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<time title="Created: 2017-05-14 12:09:00" itemprop="dateCreated datePublished" datetime="2017-05-14T12:09:00+08:00">2017-05-14</time>
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<h1 id="Talk-about-something-about-Anti-Metamorphism"><a href="#Talk-about-something-about-Anti-Metamorphism" class="headerlink" title="Talk about something about Anti-Metamorphism"></a>Talk about something about Anti-Metamorphism</h1><p>Although quantitative change is a necessary preparation for qualitative change. However, in some specific cases, the accumulation of quantitative changes will result in anti-metamorphism due to the occurrence of emergencies. This anti-metamorphism is powerful, very fast, and almost irreversible. The deeper the amount of accumulation, the more fierce the anti-quality changes. The anti-metamorphic condition is not only the superficial cause of an emergency. Suddenly triggering this event, the suspicion caused by the large amount of quantitative accumulation and the lack of specific information on the internal changes of the quantitative change eventually led to the occurrence of anti-metamorphism. After the anti-metamorphism occurs, on the surface, in the eyes of others, the external manifestation of the self may not change, but the selfs perception of things has rapidly changed radically. The impact of this anti-quality change on the thoughts of the self is very large, and it will have a huge impact on the physiological psychology of the self in the time. In the future, although the quantitative change is still likely to continue to accumulate, the anti-quality change is irreversible for the change of the self.</p>
<p>For example, I think a person can believe it, so I dont think I need to know more about this persons specific thinking. The reality of the performance has gradually confirmed my intuition, I continue to believe this person, the trust is gradually deepening. In this way, my trust in this person is like operating a black box. I dont know the internal operation and I know that this person is trustworthy. Such trust is to a great extent, but it is also extremely sensitive. Therefore, once there has been a breach of trust, no matter whether the person is really untrustworthy or not, the incident is small, as long as I observe the performance of the incident from my point of view, and then I unilaterally judge that this is likely to be a breach of confidence. After that, anti-quality changes have taken place. The behavior of this person first impacted my body and mind, directly causing me to feel cheated. Then, my opinion on this person has also changed radically, although on the surface I still smile at this person. Whether the performance of this person in the future is still trustworthy is of little effect on this anti-metamorphism. When I still want to think that I can believe this person, this anti-quality effect will inevitably form a strong resistance.</p>
<p>Therefore, we should cherish when we receive trust from others without guessing, because this trust is very deep and extremely sensitive. Although I think that the behavior is theoretically understandable, it is not the case for the other party. In the event of an emergency, this trust will undergo an irreversible change.</p>
<p>This process is still true for other identical or similar conditions.</p>
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