GpgFrontend Project
A Free, Powerful, Easy-to-Use, Compact, Cross-Platform, and Installation-Free OpenPGP(pgp) Crypto Tool.
Classes | |
struct | CryptoMenu |
Public Slots | |
void | SlotSetStatusBarText (const QString &text) |
void | SlotUpdateCryptoMenuStatus (unsigned int type) |
void | SlotOpenFile (const QString &path) |
void | SlotEncrypt () |
void | SlotEncryptSign () |
void | SlotDecrypt () |
void | SlotSign () |
void | SlotVerify () |
void | SlotDecryptVerify () |
void | SlotFileEncrypt (const QString &) |
void | SlotDirectoryEncrypt (const QString &) |
void | SlotFileDecrypt (const QString &path) |
void | SlotArchiveDecrypt (const QString &path) |
void | SlotFileSign (const QString &path) |
void | SlotFileVerify (const QString &path) |
void | SlotFileEncryptSign (const QString &path) |
void | SlotDirectoryEncryptSign (const QString &path) |
void | SlotFileDecryptVerify (const QString &path) |
void | SlotArchiveDecryptVerify (const QString &path) |
void | SlotSetRestartNeeded (int) |
void | SlotRaisePinentry (QSharedPointer< GpgPassphraseContext >) |
Signals | |
void | SignalLoaded () |
void | SignalRestartApplication (int) |
void | SignalUIRefresh () |
void | SignalKeyDatabaseRefresh () |
Public Member Functions | |
void | Init () noexcept |
![]() | |
GeneralMainWindow (QString name, QWidget *parent=nullptr) | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | closeEvent (QCloseEvent *event) override |
![]() | |
void | closeEvent (QCloseEvent *event) override |
void | setPosCenterOfScreen () |
void | movePosition2CenterOfParent () |
Private Slots | |
void | slot_refresh_current_file_view () |
void | slot_show_key_details () |
void | refresh_keys_from_key_server () |
void | upload_key_to_server () |
void | slot_find () |
void | slot_start_wizard () |
void | slot_import_key_from_edit () |
void | slot_append_selected_keys () |
void | slot_append_keys_create_datetime () |
void | slot_append_keys_expire_datetime () |
void | slot_append_keys_fingerprint () |
void | slot_copy_mail_address_to_clipboard () |
void | slot_copy_default_uid_to_clipboard () |
void | slot_copy_key_id_to_clipboard () |
void | slot_open_key_management () |
void | slot_open_file_tab () |
void | slot_open_settings_dialog () |
void | slot_clean_double_line_breaks () |
void | slot_cut_pgp_header () |
void | slot_add_pgp_header () |
void | slot_disable_tab_actions (int number) |
void | slot_version_upgrade_notify () |
void | slot_add_key_2_favourite () |
void | slot_remove_key_from_favourite () |
void | slot_set_owner_trust_level_of_key () |
Private Member Functions | |
void | create_actions () |
void | create_menus () |
void | create_tool_bars () |
void | create_status_bar () |
void | create_dock_windows () |
void | create_attachment_dock () |
void | close_attachment_dock () |
void | restore_settings () |
void | recover_editor_unsaved_pages_from_cache () |
int | get_restart_needed () const |
return true, if restart is needed | |
Private Attributes | |
TextEdit * | edit_ {} |
Tabwidget holding the edit-windows. | |
QMenu * | file_menu_ {} |
Submenu for file-operations. | |
QMenu * | edit_menu_ {} |
Submenu for text-operations. | |
QMenu * | crypt_menu_ {} |
Submenu for crypt-operations. | |
QMenu * | advance_menu_ {} |
Submenu for help-operations. | |
QMenu * | help_menu_ {} |
Submenu for help-operations. | |
QMenu * | key_menu_ {} |
Submenu for key-operations. | |
QMenu * | view_menu_ {} |
Submenu for view operations. | |
QMenu * | import_key_menu_ {} |
Submenu for import operations. | |
QMenu * | steganography_menu_ {} |
Submenu for steganography operations. | |
QToolBar * | crypt_tool_bar_ {} |
Toolbar holding crypt actions. | |
QToolBar * | file_tool_bar_ {} |
Toolbar holding file actions. | |
QToolBar * | edit_tool_bar_ {} |
Toolbar holding edit actions. | |
QToolBar * | special_edit_tool_bar_ {} |
Toolbar holding special edit actions. | |
QToolBar * | key_tool_bar_ {} |
Toolbar holding key operations. | |
QToolButton * | import_button_ {} |
Tool button for import dropdown menu in toolbar. | |
QDockWidget * | key_list_dock_ {} |
Encrypt Dock. | |
QDockWidget * | attachment_dock_ {} |
Attachment Dock. | |
QDockWidget * | info_board_dock_ {} |
QAction * | new_tab_act_ {} |
Action to create new tab. | |
QAction * | switch_tab_up_act_ {} |
Action to switch tab up. | |
QAction * | switch_tab_down_act_ {} |
Action to switch tab down. | |
QAction * | open_act_ {} |
Action to open file. | |
QAction * | browser_act_ {} |
Action to open file browser. | |
QAction * | save_act_ {} |
Action to save file. | |
QAction * | save_as_act_ {} |
Action to save file as. | |
QAction * | print_act_ {} |
Action to print. | |
QAction * | close_tab_act_ {} |
Action to print. | |
QAction * | quit_act_ {} |
Action to quit application. | |
QAction * | encrypt_act_ {} |
Action to encrypt text. | |
QAction * | encrypt_sign_act_ {} |
Action to encrypt and sign text. | |
QAction * | decrypt_verify_act_ {} |
Action to encrypt and sign text. | |
QAction * | decrypt_act_ {} |
Action to decrypt text. | |
QAction * | sign_act_ {} |
Action to sign text. | |
QAction * | verify_act_ {} |
Action to verify text. | |
QAction * | import_key_from_edit_act_ {} |
Action to import key from edit. | |
QAction * | clean_double_line_breaks_act_ {} |
QAction * | gnupg_controller_open_act_ {} |
QAction * | module_controller_open_act_ {} |
QAction * | clean_gpg_password_cache_act_ {} |
QAction * | reload_components_act_ {} |
QAction * | restart_components_act_ {} |
QAction * | append_selected_keys_act_ {} |
Action to append selected keys to edit. | |
QAction * | append_key_fingerprint_to_editor_act_ {} |
QAction * | append_key_create_date_to_editor_act_ {} |
QAction * | append_key_expire_date_to_editor_act_ {} |
QAction * | copy_mail_address_to_clipboard_act_ {} |
QAction * | copy_key_id_to_clipboard_act_ {} |
QAction * | copy_key_default_uid_to_clipboard_act_ {} |
QAction * | add_key_2_favourite_act_ {} |
QAction * | remove_key_from_favourtie_act_ {} |
QAction * | set_owner_trust_of_key_act_ {} |
QAction * | open_key_management_act_ {} |
Action to open key management. | |
QAction * | copy_act_ {} |
Action to copy text. | |
QAction * | quote_act_ {} |
Action to quote text. | |
QAction * | cut_act_ {} |
Action to cut text. | |
QAction * | paste_act_ {} |
Action to paste text. | |
QAction * | select_all_act_ {} |
Action to select whole text. | |
QAction * | find_act_ {} |
Action to find text. | |
QAction * | undo_act_ {} |
Action to undo last action. | |
QAction * | redo_act_ {} |
Action to redo last action. | |
QAction * | zoom_in_act_ {} |
Action to zoom in. | |
QAction * | zoom_out_act_ {} |
Action to zoom out. | |
QAction * | about_act_ {} |
Action to open about dialog. | |
QAction * | check_update_act_ {} |
Action to open about dialog. | |
QAction * | translate_act_ {} |
Action to open about dialog. | |
QAction * | gnupg_act_ {} |
Action to open about dialog. | |
QAction * | open_settings_act_ {} |
Action to open settings dialog. | |
QAction * | show_key_details_act_ {} |
Action to open key-details dialog. | |
QAction * | start_wizard_act_ {} |
Action to open the wizard. | |
QAction * | cut_pgp_header_act_ {} |
Action for cutting the PGP header. | |
QAction * | add_pgp_header_act_ {} |
Action for adding the PGP header. | |
QAction * | import_key_from_file_act_ {} |
QAction * | import_key_from_clipboard_act_ {} |
QAction * | import_key_from_key_server_act_ {} |
QLabel * | status_bar_icon_ {} |
KeyList * | m_key_list_ {} |
InfoBoardWidget * | info_board_ {} |
bool | attachment_dock_created_ {} |
int | restart_needed_ {0} |
bool | prohibit_update_checking_ = false |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
QSize | icon_size_ {} |
int | font_size_ {} |
Qt::ToolButtonStyle | icon_style_ |
private |
close attachment-dockwindow.
overrideprotected |
Close event shows a save dialog, if there are unsaved documents on exit.
event |
private |
Create actions for the main-menu and the context-menu of the keylist.
References browser_act_, clean_double_line_breaks_act_, close_tab_act_, copy_act_, cut_act_, edit_, encrypt_act_, find_act_, new_tab_act_, open_act_, open_settings_act_, paste_act_, print_act_, quit_act_, quote_act_, redo_act_, save_act_, save_as_act_, select_all_act_, slot_clean_double_line_breaks(), slot_find(), slot_open_file_tab(), slot_open_settings_dialog(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotCloseTab(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotCopy(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotCurPageFileTreeView(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotCurPageTextEdit(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotCut(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotNewTab(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotOpen(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotPaste(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotPrint(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotQuote(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotRedo(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotSave(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotSaveAs(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotSelectAll(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotUndo(), undo_act_, zoom_in_act_, and zoom_out_act_.
private |
Create attachment dock window.
private |
Create keylist- and attachment-dockwindows.
References GpgFrontend::GpgKey::IsDisabled(), GpgFrontend::GpgKey::IsExpired(), GpgFrontend::GpgKey::IsPrivateKey(), and GpgFrontend::GpgKey::IsRevoked().
private |
create the menu of the main-window.
private |
Create statusbar of mainwindow.
private |
Create edit-, crypt- and key-toolbars.
noexcept |
ONLY Called from main()
privateslot |
Refresh key information of selected keys from default keyserver
References GpgFrontend::UI::CommonUtils::GetInstance(), and GpgFrontend::UI::KeyList::GetSelected().
private |
Load settings from ini-file.
privateslot |
Add PGP header and footer to current tab.
References GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::CurTextPage(), edit_, GpgFrontend::UI::PlainTextEditorPage::GetTextPage(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotCurPageTextEdit(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotFillTextEditWithText(), and GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::TabCount().
privateslot |
Append the selected keys to currently active textedit.
References GpgFrontend::CheckGpgError(), edit_, GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgKeyGetter >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgKeyImportExporter >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::UI::KeyList::GetSelected(), GpgFrontend::UI::CommonUtils::RaiseMessageBox(), and GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotAppendText2CurTextPage().
privateslot |
Replace double linebreaks by single linebreaks in currently active tab.
References GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::CurTextPage(), edit_, GpgFrontend::UI::PlainTextEditorPage::GetTextPage(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotCurPageTextEdit(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotFillTextEditWithText(), and GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::TabCount().
Referenced by create_actions().
privateslot |
Copy the mailaddress of selected key to clipboard. Method for keylists contextmenu.
References GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgKeyGetter >::GetInstance(), and GpgFrontend::UI::KeyList::GetSelected().
privateslot |
Copy the mailaddress of selected key to clipboard. Method for keylists contextmenu.
References GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgKeyGetter >::GetInstance(), and GpgFrontend::UI::KeyList::GetSelected().
privateslot |
Copy the mailaddress of selected key to clipboard. Method for keylists contextmenu.
References GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgKeyGetter >::GetInstance(), and GpgFrontend::UI::KeyList::GetSelected().
privateslot |
Cut the existing PGP header and footer from current tab.
References GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::CurTextPage(), edit_, GpgFrontend::UI::PlainTextEditorPage::GetTextPage(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotCurPageTextEdit(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotFillTextEditWithText(), and GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::TabCount().
privateslot |
Disable tab related actions, if number of tabs is 0.
number | number of the opened tabs and -1, if no tab is opened |
References add_pgp_header_act_, clean_double_line_breaks_act_, close_tab_act_, copy_act_, GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::CurFilePage(), cut_act_, cut_pgp_header_act_, decrypt_act_, decrypt_verify_act_, edit_, encrypt_act_, encrypt_sign_act_, find_act_, import_key_from_edit_act_, paste_act_, print_act_, quote_act_, redo_act_, save_act_, save_as_act_, select_all_act_, sign_act_, undo_act_, verify_act_, zoom_in_act_, and zoom_out_act_.
privateslot |
Open find widget.
References GpgFrontend::UI::PlainTextEditorPage::CloseNoteByClass(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::CurTextPage(), edit_, GpgFrontend::UI::PlainTextEditorPage::ShowNotificationWidget(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotCurPageTextEdit(), and GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::TabCount().
Referenced by create_actions().
privateslot |
Import keys from currently active tab to keylist if possible.
References GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::CurTextPage(), edit_, GpgFrontend::UI::CommonUtils::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::UI::PlainTextEditorPage::GetTextPage(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotCurPageTextEdit(), GpgFrontend::UI::CommonUtils::SlotImportKeys(), and GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::TabCount().
privateslot |
Open File Opera Tab
References edit_, and GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotNewFileTab().
Referenced by create_actions().
privateslot |
Open key management dialog.
privateslot |
Open settings-dialog.
References edit_, get_restart_needed(), import_button_, and GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::MaybeSaveAnyTab().
Referenced by create_actions().
privateslot |
Show the details of the first of the first of selected keys
References GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgKeyGetter >::GetInstance(), and GpgFrontend::UI::KeyList::GetSelected().
privateslot |
start the wizard
privateslot |
called when need to upgrade.
slot |
path |
References GpgFrontend::CheckGpgError(), edit_, GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgFileOpera >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::UI::process_result_analyse(), GpgFrontend::SetExtensionOfOutputFileForArchive(), GpgFrontend::TargetFilePreCheck(), and GpgFrontend::UI::CommonUtils::WaitForOpera().
slot |
path |
References GpgFrontend::CheckGpgError(), edit_, GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgFileOpera >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::UI::process_result_analyse(), GpgFrontend::SetExtensionOfOutputFileForArchive(), GpgFrontend::TargetFilePreCheck(), and GpgFrontend::UI::CommonUtils::WaitForOpera().
slot |
Show a passphrase dialog and decrypt the text of currently active tab.
References GpgFrontend::CheckGpgError(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::CurTextPage(), edit_, GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgBasicOperator >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::UI::PlainTextEditorPage::GetTextPage(), GpgFrontend::UI::process_result_analyse(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotCurPageTextEdit(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotFillTextEditWithText(), and GpgFrontend::UI::CommonUtils::WaitForOpera().
slot |
decrypt and verify the text of currently active textedit-page with the currently checked keys
References GpgFrontend::CheckGpgError(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::CurTextPage(), edit_, GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgBasicOperator >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::UI::PlainTextEditorPage::GetTextPage(), GpgFrontend::UI::process_result_analyse(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotCurPageTextEdit(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotFillTextEditWithText(), and GpgFrontend::UI::CommonUtils::WaitForOpera().
slot |
path |
References GpgFrontend::CheckGpgError(), edit_, GpgFrontend::UI::KeyList::GetChecked(), GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GlobalSettingStation >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgFileOpera >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgKeyGetter >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::UI::process_result_analyse(), GpgFrontend::SetExtensionOfOutputFileForArchive(), GpgFrontend::TargetFilePreCheck(), and GpgFrontend::UI::CommonUtils::WaitForOpera().
slot |
encrypt the text of currently active textedit-page with the currently checked keys
References GpgFrontend::CheckGpgError(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::CurTextPage(), edit_, GpgFrontend::UI::KeyList::GetChecked(), GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgBasicOperator >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgKeyGetter >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::UI::PlainTextEditorPage::GetTextPage(), GpgFrontend::UI::process_result_analyse(), GpgFrontend::UI::InfoBoardWidget::ResetOptionActionsMenu(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotCurPageTextEdit(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotFillTextEditWithText(), and GpgFrontend::UI::CommonUtils::WaitForOpera().
slot |
encrypt and sign the text of currently active textedit-page with the currently checked keys
References GpgFrontend::CheckGpgError(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::CurTextPage(), edit_, GpgFrontend::UI::KeyList::GetChecked(), GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgBasicOperator >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgKeyGetter >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::UI::PlainTextEditorPage::GetTextPage(), GpgFrontend::UI::process_result_analyse(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotCurPageTextEdit(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotFillTextEditWithText(), and GpgFrontend::UI::CommonUtils::WaitForOpera().
slot |
path |
References GpgFrontend::CheckGpgError(), edit_, GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgFileOpera >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::UI::process_result_analyse(), GpgFrontend::SetExtensionOfOutputFile(), GpgFrontend::TargetFilePreCheck(), and GpgFrontend::UI::CommonUtils::WaitForOpera().
slot |
path |
References GpgFrontend::CheckGpgError(), edit_, GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgFileOpera >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::UI::process_result_analyse(), GpgFrontend::SetExtensionOfOutputFile(), GpgFrontend::TargetFilePreCheck(), and GpgFrontend::UI::CommonUtils::WaitForOpera().
slot |
Open dialog for encrypting file.
References GpgFrontend::CheckGpgError(), edit_, GpgFrontend::UI::KeyList::GetChecked(), GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GlobalSettingStation >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgFileOpera >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgKeyGetter >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::UI::process_result_analyse(), GpgFrontend::SetExtensionOfOutputFile(), GpgFrontend::TargetFilePreCheck(), and GpgFrontend::UI::CommonUtils::WaitForOpera().
slot |
path |
References GpgFrontend::CheckGpgError(), edit_, GpgFrontend::UI::KeyList::GetChecked(), GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GlobalSettingStation >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgFileOpera >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgKeyGetter >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::UI::process_result_analyse(), GpgFrontend::SetExtensionOfOutputFile(), GpgFrontend::TargetFilePreCheck(), and GpgFrontend::UI::CommonUtils::WaitForOpera().
slot |
path |
References GpgFrontend::CheckGpgError(), edit_, GpgFrontend::UI::KeyList::GetChecked(), GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GlobalSettingStation >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgFileOpera >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgKeyGetter >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::UI::process_result_analyse(), GpgFrontend::SetExtensionOfOutputFile(), GpgFrontend::TargetFilePreCheck(), and GpgFrontend::UI::CommonUtils::WaitForOpera().
slot |
slot |
Open a new tab for path
References edit_, and GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotOpenFile().
slot |
Open a new tab for path
slot |
get value of member restartNeeded to needed.
needed | true, if application has to be restarted |
Referenced by GpgFrontend::UI::SettingsDialog::SettingsDialog().
slot |
Sign the text of currently active tab with the checked private keys
References GpgFrontend::CheckGpgError(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::CurTextPage(), edit_, GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgBasicOperator >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgKeyGetter >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::UI::KeyList::GetPrivateChecked(), GpgFrontend::UI::PlainTextEditorPage::GetTextPage(), GpgFrontend::UI::process_result_analyse(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotCurPageTextEdit(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotFillTextEditWithText(), and GpgFrontend::UI::CommonUtils::WaitForOpera().
slot |
refresh and enable specify crypto-menu actions.
References decrypt_act_, decrypt_verify_act_, encrypt_act_, encrypt_sign_act_, sign_act_, and verify_act_.
slot |
Verify the text of currently active tab and show verify information. If document is signed with a key, which is not in keylist, show import missing key from keyserver in Menu of verifynotification.
References GpgFrontend::CheckGpgError(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::CurTextPage(), edit_, GpgFrontend::SingletonFunctionObject< GpgBasicOperator >::GetInstance(), GpgFrontend::UI::PlainTextEditorPage::GetTextPage(), GpgFrontend::UI::process_result_analyse(), GpgFrontend::UI::TextEdit::SlotCurPageTextEdit(), and GpgFrontend::UI::CommonUtils::WaitForOpera().
privateslot |
upload the selected key to the keyserver
References GpgFrontend::UI::KeyList::GetSelected().
private |
Action to remove double line breaks
Referenced by create_actions(), and slot_disable_tab_actions().
private |
Action to copy mail to clipboard