDebug("KDPipeIODevice::Private::startReaderThread(): locked reader (CONSUMER THREAD)" );
reader->start( QThread::HighestPriority );
if ( !reader->hasStarted.wait( &reader->mutex, 1000 ) )
return false;
qDebug("KDPipeIODevice::Private::startReaderThread(): waiting for hasStarted (CONSUMER THREAD)" );
const bool hasStarted = reader->hasStarted.wait( &reader->mutex, 1000 );
qDebug("KDPipeIODevice::Private::startReaderThread(): returned from hasStarted (CONSUMER THREAD)" );
return hasStarted;
return true;
@ -320,11 +324,16 @@ void KDPipeIODevice::Private::emitReadyRead()
const int counter = s_counter++;
QPointer<Private> thisPointer( this );
qDebug( "KDPipeIODevice::Private::emitReadyRead %p, %d", this, counter );
emit q->readyRead();
if ( !thisPointer )
LOCKED( reader );
qDebug( "KDPipeIODevice::Private::emitReadyRead %p, %d: locking reader (CONSUMER THREAD)", this, counter );
synchronized( reader ) {
qDebug( "KDPipeIODevice::Private::emitReadyRead %p, %d: locked reader (CONSUMER THREAD)", this, counter );
qDebug( "KDPipeIODevice::Private::emitReadyRead %p leaving %d", this, counter );
@ -342,8 +351,6 @@ bool KDPipeIODevice::Private::doOpen( int fd_, Qt::HANDLE handle_, OpenMode mode
if ( !(mode_ & ReadWrite) )
return false; // need to have at least read -or- write
fd = fd_;
handle = handle_;
std::auto_ptr<Reader> reader_;
std::auto_ptr<Writer> writer_;
@ -387,7 +394,10 @@ qint64 KDPipeIODevice::bytesAvailable() const { KDAB_CHECK_THIS;
return base;
if ( d->reader )
synchronized( d->reader ) return base + d->reader->bytesInBuffer();
synchronized( d->reader ) {
const qint64 inBuffer = d->reader->bytesInBuffer();
return base + inBuffer;
return base;
@ -445,6 +455,7 @@ bool KDPipeIODevice::waitForBytesWritten( int msecs ) { KDAB_CHECK_THIS;
bool KDPipeIODevice::waitForReadyRead( int msecs ) { KDAB_CHECK_THIS;
qDebug( "KDPipeIODEvice::waitForReadyRead()(%p)", this);
if ( bytesAvailable() > 0 )
@ -454,7 +465,10 @@ bool KDPipeIODevice::waitForReadyRead( int msecs ) { KDAB_CHECK_THIS;
if ( !r || r->eofShortCut )
return true;
LOCKED( r );
return r->bytesInBuffer() != 0 || r->eof || r->error || r->bufferNotEmptyCondition.wait( &r->mutex, msecs ) ;
if ( r->bytesInBuffer() != 0 || r->eof || r->error )
return true;
assert( false );
return r->bufferNotEmptyCondition.wait( &r->mutex, msecs ) ;
template <typename T>
@ -467,6 +481,22 @@ private:
const T oldValue;
bool KDPipeIODevice::readWouldBlock() const
LOCKED( d->reader );
return d->reader->bufferEmpty() && !d->reader->eof && !d->reader->error;
bool KDPipeIODevice::writeWouldBlock() const
LOCKED( d->writer );
return d->writer->bufferFull() && !d->writer->error;
qint64 KDPipeIODevice::readData( char * data, qint64 maxSize ) { KDAB_CHECK_THIS;
qDebug( "%p: KDPipeIODevice::readData: data=%p, maxSize=%lld", this, data, maxSize );
@ -491,15 +521,17 @@ qint64 KDPipeIODevice::readData( char * data, qint64 maxSize ) { KDAB_CHECK_THIS
if ( bytesAvailable() > 0 )
maxSize = std::min( maxSize, bytesAvailable() ); // don't block
qDebug( "%p: KDPipeIODevice::readData: try to lock reader (CONSUMER THREAD)" );
LOCKED( r );
const TemporaryValue<bool> tmp( d->reader->inReadData, true );
assert( d->reader->inReadData );
while ( /* maxSize > 0 && */ r->bufferEmpty() && !r->error && !r->eof ) { // ### block on maxSize == 0?
qDebug( "%p: KDPipeIODevice::readData: waiting for bufferNotEmptyCondition", this );
qDebug( "%p: KDPipeIODevice::readData: locked reader (CONSUMER THREAD)" );
if ( /* maxSize > 0 && */ r->bufferEmpty() && !r->error && !r->eof ) { // ### block on maxSize == 0?
qDebug( "%p: KDPipeIODevice::readData: waiting for bufferNotEmptyCondition (CONSUMER THREAD)", this );
const TemporaryValue<bool> tmp( d->reader->consumerBlocksOnUs, true );
r->bufferNotEmptyCondition.wait( &r->mutex );
qDebug( "%p: KDPipeIODevice::readData: woke up from bufferNotEmptyCondition (CONSUMER THREAD)", this );
if ( r->bufferEmpty() ) {
@ -507,7 +539,6 @@ qint64 KDPipeIODevice::readData( char * data, qint64 maxSize ) { KDAB_CHECK_THIS
// woken with an empty buffer must mean either EOF or error:
assert( r->eof || r->error );
r->eofShortCut = true;
return r->eof ? 0 : -1 ;
@ -515,7 +546,7 @@ qint64 KDPipeIODevice::readData( char * data, qint64 maxSize ) { KDAB_CHECK_THIS
const qint64 bytesRead = r->readData( data, maxSize );
qDebug( "%p: KDPipeIODevice::readData: read %lld bytes", this, bytesRead );
qDebug( "%p (fd=%d): KDPipeIODevice::readData: %s", this, d->fd, data );
return bytesRead;
@ -590,13 +621,14 @@ void KDPipeIODevice::Private::stopThreads()
assert( q->bytesToWrite() == 0 );
if ( Reader * & r = reader ) {
disconnect( r, SIGNAL( readyRead() ), this, SLOT( emitReadyRead() ) );
synchronized( r ) {
// tell thread to cancel:
r->cancel = true;
// and wake it, so it can terminate:
if ( Writer * & w = writer ) {
synchronized( w ) {
@ -617,10 +649,14 @@ void KDPipeIODevice::close() { KDAB_CHECK_THIS;
emit aboutToClose();
#define waitAndDelete( t ) if ( t ) { t->wait(); QThread* t2 = t; t = 0; delete t2; }
#define waitAndDelete( t ) if ( t ) { t->wait(); QThread* const t2 = t; t = 0; delete t2; }
qDebug( "KPipeIODevice::close(%p): wait and closing writer %p", this, d->writer );
waitAndDelete( d->writer );
qDebug( "KPipeIODevice::close(%p): wait and closing reader %p", this, d->reader );
LOCKED( d->reader );
waitAndDelete( d->reader );
#undef waitAndDelete
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
@ -645,115 +681,102 @@ void Reader::run() {
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: started", this );
while ( true ) {
if ( !bufferFull() && !bufferEmpty() ) {
if ( !cancel && ( eof || error ) ) {
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: received eof(%d) or error(%d), waking everyone", this, eof, error );
} else if ( !cancel && !bufferFull() && !bufferEmpty() ) {
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: buffer no longer empty, waking everyone", this );
while ( !cancel && bufferFull() ) {
while ( !error && !cancel && bufferFull() ) {
if ( !bufferFull() )
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: buffer is full, going to sleep", this );
bufferNotFullCondition.wait( &mutex );
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: woke up", this );
if ( bufferFull() ) {
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: buffer is full, going to sleep", this );
bufferNotFullCondition.wait( &mutex );
if ( cancel ) {
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: detected cancel", this );
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: detected cancel", this );
goto leave;
if ( !eof && !error ) {
if ( rptr == wptr ) // optimize for larger chunks in case the buffer is empty
rptr = wptr = 0;
if ( rptr == wptr ) // optimize for larger chunks in case the buffer is empty
rptr = wptr = 0;
unsigned int numBytes = ( rptr + sizeof buffer - wptr - 1 ) % sizeof buffer;
if ( numBytes > sizeof buffer - wptr )
numBytes = sizeof buffer - wptr;
unsigned int numBytes = ( rptr + sizeof buffer - wptr - 1 ) % sizeof buffer;
if ( numBytes > sizeof buffer - wptr )
numBytes = sizeof buffer - wptr;
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: rptr=%d, wptr=%d -> numBytes=%d", this, rptr, wptr, numBytes );
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: rptr=%d, wptr=%d -> numBytes=%d", this, rptr, wptr, numBytes );
assert( numBytes > 0 );
assert( numBytes > 0 );
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: trying to read %d bytes", this, numBytes );
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: trying to read %d bytes", this, numBytes );
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN32
DWORD numRead;
const bool ok = ReadFile( handle, buffer + wptr, numBytes, &numRead, 0 );
if ( !ok ) {
errorCode = static_cast<int>( GetLastError() );
if ( errorCode == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE ) {
assert( numRead == 0 );
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: got eof (broken pipe)", this );
eof = true;
} else {
assert( numRead == 0 );
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: got error: %s (%d)", this, strerror( errorCode ), errorCode );
error = true;
DWORD numRead;
const bool ok = ReadFile( handle, buffer + wptr, numBytes, &numRead, 0 );
if ( !ok ) {
errorCode = static_cast<int>( GetLastError() );
if ( errorCode == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE ) {
assert( numRead == 0 );
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: got eof (broken pipe)", this );
eof = true;
} else {
assert( numRead == 0 );
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: got error: %s (%d)", this, strerror( errorCode ), errorCode );
error = true;
goto leave;
qint64 numRead;
do {
numRead = ::read( fd, buffer + wptr, numBytes );
} while ( numRead == -1 && errno == EINTR );
qint64 numRead;
do {
numRead = ::read( fd, buffer + wptr, numBytes );
} while ( numRead == -1 && errno == EINTR );
if ( numRead < 0 ) {
errorCode = errno;
error = true;
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: got error: %d", this, errorCode );
goto leave;
if ( numRead < 0 ) {
errorCode = errno;
error = true;
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: got error: %d", this, errorCode );
} else if ( numRead == 0 ) {
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: eof detected", this );
eof = true;
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: read %ld bytes", this, static_cast<long>(numRead) );
qDebug( "%p (fd=%d): KDPipeIODevice::readData: %s", this, fd, buffer );
if ( numRead == 0 ) {
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: eof detected", this );
eof = true;
goto leave;
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: read %ld bytes", this, static_cast<long>(numRead) );
qDebug( "%p (fd=%d): KDPipeIODevice::readData: %s", this, fd, buffer );
if ( cancel ) {
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: detected cancel", this );
goto leave;
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: buffer before: rptr=%4d, wptr=%4d", this, rptr, wptr );
wptr = ( wptr + numRead ) % sizeof buffer;
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: buffer after: rptr=%4d, wptr=%4d", this, rptr, wptr );
if ( numRead > 0 ) {
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: buffer before: rptr=%4d, wptr=%4d", this, rptr, wptr );
wptr = ( wptr + numRead ) % sizeof buffer;
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: buffer after: rptr=%4d, wptr=%4d", this, rptr, wptr );
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: terminating: loop while not canceled and not empty", this );
while ( !cancel && !bufferEmpty() ) {
qDebug( "%p: Reader::run: terminated", this );
void Reader::notifyReadyRead()
qDebug( "notifyReadyRead" );
if ( cancel )
if ( inReadData ) {
qDebug( "notifyReadyRead: inReadData: waiting" );
notInReadDataCondition.wait( &mutex );
qDebug( "notifyReadyRead: %d bytes available", bytesInBuffer() );
assert( !cancel );
if ( consumerBlocksOnUs ) {
blockedConsumerIsDoneCondition.wait( &mutex );
if ( cancel || ( !eof && !error && bufferEmpty() ) )
qDebug( "readyReadData: actually emit signal" );
qDebug( "notifyReadyRead: emit signal" );
emit readyRead();
readyReadSentCondition.wait( &mutex );
qDebug( "notifyReadyRead: returning from waiting, leave" );
void Writer::run() {
@ -796,7 +819,7 @@ void Writer::run() {
errorCode = static_cast<int>( GetLastError() );
qDebug( "%p: Writer::run: got error code: %d", this, errorCode );
error = true;
goto leave;
goto leave;
qint64 numWritten;
@ -805,17 +828,17 @@ void Writer::run() {
} while ( numWritten == -1 && errno == EINTR );
if ( numWritten < 0 ) {
errorCode = errno;
qDebug( "%p: Writer::run: got error code: %d", this, errorCode );
error = true;
goto leave;
goto leave;
qDebug( "%p (fd=%d): Writer::run: buffer after WriteFile (numBytes=%lld): %s:", this, fd, numBytesInBuffer,
buffer );
totalWritten += numWritten;
} while ( totalWritten < numBytesInBuffer );
qDebug( "%p: Writer::run: wrote %lld bytes", this, totalWritten );

@ -45,6 +45,9 @@ public:
Qt::HANDLE handle() const;
int descriptor() const;
bool readWouldBlock() const;
bool writeWouldBlock() const;
/* reimp */ qint64 bytesAvailable() const;
/* reimp */ qint64 bytesToWrite() const;
/* reimp */ bool canReadLine() const;

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
** Meta object code from reading C++ file 'kdpipeiodevice.cpp'
** Created: Mon Oct 1 16:08:44 2007
** Created: Tue Oct 2 19:30:13 2007
** by: The Qt Meta Object Compiler version 59 (Qt 4.3.1)
** WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!

@ -82,30 +82,29 @@ using _gpgme_::KDPipeIODevice;
really nice callback interfaces to let the user control all this at
a per-context level. */
#define MAX_SLAFD 50000
#define MAX_SLAFD 1024
struct DeviceEntry {
DeviceEntry() : iodev( 0 ), actual_fd( -1 ), refCount( 1 ) {}
QIODevice* iodev;
int actual_fd;
DeviceEntry() : iodev( 0 ), refCount( 1 ) {}
KDPipeIODevice* iodev;
mutable int refCount;
void ref() const { ++refCount; }
int unref() const { return --refCount; }
int unref() const { assert( refCount > 0 ); return --refCount; }
DeviceEntry* iodevice_table[MAX_SLAFD];
static QIODevice *
static KDPipeIODevice *
find_channel (int fd, int create)
assert( fd < MAX_SLAFD );
if (fd < 0 || fd >= MAX_SLAFD)
return NULL;
if (create && !iodevice_table[fd])
DeviceEntry* entry = new DeviceEntry;
entry->actual_fd = fd;
entry->iodev = new KDPipeIODevice
(fd, QIODevice::ReadWrite|QIODevice::Unbuffered);
iodevice_table[fd] = entry;
@ -117,11 +116,9 @@ find_channel (int fd, int create)
BUFLEN. The printable version is the representation on the command
line that the child process expects. */
_gpgme_io_fd2str (char *buf, int buflen, int fd_)
_gpgme_io_fd2str (char *buf, int buflen, int fd)
const int actual_fd = iodevice_table[fd_] ? iodevice_table[fd_]->actual_fd : fd_;
return snprintf (buf, buflen, "%ld", (long) _get_osfhandle (actual_fd));
// return snprintf (buf, buflen, "%d", fd);
return snprintf (buf, buflen, "%d", (long)_get_osfhandle( fd ) );
@ -143,7 +140,7 @@ _gpgme_io_read (int fd, void *buffer, size_t count)
int saved_errno = 0;
qint64 nread;
QIODevice *chan;
KDPipeIODevice *chan;
TRACE_BEG2 (DEBUG_SYSIO, "_gpgme_io_read", fd,
"buffer=%p, count=%u", buffer, count);
@ -175,7 +172,7 @@ int
_gpgme_io_write (int fd, const void *buffer, size_t count)
qint64 nwritten;
QIODevice *chan;
KDPipeIODevice *chan;
TRACE_BEG2 (DEBUG_SYSIO, "_gpgme_io_write", fd,
"buffer=%p, count=%u", buffer, count);
TRACE_LOGBUF ((char *) buffer, count);
@ -204,7 +201,7 @@ _gpgme_io_write (int fd, const void *buffer, size_t count)
_gpgme_io_pipe (int filedes[2], int inherit_idx)
QIODevice *chan;
KDPipeIODevice *chan;
TRACE_BEG2 (DEBUG_SYSIO, "_gpgme_io_pipe", filedes,
"inherit_idx=%i (GPGME uses it for %s)",
inherit_idx, inherit_idx ? "reading" : "writing");
@ -266,7 +263,7 @@ _gpgme_io_pipe (int filedes[2], int inherit_idx)
_gpgme_io_close (int fd)
QIODevice *chan;
KDPipeIODevice *chan;
TRACE_BEG (DEBUG_SYSIO, "_gpgme_io_close", fd);
if (fd < 0 || fd >= MAX_SLAFD)
@ -286,27 +283,19 @@ _gpgme_io_close (int fd)
/* Then do the close. */
DeviceEntry* const entry = iodevice_table[fd];
if ( entry )
assert( entry->refCount > 0 );
const int actual_fd = entry->actual_fd;
assert( actual_fd > 0 );
if ( !entry->unref() ) {
delete entry->iodev;
delete entry;
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_SLAFD; ++i ) {
if ( iodevice_table[i] == entry )
iodevice_table[i] = 0;
if ( entry ) {
if ( entry->unref() == 0 ) {
delete entry->iodev;
delete entry;
iodevice_table[fd] = 0;
if ( fd != actual_fd )
_close( fd );
} else {
_close( fd );
_close (fd);
return 0;
@ -337,7 +326,6 @@ _gpgme_io_set_nonblocking (int fd)
/* Qt always uses non-blocking IO, except for files, maybe, but who
uses that? */
TRACE_BEG (DEBUG_SYSIO, "_gpgme_io_set_nonblocking", fd);
return TRACE_SYSRES (0);
@ -538,6 +526,7 @@ _gpgme_io_spawn (const char *path, char **argv,
/* Close the other ends of the pipes. */
for (i = 0; fd_parent_list[i].fd != -1; i++)
_gpgme_io_close (fd_parent_list[i].fd);
TRACE_LOG4 ("CreateProcess ready: hProcess=%p, hThread=%p, "
"dwProcessID=%d, dwThreadId=%d",
@ -565,8 +554,6 @@ _gpgme_io_spawn (const char *path, char **argv,
_gpgme_io_select (struct io_select_fd_s *fds, size_t nfds, int nonblock)
int i;
int count;
/* Use a 1s timeout. */
void *dbg_help = NULL;
@ -576,30 +563,32 @@ _gpgme_io_select (struct io_select_fd_s *fds, size_t nfds, int nonblock)
/* We only implement the special case of nonblock == true. */
assert (nonblock);
count = 0;
int count = 0;
TRACE_SEQ (dbg_help, "select on [ ");
for (i = 0; i < nfds; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < nfds; i++)
if (fds[i].fd == -1)
fds[i].signaled = 0;
else if (fds[i].for_read)
const QIODevice * const chan = find_channel (fds[i].fd, 0);
assert (chan);
fds[i].signaled = chan->bytesAvailable() > 0 ? 1 : 0 ;
TRACE_ADD1 (dbg_help, "w0x%x ", fds[i].fd);
else if (fds[i].for_read )
const KDPipeIODevice * const chan = find_channel (fds[i].fd, 0);
assert (chan);
fds[i].signaled = chan->readWouldBlock() ? 0 : 1;
TRACE_ADD1 (dbg_help, "w0x%x ", fds[i].fd);
if ( fds[i].signaled )
else if (fds[i].for_write)
const QIODevice * const chan = find_channel (fds[i].fd, 0);
const KDPipeIODevice * const chan = find_channel (fds[i].fd, 0);
assert (chan);
fds[i].signaled = chan->bytesToWrite() > 0 ? 0 : 1 ;
fds[i].signaled = chan->writeWouldBlock() ? 0 : 1;
TRACE_ADD1 (dbg_help, "w0x%x ", fds[i].fd);
if ( fds[i].signaled )
TRACE_END (dbg_help, "]");
@ -629,21 +618,8 @@ gpgme_get_giochannel (int fd)
_gpgme_io_dup (int fd)
DeviceEntry* const existing = iodevice_table[fd];
if ( existing )
find_channel( fd, /*create=*/1 );
assert( iodevice_table[fd] );
return fd;
#if 0
const int new_fd = _dup( fd );
iodevice_table[new_fd] = iodevice_table[fd];
if ( iodevice_table[new_fd] )
find_channel( new_fd, /*create=*/1 );
return new_fd;