import re import os import ssh class Git(ssh.SSH): projects = {} projects_list = [] remotes = {} if_set_local = False if_global_init = False if_global_init_local = False if_base_init = False if_fix_project = False if_fix_local = False if_get_branches = False if_get_remote = False if_fetch_remote = False if_get_project = False if_connected = False def __init__(self, hostname, path, user, passwd): super().__init__(hostname, path, user, passwd) self.base_path = [False] self.connect(5) self.if_connected = True self.local_path = None self.fix_cmd = None self.fix_name = None self.git_user = None self.git_email = None self.ssh_user = user self.ssh_hostname = hostname self.passwd = passwd self.path = path def global_init(self, git_user, git_email): self.git_user = git_user self.git_email = git_email cmd = "git config --global \"{0}\";".format(git_email) cmd += "git config --global \"{0}\";".format(git_user) stdout, stderr = if self.check_error(stderr): print("Global Setting Successful.") self.if_global_init = True else: print(stderr) raise ValueError("Args Error") def base_init(self): if self.if_connected: stdout, stderr ="ls {}".format(self.path)) if self.check_error(stderr): if "giteasy\n" in stdout: print("Directory Already Found.") else: stdout, stderr ="mkdir {0}/{1}".format(self.path, "giteasy")) if self.check_error(stderr): print("Create directory.") else: raise ValueError(stderr) self.base_path = [True, "{0}{1}".format(self.path, "giteasy")] self.if_base_init = True else: raise ValueError("Path Error") else: raise AttributeError("Connect First.") def create_project(self, name): if self.if_base_init: if os.path.exists("{0}/{1}.git".format(self.base_path[1], name)): print("Server Project Already Exist.") else: stdout, stderr ="mkdir {0}/{1}.git".format(self.base_path[1], name)) if self.check_error(stderr): print("Succeed In Making Directory.") self.projects[name+".git"] = {"path": "{0}/{1}.git".format(self.base_path[1], name), "branch": []} cmd = "cd {0};".format(self.projects[name+".git"]["path"]) cmd += "git init --bare;" stdout, stderr = if self.check_error(stderr): print("Succeed In Getting Repository.") else: print(stderr) raise ValueError("Target Path Abnormal") else: raise ValueError("Path Error.") else: raise AttributeError("Set Base Path First.") def clone_project(self): if self.if_set_local and self.if_connected: os.chdir(self.local_path) os.popen("git clone ssh://{0}@{1}:{2}/{3}".format(self.user, self.hostname, self.base_path[1], self.fix_name)) else: raise AttributeError("Connect & Set Local First.") def fix_project_local(self): if self.if_set_local and self.if_fix_project: os.chdir(os.path.join(self.local_path, self.fix_name)) self.if_fix_local = True else: raise AttributeError("Set Local & Fix Project First.") def init_project_local(self, name): if self.if_set_local and self.if_fix_project: os.chdir(self.local_path) try: os.mkdir(name) except FileExistsError: os.chdir(os.path.join(self.local_path, name)) print("Local Project Already Exist.") os.chdir(os.path.join(self.local_path, name)) cmd = "git init" os.popen(cmd) readme = open(os.path.join(self.local_path, name,""),"w") readme.write("# Default Project Introduction.\n") readme.close() cmd = "git add *" os.popen(cmd) # self.add_remote("origin") else: raise AttributeError("Set Local & Fix Project First.") def global_init_local(self): cmd = "git config --global \"{0}\"".format(self.git_email) print(os.popen(cmd).read()) cmd = "git config --global \"{0}\"".format(self.git_user) print(os.popen(cmd).read()) self.if_global_init = True def update_projects(self): if self.base_path[0]: self.projects = {} stdout, stderr ="ls {0}".format(self.base_path[1])) if self.check_error(stderr): reform = re.compile("\w+") for project in stdout: project_name = reform.match(project).string.strip('\n') self.projects[project_name] = {"path": "{0}/{1}".format(self.base_path[1], project_name), "branch": []} self.if_get_project = True if self.if_fix_project: self.get_branch() else: raise ValueError("Base Path Abnormal") self.list_projects() else: raise UnboundLocalError("Init Base First") def list_projects(self): if self.if_get_project: self.projects_list = [] for project in self.projects.keys(): self.projects_list.append(project) else: raise AttributeError("Get Project First.") def set_local(self, path): if self.if_connected: self.remotes = {} self.local_path = path self.if_set_local = True os.chdir(self.local_path) else: raise AttributeError("Connect First.") def add_remote(self, name="origin"): if self.if_base_init and self.if_get_project and self.if_fix_project: stdout = os.popen("git remote add {3} ssh://{0}@{1}:{2}/{4}.git".format(self.user, self.hostname, self.base_path[1], name, self.fix_name)).read() self.remotes[name] = {"name": name, "url": "ssh://{0}@{1}:{2}/{3}.git".format(self.user, self.hostname, self.base_path[1], self.fix_name)} self.if_get_remote = True return stdout else: raise AttributeError("Get Project & Base Init & Fix Project First.") def fetch_remote(self, name): if self.if_fix_project and self.if_base_init and self.if_set_local: if name in self.remotes.keys(): os.popen("git fetch {0}".format(name)) print("git fetch {0}".format(name)) self.if_fetch_remote = True else: raise AttributeError("Set Local & Fix Project & Base Init First.") def get_remote(self): if self.if_fix_project and self.if_base_init and self.if_set_local: ret_code = re.compile(r"[\t, ]") for remote in os.popen("git remote -v").readlines(): results = ret_code.split(remote) results = list(results) print(results) if len(results) >= 1: self.remotes = {} for item in results: if results[0] not in self.remotes.keys(): self.remotes[results[0]] = {"name": results[0], "url": results[1]} print(self.remotes[results[0]]) self.if_get_remote = True else: raise AttributeError("Set Local & Fix Project & Base Init First.") def push_remote(self, name, branch): if self.if_fix_project and self.if_base_init and self.if_set_local \ and self.if_get_remote: if name in self.remotes.keys(): return os.popen("git push {0} {1}".format(name, branch)).read() else: raise ValueError("Name Abnormal") else: raise AttributeError("Set Local & Fix Project & Base Init & Get Remote First.") def pull_remote(self, name, branch): if self.if_fix_project and self.if_base_init and self.if_set_local \ and self.if_get_remote: if name in self.remotes.keys(): return os.popen("git pull {0} {1}".format(name, branch)).read() else: raise ValueError("Remote Error") else: raise AttributeError("Set Local & Fix Project & Base Init & Get Remote & Get Branches First.") def get_changes(self): if self.if_fix_project and self.if_base_init and self.if_set_local \ and self.if_get_remote: stdout = os.popen("git status") modified_ret_code = re.compile("modified:[ ]*[\w,/,.]+") new_ret_code = re.compile("new file:[ ]*[\w,/,.]+") changed_files = [] for line in stdout: modified_tmp_ret = new_tmp_ret = if modified_tmp_ret is not None: modified_file = print(modified_file) changed_files.append(modified_file) elif new_tmp_ret is not None: new_file = print(new_file) changed_files.append(new_file) return changed_files else: raise AttributeError("Set Local & Fix Project & Base Init & Get Remote & Get Branches First.") def fix_project(self, name): if self.if_get_project and self.if_base_init: if name+".git" in self.projects_list: self.fix_name = name stdout, stderr ="cd {0}".format(self.projects[name+".git"]["path"])) if self.check_error(stderr): self.fix_cmd = "cd {0}".format(self.projects[name+".git"]["path"]) + ";" self.if_fix_project = True else: raise ValueError("Project Path Abnormal") else: raise AttributeError("Get Project & Base Init First.") def commit_local(self, message): if self.if_set_local and self.if_fix_local and self.if_base_init: if self.base_path[0]: stdout = os.popen("git commit --message=\"{0}\"".format(message)).read() return stdout else: raise UnboundLocalError("Init Base First") else: raise AttributeError("Set Local & Fix Local & Base Init First.") def add(self): if self.if_set_local and self.if_fix_local and self.if_base_init: stdout = os.popen("git add *").read() return stdout else: raise AttributeError("Set Local & Fix Local & Base Init First.") def get_branch(self): if self.if_get_project and self.if_base_init and self.if_fix_local: stdout = os.popen("git branch").read() self.projects[self.fix_name+".git"]["branch"] = [] reform = re.compile("\w+") for branch in stdout: branch_name ="*master").group().strip('\n') self.projects[self.fix_name+".git"]["branch"].append(branch_name) if '*' in str(branch): self.projects[self.fix_name+".git"]["active_branch"] = branch_name self.if_get_branches = True else: raise AttributeError("Get Project & Base Init & Fix Local First.") def status(self): if self.fix_name and self.if_fix_local and self.if_base_init: stdout = os.popen("git status").read() return stdout else: raise AttributeError("Fix Project & Base Init & Fix Local First.") def list_branch(self): if self.if_get_branches: for project in self.projects.items(): for branch in project[1]["branch"]: if branch == project[1]["active_branch"]: print("(*)", branch) else: print(" ", branch) if __name__ == "__main__": compute = Git("", "/home/git", "git", "123456") compute.global_init(git_user="saturneric", git_email="") compute.global_init_local() compute.base_init() # compute.create_project("lcs") compute.update_projects() compute.list_projects() compute.fix_project("lcs") compute.get_branch() compute.set_local("C:\\Users\\Saturneric\\Documents\\Code\\") # compute.init_project_local("test") compute.add_remote() compute.get_remote() compute.list_branch()