Merge branch 'develop'

This commit is contained in:
Saturneic 2019-01-12 08:31:37 +08:00
commit 6e547ad6ff
100 changed files with 5472 additions and 4629 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -7,3 +7,4 @@
/ZE-Standard-Libraries /ZE-Standard-Libraries
/ZE-Standard-Libraries.sln /ZE-Standard-Libraries.sln
/.vs /.vs

View File

@ -1,391 +0,0 @@
// !$*UTF8*$!
archiveVersion = 1;
classes = {
objectVersion = 50;
objects = {
/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */
9246995F20CE655900B4E894 /* tree.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9246995E20CE655900B4E894 /* tree.c */; };
9269D4E8210F1B3D00161557 /* stack_expand.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9269D4E7210F1B3D00161557 /* stack_expand.c */; };
9269D4EA210F1B4B00161557 /* list_expand.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9269D4E9210F1B4B00161557 /* list_expand.c */; };
9269D4ED210F1B5E00161557 /* test.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9269D4EB210F1B5E00161557 /* test.c */; };
9269D4F4210F1BB000161557 /* id.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9269D4F2210F1BB000161557 /* id.c */; };
9269D4F5210F1BCE00161557 /* list.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9246994F20CD000300B4E894 /* list.c */; };
9269D4F6210F1CD900161557 /* stack.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9246995920CE52A700B4E894 /* stack.c */; };
9269D4F8210F1D0B00161557 /* tree_expand.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9269D4F7210F1D0B00161557 /* tree_expand.c */; };
9286EB7A211400C900752977 /* error.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9286EB79211400C900752977 /* error.c */; };
9286EB7E2114022A00752977 /* communicate.c in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 9286EB7D2114022A00752977 /* communicate.c */; };
/* End PBXBuildFile section */
/* Begin PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase section */
927993BB20CB87D6008CE3A9 /* CopyFiles */ = {
isa = PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
dstPath = /usr/share/man/man1/;
dstSubfolderSpec = 0;
files = (
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 1;
/* End PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase section */
/* Begin PBXFileReference section */
9246994F20CD000300B4E894 /* list.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; path = list.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9246995020CD000300B4E894 /* list_expand.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = list_expand.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9246995120CD000300B4E894 /* list.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = list.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9246995820CE52A700B4E894 /* stack.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = stack.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9246995920CE52A700B4E894 /* stack.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; path = stack.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9246995B20CE5C8900B4E894 /* stack_expand.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = stack_expand.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9246995D20CE655900B4E894 /* tree.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = tree.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9246995E20CE655900B4E894 /* tree.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; path = tree.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9269D4E7210F1B3D00161557 /* stack_expand.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; path = stack_expand.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9269D4E9210F1B4B00161557 /* list_expand.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; path = list_expand.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9269D4EB210F1B5E00161557 /* test.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; path = test.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9269D4EC210F1B5E00161557 /* test.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = test.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9269D4F0210F1B8000161557 /* type.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = type.h; path = type/type.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9269D4F2210F1BB000161557 /* id.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = id.c; path = id/id.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9269D4F3210F1BB000161557 /* id.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = id.h; path = id/id.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9269D4F7210F1D0B00161557 /* tree_expand.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; path = tree_expand.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9269D4F9210F1D0F00161557 /* tree_expand.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = tree_expand.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
927993BD20CB87D6008CE3A9 /* ZE-Standard-Libraries */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = "compiled.mach-o.executable"; includeInIndex = 0; path = "ZE-Standard-Libraries"; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
9286EB79211400C900752977 /* error.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = error.c; path = error/error.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9286EB7B211400D000752977 /* error.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = error.h; path = error/error.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9286EB7D2114022A00752977 /* communicate.c */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.c; name = communicate.c; path = communicate/communicate.c; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
9286EB7F2114022F00752977 /* communicate.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = communicate.h; path = communicate/communicate.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
/* End PBXFileReference section */
/* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */
927993BA20CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Frameworks */ = {
isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
files = (
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
/* End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */
/* Begin PBXGroup section */
9246994E20CD000300B4E894 /* list */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
9246994F20CD000300B4E894 /* list.c */,
9246995020CD000300B4E894 /* list_expand.h */,
9269D4E9210F1B4B00161557 /* list_expand.c */,
9246995120CD000300B4E894 /* list.h */,
path = list;
sourceTree = "<group>";
9246995720CE507900B4E894 /* stack */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
9246995820CE52A700B4E894 /* stack.h */,
9246995920CE52A700B4E894 /* stack.c */,
9269D4E7210F1B3D00161557 /* stack_expand.c */,
9246995B20CE5C8900B4E894 /* stack_expand.h */,
path = stack;
sourceTree = "<group>";
9246995C20CE654600B4E894 /* tree */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
9246995D20CE655900B4E894 /* tree.h */,
9246995E20CE655900B4E894 /* tree.c */,
9269D4F9210F1D0F00161557 /* tree_expand.h */,
9269D4F7210F1D0B00161557 /* tree_expand.c */,
path = tree;
sourceTree = "<group>";
9269D4EF210F1B7800161557 /* type */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
9269D4F0210F1B8000161557 /* type.h */,
name = type;
sourceTree = "<group>";
9269D4F1210F1B9E00161557 /* id */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
9269D4F2210F1BB000161557 /* id.c */,
9269D4F3210F1BB000161557 /* id.h */,
name = id;
sourceTree = "<group>";
927993B420CB87D6008CE3A9 = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
92A15CFC211442C700826FB8 /* graph */,
9286EB7C2114021E00752977 /* communicate */,
9286EB78211400BD00752977 /* error */,
9269D4F1210F1B9E00161557 /* id */,
9269D4EF210F1B7800161557 /* type */,
9246995C20CE654600B4E894 /* tree */,
9246995720CE507900B4E894 /* stack */,
9246994E20CD000300B4E894 /* list */,
9269D4EB210F1B5E00161557 /* test.c */,
9269D4EC210F1B5E00161557 /* test.h */,
927993BE20CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Products */,
sourceTree = "<group>";
927993BE20CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Products */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
927993BD20CB87D6008CE3A9 /* ZE-Standard-Libraries */,
name = Products;
sourceTree = "<group>";
9286EB78211400BD00752977 /* error */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
9286EB79211400C900752977 /* error.c */,
9286EB7B211400D000752977 /* error.h */,
name = error;
sourceTree = "<group>";
9286EB7C2114021E00752977 /* communicate */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
9286EB7F2114022F00752977 /* communicate.h */,
9286EB7D2114022A00752977 /* communicate.c */,
name = communicate;
sourceTree = "<group>";
92A15CFC211442C700826FB8 /* graph */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
name = graph;
sourceTree = "<group>";
/* End PBXGroup section */
/* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */
927993BC20CB87D6008CE3A9 /* ZE-Standard-Libraries */ = {
isa = PBXNativeTarget;
buildConfigurationList = 927993C420CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "ZE-Standard-Libraries" */;
buildPhases = (
927993B920CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Sources */,
927993BA20CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Frameworks */,
927993BB20CB87D6008CE3A9 /* CopyFiles */,
buildRules = (
dependencies = (
name = "ZE-Standard-Libraries";
productName = "ZE-Standard-Libraries";
productReference = 927993BD20CB87D6008CE3A9 /* ZE-Standard-Libraries */;
productType = "";
/* End PBXNativeTarget section */
/* Begin PBXProject section */
927993B520CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Project object */ = {
isa = PBXProject;
attributes = {
LastUpgradeCheck = 0940;
TargetAttributes = {
927993BC20CB87D6008CE3A9 = {
CreatedOnToolsVersion = 9.4;
buildConfigurationList = 927993B820CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "ZE-Standard-Libraries" */;
compatibilityVersion = "Xcode 9.3";
developmentRegion = en;
hasScannedForEncodings = 0;
knownRegions = (
mainGroup = 927993B420CB87D6008CE3A9;
productRefGroup = 927993BE20CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Products */;
projectDirPath = "";
projectRoot = "";
targets = (
927993BC20CB87D6008CE3A9 /* ZE-Standard-Libraries */,
/* End PBXProject section */
/* Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */
927993B920CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Sources */ = {
isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;
buildActionMask = 2147483647;
files = (
9269D4F6210F1CD900161557 /* stack.c in Sources */,
9286EB7A211400C900752977 /* error.c in Sources */,
9269D4E8210F1B3D00161557 /* stack_expand.c in Sources */,
9286EB7E2114022A00752977 /* communicate.c in Sources */,
9269D4EA210F1B4B00161557 /* list_expand.c in Sources */,
9269D4F4210F1BB000161557 /* id.c in Sources */,
9269D4F8210F1D0B00161557 /* tree_expand.c in Sources */,
9246995F20CE655900B4E894 /* tree.c in Sources */,
9269D4ED210F1B5E00161557 /* test.c in Sources */,
9269D4F5210F1BCE00161557 /* list.c in Sources */,
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
/* End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */
/* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */
927993C220CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Debug */ = {
isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
buildSettings = {
SDKROOT = macosx;
name = Debug;
927993C320CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Release */ = {
isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
buildSettings = {
DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = "dwarf-with-dsym";
SDKROOT = macosx;
name = Release;
927993C520CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Debug */ = {
isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
buildSettings = {
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
name = Debug;
927993C620CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Release */ = {
isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
buildSettings = {
CODE_SIGN_STYLE = Automatic;
name = Release;
/* End XCBuildConfiguration section */
/* Begin XCConfigurationList section */
927993B820CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "ZE-Standard-Libraries" */ = {
isa = XCConfigurationList;
buildConfigurations = (
927993C220CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Debug */,
927993C320CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Release */,
defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;
defaultConfigurationName = Release;
927993C420CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "ZE-Standard-Libraries" */ = {
isa = XCConfigurationList;
buildConfigurations = (
927993C520CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Debug */,
927993C620CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Release */,
defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;
defaultConfigurationName = Release;
/* End XCConfigurationList section */
rootObject = 927993B520CB87D6008CE3A9 /* Project object */;

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
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version = "1.0">
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View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
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View File

@ -1,148 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
version = "1.0">
contextName = "init_node:list.h">
value = "list_list">
contextName = "listToSTD:communicate.c">
value = "(int *)p_node-&gt;value">
contextName = "releaseMalloc:list.h">
contextName = "initS_id:id.c">
contextName = "getByIntForNode:list_expand.c">
value = "(int *)p_node-&gt;value">
contextName = "listThrough:list_expand.c">
contextName = "initStandardDBlocks:communicate.c">
contextName = "dataForStandardDBlock:communicate.c">
value = "(int *)p_stdb-&gt;buff">
contextName = "insertInTail:list.h">
value = "node_list">
value = "list_list">
contextName = "releaseNULLList:list.h">
contextName = "asciiStringToS_id:id.c">
value = "buff[string_len-1]">
value = "5 + i * 5 + j">
value = "s_id-&gt;value[i]">
value = "strlen(string)">
contextName = "_doStandardDBlockWrite:communicate.c">
value = "&amp;p_stdb-&gt;blocks_num">
contextName = "dataFileReadOut:communicate.c">
value = "strlen(string_sid)">
value = "(int *)content">
contextName = "_doStandardDataInfoWrite:communicate.c">
contextName = "standardDataAddBlock:communicate.c">
value = "(int *)data">
value = "(int *)p_stdb-&gt;buff">
contextName = "dataFileWriteIn:communicate.c">
contextName = "freeS_id:id.c">
contextName = "s_idToASCIIString:id.c">
value = "sizeof(char)">
value = "buff[buff_count]">
contextName = "main:test.c">
value = "(int *)p_node-&gt;value">
value = "((STD_DATA *)(p_dfiler-&gt;pf_stdlst-&gt;head-&gt;value))-&gt;pd_blocklst">
value = "strlen(string)">
contextName = "init_list:list.h">

View File

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View File

@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
#include "communicate.h"
STD_BLOCKS *initStandardDBlocks(SID *p_sid, unsigned int type, unsigned long long data_size){
STD_BLOCKS *p_stdb = (STD_BLOCKS *)malloc(sizeof(STD_BLOCKS));
p_stdb->sid = s_idToASCIIString(p_sid);
p_stdb->if_data = 0;
unsigned int blocks_num = (unsigned int)(data_size/sizeof(char));
p_stdb->blocks_num = blocks_num;
p_stdb->type = type;
p_stdb->buff = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * blocks_num);
return p_stdb;
int dataForStandardDBlock(STD_BLOCKS *p_stdb,void *data){
char *t_data = (char *)data;
/*unsigned int data_size = sizeof(data);*/
for(int i = 0; i < p_stdb->blocks_num; i++){
p_stdb->buff[i] = t_data[i];
p_stdb->if_data = 1;
return 0;
STD_CTN *initStandardDConnection(SID *f_sid, SID *s_sid){
STD_CTN *p_stdc = (STD_CTN *)malloc(sizeof(STD_CTN));
p_stdc->f_sid = s_idToASCIIString(f_sid);
p_stdc->s_sid = s_idToASCIIString(s_sid);
return p_stdc;
STD_DATA *initStandardData(unsigned int type){
STD_DATA *p_std = (STD_DATA *)malloc(sizeof(STD_DATA));
p_std->pd_blocklst = initList();
p_std->pd_ctnlst = initList();
p_std->lock = 0;
p_std->type = type;
p_std->s_id = getS_id(STANDARD_DATA, 1);
return p_std;
int standardDataAddBlock(STD_DATA *p_std, SID *p_sid ,unsigned int type, void *data, unsigned long long data_size){
if (p_std->lock) return -1;
STD_BLOCKS *p_stdb = initStandardDBlocks(p_sid, type,data_size);
dataForStandardDBlock(p_stdb, data);
insertInTail(p_std->pd_blocklst, nodeWithPointer(p_stdb));
return 0;
int standardDataAddConnection(STD_DATA *p_std, SID *f_sid, SID *s_sid){
if (p_std->lock) return -1;
STD_CTN *p_stdb = initStandardDConnection(f_sid, s_sid);
insertInTail(p_std->pd_ctnlst, nodeWithPointer(p_stdb));
return 0;
D_FILE *initDataFileForWrite(char *route){
D_FILE *p_dfile = (D_FILE *)malloc(sizeof(D_FILE));
p_dfile->fp = fopen(route, "wb");
p_dfile->pf_head = (F_HEAD *)malloc(sizeof(F_HEAD));
p_dfile->pf_head->data_num = 0;
p_dfile->pf_stdlst = initList();
return p_dfile;
D_FILE *initDataFileForRead(char *route){
D_FILE *p_dfile = (D_FILE *)malloc(sizeof(D_FILE));
p_dfile->fp = fopen(route, "rb");
p_dfile->pf_head = (F_HEAD *)malloc(sizeof(F_HEAD));
p_dfile->pf_head->data_num = 0;
p_dfile->pf_stdlst = initList();
return p_dfile;
int dataFileAddStandardData(D_FILE *p_dfile, STD_DATA *p_std){
insertInTail(p_dfile->pf_stdlst, nodeWithPointer(p_std));
p_dfile->pf_head->data_num = p_dfile->pf_stdlst->length;
return 0;
int dataFileWriteIn(D_FILE *p_dfile){
fwrite(p_dfile->pf_head->head_test, sizeof(char), 18, p_dfile->fp);
fwrite(&p_dfile->pf_head->data_num, sizeof(unsigned long long), 1, p_dfile->fp);
fwrite("HEAD_END", sizeof(char), 9, p_dfile->fp);
List *er_list = initList();
insertInTail(er_list, nodeWithPointer(p_dfile->fp));
/*fwrite("STDINFO", sizeof(char), 8, p_dfile->fp);
listThrough(p_dfile->pf_stdlst, _doStandardDataInfoWrite, er_list);*/
/*fwrite("STDLST", sizeof(char), 7, p_dfile->fp);*/
listThrough(p_dfile->pf_stdlst, _doStandardDataWrite, er_list);
return 0;
List *_doStandardDataInfoWrite(unsigned int type, void *value, List *er_list){
List *p_rtnlst = initList();
FILE *fp = getByPointerForNode(findByIndexForNode(er_list, 0));
STD_DATA *p_std = value;
insertInTail(p_rtnlst, nodeWithInt(0));
char *string_sid = s_idToASCIIString(p_std->s_id);
fwrite(string_sid, sizeof(char), DEEPER_LEN, fp);
fwrite(&p_std->type, sizeof(unsigned long), 1, fp);
fwrite(&p_std->pd_ctnlst->length, sizeof(unsigned long long), 1, fp);
fwrite(&p_std->pd_blocklst->length, sizeof(unsigned long long), 1, fp);
return p_rtnlst;
List *_doStandardDataWrite(unsigned int type, void *value, List *er_list){
List *p_rtnlst = initList();
FILE *fp = getByPointerForNode(findByIndexForNode(er_list, 0));
insertInTail(p_rtnlst, nodeWithInt(0));
STD_DATA *p_std = value;
List *erc_list = initList();
insertInTail(erc_list, nodeWithPointer(fp));
fwrite("STD", sizeof(char), 4, fp);
char *string_sid = s_idToASCIIString(p_std->s_id);
unsigned long sid_len = strlen(string_sid) + 1;
fwrite(&sid_len, sizeof(unsigned long), 1, fp);
char *sid_w = s_idToASCIIString(p_std->s_id);
fwrite(sid_w, sizeof(char), sid_len, fp);
fwrite(&p_std->type, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, fp);
fwrite(&p_std->pd_ctnlst->length, sizeof(unsigned long long), 1, fp);
fwrite(&p_std->pd_blocklst->length, sizeof(unsigned long long), 1, fp);
listThrough(p_std->pd_ctnlst, _doStandardDConnectionWrite, erc_list);
listThrough(p_std->pd_blocklst, _doStandardDBlockWrite, erc_list);
return p_rtnlst;
List *_doStandardDConnectionWrite(unsigned int type, void *value, List *er_list){
List *p_rtnlst = initList();
insertInTail(p_rtnlst, nodeWithInt(0));
FILE *fp = getByPointerForNode(findByIndexForNode(er_list, 0));
STD_CTN *p_stdc = value;
unsigned long fsid_len = strlen(p_stdc->f_sid) + 1, ssid_len = strlen(p_stdc->s_sid)+1;
fwrite(&fsid_len, sizeof(unsigned long), 1, fp);
fwrite(p_stdc->f_sid, sizeof(char), fsid_len, fp);
fwrite(&ssid_len, sizeof(unsigned long), 1, fp);
fwrite(p_stdc->s_sid, sizeof(char), ssid_len, fp);
return p_rtnlst;
List *_doStandardDBlockWrite(unsigned int type, void *value, List *er_list){
List *p_rtnlst = initList();
insertInTail(p_rtnlst, nodeWithInt(0));
STD_BLOCKS *p_stdb = value;
FILE *fp = getByPointerForNode(findByIndexForNode(er_list, 0));
unsigned long sid_len = strlen(p_stdb->sid)+1, blocks_num = p_stdb->blocks_num;
fwrite(&sid_len, sizeof(unsigned long), 1, fp);
fwrite(p_stdb->sid, sizeof(char), sid_len, fp);
fwrite(&p_stdb->type, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, fp);
fwrite(&blocks_num, sizeof(unsigned long), 1, fp);
fwrite(p_stdb->buff, sizeof(char), p_stdb->blocks_num, fp);
return p_rtnlst;
STD_DATA *listToSTD(List *p_list){
STD_DATA *p_std = initStandardData(LIST);
Node *p_node = p_list->head;
while (p_node != NULL) {
unsigned long long data_size = 0;
if(p_node->type == INT) data_size = sizeof(int);
else if (p_node->type == DOUBLE) data_size = sizeof(double);
else if (p_node->type == STRING) data_size = strlen((char *)p_node->value) + 1;
else data_size = sizeof(void *);
standardDataAddBlock(p_std, p_node->s_id, p_node->type, p_node->value, data_size);
p_node = p_node->next;
return p_std;
int dataFileReadOut(D_FILE *p_dfile){
char test_info[FILE_TSET_LEN],head_test_info[HEAD_TEST_LEN];
fread(test_info, sizeof(char), FILE_TSET_LEN, p_dfile->fp);
strcpy(p_dfile->pf_head->head_test, test_info);
if(!strcmp(test_info, "ZESTDLIB_STDDFILE")){
unsigned long long std_num = 0;
fread(&std_num, sizeof(unsigned long long), 1, p_dfile->fp);
p_dfile->pf_head->data_num = std_num;
fread(head_test_info, sizeof(char), 9, p_dfile->fp);
if (!strcmp(head_test_info, "HEAD_END")) {
for(int i = 0; i < std_num; i++){
char std_test_info[4];
fread(std_test_info, sizeof(char), 4, p_dfile->fp);
if(!strcmp(std_test_info, "STD")){
unsigned long long sid_len = 0, ctn_num = 0, blk_num = 0;
unsigned int type = 0;
fread(&sid_len, sizeof(unsigned long), 1, p_dfile->fp);
char *string_sid = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * sid_len);
fread(string_sid, sizeof(char), sid_len, p_dfile->fp);
fread(&type, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, p_dfile->fp);
STD_DATA *p_std = initStandardData(type);
p_std->s_id = asciiStringToS_id(string_sid);
dataFileAddStandardData(p_dfile, p_std);
fread(&ctn_num, sizeof(unsigned long long), 1, p_dfile->fp);
fread(&blk_num, sizeof(unsigned long long), 1, p_dfile->fp);
for(int j = 0; j < ctn_num; j++){
fread(&sid_len, sizeof(unsigned long), 1, p_dfile->fp);
char *fstring_sid = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * sid_len);
fread(fstring_sid, sizeof(char), sid_len, p_dfile->fp);
fread(&sid_len, sizeof(unsigned long), 1, p_dfile->fp);
char *sstring_sid = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * sid_len);
fread(sstring_sid, sizeof(char), sid_len, p_dfile->fp);
SID *fs_id = asciiStringToS_id(fstring_sid), *ss_id = asciiStringToS_id(sstring_sid);
standardDataAddConnection(p_std, fs_id,ss_id);
for(int k = 0; k < blk_num; k++){
fread(&sid_len, sizeof(unsigned long), 1, p_dfile->fp);
char *string_sid = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * sid_len);
fread(string_sid, sizeof(char), sid_len, p_dfile->fp);
unsigned long blk_len = 0;
fread(&blk_len, sizeof(unsigned long), 1, p_dfile->fp);
char *content = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * blk_len);
fread(content, sizeof(char), blk_len, p_dfile->fp);
SID *s_id = asciiStringToS_id(string_sid);
unsigned int type = VOID;
fread(&type, sizeof(unsigned int), 1, p_dfile->fp);
standardDataAddBlock(p_std, s_id, type, content, blk_len);
return 0;
else break;
showError(pushError(DATA_FILE, STANDARD, initInfo("dataFileReadOut()", "Datafile not complete.")));
return -1;
int releaseSTDConnection(STD_CTN *p_stdc){
return 0;
int releaseSTDBlocks(STD_BLOCKS *p_stdb){
return 0;
int releaseStandardData(STD_DATA *p_std){
releaseListForCustom(p_std->pd_blocklst, (int (*)(void *))releaseSTDBlocks);
releaseListForCustom(p_std->pd_ctnlst, (int (*)(void *))releaseSTDConnection);
return 0;
int releaseDFile(D_FILE *p_dfile){
releaseListForCustom(p_dfile->pf_stdlst, (int (*)(void *))releaseStandardData);
return 0;
List *standardDataToList(STD_DATA *p_std){
List *p_list = initList();
List *er_list = initList();
insertInTail(er_list, nodeWithPointer(er_list));
listThrough(p_std->pd_blocklst, _doStandardDataToList, er_list);
return p_list;
List *_doStandardDataToList(unsigned int type, void *value, List *er_list){
List *rtn_list = initList();
insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithInt(0));
List *p_list = getByPointerForNode(findByIndexForNode(er_list, 0));
STD_BLOCKS *p_stdb = value;
Node *p_node = initNode();
p_node->s_id = asciiStringToS_id(p_stdb->sid);
p_node->type = p_stdb->type;
p_node->value = malloc(sizeof(p_stdb->blocks_num));
memcpy(p_node->value, p_stdb->buff, sizeof(p_stdb->blocks_num));
insertInTail(p_list, p_node);
return rtn_list;
MSG *createMessage(char *title, void *data, unsigned long data_size){
MSG *p_msg = malloc(sizeof(MSG) + data_size);
p_msg->p_sid = getS_id(MESSAGE, 1);
p_msg->time = time(NULL);
return p_msg;
/*int sendMessageIPv4(MSG *p_msg, char *ip, unsigned int port){
int client_sockfd;
struct sockaddr_in remote_addr;
char buf[BUFSIZ];
memcpy(buf, "ZEMSG", 5);
connect(client_sockfd,(struct sockaddr *)&remote_addr,sizeof(struct sockaddr));
unsigned long bkmsg_len = 0;
bkmsg_len = recv(client_sockfd, buf, BUFSIZ, 0);
buf[bkmsg_len] = '\0';
if(!strcmp(buf, "TITLE_REV_READY")){
memcpy(buf, p_msg->titile, strlen(p_msg->titile));
bkmsg_len = recv(client_sockfd, buf, BUFSIZ, 0);
buf[bkmsg_len] = '\0';
if(!strcmp(buf, "CONTENT_LEN_REV_READY")){
memcpy(buf, (char *)p_msg->size, sizeof(unsigned int));
send(client_sockfd,buf,sizeof(unsigned int),0);
bkmsg_len = recv(client_sockfd, buf, BUFSIZ, 0);
buf[bkmsg_len] = '\0';
if(!strcmp(buf, "CONTENT_REV_READY")){
memcpy(buf, p_msg->content, p_msg->size);
return 0;
return -1;

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
#ifndef communicate_h
#define communicate_h
#include "../type/type.h"
#include "../list/list_expand.h"
typedef struct message{
SID *p_sid;
time_t time;
char titile[16];
unsigned long size;
char content[0];
D_FILE *initDataFileForWrite(char *route);
D_FILE *initDataFileForRead(char *route);
STD_BLOCKS *initStandardDBlocks(SID *p_sid, unsigned int type, unsigned long long data_size);
STD_CTN *initStandardDConnection(SID *f_sid, SID *s_sid);
STD_DATA *initStandardData(unsigned int type);
int dataForStandardDBlock(STD_BLOCKS *p_stdb,void *data);
int dataFileAddStandardData(D_FILE *p_dfile, STD_DATA *p_std);
int standardDataAddBlock(STD_DATA *p_std, SID *p_sid ,unsigned int type, void *data, unsigned long long data_size);
int standardDataAddConnection(STD_DATA *p_std, SID *f_sid, SID *s_sid);
int dataFileWriteIn(D_FILE *p_dfile);
int dataFileReadOut(D_FILE *p_dfile);
int releaseSTDBlocks(STD_BLOCKS *p_stdb);
int releaseStandardData(STD_DATA *p_std);
int releaseSTDConnection(STD_CTN *p_stdc);
int releaseDFile(D_FILE *p_file);
List *_doStandardDataInfoWrite(unsigned int type, void *value, List *er_list);
List *_doStandardDataWrite(unsigned int type, void *value, List *er_list);
List *_doStandardDConnectionWrite(unsigned int type, void *value, List *er_list);
List *_doStandardDBlockWrite(unsigned int type, void *value, List *er_list);
STD_DATA *listToSTD(List *);
List *standardDataToList(STD_DATA *);
List *_doStandardDataToList(unsigned int type, void *value, List *er_list);
MSG *createMessage(char *title, void *data, unsigned long data_size);
int sendMessageIPv4(MSG *p_msg, char *ip, unsigned int port);
//STD_DATA *stackToSTD(Stack *);
//STD_DATA *treeToSTD(Tree *);
#endif /* communicate_h */

View File

@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
#include "id.h"
void init_rand(void) {
unsigned long long getId(void) {
int i;
unsigned long long id = 0;
id = ((rand() % 9) + 1);
for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
id *= 10;
id += rand() % 10;
return id;
SID *initS_id(unsigned int deep_level){
SID *p_sid = (SID *) malloc(sizeof(SID));
if(p_sid == NULL){
printf("\ninitS_id(): Error in getting the memory of sid.\n");
p_sid->type = VOID;
p_sid->deep = deep_level;
p_sid->value = NULL;
p_sid->value_deeper = NULL;
p_sid->value_deepest = NULL;
if (deep_level > 0) {
p_sid->value = (unsigned int *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int)*DEEPC_LEN);
if(p_sid->value == NULL){
printf("\ninitS_id(): Error in getting the memory of sid.value.\n");
if (deep_level > 1){
p_sid->value_deeper = (unsigned int *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int)*DEEPB_LEN);
if(p_sid->value_deeper == NULL){
printf("\ninitS_id(): Error in getting the memory of sid.value_deeper.\n");
if (deep_level > 2){
p_sid->value_deepest = (unsigned int *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int)*DEEPA_LEN);
if(p_sid->value_deepest == NULL){
printf("\ninitS_id(): Error in getting the memory of sid.value_deepest.\n");
return p_sid;
SID *getS_id(unsigned int type, unsigned int deep_level){
SID *p_sid = initS_id(deep_level);
p_sid->type = type;
if(deep_level > 0){
for(int i = 0; i < DEEPC_LEN; i++) p_sid->value[i] = rand()%65535;
if(deep_level > 1) for(int i = 0; i < DEEPB_LEN; i++) p_sid->value_deeper[i] = rand()%65535;
if (deep_level > 2) for(int i = 0; i < DEEPA_LEN; i++) p_sid->value_deepest[i] = rand()%65535;
return p_sid;
int fitS_id(const SID *fs_id, const SID *ss_id){
if(fs_id->type == ss_id->type){
if(fs_id->deep == ss_id->deep){
if (fs_id->deep > 0)
for(int i = 0; i < DEEPC_LEN; i++){
if(fs_id->value[i] == ss_id->value[i]) continue;
else if(fs_id->value[i] > ss_id->value[i]) return 1;
else return -1;
if (fs_id->deep > 1)
for(int i = 0; i < DEEPB_LEN; i++){
if(fs_id->value_deeper[i] == ss_id->value_deeper[i]) continue;
else if(fs_id->value_deeper[i] > ss_id->value_deeper[i]) return 1;
else return -1;
if (fs_id->deep > 2)
for(int i = 0; i < DEEPA_LEN; i++){
if(fs_id->value_deepest[i] == ss_id->value_deepest[i]) continue;
else if(fs_id->value_deepest[i] > ss_id->value_deepest[i]) return 1;
else return -1;
if(fs_id->deep > ss_id->deep) return 1;
else return -1;
if (fs_id->type > ss_id->type) return 1;
else return -1;
return 0;
int simFitS_id(const SID *fs_id, const SID *ss_id){
return !fitS_id(fs_id, ss_id);
char *s_idToASCIIString(const SID *s_id){
char *string = NULL;
int deep_len = 0, temp, buff_count, string_count;
unsigned int buff[DATA_BIT];
if(s_id->deep > 0){
if (s_id->deep == DEEPC){
string = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (DEEPC_LEN + 1) * DATA_BIT);
deep_len = DEEPC_LEN + 1;
deep_len *= DATA_BIT;
else if (s_id->deep == DEEPB){
string = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (DEEPC_LEN + DEEPB_LEN + 1) * DATA_BIT);
deep_len = DEEPC_LEN + DEEPB_LEN + 1;
deep_len *= DATA_BIT;
string = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (DEEPC_LEN + DEEPB_LEN + DEEPA_LEN + 1) * DATA_BIT);
deep_len = DEEPC_LEN + DEEPB_LEN + DEEPA_LEN + 1;
deep_len *= DATA_BIT;
if(string == NULL){
printf("\ns_idToASCIIString(): Error in getting the memory of string.\n");
string[deep_len] = '\0';
temp = s_id->type;
buff_count = DATA_BIT - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < DATA_BIT; i++) buff[i] = 0;
while(buff_count >= 0){
buff[buff_count] = temp % 10;
string[buff_count] = buff[buff_count] + 48;
temp /= 10;
deep_len -= DATA_BIT;
for(int i = 0; i < DEEPC_LEN; i++){
temp = s_id->value[i];
for (int i = 0; i < DATA_BIT; i++) buff[i] = 0;
string_count = TYPE_LEN + (i) * 5;
buff_count = DATA_BIT - 1;
while (buff_count >= 0) {
buff[buff_count] = temp % 10;
temp /= 10;
for(int i = DATA_BIT - 1; i >= 0; i--) string[string_count + i] = buff[i] + 48;
deep_len -= DEEPC_LEN * DATA_BIT;
if(deep_len > 0)
for(int i = 0; i < DEEPB_LEN; i++){
temp = s_id->value_deeper[i];
for (int i = 0; i < DATA_BIT; i++) buff[i] = 0;
string_count = TYPE_LEN + DEEPC_LEN * DATA_BIT + (i) * DATA_BIT;
buff_count = DATA_BIT - 1;
while (buff_count >= 0) {
buff[buff_count] = temp % 10;
temp /= 10;
for(int i = DATA_BIT - 1; i >= 0; i--) string[string_count + i] = buff[i] + 48;
deep_len -= DEEPB_LEN * DATA_BIT;
if(deep_len > 0)
for(int i = 0; i < DEEPA_LEN; i++){
temp = s_id->value_deepest[i];
for (int i = 0; i < DATA_BIT; i++) buff[i] = 0;
string_count = TYPE_LEN + (DEEPC_LEN + DEEPB_LEN) * DATA_BIT + (i) * DATA_BIT;
buff_count = DATA_BIT - 1;
while (buff_count >= 0) {
buff[buff_count] = temp % 10;
string[string_count] = buff[buff_count] + 48;
temp /= 10;
for(int i = DATA_BIT - 1; i >= 0; i--) string[string_count + i] = buff[i] + 48;
return string;
return NULL;
SID *asciiStringToS_id(const char *string){
SID *s_id = NULL;
unsigned long long string_len = strlen(string);
if (string_len == 25) s_id = initS_id(1);
else if (string_len == 65) s_id = initS_id(2);
else if (string_len == 225) s_id = initS_id(3);
else return NULL;
unsigned int *buff = (unsigned int *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * (string_len));
if(buff == NULL){
printf("\ns_idToASCIIString(): Error in getting the memory of string.\n");
for(int i = 0; i < string_len; i++){
buff[i] = (unsigned int)string[i] - 48;
s_id->type = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
s_id->type += buff[i] ;
s_id->type *= 10u;
s_id->type /= 10u;
if (string_len >= 25){
for(int i = 0; i < DEEPC_LEN; i++){
s_id->value[i] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++){
s_id->value[i] += (unsigned int)buff[5 + i * 5 + j];
if(j < 4) s_id->value[i] *= 10;
if (string_len >= 65){
for(int i = 0; i < DEEPB_LEN; i++){
s_id->value_deeper[i] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++){
s_id->value_deeper[i] += buff[25 + i * 5 + j];
if(j < 4) s_id->value_deeper[i] *= 10;
if (string_len >= 225){
for(int i = 0; i < DEEPA_LEN; i++){
s_id->value_deepest[i] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++){
s_id->value_deepest[i] += buff[65 + i * 5 + j];
if(j < 4) s_id->value_deepest[i] *= 10;
return s_id;
int freeS_id(SID *s_id){
if(s_id->value != NULL){
s_id->value = NULL;
if(s_id->value_deeper != NULL){
s_id->value_deeper = NULL;
if(s_id->value_deepest != NULL){
s_id->value_deepest = NULL;
return 0;

View File

@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
#ifndef id_h
#define id_h
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "../type/type.h"
void init_rand(void);
unsigned long long getId(void);
SID *getS_id(unsigned int type, unsigned int deep_level);
int fitS_id(const SID *fs_id, const SID *ss_id);
int simFitS_id(const SID *fs_id, const SID *ss_id);
char *s_idToASCIIString(const SID *s_id);
SID *asciiStringToS_id(const char *string);
SID *initS_id(unsigned int deep_level);
int freeS_id(SID *s_id);
#endif /* id_h */

include/block/block.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
#ifndef block_h
#define block_h
#include <block/block_type.h>
#endif /* block_h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#ifndef block_expand_h
#define block_expand_h
#endif /* block_expand_h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#ifndef block_print_h
#define block_print_h
#endif /* block_print_h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#ifndef block_type_h
#define block_type_h
#ifdef id_enable
#include <id/id.h>
typedef struct block{
uint64_t size;
uint64_t m_size;
uint32_t carve;
void *data;
#ifdef id_enable
SID *s_id;//栈节点的ID
} Block;
#endif /* block_type_h */

include/chain/chain.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
#ifndef chain_h
#define chain_h
#include <chain/chain_type.h>
#include <list/list.h>
*: ,
* 使.
*, 使
*: ,NULL.*/
extern CNode *nodeWithInt(int, _Bool if_sid);
*, 使
*: ,NULL.*/
extern CNode *nodeWithUInt(unsigned int, _Bool if_sid);
*, 使
*: ,NULL.*/
extern CNode *nodeWithULLInt(unsigned long long, _Bool if_sid);
*, 使
*: ,NULL.*/
extern CNode *nodeWithDouble(double, _Bool if_sid);
*, 使
*: ,NULL.*/
extern CNode *nodeWithString(const char *, _Bool if_sid);
*, 使
*: ,NULL.*/
extern CNode *nodeWithPointer(const void *, _Bool if_sid);
*: ,
* 使
*: .
*: ,NULL.*/
extern CNode *nodeWithComplex(void);
*: type指明所输入值的类型,value为指向所输入值的内存空间的指针
*: 0,-1.*/
extern int addValueForComplex(CNode *, int type, void *value);
*: 0,-1.*/
extern int addIntForComplex(CNode *, int);
*: 0,-1.*/
extern int addDoubleForComplex(CNode *, double);
*: 0,-1.*/
extern int addStringForComplex(CNode *, char *);
*: 0,-1.*/
extern int addPointerForComplex(CNode *, void *);
*: ,
*: 0,-1.*/
extern int updateValueWithIntForNode(CNode *,int);
*: 0,-1.*/
extern int updateValueWithULLIntForNode(CNode *, uint64_t);
*: 0,-1.*/
extern int updateValueWithDoubleForNode(CNode *,double);
*: 0,-1.*/
extern int updateValueWithStringForNode(CNode *,char *);
*: 0,-1.*/
extern int updateValueWithPointerForNode(CNode *,void *);
*: ,
*: ,NULL.*/
Chain *mply_findByIntForNode(Chain*, int);
*: ,NULL.*/
Chain *mply_findByDoubleForNode(Chain*, double);
*: ,NULL.*/
Chain *mply_findByStringForNode(Chain*, char *);
*: ,NULL.*/
Chain *mply_findByPointerForNode(Chain*, void *);
*: p_func为一个函数指针, (type)/(value)/(args),
*: ,,NULL.*/
extern Chain *listThrough(Chain *p_list, Chain *(*p_func)(unsigned int type, void *value, Chain *args), Chain *expand_resources);
extern Chain *newReturn(int if_status ,int status, char *argc, ...);
Chain *newCReturn(void);
uint64_t getInfoForListThrough(Chain *expand_resources, int type);
uint64_t calListMemory(Chain *);
extern uint64_t len(Chain *p_list);
*: 1,0.*/
extern int isListEmpty(Chain *p_list);
*: */
extern int getByIntForNode(CNode *);
*: */
extern unsigned int getByUIntForNode(CNode *);
*: */
extern double getByDoubleForNode(CNode *);
*: */
extern char *getByStringForNode(CNode *);
*: */
extern void *getByPointerForNode(CNode *);
*: */
extern unsigned long long getIndexForNode(Chain *p_list,CNode *p_node);
*: ,NULL*/
extern CNode *updateNodeByIndex(Chain *p_list, void *new_value, unsigned long long index);
*: ID相同.
*: ,NULL*/
extern CNode *copyNode(CNode *);
*: ID相同.
*: ,NULL*/
Chain *copyList(Chain *p_list);
*: ,NULL.*/
extern CNode *findByIndexForNode(Chain *, unsigned long long);
*: ,NULL.*/
extern CNode *findByIntForNode(Chain *, int);
*: ,NULL.*/
extern CNode *findByDoubleForNode(Chain *, double);
*: ,NULL.*/
extern CNode *findByStringForNode(Chain *, char *);
*: ,NULL.*/
extern CNode *findByPointerForNode(Chain *, void *);
#endif /* chain_h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#ifndef list_print_h
#define list_print_h
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
*: priority为每行输出信息前的空格数除以4*/
void printListInfo(Chain *p_list,int priority);
*: priority为每行输出信息前的空格数乘以4*/
void printNodeInfo(CNode *p_node,int priority);
void printList(Chain *);
*: func为一个函数指针, */
void printListForCustom(Chain *p_list,void (*func)(void *value));
void printNode(CNode *p_node);
#endif /* list_print_h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#ifndef chain_type_h
#define chain_type_h
#include <list/list_type.h>
typedef struct Node CNode;
typedef struct List Chain;
#endif /* chain_type_h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#ifndef communicate_h
#define communicate_h
#include <communicate/communicate_type.h>
*: ,NULL.
extern MSG *createMessage(char *title, void *data, unsigned long data_size);
*: 0,-1.
extern int sendMessageIPv4(MSG *p_msg, char *ip, unsigned int port);
#endif /* communicate_h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
#ifndef communicate_file_h
#define communicate_file_h
#include <communicate/communicate_type.h>
*: route指示数据文件路径
*: ,NULL.
extern D_FILE *initDataFileForWrite(char *route);
*: route指示数据文件路径
*: ,NULL.
extern D_FILE *initDataFileForRead(char *route);
*: type指示数据块储存数据的数据类型,data_size指示数据块储存数据的大小
*: ,NULL.
extern STD_BLOCKS *initStandardDBlocks(SID *p_sid, uint16_t type, uint32_t data_size);
*: f_sid指示第一个数据块的SID,s_sid指示第二个数据块的SID.
*: ,NULL.
extern STD_CTN *initStandardDConnection(SID *f_sid, SID *s_sid);
*: type指示标准数据结构所储存的数据结构的数据类型, s_id指示所储存的数据结构的ID,
*: ,NULL.
extern STD_DATA *initStandardData(uint16_t type, SID *s_id);
*: data为指向所添加数据所在内存空间的指针
*: 0,-1.
extern int dataForStandardDBlock(STD_BLOCKS *p_stdb,void *data);
*: 0,-1.
extern int dataFileAddStandardData(D_FILE *p_dfile, STD_DATA *p_std);
*: type指示所添加数据的数据类型, data为指向所添加数据所在内存空间的指针, data_size指示所添加数据的大小
*: 0,-1.
extern int standardDataAddBlock(STD_DATA *p_std, SID *p_sid ,uint16_t type, void *data, uint32_t data_size);
*: f_sid指示第一个数据块的SID,s_sid指示第二个数据块的SID.
*: 0,-1.
extern int standardDataAddConnection(STD_DATA *p_std, SID *f_sid, SID *s_sid);
*: 0,-1.
extern int dataFileWriteIn(D_FILE *p_dfile);
*: 0,-1.
extern int dataFileReadOut(D_FILE *p_dfile);
*: 0,-1.
extern int releaseSTDBlocks(STD_BLOCKS *p_stdb);
*: 0,-1.
extern int releaseStandardData(STD_DATA *p_std);
*: 0,-1.
extern int releaseSTDConnection(STD_CTN *p_stdc);
*: 0,-1.
extern int releaseDFile(D_FILE *p_file);
*: ,NULL.
extern STD_DATA *listToSTD(Chain *);
*: ,NULL.
extern Chain *standardDataToList(STD_DATA *);
//STD_DATA *stackToSTD(Stack *);
//STD_DATA *treeToSTD(Tree *);
*: ,.
*: 0,-1.
extern int readDataFileInfo(D_FILE *p_dfile);
*: p_std为指向框架中的相关标准数据所在内存空间的指针
*: 0,-1.
extern int readStandardData(D_FILE *p_dfile, STD_DATA *p_std);
*: 0,-1.
extern int readSTDBlocks(STD_BLOCKS *p_stdb);
*: 0,-1.
extern int checkIfDataFile(D_FILE *p_dfile);
*: 0,-1.
extern int readStandardDataBySid(D_FILE *p_dfile, SID *p_sid);
extern void printStandardData(void *value);
uint32_t calStandardData(STD_DATA *p_std);
#endif /* communicate_file_h */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
#ifndef communicate_type_h
#define communicate_type_h
typedef struct file_head{
char head_test[18];//数据文件头部的验证信息
uint32_t data_num;//数据文件中的标准数据结构的数目
typedef struct data_file{
FILE *fp;//数据文件
F_HEAD *pf_head;//数据文件头
Chain *pf_stdlst;//数据文件的标志数据结构的储存链表
typedef struct standard_data_blocks{
uint16_t type;//数据块的类型
uint32_t location;//数据块在数据文件中的定位
char *sid;//数据块的ID
_Bool if_data;//数据块是否赋值
unsigned int blocks_num;//数据块字节大小
char *buff;//指向数据块储存值内存空间的指针
typedef struct standard_data_connection{
uint32_t location;//数据块链接关系结构在文件中的定位
char *f_sid;//前一个数据块的ID
char *s_sid;//后一个数据块的ID
typedef struct standard_data_head{
uint32_t data_blk_num;//数据块的数目
uint32_t data_ctn_num;//数据块链接关系结构的数目
typedef struct standard_data{
SID *s_id;//标准数据结构的ID
int read_data;//标准数据结构是否已经读取完整
uint16_t type;//标准数据结构所对应的类型
uint32_t size;//标准数据结构在数据文件中的大小
uint32_t location;//标准数据结构的头在数据文件中的定位
_Bool lock;//标准数据文件是否被锁住
Chain *pd_blocklst;//数据块储存链表
Chain *pd_ctnlst;//数据块连接关系结构的储存链表
typedef struct message{
SID *p_sid;//消息的ID
time_t time;//消息的产生时间
char titile[16];//消息标题
unsigned long size;//消息的大小
char content[0];//消息的正文
#endif /* communicate_type_h */

include/error/error.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
#ifndef error_h
#define error_h
#include <type.h>
typedef struct Info{
char head[64];//信息头
char body[256];//信息内容
typedef struct Error{
unsigned int type;//错误类型号
int priority;//优先级
time_t time;//错误产生的时间
Info info;//信息指针
typedef struct Notice{
unsigned int type;//警告类型号
time_t time;//警告产生的时间
Info info;//信息指针
* 便.
extern int pushInfo(Info *p_info, const char *head,const char *body);
extern Error *pushError(unsigned int type, int pri, Info *p_info);
extern Notice *pushNotice(unsigned int type, Info *p_info);
extern Info *initInfo(const char *head, const char *body);
extern Error *createError(Info *info,unsigned int type,int pri);
extern Notice *createWarning(Info *info, unsigned int type, int pri);
extern int showError(Error *);
extern int showWarning(Notice *);
#endif /* error_h */

View File

@ -1,8 +1,18 @@
#ifndef ERROR_H #ifndef ERROR_H
#define ERROR_H #define ERROR_H
#include "../type/type.h" #include <type.h>
#include "../list/list_expand.h" #include <list/list.h>
#include <error/error.h>
typedef struct Log{
FILE *fp;//日志文件的指针
int if_enable;//日志文件是否启用
unsigned long int id;//日志文件的ID
Log logfile; Log logfile;
List *error_list = NULL; List *error_list = NULL;

include/event/event.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
#ifndef list_expand_1_h
#define list_expand_1_h
#include <chain/chain.h>
#define lni(x) nodeWithInt(x,0)
#define lnu(x) nodeWithUInt(x,0)
#define lnull(x) nodeWithULLInt(x,0)
#define lnd(x) nodeWithDouble(x,0)
#define lns(x) nodeWithString(x,0)
#define lnp(x) nodeWithPointer(x,0)
#define lsni(x) nodeWithInt(x,1)
#define lsnd(x) nodeWithDouble(x,1)
#define lsns(x) nodeWithString(x,1)
#define lsnp(x) nodeWithPointer(x,1)
#define lisrti(list, x) insertInTail(list, lni(x));
#define lisrtd(list, x) insertInTail(list, lnd(x));
#define lisrtu(list, x) insertInTail(list, lnu(x));
#define lisrtull(list, x) insertInTail(list, lnull(x));
#define lisrtp(list, x) insertInTail(list, lnp(x));
#define lisrts(list, x) insertInTail(list, lns(x));
#define lisrhi(list, x) insertInHead(list, lni(x));
#define lisrhd(list, x) insertInHead(list, lnd(x));
#define lisrhu(list, x) insertInHead(list, lnu(x));
#define lisrhull(list, x) insertInHead(list, lnull(x));
#define lisrhp(list, x) insertInHead(list, lnp(x));
#define lisrhs(list, x) insertInHead(list, lns(x));
#define lidxp(list, x) getByPointerForNode(findByIndexForNode(list, x))
#define lidxi(list, x) getByIntForNode(findByIndexForNode(list, x))
#define lidxd(list, x) getByDoubleForNode(findByIndexForNode(list, x))
#define lidxs(list, x) getByStringForNode(findByIndexForNode(list, x))
#define lupdull(list,x,value) updateValueWithULLIntForNode(findByIndexForNode(list, x),value)
#define lidxvle(list,x) (findByIndexForNode(list, x)->value)
#define lrmvidx(list,x) removeByNode(list, findByIndexForNode(list, x)
#define lpoph(list) popFromHead(list)
#define lpopt(list) popFromTail(list)
#define lfndsid(list,sid) (findByIdForNode(list,sid)->value)
#define lstns() initList(0);
#define lstn() initList(1);
#endif /* list_expand_1_h */
*: argc指示传递参数的类型格式;args为需要返回的参数.*/
#define __SEND_ARG(argc, args...) newReturn(0, -1, argc , args)
*: name为回调函数名.*/
#define __CALLBACK_STATE(name) List *_do##name(unsigned int, void *, List *)
*: name为回调函数名.*/
#define __CALLBACK_DEFINE(name) List *_do##name(unsigned int type, void *value, List *expand_resources)
*: name为回调函数名.*/
#define __CALLBACK_CALL(name) _do##name
*: x为该值的顺序号, type为获取的指针值的类型.*/
#define __RTN_ARGS_P(list,x,type) (type *) lidxp(list, x);
*: x为该值的顺序号, type为获取的值的类型.*/
#define __RTN_ARGS(list,x,type) *((type *) lidxp(list, x));
*: c_type为获取值的类型.*/
#define __VALUE(c_type) (c_type)value
*: x为该值的顺序号, type为获取值的类型.*/
#define __ARGS(x, type) *((type *) lidxp(expand_resources, x));
*: x为该值的顺序号, type为获取的指针值的类型.*/
#define __ARGS_P(x, type) (type *) lidxp(expand_resources, x);
#define __LIST_LEN getInfoForListThrough(expand_resources,0)
#define __NOW_INDEX getInfoForListThrough(expand_resources,1)
*: argc指示返回参数的个数;args为需要返回的参数.*/
#define __RETURN(argc, args...) newReturn(1, -1, argc , args)
#define __CRETURN__ newCReturn()

include/id/id.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
#ifndef id_h
#define id_h
#include <type.h>
#include <id/md5.h>
struct sid_raw{
unsigned int type;
unsigned int *value;//4
unsigned int *value_deeper;//8
unsigned int *value_deepest;//32
typedef struct s_id{
struct sid_raw *sr;//指向SID初始值
unsigned int deep;//SID初始值的复杂度
MD5_CTX *md5;//指向MD5结构
unsigned char *decrypt_hex;//指向MD5的Hex信息
char *decrypt_str;//指向MD5的Hex信息转化成的字符串
*: deep_level指示原始ID的复杂度,type指示SID所绑定的数据结构的数据类型
*: ,NULL.
extern SID *getS_id(unsigned int type, unsigned int deep_level);
*: ,NULL.
extern SID *setS_idWithString(char *);
extern unsigned long long getId(void);
: ID的比较函数
*: strcmp风格的返回值
extern int fitS_id(SID * const fs_id, SID * const ss_id);\
*: 1,0
extern int simFitS_id(SID * fs_id, SID * ss_id);
: ID的转换函数
extern void setSidToASCIIString(SID * const s_id);
char *s_idToASCIIString(SID * const s_id);
: ID的函数
extern SID *copyS_id(SID *f_sid);
: ID的函数
extern int freeSidRaw(SID *s_id);
extern int freeS_id(SID *s_id);
#endif /* id_h */

include/id/md5.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#ifndef md5_h
#define md5_h
#include <type.h>
#define F(x,y,z) ((x & y) | (~x & z))
#define G(x,y,z) ((x & z) | (y & ~z))
#define H(x,y,z) (x^y^z)
#define I(x,y,z) (y ^ (x | ~z))
#define ROTATE_LEFT(x,n) ((x << n) | (x >> (32-n)))
#define FF(a,b,c,d,x,s,ac) { \
a += F(b, c, d) + x + ac; \
a = ROTATE_LEFT(a, s); \
a += b; \
#define GG(a,b,c,d,x,s,ac) { \
a += G(b, c, d) + x + ac; \
a = ROTATE_LEFT(a, s); \
a += b; \
#define HH(a,b,c,d,x,s,ac) { \
a += H(b, c, d) + x + ac; \
a = ROTATE_LEFT(a, s); \
a += b; \
#define II(a,b,c,d,x,s,ac) { \
a += I(b, c, d) + x + ac; \
a = ROTATE_LEFT(a, s); \
a += b; \
typedef struct md5_ctx{
unsigned int count[2];
unsigned int state[4];
unsigned char buffer[64];
void MD5Init(MD5_CTX *context);
void MD5Update(MD5_CTX *context, unsigned char *input, unsigned long inputlen);
void MD5Final(MD5_CTX *context, unsigned char digest[16]);
void MD5Transform(unsigned int state[4], unsigned char block[64]);
void MD5Encode(unsigned char *output, unsigned int *input, unsigned long len);
void MD5Decode(unsigned int *output, unsigned char *input, unsigned long len);
#endif /* md5_h */

include/list/list.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
#ifndef list_h
#define list_h
#include <list/list_type.h>
*: ,NULL.*/
#ifdef id_enable
extern List *initList(_Bool if_sid);
extern List *initList(void);
*: ,NULL.*/
#ifdef id_enable
extern Node *initNode(_Bool if_sid);
extern Node *initNode(void);
extern int initMallocValueForNode(Node *,unsigned int,const void *);
*: 0,-1.*/
extern int insertInHead(List *p_list, Node *p_node);
*: 0,-1.*/
extern int insertInTail(List *p_list, Node *p_node);
*: t_node为指向目标节点的指针;p_node为指向新节点的指针;
*: 0,-1.*/
extern int insertAfterNode(List *p_list, Node *t_node, Node *p_node);
*: t_node为指向目标节点的指针;p_node为指向新节点的指针;
*: 0,-1.*/
extern int insertBeforeNode(List *p_list, Node*t_node, Node *p_node);
*: t_node为指向目标节点的指针;p_node为指向新节点的指针;
extern int replaceNode(List *p_list, Node *t_node, Node *p_node);
*: t_node为指向目标节点的指针;p_node为指向新节点的指针;
extern int exchangeNode(List *p_list, Node *f_node, Node *s_node);
#ifdef id_enable
extern int removeById(List *p_list, SID *s_id);
extern int removeByNode(List *p_list, Node *p_node);
*: ,NULL.*/
extern Node *popFromHead(List *p_list);
*: ,NULL.*/
extern Node *popFromTail(List *p_list);
#ifdef id_enable
*: ,NULL.*/
extern Node *findByIdForNode(List *p_list, SID * s_id);
*: type指明相关值的类型;value为指向储存相关值的内存的指针.
*: ,NULL.*/
extern Node *findByValue(List *p_list, unsigned int type, const void *value);
//void *findByIdForCustom(List *p_list, SID *s_id, int func(SID *));
*: type指明相关值的类型;value为指向储存相关值的内存的指针.
*: ,.NULL.*/
extern List *mply_findByValue(List *p_list, unsigned int type, const void *value);
*: 使,
*: func是一个函数指针, ,
0, 0.
*: 0,-1.*/
extern int sortListForCustom(List *p_list, int(*func)(Node *f_node, Node *s_node));
*: 0, -1.*/
extern int releaseList(List *p_list);
*: func是一个函数指针,,.
*: 0, -1.*/
extern int releaseListForCustom(List *p_list, int (*func)(void *));
*: 0, -1.*/
extern int releaseListForSingle(List *p_list);
*: 0, -1.*/
extern int releaseNode(Node *p_node);
*: func是一个函数指针,,
* ,.
* 0,-1.
*: 0, -1.*/
extern int releaseNodeForCustom(Node *p_node, int (*func)(void *));
*: 0, -1.*/
extern int releaseOnlyNode(Node *p_node);
extern int isListEmpty(List *p_list);
static int if_safeModeForNode;
static List *node_list;
static List *list_list;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
#ifndef list_simple_h
#define list_simple_h
#include <list/list_type.h>
*: ,
* 使.
*, 使
*: ,NULL.*/
extern s_Node *s_nodeWithInt(int);
*, 使
*: ,NULL.*/
extern s_Node *s_nodeWithUInt(unsigned int);
*, 使
*: ,NULL.*/
extern s_Node *s_nodeWithDouble(double);
*, 使
*: ,NULL.*/
extern s_Node *s_nodeWithString(const char *);
*, 使
*: ,NULL.*/
extern s_Node *s_nodeWithPointer(const void *);
*: ,NULL.*/
extern s_Node *s_initNode(void);
*: 0,-1.*/
extern int s_insertInHead(List *p_list, s_Node *s_p_node);
*: 0,-1.*/
extern int s_insertInTail(List *p_list, s_Node *s_p_node);
*: 0, -1.*/
extern int s_releaseNode(s_Node *s_p_node);
*: 0, -1.*/
extern int s_releaseList(List *p_list);
*: func是一个函数指针,,
* ,.
* 0,-1.
*: 0, -1.*/
extern int s_releaseListForCustom(List *p_list, int (*func)(void *));
*: func是一个函数指针,,
* ,.
* 0,-1.
*: 0, -1.*/
extern int s_releaseNodeForCustom(s_Node *s_p_node, int (*func)(void *));
#endif /* list_simple_h */

include/list/list_type.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
#ifndef list_type_h
#define list_type_h
#ifdef id_enable
#include <id/id.h>
typedef struct Node{
unsigned int type;//类型
void *value;//值指针
struct Node *next;//指向下一个节点
struct Node *last;//指向上一个节点
#ifdef id_enable
SID *s_id;
} Node;
typedef struct List{
Node *head;//指向第一个节点
Node *tail;//指向最后一个节点
uint64_t length;
#ifdef id_enable
SID *s_id;
} List;
#endif /* list_type_h */

include/list/safe_mode.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#ifndef safe_mode_h
#define safe_mode_h
#include <list/list_type.h>
*: 0,-1.
extern int safeModeForNode(int ifon);
extern int releaseAllForNode(void);
#endif /* safe_mode_h */

View File

@ -1,8 +1,39 @@
#ifndef TREE_H #ifndef TREE_H
#define TREE_H #define TREE_H
#include <stdio.h> #include <list/list_type.h>
#include "../list/list_expand.h"
typedef struct tree_node
SID *s_id;//超级树节点的ID
List *home;//超级树节点的子节点列表
struct tree_node *father;//超级树节点的父节点
Node *room;//超级树节点的父节点的子节点列表
unsigned long long child_num;//超级树节点的子节点数量
unsigned int type;//超级树节点的类型
void *value;//值指针
typedef struct simple_tree_node{
void *value;//值指针
struct simple_tree_node *childs[2];//子节点
typedef struct tree
SID *s_id;//超级树的SID
TNode *root;//超级树根节点
s_TNode *s_root;//二叉树的根节点
int safeModeForTree(int ifon); int safeModeForTree(int ifon);
int releaseAllForTree(void); int releaseAllForTree(void);

include/type.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
#ifndef type_h
#define type_h
#define list_quick_enable
#define id_enable
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef UNIX
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#define VOID 0
#define INT 1
#define DOUBLE 2
#define STRING 3
#define POINTER 4
#define LIST 5
#define STACK 6
#define TREE 7
#define LIST_NODE 8
#define TREE_NODE 9
#define STACK_NODE 10
#define T_SID 11
#define UINT 12
#define STANDARD_DATA 13
#define DATA_FILE 14
#define MESSAGE 15
#define HOLE 16
#define ULLINT 17
#define DEEPC 1
#define DEEPB 2
#define DEEPA 3
#define TYPE_LEN 5
#define DEEPC_LEN 4
#define DEEPB_LEN 8
#define DEEPA_LEN 32
#define DATA_BIT 5
#define DEEP_LEN 25
#define DEEPER_LEN 65
#define DEEPEST_LEN 225
#define SID_LEN 33
#define FILE_TSET_LEN 18
#define HEAD_TEST_LEN 9
#define INFO_TEST_LEN 8
#define ENABLE_LIST_QUICK 65535
#define FN_NODE_SPARE 500
#define INDEX_CHANGE_MAX 500
#define STD_TEXT_LEN 4
#define HIGH 0x3
#define STANDARD 0x2
#define LOW 0x1
#define ABS(x) ((x>0)?(x):(-x))
#endif /* type_h */

View File

@ -1,567 +0,0 @@
#include "list.h"
static int if_safeModeForNode = 0;
static List *node_list = NULL;
static List *list_list = NULL;
int safeModeForNode(int ifon) {
if (ifon == 1) {
if (node_list == NULL && list_list == NULL) {
node_list = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List));
if(node_list == NULL){
showError(pushError(LIST, HIGH, initInfo("safeModeForNode()", "Error in getting the memory of node_list.")));
return -1;
list_list = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List));
if(list_list == NULL){
showError(pushError(LIST, HIGH, initInfo("safeModeForNode()", "Error in getting the memory of list_list.")));
return -1;
list_list->head = NULL;
list_list->length = 0;
list_list->tail = NULL;
node_list->head = NULL;
node_list->length = 0;
node_list->tail = NULL;
if_safeModeForNode = 1;
else {
return -1;
return ifon;
int releaseSingleListForsafeModeForNode(List *p_list) {
Node *p_node = p_list->head;
List *plv_node = NULL;
while (p_node != NULL) {
plv_node = (List *)p_node->value;
plv_node->head = NULL;
plv_node->length = 0;
plv_node->tail = NULL;
p_node = p_node->next;
p_list->head = NULL;
p_list->length = 0;
p_list->tail = NULL;
return 0;
int releaseSingleNodeForsafeModeForNode(List *p_list) {
Node *p_node = p_list->head;
Node *pnv_node = NULL;
while (p_node != NULL) {
pnv_node = (Node *)p_node->value;
pnv_node->if_malloc = 0;
pnv_node->last = NULL;
pnv_node->next = NULL;
pnv_node->type = VOID;
pnv_node->value = NULL;
p_node = p_node->next;
p_list->head = NULL;
p_list->length = 0;
p_list->tail = NULL;
return 0;
int releaseAllForNode(void) {
if (if_safeModeForNode == 1) {
if_safeModeForNode = 0;
return 0;
Node *initNode(void) {
Node *p_node = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
if(p_node == NULL){
showError(pushError(LIST_NODE, STANDARD, initInfo("initNode()", "Error in getting the memory of node.")));
return NULL;
Node *prec_node = NULL;
p_node->s_id = getS_id(LIST_NODE, 1);
p_node->if_sid = 1;
p_node->if_malloc = 0;
p_node->next = NULL;
p_node->last = NULL;
p_node->type = VOID;
if (if_safeModeForNode) {
if_safeModeForNode = 0;
prec_node = initNode();
if_safeModeForNode = 1;
initMallocValueForNode(prec_node, POINTER, (void *)p_node);
insertInTail(node_list, prec_node);
return p_node;
List *initList(void) {
Node *p_node = NULL;
List *p_list = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List));
if(p_list == NULL){
showError(pushError(LIST_NODE, STANDARD, initInfo("initList()", "Error in getting the memory of list.")));
return NULL;
p_list->s_id = getS_id(LIST, 1);
p_list->if_sid = 1;
p_list->head = NULL;
p_list->tail = NULL;
p_list->length = 0;
if (if_safeModeForNode) {
if_safeModeForNode = 0;
p_node = initNode();
if_safeModeForNode = 1;
initMallocValueForNode(p_node, POINTER, (void *)p_list);
insertInTail(list_list, p_node);
return p_list;
int initMallocValueForNode(Node *p_node, unsigned int type, const void *p_value) {
p_node->if_malloc = 1;
p_node->type = type;
p_node->value = (void *)p_value;
return 0;
int insertInHead(List *p_list, Node *p_node) {
if (isListEmpty(p_list)) {
p_list->head = p_node;
p_list->tail = p_node;
else {
p_list->head->last = p_node;
p_node->last = NULL;
p_node->next = p_list->head;
p_list->head = p_node;
p_list->length += 1;
return 0;
int insertInTail(List *p_list, Node *p_node) {
if (isListEmpty(p_list)) {
p_list->head = p_node;
p_list->tail = p_node;
else {
p_list->tail->next = p_node;
p_node->next = NULL;
p_node->last = p_list->tail;
p_list->tail = p_node;
p_list->length += 1;
return 0;
int releaseNode(Node *p_node) {
if (if_safeModeForNode == 1) {
removeByNode(node_list, p_node);
if (p_node->if_malloc == 1) {
if (p_node->type != POINTER) {
if (p_node->type == LIST) {
releaseList((List *)p_node->value);
else {
p_node->value = NULL;
p_node->last = NULL;
p_node->next = NULL;
p_node->type = VOID;
p_node->value = NULL;
p_node->if_malloc = 0;
return 0;
int releaseList(List *p_list) {
Node *p_node, *pl_node;
p_node = p_list->head;
if (if_safeModeForNode == 1) {
Node *tar_list = findByValue(list_list, POINTER, (void *)p_list);//turn pointer in to int to compare.
removeByNode(list_list, tar_list);
while (p_node != NULL) {
pl_node = p_node;
p_node = p_node->next;
pl_node->next = NULL;
pl_node->last = NULL;
p_list->head = NULL;
p_list->tail = NULL;
p_list->length = 0;
return 0;
int releaseListForSingle(List *p_list) {
p_list->head = NULL;
p_list->tail = NULL;
p_list->length = 0;
return 0;
unsigned long long len(List *p_list) {
return p_list->length;
int removeById(List *p_list, const SID *s_id) {
Node *tmp = p_list->head;
if (isListEmpty(p_list))
return -1;
do {
if (simFitS_id(tmp->s_id, s_id)) {
if (tmp != p_list->head) {
tmp->last->next = tmp->next;
else {
p_list->head = tmp->next;
if (tmp != p_list->tail) {
tmp->next->last = tmp->last;
else {
p_list->tail = tmp->last;
p_list->length -= 1;
return 1;//found
else {
tmp = tmp->next;
} while (tmp != NULL);
return 0;//not find
int removeByNode(List *p_list, Node *p_node) {
Node *tmp = p_list->head;
if (isListEmpty(p_list))
return -1;
do {
if (tmp == p_node) {
tmp->last->next = tmp->next;
tmp->next->last = tmp->last;
p_list->length -= 1;
return 1;//found
else {
tmp = tmp->next;
} while (tmp != NULL);
return 0;//not find
int popFromHead(List *p_list) {
if (isListEmpty(p_list))
return -1;
else {
//Node *tmp = p_list->head;
p_list->head->next->last = NULL;
p_list->head = p_list->head->next;
//releaseNode(tmp); not necessary
p_list->length -= 1;
if (isListEmpty(p_list)) {
p_list->head = NULL;
p_list->tail = NULL;
return 0;
int popFromTail(List *p_list) {
if (isListEmpty(p_list))
return -1;
else {
//Node *tmp = p_list->tail;
p_list->tail->last->next = NULL;
p_list->tail = p_list->tail->last;
//releaseNode(tmp); not necessary
p_list->length -= 1;
if (isListEmpty(p_list)) {
p_list->head = NULL;
p_list->tail = NULL;
return 0;
Node *findByIdForNode(List *p_list, const SID *s_id) {
Node *ph_node = p_list->head;
Node *pt_node = p_list->tail;
int direction = 0;
while (ph_node != pt_node) {
if (direction == 0) {
if (simFitS_id(ph_node->s_id, s_id)) {
return ph_node;
else {
ph_node = ph_node->next;
direction = 1;
else {
if (simFitS_id(pt_node->s_id, s_id)) {
return pt_node;
else {
pt_node = pt_node->last;
return NULL;
Node *findByValue(List *p_list, unsigned int type, const void *value) {
Node *p_node = p_list->head;
while (p_node != NULL) {
if (p_node->type != type) {
p_node = p_node->next;
if (type == INT) {
if (*((int *)p_node->value) == *((int *)value)) {
return copyNode(p_node);
else if (type == DOUBLE) {
if (*((double *)p_node->value) == *((double *)value)) {
return copyNode(p_node);
else if (type == STRING) {
if (!strcmp((char *)p_node->value, (char *)value))
return copyNode(p_node);
else if (type == POINTER) {
if (p_node->value == value) {
return copyNode(p_node);
p_node = p_node->next;
return NULL;
List *mply_findByValue(List *p_list, unsigned int type, const void *value) {
List *f_list = initList();
Node *p_node = p_list->head;
while (p_node != NULL) {
if (p_node->type != type) {
p_node = p_node->next;
if (type == INT) {
if (*((int *)p_node->value) == *((int *)value)) {
Node *f_node = copyNode(p_node);
insertInTail(f_list, f_node);
else if (type == DOUBLE) {
if (*((double *)p_node->value) == *((double *)value)) {
Node *f_node = copyNode(p_node);
insertInTail(f_list, f_node);
else if (type == STRING) {
if (!strcmp((char *)p_node->value, (char *)value))
Node *f_node = copyNode(p_node);
insertInTail(f_list, f_node);
else if (type == POINTER) {
if (p_node->value == value) {
Node *f_node = copyNode(p_node);
insertInTail(f_list, f_node);
p_node = p_node->next;
return f_list;
int isListEmpty(List *p_list) {
if (p_list->head == NULL || p_list->tail == NULL)// If its head or tail is NULL,it would be thought as empty.
return 1; // But we should ensure that both of them are NULL when we
return 0; // want to make a list empty.
int exchangeLocation(Node *p_node, Node *t_node) {
Node *temp_next = p_node->next;
Node *temp_last = p_node->last;
p_node->last->next = t_node;
p_node->next->last = t_node;
t_node->last->next = p_node;
t_node->next->last = p_node;
p_node->next = t_node->next;
p_node->last = t_node->last;
t_node->next = temp_next;
t_node->last = temp_last;
return 0;
Node *copyNode(Node *p_node) {
Node *t_node = initNode();
t_node->s_id = p_node->s_id;
t_node->last = p_node->last;
t_node->next = p_node->next;
t_node->if_malloc = p_node->if_malloc;
t_node->type = p_node->type;
t_node->value = p_node->value;
return t_node;
List *copyList(List *p_list) {
Node *p_node;
Node *t_node;
List *t_list = initList();
t_list->head = p_list->head;
t_list->tail = p_list->tail;
t_list->s_id = p_list->s_id;
p_node = p_list->head;
while (p_node != NULL) {
t_node = copyNode(p_node);
insertInTail(t_list, t_node);
p_node = p_node->next;
return t_list;
int releaseOnlyNode(Node *p_node) {
p_node->if_malloc = 0;
p_node->last = NULL;
p_node->next = NULL;
p_node->type = VOID;
p_node->value = NULL;
return 0;
int releaseNodeForCustom(Node *p_node, int (*func)(void *)){
if (if_safeModeForNode == 1) {
removeByNode(node_list, p_node);
if (p_node->if_malloc == 1) {
if (func(p_node->value))
showError(pushError(LIST_NODE, STANDARD, initInfo("releaseNodeForCustom()", "Error in using custom freeing value function.")));
p_node->value = NULL;
p_node->last = NULL;
p_node->next = NULL;
p_node->type = VOID;
p_node->value = NULL;
p_node->if_malloc = 0;
return 0;
int releaseListForCustom(List *p_list, int (*func)(void *)){
Node *p_node, *pl_node;
p_node = p_list->head;
if (if_safeModeForNode == 1) {
Node *tar_list = findByValue(list_list, POINTER, (void *)p_list);
removeByNode(list_list, tar_list);
while (p_node != NULL) {
pl_node = p_node;
p_node = p_node->next;
pl_node->next = NULL;
pl_node->last = NULL;
p_list->head = NULL;
p_list->tail = NULL;
p_list->length = 0;
return 0;
int pushInfo(Info *p_info, const char *head, const char *body) {
strcpy(p_info->head, head);
strcpy(p_info->body, body);
return 0;
Error *pushError(unsigned int type, int pri, Info *p_info) {
Error *p_error = (Error *)malloc(sizeof(Error));
p_error->type = type;
p_error->priority = pri;
p_error->info = *p_info;
p_error->time = time(NULL);
return p_error;
Notice *pushNotice(unsigned int type, Info *p_info) {
Notice *p_notice = (Notice *)malloc(sizeof(Notice));
p_notice->type = type;
p_notice->info = *p_info;
p_notice->time = time(NULL);
return p_notice;
Info *initInfo(const char *head, const char *body){
Info *p_info = (Info *)malloc(sizeof(Info));
pushInfo(p_info, head, body);
return p_info;
int showError(Error *p_error){
for (int i = 0; i < p_error->priority; i++) {
printf("(Error) %s\n",asctime(localtime(&p_error->time)));
printf("%s: %s.\n",p_error->info.head,p_error->info.body);
return 0;
int showWarning(Notice *p_notice){
printf("(Warning) %s\n",asctime(localtime(&p_notice->time)));
printf("%s: %s.\n",p_notice->info.head,p_notice->info.body);
return 0;

View File

@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
#ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H
#include "../type/type.h"
#include "../id/id.h"
int safeModeForNode(int ifon);
int releaseSingleListForsafeModeForNode(List *p_list);
int releaseSingleNodeForsafeModeForNode(List *p_list);
int releaseAllForNode(void);
List *initList(void);
Node *initNode(void);
int initMallocValueForNode(Node *,unsigned int,const void *);
int insertInHead(List *p_list, Node *p_node);
int insertInTail(List *p_list, Node *p_node);
int exchangeLocation(Node *p_node,Node *t_node);
Node *copyNode(Node *);
int removeById(List *p_list, const SID *s_id);
int removeByNode(List *p_list, Node *p_node);
int popFromHead(List *p_list);
int popFromTail(List *p_list);
unsigned long long len(List *p_list);
Node *findByIdForNode(List *p_list, const SID *s_id);
Node *findByValue(List *p_list, unsigned int type, const void *value);
List *mply_findByValue(List *p_list, unsigned int type, const void *value);
int releaseList(List *p_list);
int releaseListForCustom(List *p_list, int (*func)(void *));
int releaseListForSingle(List *p_list);
int releaseNode(Node *p_node);
int releaseNodeForCustom(Node *p_node, int (*func)(void *));
int releaseOnlyNode(Node *p_node);
int isListEmpty(List *p_list);
List *copyList(List *p_list);
int pushInfo(Info *p_info, const char *head,const char *body);
Error *pushError(unsigned int type, int pri, Info *p_info);
Notice *pushNotice(unsigned int type, Info *p_info);
Info *initInfo(const char *head, const char *body);
Error *createError(Info *info,unsigned int type,int pri);
Notice *createWarning(Info *info, unsigned int type, int pri);
int showError(Error *);
int showWarning(Notice *);
static int if_safeModeForNode;
static List *node_list;
static List *list_list;

View File

@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
#include "list_expand.h"
Node *nodeWithInt(int m_int) {
Node *p_node;
int *p_int = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
if(p_int == NULL){
showError(pushError(INT, STANDARD, initInfo("nodeWithInt()", "Error in getting the memory of int.")));
return NULL;
*p_int = m_int;
p_node = initNode();
initMallocValueForNode(p_node, INT, (void *)p_int);
return p_node;
Node *nodeWithUInt(unsigned int m_uint){
Node *p_node;
unsigned int *pu_int = (unsigned int *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int));
if(pu_int == NULL){
showError(pushError(INT, STANDARD, initInfo("nodeWithUInt()", "Error in getting the memory of int.")));
return NULL;
*pu_int = m_uint;
p_node = initNode();
initMallocValueForNode(p_node, INT, (void *)pu_int);
return p_node;
Node *nodeWithDouble(double m_double) {
Node *p_node;
double *p_double = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double));
if(p_double == NULL){
showError(pushError(DOUBLE, STANDARD, initInfo("nodeWithDouble()", "Error in getting the memory of double.")));
return NULL;
*p_double = m_double;
p_node = initNode();
initMallocValueForNode(p_node, DOUBLE, (void *)p_double);
return p_node;
Node *nodeWithString(const char *m_string) {
Node *p_node;
char *p_string = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(m_string) + 1));
if(p_string == NULL){
showError(pushError(STRING, STANDARD, initInfo("initWithString()", "Error in getting the memory of string.")));
return NULL;
strcpy(p_string, m_string);
p_node = initNode();
initMallocValueForNode(p_node, STRING, (void *)p_string);
return p_node;
Node *nodeWithPointer(const void *m_pointer) {
Node *p_node = initNode();
initMallocValueForNode(p_node, POINTER, m_pointer);
return p_node;
Node *nodeWithComplex(void) {
Node *p_node = initNode();
p_node->type = LIST;
p_node->value = initList();
p_node->if_malloc = 1;
return p_node;
Node *findByIndexForNode(List *p_list, unsigned long long m_index) {
Node *p_node = p_list->head;
unsigned long long i;
for (i = 0; i < m_index; i++) {
p_node = p_node->next;
return p_node;
List *listThrough(List *p_list, List *(*p_func)(unsigned int, void *, List *), List *expand_resources) {
Node *p_node = p_list->head;
List *m_rtnlst = NULL;
while (p_node != NULL) {
if (p_node->if_malloc == 1) {
List *m_rtnlst = (*p_func)(p_node->type, p_node->value, expand_resources);
int status = getByIntForNode(findByIndexForNode(m_rtnlst, 0));
if (status == -1) break;
else if (status == 1) {
p_node = p_node->last;
m_rtnlst = NULL;
else {
m_rtnlst = NULL;
p_node = p_node->next;
return m_rtnlst;
int getByIntForNode(Node *p_node) {
if (p_node->type == INT) return *(int *)(p_node->value);
else return -1;
unsigned int getByUIntForNode(Node *p_node){
if (p_node->type == UINT) return *(unsigned int *)(p_node->value);
else return -1;
char *getByStringForNode(Node *p_node) {
if (p_node->type == STRING) return (char *)(p_node->value);
else return NULL;
double getByDoubleForNode(Node *p_node) {
if (p_node->type == DOUBLE) return *(double *)(p_node->value);
else return -1;
void *getByPointerForNode(Node *p_node) {
if (p_node->type == POINTER) return (void *)(p_node->value);
else return NULL;
void printListInfo(List *p_list, int priority) {
int i = 0;
Node *p_node;
for (i = 0; i < priority; i++) printf(" ");
printf("###LIST(location:%p, id:%s){\n", p_list, s_idToASCIIString(p_list->s_id));
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("HEAD->%p / Tail->%p / Length:%llu\n", p_list->head, p_list->tail, p_list->length);
p_node = p_list->head;
while (p_node != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("%d.... \n", i);
printNodeInfo(p_node, priority + 1);
p_node = p_node->next;
for (i = 0; i < priority; i++) printf(" ");
void printList(List *p_list) {
int if_nearLast = 0;
Node *p_node = p_list->head;
while (p_node != NULL) {
if (!if_nearLast && p_node->next == NULL) if_nearLast = 1;
if (p_node->type == INT) {
printf("%d", *(int *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == DOUBLE) {
printf("%a", *(double *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == STRING) {
printf("%s", (char *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == POINTER) {
printf("%p", (char *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == LIST) {
printList((List *)p_node->value);
if (!if_nearLast) {
printf(", ");
p_node = p_node->next;
void printNodeInfo(Node *p_node, int priority) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < priority; i++) printf(" ");
printf("#NODE(location:%p, id:%s){\n", p_node, s_idToASCIIString(p_node->s_id));
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("NEXT->%p / LAST->%p / MALLOC:%d\n", p_node->next, p_node->last, p_node->if_malloc);
if (p_node->type == INT) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("VALUE(int):%d\n", *(int *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == DOUBLE) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("VALUE(double):%a\n", *(double *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == STRING) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("VALUE(string):%s\n", (char *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == POINTER) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("VALUE(pointer):%s\n", (char *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == LIST) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printListInfo((List *)p_node->value, priority + 2);
for (i = 0; i < priority; i++) printf(" ");
void printNode(Node *p_node) {
int i;
printf("#NODE(location:%p, id:%s){\n", p_node, s_idToASCIIString(p_node->s_id));
printf(" ");
printf("NEXT->%p / LAST->%p\n", p_node->next, p_node->last);
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("ifMalloc: ");
if (p_node->if_malloc) {
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Value(type: %d): ", p_node->type);
if (p_node->type == INT) {
printf("%d", *(int *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == DOUBLE) {
printf("%a\n", *(double *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == STRING) {
printf("%s\n", (char *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == POINTER) {
printf("%p\n", (char *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == LIST) {
printList((List *)p_node->value);
else printf("NO\n");
Node *findByIntForNode(List *p_list, int target) {
Node *t_node;
int *p_target = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
*p_target = target;
t_node = findByValue(p_list, INT, p_target);
return t_node;
Node *findByDoubleForNode(List *p_list, double target) {
Node *t_node;
double *p_target = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double));
*p_target = target;
t_node = findByValue(p_list, DOUBLE, p_target);
return t_node;
Node *findByStringForNode(List *p_list, char *target) {
Node *t_node;
char *p_temp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(target) + 1));
strcpy(p_temp, target);
t_node = findByValue(p_list, STRING, p_temp);
return t_node;
Node *findByPointerForNode(List *p_list, void *target) {
Node *t_node = findByValue(p_list, POINTER, target);
return t_node;
int addValueForComplex(Node * p_node, int type, void *value) {
List *c_list;
Node *c_node;
if (p_node->type == LIST) {
c_list = (List *)p_node->value;
c_node = initNode();
initMallocValueForNode(c_node, type, value);
insertInTail(c_list, c_node);
return 0;
return -1;
int addIntForComplex(Node *p_node, int temp) {
if (p_node->type == LIST) {
int *p_temp = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
if(p_temp == NULL){
showError(pushError(INT, STANDARD, initInfo("addIntForComplex()", "Error in getting the memory of int.")));
return -1;
*p_temp = temp;
addValueForComplex(p_node, INT, p_temp);
return 0;
return -1;
int addDoubleForComplex(Node *p_node, double temp) {
if (p_node->type == LIST) {
double *p_temp = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double));
if(p_temp == NULL){
showError(pushError(DOUBLE, STANDARD, initInfo("addDoubleForComplex()", "Error in getting the memory of double.")));
return -1;
*p_temp = temp;
addValueForComplex(p_node, DOUBLE, p_temp);
return 0;
return -1;
int addStringForComplex(Node *p_node, char *temp) {
if (p_node->type == LIST) {
char *p_temp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(strlen(temp) + 1));
if(p_temp == NULL){
showError(pushError(STRING, STANDARD, initInfo("addStringForComplex()", "Error in getting the memory of string.")));
return -1;
strcpy(p_temp, temp);
addValueForComplex(p_node, STRING, p_temp);
return 0;
return -1;
int addPointerForComplex(Node *p_node, void *temp) {
if (p_node->type == LIST) {
addValueForComplex(p_node, POINTER, temp);
return 0;
return -1;
List *m_findByInt(List* p_list, int temp) {
int *p_temp = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
if(p_temp == NULL){
showError(pushError(INT, STANDARD, initInfo("m_findByInt()", "Error in getting the memory of int.")));
return NULL;
List *t_list;
*p_temp = temp;
t_list = mply_findByValue(p_list, INT, (void *)p_temp);
return t_list;
List *m_findByDouble(List* p_list, double temp) {
List *t_list;
double *p_temp = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double));
if(p_temp == NULL){
showError(pushError(DOUBLE, STANDARD, initInfo("m_findByDouble()", "Error in getting the memory of double.")));
return NULL;
*p_temp = temp;
t_list = mply_findByValue(p_list, DOUBLE, (void *)p_temp);
return t_list;
List *m_findByString(List* p_list, char *temp) {
List *t_list;
char *p_temp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(temp) + 1));
if(p_temp == NULL){
showError(pushError(STRING, STANDARD, initInfo("m_findByString()", "Error in getting the memory of string.")));
return NULL;
strcpy(p_temp, temp);
t_list = mply_findByValue(p_list, STRING, (void *)p_temp);
return t_list;
List *m_findByPointer(List* p_list, void *temp) {
List *t_list = mply_findByValue(p_list, DOUBLE, (void *)temp);
return t_list;
unsigned long long getIndexByNode(List *p_list, Node *p_node) {
Node *t_node = p_list->head;
unsigned long long index = 0;
while (t_node != NULL) {
if (p_node->s_id == t_node->s_id) return index;
t_node = t_node->next;
return 0;
List *m_findByIntForNode(List* p_list, int temp) {
int *p_temp = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
if(p_temp == NULL){
showError(pushError(INT, STANDARD, initInfo("m_findByIntForNode()", "Error in getting the memory of int.")));
return NULL;
*p_temp = temp;
return mply_findByValue(p_list, INT, (void *)p_temp);
List *m_findByDoubleForNode(List* p_list, double temp) {
double *p_temp = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double));
if(p_temp == NULL){
showError(pushError(DOUBLE, STANDARD, initInfo("m_findByDoubleForNode()", "Error in getting the memory of double.")));
return NULL;
*p_temp = temp;
return mply_findByValue(p_list, DOUBLE, (void *)p_temp);
List *m_findByStringForNode(List* p_list, char *temp) {
char *p_temp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(temp) + 1));
if(p_temp == NULL){
showError(pushError(STRING, STANDARD, initInfo("m_findByStringForNode()", "Error in getting the memory of string.")));
return NULL;
strcpy(p_temp, temp);
return mply_findByValue(p_list, STRING, (void *)p_temp);
List *m_findByPointerForNode(List* p_list, void *temp) {
return mply_findByValue(p_list, POINTER, (void *)temp);
unsigned long long calListMemory(List * p_list){
Node *p_node = p_list->head;
unsigned long long nodes_size = 0LL;
unsigned long long list_size = sizeof(p_list);
while(p_node != NULL){
nodes_size += sizeof(p_node);
p_node = p_node->next;
return list_size + nodes_size;
int updateValueWithInt(Node *p_node,int value){
int *p_value = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
if(p_value == NULL){
showError(pushError(INT, STANDARD, initInfo("updateValueWithInt()", "Error in getting the memory of int.")));
return -1;
*p_value = value;
p_node->value = p_value;
return 0;
int updateValueWithDouble(Node *p_node, double value){
double *p_value = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double));
if(p_value == NULL){
showError(pushError(DOUBLE, STANDARD, initInfo("updateValueWithDouble()", "Error in getting the memory of double.")));
return -1;
*p_value = value;
p_node->value = p_value;
return 0;
int updateValueWithString(Node *p_node, char *string){
char *p_value = (char *)malloc(sizeof(strlen(string)) + 1);
if(p_value == NULL){
showError(pushError(STRING, STANDARD, initInfo("updateValueWithString()", "Error in getting the memory of string.")));
return -1;
strcpy(p_value, string);
p_node->value = p_value;
return 0;
int updateValueWithPointer(Node *p_node, void *pointer){
p_node->value = pointer;
return 0;

View File

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
#include "list.h"
Node *nodeWithInt(int);
Node *nodeWithUInt(unsigned int);
Node *nodeWithDouble(double);
Node *nodeWithString(const char *);
Node *nodeWithPointer(const void *);
Node *nodeWithComplex(void);
int addValueForComplex(Node *, int type, void *value);
int addIntForComplex(Node *, int);
int addDoubleForComplex(Node *, double);
int addStringForComplex(Node *, char *);
int addPointerForComplex(Node *, void *);
int updateValueWithInt(Node *,int);
int updateValueWithDouble(Node *,double);
int updateValueWithString(Node *,char *);
int updateValueWithPointer(Node *,void *);
Node *findByIndexForNode(List *, unsigned long long);
Node *findByIntForNode(List *, int);
Node *findByDoubleForNode(List *, double);
Node *findByStringForNode(List *, char *);
Node *findByPointerForNode(List *, void *);
List *m_findByIntForNode(List*, int);
List *m_findByDoubleForNode(List*, double);
List *m_findByStringForNode(List*, char *);
List *m_findByPointerForNode(List*, void *);
void printListInfo(List *p_list,int priority);
void printNodeInfo(Node *p_node,int priority);
void printList(List *);
void printNode(Node *p_node);
int getByIntForNode(Node *);
unsigned int getByUIntForNode(Node *);
double getByDoubleForNode(Node *);
char *getByStringForNode(Node *);
void *getByPointerForNode(Node *);
unsigned long long getIndexByNode(List *p_list,Node *p_node);
List *listThrough(List *p_list, List *(*p_func)(unsigned int type, void *value, List *), List *expand_resources);
unsigned long long calListMemory(List *);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
MSG *createMessage(char *title, void *data, unsigned long data_size){
MSG *p_msg = malloc(sizeof(MSG) + data_size);
p_msg->p_sid = getS_id(MESSAGE, 1);
p_msg->time = time(NULL);
return p_msg;
/*int sendMessageIPv4(MSG *p_msg, char *ip, unsigned int port){
int client_sockfd;
struct sockaddr_in remote_addr;
char buf[BUFSIZ];
memcpy(buf, "ZEMSG", 5);
connect(client_sockfd,(struct sockaddr *)&remote_addr,sizeof(struct sockaddr));
unsigned long bkmsg_len = 0;
bkmsg_len = recv(client_sockfd, buf, BUFSIZ, 0);
buf[bkmsg_len] = '\0';
if(!strcmp(buf, "TITLE_REV_READY")){
memcpy(buf, p_msg->titile, strlen(p_msg->titile));
bkmsg_len = recv(client_sockfd, buf, BUFSIZ, 0);
buf[bkmsg_len] = '\0';
if(!strcmp(buf, "CONTENT_LEN_REV_READY")){
memcpy(buf, (char *)p_msg->size, sizeof(unsigned int));
send(client_sockfd,buf,sizeof(unsigned int),0);
bkmsg_len = recv(client_sockfd, buf, BUFSIZ, 0);
buf[bkmsg_len] = '\0';
if(!strcmp(buf, "CONTENT_REV_READY")){
memcpy(buf, p_msg->content, p_msg->size);
return 0;
return -1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
int dataFileReadOut(D_FILE *p_dfile){
listThrough(p_dfile->pf_stdlst, __CALLBACK_CALL(dataFileReadOut), __SEND_ARG("%p", p_dfile));
return -1;
D_FILE *p_dfile = __ARGS_P(0, D_FILE);
readStandardData(p_dfile, __VALUE(STD_DATA *));
return __CRETURN__;
int readDataFileInfo(D_FILE *p_dfile){
uint32_t std_num = 0,std_size;
uint16_t std_type = VOID;
char info_begin[INFO_TEST_LEN], s_id[SID_LEN];
uint32_t location = 0;
fread(&std_num, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, p_dfile->fp);
fread(info_begin, sizeof(char),INFO_TEST_LEN,p_dfile->fp);
location += INFO_TEST_LEN + sizeof(uint32_t) + FILE_TSET_LEN;
if(!strcmp(info_begin, "STDINFO")){
location += std_num * 45 + 7;
for(int i = 0; i < std_num; i++){
fread(s_id, sizeof(char), SID_LEN, p_dfile->fp);
fread(&std_type, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, p_dfile->fp);
fread(&std_size, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, p_dfile->fp);
SID *temp_sid = setS_idWithString(s_id);
STD_DATA *p_std = initStandardData(std_type,temp_sid);
p_std->size = std_size;
p_std->type = std_type;
p_std->location = location;
dataFileAddStandardData(p_dfile, p_std);
location += std_size;
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
int checkIfDataFile(D_FILE *p_dfile){
char test_info[FILE_TSET_LEN];
fread(test_info, sizeof(char), FILE_TSET_LEN, p_dfile->fp);
strcpy(p_dfile->pf_head->head_test, test_info);
if(!strcmp(test_info, "ZESTDLIB_STDDFILE"))return 1;
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
D_FILE *initDataFileForWrite(char *route){
D_FILE *p_dfile = (D_FILE *)malloc(sizeof(D_FILE));
p_dfile->fp = fopen(route, "wb");
p_dfile->pf_head = (F_HEAD *)malloc(sizeof(F_HEAD));
p_dfile->pf_head->data_num = 0;
p_dfile->pf_stdlst = initList(0);
return p_dfile;
D_FILE *initDataFileForRead(char *route){
D_FILE *p_dfile = (D_FILE *)malloc(sizeof(D_FILE));
p_dfile->fp = fopen(route, "rb");
p_dfile->pf_head = (F_HEAD *)malloc(sizeof(F_HEAD));
p_dfile->pf_head->data_num = 0;
p_dfile->pf_stdlst = initList(0);
return p_dfile;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
int dataFileAddStandardData(D_FILE *p_dfile, STD_DATA *p_std){
insertInTail(p_dfile->pf_stdlst, nodeWithPointer(p_std,0));
p_dfile->pf_head->data_num = (uint32_t)p_dfile->pf_stdlst->length;
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
int dataFileWriteIn(D_FILE *p_dfile){
fwrite(p_dfile->pf_head->head_test, sizeof(char), 18, p_dfile->fp);
fwrite(&p_dfile->pf_head->data_num, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, p_dfile->fp);
fwrite("STDINFO", sizeof(char), 8, p_dfile->fp);
listThrough(p_dfile->pf_stdlst, __CALLBACK_CALL(StandardDataInfoWrite), __SEND_ARG("%p", p_dfile->fp));
fwrite("STDLST", sizeof(char), 7, p_dfile->fp);
listThrough(p_dfile->pf_stdlst, __CALLBACK_CALL(StandardDataWrite), __SEND_ARG("%p", p_dfile->fp));
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
int releaseDFile(D_FILE *p_dfile){
releaseListForCustom(p_dfile->pf_stdlst, (int (*)(void *))releaseStandardData);
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
SID *t_sid = __ARGS_P(0, SID);
STD_DATA *p_std = __VALUE(STD_DATA *);
if(simFitS_id(p_std->s_id, t_sid)){
return __RETURN("%p", p_std);
return __CRETURN__;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
int readStandardData(D_FILE *p_dfile,STD_DATA *p_std){
char s_id[SID_LEN],std_text[STD_TEXT_LEN];
fseek(p_dfile->fp, p_std->location, SEEK_SET);
fread(std_text, sizeof(char), STD_TEXT_LEN, p_dfile->fp);
if(strcmp(std_text, "STD")) return -1;
fread(s_id, sizeof(char), SID_LEN, p_dfile->fp);
if(!strcmp(s_id, p_std->s_id->decrypt_str)){
uint32_t ctn_num = 0, blk_num = 0;
fread(&ctn_num, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, p_dfile->fp);
fread(&blk_num, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, p_dfile->fp);
for(int i = 0; i < ctn_num; i++){
SID *fs_id = NULL, *ss_id = NULL;
char t_sid[SID_LEN];
fread(t_sid, sizeof(char), SID_LEN, p_dfile->fp);
fs_id = setS_idWithString(t_sid);
fread(t_sid, sizeof(char), SID_LEN, p_dfile->fp);
ss_id = setS_idWithString(t_sid);
standardDataAddConnection(p_std, fs_id, ss_id);
for(int i = 0; i < blk_num; i++){
int if_sid = 0;
uint16_t type = VOID;
uint32_t blk_size = 0;
char t_sid[SID_LEN];
fread(&if_sid, sizeof(int32_t), 1, p_dfile->fp);
fread(t_sid, sizeof(char), SID_LEN, p_dfile->fp);
fread(&type, sizeof(int32_t), 1, p_dfile->fp);
fread(&blk_size, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, p_dfile->fp);
char *buff = malloc(sizeof(char) * blk_size);
fread(buff, sizeof(char), blk_size, p_dfile->fp);
SID *sb_sid = NULL;
if (if_sid) setS_idWithString(t_sid);
standardDataAddBlock(p_std, sb_sid, type, buff, blk_size);
p_std->read_data = 1;
return 0;
int readStandardDataBySid(D_FILE *p_dfile, SID *p_sid){
List *rtn = listThrough(p_dfile->pf_stdlst, __CALLBACK_CALL(findStandardDataBySid), __SEND_ARG("%p", p_sid));
//STD_DATA *p_std = __RTN_ARGS_P(rtn, 0, STD_DATA);
//if(p_std != NULL) readStandardData(p_dfile, p_std);
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
uint32_t calStandardData(STD_DATA *p_std){
List *rtn_lst = NULL;
uint32_t size = 4 + sizeof(unsigned long long) * 2;
if(p_std->s_id != NULL) size += SID_LEN * sizeof(char);
rtn_lst = listThrough(p_std->pd_ctnlst, __CALLBACK_CALL(calStandardDataCTN), __SEND_ARG("%d", size));
if(rtn_lst != NULL){
size = __RTN_ARGS(rtn_lst, 0, uint32_t);
rtn_lst = listThrough(p_std->pd_blocklst, __CALLBACK_CALL(calStandardDataBLK), __SEND_ARG("%d", size));
if(rtn_lst != NULL){
size = __RTN_ARGS(rtn_lst, 0, uint32_t);
return size;
uint32_t size = __ARGS(0, uint32_t);
if(p_stdb->sid != NULL) size += SID_LEN + sizeof(int32_t);
else size += sizeof(int32_t);
size += p_stdb->blocks_num + sizeof(uint16_t) + sizeof(uint32_t);
//unsigned long long temp = __NOW_INDEX;
if(__NOW_INDEX == __LIST_LEN - 1){
return __RETURN("%ull", size);
return __CRETURN__;
void printStandardData(void *value){
STD_DATA *p_std = (STD_DATA *)value;
printf("Ctn number:%llu\n",p_std->pd_ctnlst->length);
printf("Blk number:%llu\n",p_std->pd_blocklst->length);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
STD_CTN *initStandardDConnection(SID *f_sid, SID *s_sid){
STD_CTN *p_stdc = (STD_CTN *)malloc(sizeof(STD_CTN));
p_stdc->f_sid = s_idToASCIIString(f_sid);
p_stdc->s_sid = s_idToASCIIString(s_sid);
p_stdc->location = 0;
return p_stdc;
STD_DATA *initStandardData(uint16_t type, SID *s_id){
STD_DATA *p_std = (STD_DATA *)malloc(sizeof(STD_DATA));
p_std->pd_blocklst = initList(0);
p_std->pd_ctnlst = initList(0);
p_std->lock = 0;
p_std->type = type;
p_std->size = 0;
p_std->location = 0;
p_std->read_data = 0;
if(s_id == NULL) p_std->s_id = getS_id(STANDARD_DATA, 2);
else p_std->s_id = copyS_id(s_id);
return p_std;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
int standardDataAddBlock(STD_DATA *p_std, SID *p_sid ,uint16_t type, void *data, uint32_t data_size){
if (p_std->lock) return -1;
STD_BLOCKS *p_stdb = initStandardDBlocks(p_sid, type,data_size);
dataForStandardDBlock(p_stdb, data);
insertInTail(p_std->pd_blocklst, nodeWithPointer(p_stdb,0));
return 0;
int standardDataAddConnection(STD_DATA *p_std, SID *f_sid, SID *s_sid){
if (p_std->lock) return -1;
STD_CTN *p_stdb = initStandardDConnection(f_sid, s_sid);
insertInTail(p_std->pd_ctnlst, nodeWithPointer(p_stdb,0));
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
FILE *fp = __ARGS_P(0, FILE);
STD_DATA *p_std = __VALUE(STD_DATA *);
fwrite(p_std->s_id->decrypt_str, sizeof(char), SID_LEN, fp);
fwrite(&p_std->type, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, fp);
uint32_t std_size = calStandardData(p_std);
p_std->size = std_size;
fwrite(&std_size, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp);
return __CRETURN__;
FILE *fp = __ARGS_P(0, FILE);
STD_DATA *p_std = __VALUE(STD_DATA *);
fwrite("STD", sizeof(char), 4, fp);
fwrite(p_std->s_id->decrypt_str, sizeof(char), SID_LEN, fp);
fwrite(&p_std->pd_ctnlst->length, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp);
fwrite(&p_std->pd_blocklst->length, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp);
listThrough(p_std->pd_ctnlst, __CALLBACK_CALL(StandardDConnectionWrite), __SEND_ARG("%p", fp));
listThrough(p_std->pd_blocklst, __CALLBACK_CALL(StandardDBlockWrite), __SEND_ARG("%p", fp));
return __CRETURN__;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
int releaseStandardData(STD_DATA *p_std){
releaseListForCustom(p_std->pd_blocklst, (int (*)(void *))releaseSTDBlocks);
releaseListForCustom(p_std->pd_ctnlst, (int (*)(void *))releaseSTDConnection);
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
STD_BLOCKS *initStandardDBlocks(SID *p_sid, uint16_t type, uint32_t data_size){
STD_BLOCKS *p_stdb = (STD_BLOCKS *)malloc(sizeof(STD_BLOCKS));
if(p_sid != NULL){
p_stdb->sid = s_idToASCIIString(p_sid);
else p_stdb->sid = NULL;
p_stdb->if_data = 0;
p_stdb->location = 0;
uint32_t blocks_num = (uint32_t)(data_size/sizeof(char));
p_stdb->blocks_num = blocks_num;
p_stdb->type = type;
p_stdb->buff = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * blocks_num);
return p_stdb;
int dataForStandardDBlock(STD_BLOCKS *p_stdb,void *data){
char *t_data = (char *)data;
/*unsigned int data_size = sizeof(data);*/
for(int i = 0; i < p_stdb->blocks_num; i++){
p_stdb->buff[i] = t_data[i];
p_stdb->if_data = 1;
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
STD_BLOCKS *p_stdb = value;
FILE *fp = __ARGS_P(0, FILE);
unsigned long blocks_num = p_stdb->blocks_num;
int if_sid = 0;
if(p_stdb->sid != NULL){
if_sid = 1;
fwrite(&if_sid, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
fwrite(p_stdb->sid, sizeof(char), SID_LEN, fp);
fwrite(&if_sid, sizeof(int), 1, fp);
fwrite(&p_stdb->type, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, fp);
fwrite(&blocks_num, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp);
fwrite(p_stdb->buff, sizeof(char), p_stdb->blocks_num, fp);
return __CRETURN__;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
int releaseSTDBlocks(STD_BLOCKS *p_stdb){
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
FILE *fp = __ARGS_P(0, FILE);
STD_CTN *p_stdc = __VALUE(STD_CTN *);
fwrite(p_stdc->f_sid, sizeof(char), SID_LEN, fp);
fwrite(p_stdc->s_sid, sizeof(char), SID_LEN, fp);
return __CRETURN__;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
uint32_t size = __ARGS(0, uint32_t);
size += 64;
//unsigned long long temp = __NOW_INDEX;
if(__NOW_INDEX == __LIST_LEN - 1){
__RETURN("%ull", size);
return __CRETURN__;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
int releaseSTDConnection(STD_CTN *p_stdc){
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
STD_DATA *listToSTD(List *p_list){
Node *p_node = p_list->head;
STD_DATA *p_std = NULL;
if (p_list->s_id != NULL){
p_std = initStandardData(LIST,p_list->s_id);
else p_std = initStandardData(LIST, NULL);
while (p_node != NULL) {
if(p_node->type == HOLE) continue;
uint32_t data_size = 0;
if(p_node->type == INT) data_size = sizeof(int);
else if (p_node->type == DOUBLE) data_size = sizeof(double);
else if (p_node->type == STRING) data_size = (uint32_t)strlen((char *)p_node->value) + 1;
else data_size = sizeof(void *);
standardDataAddBlock(p_std, p_node->s_id, p_node->type, p_node->value, data_size);
p_node = p_node->next;
return p_std;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
List *standardDataToList(STD_DATA *p_std){
List *p_list = initList(0);
listThrough(p_std->pd_blocklst, __CALLBACK_CALL(StandardDataToList), __SEND_ARG("%p", p_list));
return p_list;
List *p_list = __ARGS_P(0, List);
Node *p_node = initNode(0);
p_node->s_id = setS_idWithString(p_stdb->sid);
p_node->type = p_stdb->type;
p_node->value = malloc(sizeof(p_stdb->blocks_num));
memcpy(p_node->value, p_stdb->buff, sizeof(p_stdb->blocks_num));
insertInTail(p_list, p_node);
return __CRETURN__;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <chain/chain_type.h>
@param p_list
uint64_t calListMemory(Chain * p_list){
Node *p_node = p_list->head;
uint64_t nodes_size = 0LL;
uint64_t list_size = sizeof(p_list);
while(p_node != NULL){
nodes_size += sizeof(p_node);
p_node = p_node->next;
return list_size + nodes_size;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
CNode *nodeWithComplex(void) {
CNode *p_node = initNode(0);
p_node->type = LIST;
p_node->value = initList(0);
return p_node;
@param p_node
@param type
@param value
int addValueForComplex(CNode * p_node, int type, void *value) {
List *c_list;
CNode *c_node;
if (p_node->type == LIST) {
c_list = (List *)p_node->value;
c_node = initNode(0);
initMallocValueForNode(c_node, type, value);
insertInTail(c_list, c_node);
return 0;
return -1;
@param p_node
@param temp
int addIntForComplex(CNode *p_node, int temp) {
if (p_node->type == LIST) {
int *p_temp = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
if(p_temp == NULL){
return -1;
*p_temp = temp;
addValueForComplex(p_node, INT, p_temp);
return 0;
return -1;
@param p_node
@param temp
int addDoubleForComplex(CNode *p_node, double temp) {
if (p_node->type == LIST) {
double *p_temp = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double));
if(p_temp == NULL){
return -1;
*p_temp = temp;
addValueForComplex(p_node, DOUBLE, p_temp);
return 0;
return -1;
@param p_node
@param temp
int addStringForComplex(CNode *p_node, char *temp) {
if (p_node->type == LIST) {
char *p_temp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(strlen(temp) + 1));
if(p_temp == NULL){
return -1;
strcpy(p_temp, temp);
addValueForComplex(p_node, STRING, p_temp);
return 0;
return -1;
@param p_node
@param temp
int addPointerForComplex(CNode *p_node, void *temp) {
if (p_node->type == LIST) {
addValueForComplex(p_node, POINTER, temp);
return 0;
return -1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
@param p_list
@param target
CNode *findByIntForNode(Chain *p_list, int target) {
CNode *t_node;
int *p_target = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
*p_target = target;
t_node = findByValue(p_list, INT, p_target);
return t_node;
@param p_list
@param target
CNode *findByDoubleForNode(Chain *p_list, double target) {
CNode *t_node;
double *p_target = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double));
*p_target = target;
t_node = findByValue(p_list, DOUBLE, p_target);
return t_node;
@param p_list
@param target
CNode *findByStringForNode(Chain *p_list, char *target) {
CNode *t_node;
char *p_temp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(target) + 1));
strcpy(p_temp, target);
t_node = findByValue(p_list, STRING, p_temp);
return t_node;
@param p_list
@param target
CNode *findByPointerForNode(Chain *p_list, void *target) {
CNode *t_node = findByValue(p_list, POINTER, target);
return t_node;
@param p_list
@param temp
Chain *mply_findByInt(Chain* p_list, int temp) {
int *p_temp = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
if(p_temp == NULL){
return NULL;
Chain *t_list;
*p_temp = temp;
t_list = mply_findByValue(p_list, INT, (void *)p_temp);
return t_list;
@param p_list
@param temp
Chain *mply_findByDouble(Chain* p_list, double temp) {
Chain *t_list;
double *p_temp = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double));
if(p_temp == NULL){
return NULL;
*p_temp = temp;
t_list = mply_findByValue(p_list, DOUBLE, (void *)p_temp);
return t_list;
@param p_list
@param temp
Chain *mply_findByString(Chain* p_list, char *temp) {
Chain *t_list;
char *p_temp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(temp) + 1));
if(p_temp == NULL){
return NULL;
strcpy(p_temp, temp);
t_list = mply_findByValue(p_list, STRING, (void *)p_temp);
return t_list;
@param p_list
@param temp
Chain *mply_findByPointer(Chain* p_list, void *temp) {
Chain *t_list = mply_findByValue(p_list, DOUBLE, (void *)temp);
return t_list;
@param p_list
@param temp
inline Chain *mply_findByIntForNode(Chain* p_list, int temp) {
return mply_findByInt(p_list, temp);
@param p_list
@param temp
inline Chain *mply_findByDoubleForNode(Chain* p_list, double temp) {
return mply_findByDouble(p_list, temp);
@param p_list
@param temp
inline Chain *mply_findByStringForNode(Chain* p_list, char *temp) {
return mply_findByString(p_list, temp);
@param p_list
@param temp
inline Chain *mply_findByPointerForNode(Chain* p_list, void *temp) {
return mply_findByPointer(p_list, temp);
@param p_list
@param m_index
CNode *findByIndexForNode(Chain *p_list, unsigned long long m_index) {
if(p_list == NULL) return NULL;
CNode *p_node = p_list->head;
unsigned long long i;
for (i = 0; i < m_index; i++) {
p_node = p_node->next;
return p_node;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
@param p_node
@return 0
int getByIntForNode(CNode *p_node) {
if (p_node->type == INT) return *(int *)(p_node->value);
else return 0;
@param p_node
@return 0
unsigned int getByUIntForNode(CNode *p_node){
if (p_node->type == UINT) return *(unsigned int *)(p_node->value);
else return 0;
@param p_node
char *getByStringForNode(CNode *p_node) {
if (p_node->type == STRING) return (char *)(p_node->value);
else return NULL;
@param p_node
double getByDoubleForNode(CNode *p_node) {
if (p_node->type == DOUBLE) return *(double *)(p_node->value);
else return -1.0;
@param p_node
void *getByPointerForNode(CNode *p_node) {
return (void *)(p_node->value);
@param p_list
@param p_node
@return 0
unsigned long long getIndexByNode(Chain *p_list, CNode *p_node) {
register CNode *t_node = p_list->head;
register unsigned long long index = 0;
while (t_node != NULL) {
// id模块可能启用的时候则编译以下代码
#ifdef id_enable
if (p_node->s_id == t_node->s_id) return index;
t_node = t_node->next;
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
@param m_int
@param if_sid id
CNode *nodeWithInt(int m_int, _Bool if_sid) {
CNode *p_node;
int *p_int = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
if(p_int == NULL){
return NULL;
*p_int = m_int;
p_node = initNode(if_sid);
initMallocValueForNode(p_node, INT, (void *)p_int);
return p_node;
@param m_uint
@param if_sid id
CNode *nodeWithUInt(uint32_t m_uint, _Bool if_sid){
CNode *p_node;
unsigned int *pu_int = (uint32_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint32_t));
if(pu_int == NULL){
return NULL;
*pu_int = m_uint;
p_node = initNode(if_sid);
initMallocValueForNode(p_node, UINT, (void *)pu_int);
return p_node;
@param m_ullint
@param if_sid id
CNode *nodeWithULLInt(uint64_t m_ullint, _Bool if_sid) {
CNode *p_node;
unsigned long long *p_ullint = (uint64_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint64_t));
if(p_ullint == NULL){
return NULL;
*p_ullint = m_ullint;
p_node = initNode(if_sid);
initMallocValueForNode(p_node, ULLINT, (void *)p_ullint);
return p_node;
@param m_double
@param if_sid id
CNode *nodeWithDouble(double m_double, _Bool if_sid) {
CNode *p_node;
double *p_double = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double));
if(p_double == NULL){
return NULL;
*p_double = m_double;
p_node = initNode(if_sid);
initMallocValueForNode(p_node, DOUBLE, (void *)p_double);
return p_node;
@param m_string
@param if_sid id
CNode *nodeWithString(const char *m_string, _Bool if_sid) {
CNode *p_node;
char *p_string = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(m_string) + 1));
if(p_string == NULL){
return NULL;
strcpy(p_string, m_string);
p_node = initNode(if_sid);
initMallocValueForNode(p_node, STRING, (void *)p_string);
return p_node;
@param m_pointer
@param if_sid id
CNode *nodeWithPointer(const void *m_pointer, _Bool if_sid) {
CNode *p_node = initNode(if_sid);
initMallocValueForNode(p_node, POINTER, m_pointer);
return p_node;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <chain/chain_print.h>
@param p_list
@param priority
void printListInfo(Chain *p_list, int priority) {
int i = 0;
CNode *p_node;
for (i = 0; i < priority; i++) printf(" ");
// 如果可能使用到ID模块则编译以下代码
#ifdef id_enable
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("HEAD->%p / Tail->%p / Length:%llu\n", p_list->head, p_list->tail, p_list->length);
p_node = p_list->head;
while (p_node != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("%d.... \n", i);
printNodeInfo(p_node, priority + 1);
p_node = p_node->next;
for (i = 0; i < priority; i++) printf(" ");
@param p_list
void printList(Chain *p_list) {
int if_nearLast = 0;
CNode *p_node = p_list->head;
while (p_node != NULL) {
if (!if_nearLast && p_node->next == NULL) if_nearLast = 1;
if (p_node->type == INT) {
printf("%d", *(int *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == DOUBLE) {
printf("%a", *(double *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == STRING) {
printf("%s", (char *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == POINTER) {
printf("%p", (char *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == LIST) {
printList((Chain *)p_node->value);
if (!if_nearLast) {
printf(", ");
p_node = p_node->next;
@param p_node
@param priority
void printNodeInfo(CNode *p_node, int priority) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < priority; i++) printf(" ");
#ifdef id_enable
printf(", id:%s", s_idToASCIIString(p_node->s_id));
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("NEXT->%p / LAST->%p\n", p_node->next, p_node->last);
if (p_node->type == INT) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("VALUE(int):%d\n", *(int *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == DOUBLE) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("VALUE(double):%a\n", *(double *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == STRING) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("VALUE(string):%s\n", (char *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == POINTER) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("VALUE(pointer):%s\n", (char *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == LIST) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printListInfo((Chain *)p_node->value, priority + 2);
for (i = 0; i < priority; i++) printf(" ");
@param p_node
void printNode(CNode *p_node) {
int i;
#ifdef id_enable
printf(", id:%s",s_idToASCIIString(p_node->s_id));
printf(" ");
printf("NEXT->%p / LAST->%p\n", p_node->next, p_node->last);
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("ifMalloc: ");
if (p_node->value != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Value(type: %d): ", p_node->type);
if (p_node->type == INT) {
printf("%d", *(int *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == DOUBLE) {
printf("%a\n", *(double *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == STRING) {
printf("%s\n", (char *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == POINTER) {
printf("%p\n", (char *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == LIST) {
printList((Chain *)p_node->value);
else printf("NO\n");
@param p_list
@param func
void printListForCustom(Chain *p_list,void (*func)(void *value)){
printf("###LIST (LEN:%llu ",p_list->length);
#ifdef id_enable
if(p_list->s_id != NULL) printf("SID:%s",p_list->s_id->decrypt_str);
listThrough(p_list, __CALLBACK_CALL(printListForCustom), __SEND_ARG("%p", func));
void (*func)(void *) = __ARGS_P(0, void);
printf("NODE (IDX:%llu ",__NOW_INDEX);
func(__VALUE(void *));
return __CRETURN__;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
*: .
*: type指明相关值的类型;value为指向储存相关值的内存的指针.
*: 0,-1.*/
static int sortList(Chain *p_list, uint64_t begin, uint64_t end, int(*func)(CNode *f_node, CNode *s_node));
@param p_list
@param begin
@param end
@param func
@return 0
static int sortList(Chain *p_list, uint64_t begin, uint64_t end, int(*func)(CNode *f_node, CNode *s_node)){
unsigned long long target_index = begin;
register CNode *t_node = findByIndexForNode(p_list, target_index);
register CNode *i_node = NULL, *j_node = NULL;
register unsigned long long i = end,j = begin;
for(; i >= begin; i--){
if(i <= j) break;
i_node = findByIndexForNode(p_list, i);
if(func(t_node, i_node) < 0){
exchangeNode(p_list, t_node, i_node);
for(; j <= end; j++){
if(j >= i) break;
j_node = findByIndexForNode(p_list, j);
if(func(t_node, j_node) > 0){
exchangeNode(p_list, t_node, j_node);
if(end - begin > 3){
if(getIndexForNode(p_list, t_node) - begin > 2)
sortList(p_list, begin, getIndexForNode(p_list, t_node), func);
if(end - getIndexForNode(p_list, t_node) > 2)
sortList(p_list, getIndexForNode(p_list, t_node), end, func);
return 0;
@param p_list
@param func
@return 0
int sortListForCustom(Chain *p_list, int(*func)(CNode *f_node, CNode *s_node)){
sortList(p_list, 0, p_list->length-1, func);
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
@param p_node
@param value
@return 0
int updateValueWithIntForNode(CNode *p_node,int value){
int *p_value = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
if(p_value == NULL){
return -1;
*p_value = value;
p_node->value = p_value;
return 0;
@param p_node
@param value
@return 0
int updateValueWithULLIntForNode(CNode *p_node, uint64_t value){
uint64_t *p_value = (uint64_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint64_t));
if(p_value == NULL){
return -1;
*p_value = value;
p_node->value = p_value;
return 0;
@param p_node
@param value
@return 0
int updateValueWithDoubleForNode(CNode *p_node, double value){
double *p_value = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double));
if(p_value == NULL){
return -1;
*p_value = value;
p_node->value = p_value;
return 0;
@param p_node
@param string
@return 0
int updateValueWithStringForNode(CNode *p_node, char *string){
char *p_value = (char *)malloc(sizeof(strlen(string)) + 1);
if(p_value == NULL){
return -1;
strcpy(p_value, string);
p_node->value = p_value;
return 0;
@param p_node
@param pointer
@return 0
int updateValueWithPointerForNode(CNode *p_node, void *pointer){
p_node->value = pointer;
return 0;

View File

@ -1,497 +1,497 @@
#include"tree.h" #include"tree.h"
static int if_safeModeForTree = 0; static int if_safeModeForTree = 0;
int safeModeForTree(int ifon) { int safeModeForTree(int ifon) {
if (ifon == 1) { if (ifon == 1) {
if (tnode_list == NULL && tree_list == NULL) { if (tnode_list == NULL && tree_list == NULL) {
tnode_list = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List)); tnode_list = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List));
if(tnode_list == NULL){ if(tnode_list == NULL){
showError(pushError(TREE_NODE, HIGH, initInfo("safeModeForTree()", "Error in get the memory of tnode_list."))); showError(pushError(TREE_NODE, HIGH, initInfo("safeModeForTree()", "Error in get the memory of tnode_list.")));
return -1; return -1;
} }
tree_list = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List)); tree_list = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List));
if(tree_list == NULL){ if(tree_list == NULL){
showError(pushError(TREE_NODE, HIGH, initInfo("safeModeForTree()", "Error in get the memory of tree_list."))); showError(pushError(TREE_NODE, HIGH, initInfo("safeModeForTree()", "Error in get the memory of tree_list.")));
return -1; return -1;
} }
tree_list->head = NULL; tree_list->head = NULL;
tree_list->length = 0; tree_list->length = 0;
tree_list->tail = NULL; tree_list->tail = NULL;
tnode_list->head = NULL; tnode_list->head = NULL;
tnode_list->length = 0; tnode_list->length = 0;
tnode_list->tail = NULL; tnode_list->tail = NULL;
if_safeModeForTree = 1; if_safeModeForTree = 1;
} }
else { else {
return -1; return -1;
} }
} }
return ifon; return ifon;
} }
TNode *initTNode(void) { TNode *initTNode(void) {
Node *s_node; Node *s_node;
TNode *p_tnode = (TNode *)malloc(sizeof(TNode)); TNode *p_tnode = (TNode *)malloc(sizeof(TNode));
if(p_tnode == NULL){ if(p_tnode == NULL){
showError(pushError(TREE_NODE, STANDARD, initInfo("initTNode()", "Error in getting the memory of tnode."))); showError(pushError(TREE_NODE, STANDARD, initInfo("initTNode()", "Error in getting the memory of tnode.")));
return NULL; return NULL;
} }
p_tnode->s_id = getS_id(TREE_NODE, 1); p_tnode->s_id = getS_id(TREE_NODE, 1);
p_tnode->if_sid = 1; p_tnode->if_sid = 1;
p_tnode->child_num = 0; p_tnode->child_num = 0;
p_tnode->father = NULL; p_tnode->father = NULL;
p_tnode->if_malloc = 0; p_tnode->if_malloc = 0;
p_tnode->value = NULL; p_tnode->value = NULL;
p_tnode->type = VOID; p_tnode->type = VOID;
p_tnode->home = initList(); p_tnode->home = initList();
p_tnode->room = NULL; p_tnode->room = NULL;
if (if_safeModeForTree) { if (if_safeModeForTree) {
if (if_safeModeForNode) { if (if_safeModeForNode) {
if_safeModeForNode = 0; if_safeModeForNode = 0;
s_node = initNode(); s_node = initNode();
initMallocValueForNode(s_node, POINTER, (void *)p_tnode); initMallocValueForNode(s_node, POINTER, (void *)p_tnode);
insertInTail(tnode_list, s_node); insertInTail(tnode_list, s_node);
if_safeModeForNode = 1; if_safeModeForNode = 1;
} }
else else
{ {
s_node = initNode(); s_node = initNode();
initMallocValueForNode(s_node, POINTER, (void *)p_tnode); initMallocValueForNode(s_node, POINTER, (void *)p_tnode);
insertInTail(tnode_list, s_node); insertInTail(tnode_list, s_node);
} }
} }
return p_tnode; return p_tnode;
} }
Tree *initTree(void) { Tree *initTree(void) {
Node *s_node; Node *s_node;
Tree *p_tree = (Tree *)malloc(sizeof(Tree)); Tree *p_tree = (Tree *)malloc(sizeof(Tree));
if(p_tree == NULL){ if(p_tree == NULL){
showError(pushError(TREE, STANDARD, initInfo("initTree()", "Error in getting the memory of tree."))); showError(pushError(TREE, STANDARD, initInfo("initTree()", "Error in getting the memory of tree.")));
return NULL; return NULL;
} }
p_tree->s_id = getS_id(TREE, 1); p_tree->s_id = getS_id(TREE, 1);
p_tree->if_sid = 1; p_tree->if_sid = 1;
p_tree->root = NULL; p_tree->root = NULL;
if (if_safeModeForTree) { if (if_safeModeForTree) {
if (if_safeModeForNode) { if (if_safeModeForNode) {
if_safeModeForNode = 0; if_safeModeForNode = 0;
s_node = initNode(); s_node = initNode();
initMallocValueForNode(s_node, POINTER, (void *)p_tree); initMallocValueForNode(s_node, POINTER, (void *)p_tree);
if_safeModeForNode = 1; if_safeModeForNode = 1;
insertInTail(tree_list, s_node); insertInTail(tree_list, s_node);
} }
else else
{ {
s_node = initNode(); s_node = initNode();
initMallocValueForNode(s_node, POINTER, (void *)p_tree); initMallocValueForNode(s_node, POINTER, (void *)p_tree);
insertInTail(tree_list, s_node); insertInTail(tree_list, s_node);
} }
} }
return p_tree; return p_tree;
} }
int *initMallocValueForTNode(TNode *p_tnode, unsigned int type, void *value) { int *initMallocValueForTNode(TNode *p_tnode, unsigned int type, void *value) {
p_tnode->type = type; p_tnode->type = type;
p_tnode->value = value; p_tnode->value = value;
p_tnode->if_malloc = 1; p_tnode->if_malloc = 1;
return 0; return 0;
} }
int addChildInLeft(TNode *f_tnode, TNode *c_tnode) { int addChildInLeft(TNode *f_tnode, TNode *c_tnode) {
Node *p_node = initNode(); Node *p_node = initNode();
initMallocValueForNode(p_node, POINTER, c_tnode); initMallocValueForNode(p_node, POINTER, c_tnode);
insertInHead(f_tnode->home, p_node); insertInHead(f_tnode->home, p_node);
c_tnode->father = f_tnode; c_tnode->father = f_tnode;
c_tnode->room = p_node; c_tnode->room = p_node;
f_tnode->child_num++; f_tnode->child_num++;
return 0; return 0;
} }
int addChildInRight(TNode *f_tnode, TNode *c_tnode) { int addChildInRight(TNode *f_tnode, TNode *c_tnode) {
Node *p_node = initNode(); Node *p_node = initNode();
initMallocValueForNode(p_node, POINTER, c_tnode); initMallocValueForNode(p_node, POINTER, c_tnode);
insertInTail(f_tnode->home, p_node); insertInTail(f_tnode->home, p_node);
c_tnode->father = f_tnode; c_tnode->father = f_tnode;
c_tnode->room = p_node; c_tnode->room = p_node;
f_tnode->child_num++; f_tnode->child_num++;
return 0; return 0;
} }
TNode *getBrotherInLeft(TNode *p_tnode) { TNode *getBrotherInLeft(TNode *p_tnode) {
List *p_home = p_tnode->father->home; List *p_home = p_tnode->father->home;
Node *p_node = p_tnode->room; Node *p_node = p_tnode->room;
unsigned long long index = getIndexByNode(p_home, p_node); unsigned long long index = getIndexByNode(p_home, p_node);
if (index > 0) return (TNode *)(findByIndexForNode(p_home, index - 1)->value); if (index > 0) return (TNode *)(findByIndexForNode(p_home, index - 1)->value);
return NULL; return NULL;
} }
TNode *getBrotherInRight(TNode *p_tnode) { TNode *getBrotherInRight(TNode *p_tnode) {
List *p_home = p_tnode->father->home; List *p_home = p_tnode->father->home;
Node *p_node = p_home->head; Node *p_node = p_home->head;
unsigned long long index = getIndexByNode(p_home, p_node); unsigned long long index = getIndexByNode(p_home, p_node);
if (index < p_home->length - 1) return (TNode *)(findByIndexForNode(p_home, index + 1)->value); if (index < p_home->length - 1) return (TNode *)(findByIndexForNode(p_home, index + 1)->value);
return NULL; return NULL;
} }
int removeChildInLeft(TNode *p_tnode) { int removeChildInLeft(TNode *p_tnode) {
TNode *c_tnode = (TNode *)p_tnode->home->head->value; TNode *c_tnode = (TNode *)p_tnode->home->head->value;
c_tnode->father = NULL; c_tnode->father = NULL;
releaseOnlyNode(c_tnode->room); releaseOnlyNode(c_tnode->room);
c_tnode->room = NULL; c_tnode->room = NULL;
p_tnode->child_num--; p_tnode->child_num--;
popFromHead(p_tnode->home); popFromHead(p_tnode->home);
return 0; return 0;
} }
int removeChildInRight(TNode *p_tnode) { int removeChildInRight(TNode *p_tnode) {
TNode *c_tnode = (TNode *)p_tnode->home->tail->value; TNode *c_tnode = (TNode *)p_tnode->home->tail->value;
c_tnode->father = NULL; c_tnode->father = NULL;
releaseOnlyNode(c_tnode->room); releaseOnlyNode(c_tnode->room);
c_tnode->room = NULL; c_tnode->room = NULL;
p_tnode->child_num--; p_tnode->child_num--;
popFromTail(p_tnode->home); popFromTail(p_tnode->home);
return 0; return 0;
} }
TNode *getChildById(TNode *p_tnode, const SID *s_id) { TNode *getChildById(TNode *p_tnode, const SID *s_id) {
List *p_home = p_tnode->home; List *p_home = p_tnode->home;
target_value_sid = NULL; target_value_sid = NULL;
List *er_list = initList(); List *er_list = initList();
insertInTail(er_list, nodeWithPointer(s_id)); insertInTail(er_list, nodeWithPointer(s_id));
List *rtnc_list = listThrough(p_home, _dogetChildById, er_list); List *rtnc_list = listThrough(p_home, _dogetChildById, er_list);
free(er_list); free(er_list);
Node *p_node= findByIndexForNode(rtnc_list, 1); Node *p_node= findByIndexForNode(rtnc_list, 1);
if (p_node != NULL) { if (p_node != NULL) {
TNode *p_tnode = getByPointerForNode(p_node); TNode *p_tnode = getByPointerForNode(p_node);
free(rtnc_list); free(rtnc_list);
return p_tnode; return p_tnode;
} }
return NULL; return NULL;
} }
List *_dogetChildById(unsigned int type, void *value, List *er_list) { List *_dogetChildById(unsigned int type, void *value, List *er_list) {
SID *target_sid = getByPointerForNode(findByIndexForNode(er_list, 0)); SID *target_sid = getByPointerForNode(findByIndexForNode(er_list, 0));
List *rtn_list = initList(); List *rtn_list = initList();
if (type == POINTER) { if (type == POINTER) {
TNode *p_tode = (TNode *)value; TNode *p_tode = (TNode *)value;
if (simFitS_id(p_tode->s_id, target_sid)) { if (simFitS_id(p_tode->s_id, target_sid)) {
target_value_sid = p_tode; target_value_sid = p_tode;
insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithInt(-1)); insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithInt(-1));
insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithPointer(target_value_sid)); insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithPointer(target_value_sid));
return rtn_list; return rtn_list;
} }
} }
insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithInt(0)); insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithInt(0));
return rtn_list; return rtn_list;
} }
TNode *getChildByValue(TNode *p_tnode, unsigned int type, void *value) { TNode *getChildByValue(TNode *p_tnode, unsigned int type, void *value) {
List *p_home = p_tnode->home; List *p_home = p_tnode->home;
target_value = value; target_value = value;
target_type = type; target_type = type;
target_value_value = NULL; target_value_value = NULL;
List *er_list = initList(); List *er_list = initList();
insertInTail(er_list, nodeWithUInt(type)); insertInTail(er_list, nodeWithUInt(type));
insertInTail(er_list, nodeWithPointer(value)); insertInTail(er_list, nodeWithPointer(value));
List *rtnc_list = listThrough(p_home, _dogetChildByValue,er_list); List *rtnc_list = listThrough(p_home, _dogetChildByValue,er_list);
free(er_list); free(er_list);
Node *p_node = NULL; Node *p_node = NULL;
if ((p_node = findByIndexForNode(rtnc_list, 1)) != NULL) { if ((p_node = findByIndexForNode(rtnc_list, 1)) != NULL) {
TNode *p_tnode = getByPointerForNode(p_node); TNode *p_tnode = getByPointerForNode(p_node);
free(rtnc_list); free(rtnc_list);
return p_tnode; return p_tnode;
} }
return NULL; return NULL;
} }
List *_dogetChildByValue(unsigned int type, void *value, List *er_list) { List *_dogetChildByValue(unsigned int type, void *value, List *er_list) {
List *rtn_list = initList(); List *rtn_list = initList();
unsigned int target_type = getByUIntForNode(findByIndexForNode(rtn_list, 0)); unsigned int target_type = getByUIntForNode(findByIndexForNode(rtn_list, 0));
void *target_value = getByPointerForNode(findByIndexForNode(rtn_list, 1)); void *target_value = getByPointerForNode(findByIndexForNode(rtn_list, 1));
if (type == target_type) { if (type == target_type) {
TNode *p_tode = (TNode *)value; TNode *p_tode = (TNode *)value;
if (target_type == INT) { if (target_type == INT) {
if (*(int *)p_tode->value == *(int *)target_value) if (*(int *)p_tode->value == *(int *)target_value)
{ {
insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithInt(-1)); insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithInt(-1));
insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithPointer(p_tode)); insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithPointer(p_tode));
return rtn_list; return rtn_list;
} }
} }
else if (target_type == DOUBLE) else if (target_type == DOUBLE)
{ {
if (*(double *)p_tode->value == *(double *)target_value) if (*(double *)p_tode->value == *(double *)target_value)
{ {
insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithInt(-1)); insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithInt(-1));
insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithPointer(p_tode)); insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithPointer(p_tode));
return rtn_list; return rtn_list;
} }
} }
else if (target_type == STRING) else if (target_type == STRING)
{ {
if (!strcmp((char *)p_tode->value, (char *)target_value)) if (!strcmp((char *)p_tode->value, (char *)target_value))
{ {
insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithInt(-1)); insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithInt(-1));
insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithPointer(p_tode)); insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithPointer(p_tode));
return rtn_list; return rtn_list;
} }
} }
else if (target_type == POINTER) else if (target_type == POINTER)
{ {
if (p_tode->value == target_value) if (p_tode->value == target_value)
{ {
insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithInt(-1)); insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithInt(-1));
insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithPointer(p_tode)); insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithPointer(p_tode));
return rtn_list; return rtn_list;
} }
} }
} }
insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithInt(0)); insertInTail(rtn_list, nodeWithInt(0));
return rtn_list; return rtn_list;
} }
int removeChildById(TNode *p_tnode, const SID *s_id) { int removeChildById(TNode *p_tnode, const SID *s_id) {
TNode *t_tnode = getChildById(p_tnode, s_id); TNode *t_tnode = getChildById(p_tnode, s_id);
if (t_tnode != NULL) { if (t_tnode != NULL) {
TNode *p_fnode = t_tnode->father; TNode *p_fnode = t_tnode->father;
p_fnode->child_num--; p_fnode->child_num--;
removeById(p_fnode->home, t_tnode->room->s_id); removeById(p_fnode->home, t_tnode->room->s_id);
releaseOnlyNode(t_tnode->room); releaseOnlyNode(t_tnode->room);
t_tnode->room = NULL; t_tnode->room = NULL;
return 0; return 0;
} }
return -1; return -1;
} }
int removeChildByValue(TNode *p_tnode, unsigned int type, void *value) { int removeChildByValue(TNode *p_tnode, unsigned int type, void *value) {
TNode *t_tnode = getChildByValue(p_tnode, type, value); TNode *t_tnode = getChildByValue(p_tnode, type, value);
if (t_tnode != NULL) { if (t_tnode != NULL) {
TNode *p_fnode = t_tnode->father; TNode *p_fnode = t_tnode->father;
p_fnode->child_num--; p_fnode->child_num--;
removeById(p_fnode->home, t_tnode->room->s_id); removeById(p_fnode->home, t_tnode->room->s_id);
releaseOnlyNode(t_tnode->room); releaseOnlyNode(t_tnode->room);
t_tnode->room = NULL; t_tnode->room = NULL;
return 0; return 0;
} }
return -1; return -1;
} }
TNode *getChildByIndex(TNode *p_tnode, unsigned long long index) { TNode *getChildByIndex(TNode *p_tnode, unsigned long long index) {
List *p_home = p_tnode->home; List *p_home = p_tnode->home;
Node *p_node = p_home->head; Node *p_node = p_home->head;
int m_index = 0; int m_index = 0;
if (index < p_tnode->child_num) if (index < p_tnode->child_num)
{ {
while (p_node != NULL && m_index < index) { while (p_node != NULL && m_index < index) {
m_index++; m_index++;
p_node = p_node->next; p_node = p_node->next;
} }
return (TNode *)p_node->value; return (TNode *)p_node->value;
} }
return NULL; return NULL;
} }
unsigned long long getIndexByChild(TNode *f_tnode, TNode *c_tnode) { unsigned long long getIndexByChild(TNode *f_tnode, TNode *c_tnode) {
List *p_home = f_tnode->home; List *p_home = f_tnode->home;
Node *p_node = p_home->head; Node *p_node = p_home->head;
int m_index = 0; int m_index = 0;
while (p_node != NULL) { while (p_node != NULL) {
TNode *p_tnode = (TNode *)p_node->value; TNode *p_tnode = (TNode *)p_node->value;
if (p_tnode->s_id == c_tnode->s_id) { if (p_tnode->s_id == c_tnode->s_id) {
return m_index; return m_index;
} }
m_index++; m_index++;
p_node = p_node->next; p_node = p_node->next;
} }
return -1; return -1;
} }
int removeChildByIndex(TNode *p_tnode, unsigned long long index) { int removeChildByIndex(TNode *p_tnode, unsigned long long index) {
TNode *t_tnode = getChildByIndex(p_tnode, index); TNode *t_tnode = getChildByIndex(p_tnode, index);
if (t_tnode != NULL) { if (t_tnode != NULL) {
TNode *p_fnode = t_tnode->father; TNode *p_fnode = t_tnode->father;
p_fnode->child_num--; p_fnode->child_num--;
removeById(p_fnode->home, t_tnode->room->s_id); removeById(p_fnode->home, t_tnode->room->s_id);
releaseOnlyNode(t_tnode->room); releaseOnlyNode(t_tnode->room);
t_tnode->room = NULL; t_tnode->room = NULL;
return 0; return 0;
} }
return -1; return -1;
} }
int TreeThroughUp(Tree *p_tree, int(*func)(TNode *, unsigned long long height)) { int TreeThroughUp(Tree *p_tree, int(*func)(TNode *, unsigned long long height)) {
int i; int i;
TNode *p_tnode = p_tree->root; TNode *p_tnode = p_tree->root;
if (p_tnode != NULL) { if (p_tnode != NULL) {
if (p_tnode->child_num > 0) { if (p_tnode->child_num > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < p_tnode->child_num; i++) { for (i = 0; i < p_tnode->child_num; i++) {
if (_doTreeThroughUp(getChildByIndex(p_tnode, i), 1, func) == -1) { if (_doTreeThroughUp(getChildByIndex(p_tnode, i), 1, func) == -1) {
break; break;
} }
} }
} }
func(p_tnode, 0); func(p_tnode, 0);
} }
return 0; return 0;
} }
int _doTreeThroughUp(TNode *p_tnode, int height, int(*func)(TNode *, unsigned long long height)) { int _doTreeThroughUp(TNode *p_tnode, int height, int(*func)(TNode *, unsigned long long height)) {
int i, func_back; int i, func_back;
if (p_tnode->child_num > 0) { if (p_tnode->child_num > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < p_tnode->child_num; i++) { for (i = 0; i < p_tnode->child_num; i++) {
if (_doTreeThroughUp(getChildByIndex(p_tnode, i), height + 1, func)) return -1; if (_doTreeThroughUp(getChildByIndex(p_tnode, i), height + 1, func)) return -1;
} }
} }
func_back = func(p_tnode, height); func_back = func(p_tnode, height);
if (func_back == -1)return -1; if (func_back == -1)return -1;
return 0; return 0;
} }
int TreeThroughDown(Tree *p_tree, int(*func)(TNode *, unsigned long long height)) { int TreeThroughDown(Tree *p_tree, int(*func)(TNode *, unsigned long long height)) {
int i; int i;
TNode *p_tnode = p_tree->root; TNode *p_tnode = p_tree->root;
if (p_tree->root != NULL) { if (p_tree->root != NULL) {
func(p_tnode, 0); func(p_tnode, 0);
if (p_tree->root->child_num > 0) { if (p_tree->root->child_num > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < p_tnode->child_num; i++) { for (i = 0; i < p_tnode->child_num; i++) {
if (_doTreeThroughDown(getChildByIndex(p_tnode, i), 1, func) == -1) { if (_doTreeThroughDown(getChildByIndex(p_tnode, i), 1, func) == -1) {
break; break;
} }
} }
} }
} }
return 0; return 0;
} }
int _doTreeThroughDown(TNode *p_tnode, int height, int(*func)(TNode *, unsigned long long height)) { int _doTreeThroughDown(TNode *p_tnode, int height, int(*func)(TNode *, unsigned long long height)) {
int i; int i;
int func_back = func(p_tnode, height); int func_back = func(p_tnode, height);
if (p_tnode->child_num > 0) { if (p_tnode->child_num > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < p_tnode->child_num; i++) { for (i = 0; i < p_tnode->child_num; i++) {
if (_doTreeThroughDown(getChildByIndex(p_tnode, i), height + 1, func)) return -1; if (_doTreeThroughDown(getChildByIndex(p_tnode, i), height + 1, func)) return -1;
} }
} }
if (func_back == -1)return -1; if (func_back == -1)return -1;
return 0; return 0;
} }
int TreeTravel(Tree *p_tree, int(*func)(TNode *, unsigned long long height)) { int TreeTravel(Tree *p_tree, int(*func)(TNode *, unsigned long long height)) {
TNode *p_tnode = p_tree->root; TNode *p_tnode = p_tree->root;
unsigned long long height = 0; unsigned long long height = 0;
if (p_tnode != NULL) { if (p_tnode != NULL) {
int func_back = func(p_tnode, height); int func_back = func(p_tnode, height);
while (func_back > -2) { while (func_back > -2) {
if (func_back > -1) { if (func_back > -1) {
p_tnode = getChildByIndex(p_tnode, func_back); p_tnode = getChildByIndex(p_tnode, func_back);
func(p_tnode, height + 1); func(p_tnode, height + 1);
} }
else else
{ {
p_tnode = p_tnode->father; p_tnode = p_tnode->father;
func(p_tnode, height - 1); func(p_tnode, height - 1);
} }
} }
} }
return 0; return 0;
} }
int releaseTNode(TNode *p_tnode) { int releaseTNode(TNode *p_tnode) {
if (p_tnode->child_num == 0) { if (p_tnode->child_num == 0) {
releaseList(p_tnode->home); releaseList(p_tnode->home);
if (p_tnode->father != NULL) { if (p_tnode->father != NULL) {
removeChildById(p_tnode->father, p_tnode->s_id); removeChildById(p_tnode->father, p_tnode->s_id);
} }
if (p_tnode->type != POINTER) { if (p_tnode->type != POINTER) {
if (p_tnode->type == LIST) { if (p_tnode->type == LIST) {
releaseList((List *)p_tnode->value); releaseList((List *)p_tnode->value);
} }
else { else {
free(p_tnode->value); free(p_tnode->value);
} }
} }
p_tnode->value = NULL; p_tnode->value = NULL;
p_tnode->type = VOID; p_tnode->type = VOID;
freeS_id(p_tnode->s_id); freeS_id(p_tnode->s_id);
p_tnode->if_malloc = 0; p_tnode->if_malloc = 0;
free(p_tnode); free(p_tnode);
} }
return 0; return 0;
} }
int releaseTree(Tree *p_tree) { int releaseTree(Tree *p_tree) {
TreeThroughUp(p_tree, _doreleaseTree); TreeThroughUp(p_tree, _doreleaseTree);
p_tree->root = NULL; p_tree->root = NULL;
freeS_id(p_tree->s_id); freeS_id(p_tree->s_id);
free(p_tree); free(p_tree);
return 0; return 0;
} }
int _doreleaseTree(TNode *p_tnode, unsigned long long height) { int _doreleaseTree(TNode *p_tnode, unsigned long long height) {
releaseTNode(p_tnode); releaseTNode(p_tnode);
return 0; return 0;
} }
int releaseOnlyTree(Tree *p_tree) { int releaseOnlyTree(Tree *p_tree) {
freeS_id(p_tree->s_id); freeS_id(p_tree->s_id);
p_tree->root = NULL; p_tree->root = NULL;
free(p_tree); free(p_tree);
return 0; return 0;
} }
int releaseOnlyTNode(TNode *p_tnode) { int releaseOnlyTNode(TNode *p_tnode) {
releaseList(p_tnode->home); releaseList(p_tnode->home);
if (p_tnode->if_malloc) { if (p_tnode->if_malloc) {
if (p_tnode->type != STRING) { if (p_tnode->type != STRING) {
if (p_tnode->type == LIST) { if (p_tnode->type == LIST) {
releaseList((List *)p_tnode->value); releaseList((List *)p_tnode->value);
} }
else { else {
free(p_tnode->value); free(p_tnode->value);
} }
} }
} }
p_tnode->value = NULL; p_tnode->value = NULL;
p_tnode->type = VOID; p_tnode->type = VOID;
freeS_id(p_tnode->s_id); freeS_id(p_tnode->s_id);
p_tnode->if_malloc = 0; p_tnode->if_malloc = 0;
free(p_tnode); free(p_tnode);
return 0; return 0;
} }
int releaseAllForTree(void) { int releaseAllForTree(void) {
Node *p_node; Node *p_node;
Tree *p_tree; Tree *p_tree;
if (if_safeModeForTree) { if (if_safeModeForTree) {
if_safeModeForTree = 0; if_safeModeForTree = 0;
p_node = tnode_list->head; p_node = tnode_list->head;
while (p_node != NULL) { while (p_node != NULL) {
TNode *p_tnode = (TNode *)p_node->value; TNode *p_tnode = (TNode *)p_node->value;
releaseOnlyTNode(p_tnode); releaseOnlyTNode(p_tnode);
p_node = p_node->next; p_node = p_node->next;
} }
p_node = tree_list->head; p_node = tree_list->head;
while (p_node != NULL) { while (p_node != NULL) {
p_tree = (Tree *)p_node->value; p_tree = (Tree *)p_node->value;
releaseOnlyTree(p_tree); releaseOnlyTree(p_tree);
p_node = p_node->next; p_node = p_node->next;
} }
releaseList(tnode_list); releaseList(tnode_list);
releaseList(tree_list); releaseList(tree_list);
} }
return 0; return 0;
} }
int setRoot(Tree *p_tree, TNode *p_tnode) { int setRoot(Tree *p_tree, TNode *p_tnode) {
p_tree->root = p_tnode; p_tree->root = p_tnode;
return 0; return 0;
} }

View File

@ -1,231 +1,231 @@
#include "tree_expand.h" #include "tree_expand.h"
TNode *tnodeWithInt(int temp) { TNode *tnodeWithInt(int temp) {
TNode *p_tnode = initTNode(); TNode *p_tnode = initTNode();
int *p_temp = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); int *p_temp = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
if(p_temp == NULL){ if(p_temp == NULL){
showError(pushError(INT, STANDARD, initInfo("tnodeWithInt()", "Error in getting the memory of int."))); showError(pushError(INT, STANDARD, initInfo("tnodeWithInt()", "Error in getting the memory of int.")));
return NULL; return NULL;
} }
*p_temp = temp; *p_temp = temp;
initMallocValueForTNode(p_tnode, INT, p_temp); initMallocValueForTNode(p_tnode, INT, p_temp);
return p_tnode; return p_tnode;
} }
TNode *tnodeWithDouble(double temp) { TNode *tnodeWithDouble(double temp) {
TNode *p_tnode = initTNode(); TNode *p_tnode = initTNode();
double *p_temp = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)); double *p_temp = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double));
if(p_temp == NULL){ if(p_temp == NULL){
showError(pushError(DOUBLE, STANDARD, initInfo("tnodeWithDouble()", "Error in getting the memory of double."))); showError(pushError(DOUBLE, STANDARD, initInfo("tnodeWithDouble()", "Error in getting the memory of double.")));
return NULL; return NULL;
} }
*p_temp = temp; *p_temp = temp;
initMallocValueForTNode(p_tnode, DOUBLE, p_temp); initMallocValueForTNode(p_tnode, DOUBLE, p_temp);
return p_tnode; return p_tnode;
} }
TNode *tnodeWithString(char *temp) { TNode *tnodeWithString(char *temp) {
TNode *p_tnode = initTNode(); TNode *p_tnode = initTNode();
char *p_temp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(temp)); char *p_temp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(temp));
if(p_temp == NULL){ if(p_temp == NULL){
showError(pushError(STRING, STANDARD, initInfo("tnodeWithString()", "Error in getting the memory of string."))); showError(pushError(STRING, STANDARD, initInfo("tnodeWithString()", "Error in getting the memory of string.")));
return NULL; return NULL;
} }
strcpy(p_temp, temp); strcpy(p_temp, temp);
initMallocValueForTNode(p_tnode, STRING, p_temp); initMallocValueForTNode(p_tnode, STRING, p_temp);
return p_tnode; return p_tnode;
TNode *tnodeWithPointer(void *temp) {
TNode *p_tnode = initTNode();
initMallocValueForTNode(p_tnode, POINTER, temp);
return p_tnode;
int getValueByIntForTree(TNode *p_tnode) {
if (p_tnode->type == INT) {
return *(int *)p_tnode->value;
return -1;
double getValueByDoubleForTree(TNode *p_tnode) {
if (p_tnode->type == DOUBLE) {
return *(double *)p_tnode->value;
return -1;
char *getValueByStringForTree(TNode *p_tnode) {
if (p_tnode->type == STRING) {
return (char *)p_tnode->value;
return NULL;
void *getValueByPointerForTree(TNode *p_tnode) {
if (p_tnode->type == POINTER) {
return p_tnode->value;
return NULL;
int printTNode(TNode *p_tnode, int priority) {
int i;
if (p_tnode != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < priority; i++) printf(" ");
if (priority == 0) printf("###");
else printf("#");
printf("TNode(id: %s)\n", s_idToASCIIString(p_tnode->s_id));
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("ifMalloc: ");
if (p_tnode->if_malloc) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Value(type: %d): ", p_tnode->type);
if (p_tnode->type == INT) {
printf("%d\n", *(int *)(p_tnode->value));
else if (p_tnode->type == DOUBLE) {
printf("%a\n", *(double *)(p_tnode->value));
else if (p_tnode->type == STRING) {
printf("%s\n", (char *)(p_tnode->value));
else if (p_tnode->type == POINTER) {
printf("%p\n", (char *)(p_tnode->value));
else printf("NO\n");
if (p_tnode->child_num > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Child number: %llu\n", p_tnode->child_num);
return 0;
return -1;
int printTNodeWithHome(TNode *p_tnode,int priority) {
int i;
List *p_home;
Node *p_node;
if (p_tnode != NULL) {
if (priority == 0) printf("###");
else printf("#");
printf("TNode(id: %s)\n", s_idToASCIIString(p_tnode->s_id));
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("ifMalloc: ");
if (p_tnode->if_malloc) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Value(type: %d): ", p_tnode->type);
if (p_tnode->type == INT) {
printf("%d\n", *(int *)(p_tnode->value));
else if (p_tnode->type == DOUBLE) {
printf("%a\n", *(double *)(p_tnode->value));
else if (p_tnode->type == STRING) {
printf("%s\n", (char *)(p_tnode->value));
else if (p_tnode->type == POINTER) {
printf("%p\n", (char *)(p_tnode->value));
else printf("NO\n");
if (p_tnode->father != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Father id: %s\n", s_idToASCIIString(p_tnode->father->s_id));
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Father: NO\n");
if (p_tnode->child_num > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Child(number: %llu):\n", p_tnode->child_num);
p_home = p_tnode->home;
p_node = p_home->head;
while (p_node != NULL) {
printTNode((TNode *)p_node->value, priority + 2);
p_node = p_node->next;
return 0;
return -1;
int printTNodeWithFamily(TNode *p_tnode, int priority) {
int i;
List *p_home;
Node *p_node;
if (p_tnode != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < priority; i++) printf(" ");
if (priority == 0) printf("###");
else printf("#");
printf("TNode(id: %s)\n", s_idToASCIIString(p_tnode->s_id));
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("ifMalloc: ");
if (p_tnode->if_malloc) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Value(type: %d): ", p_tnode->type);
if (p_tnode->type == INT) {
printf("%d\n", *(int *)(p_tnode->value));
else if (p_tnode->type == DOUBLE) {
printf("%a\n", *(double *)(p_tnode->value));
else if (p_tnode->type == STRING) {
printf("%s\n", (char *)(p_tnode->value));
else if (p_tnode->type == POINTER) {
printf("%p\n", (char *)(p_tnode->value));
else printf("NO\n");
if (p_tnode->father != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Father id: %s\n", s_idToASCIIString(p_tnode->father->s_id));
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Father: NO\n");
if (p_tnode->child_num > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Child(number: %llu):\n", p_tnode->child_num);
p_home = p_tnode->home;
p_node = p_home->head;
while (p_node != NULL) {
printTNodeWithFamily((TNode *)p_node->value, priority + 2);
p_node = p_node->next;
return 0;
return -1;
int printTree(Tree *p_tree) {
printf("Tree(id: %s)",s_idToASCIIString(p_tree->s_id));
return 0;
} }
static unsigned long long tnodes_size = 0LL; TNode *tnodeWithPointer(void *temp) {
TNode *p_tnode = initTNode();
initMallocValueForTNode(p_tnode, POINTER, temp);
return p_tnode;
int getValueByIntForTree(TNode *p_tnode) {
if (p_tnode->type == INT) {
return *(int *)p_tnode->value;
return -1;
double getValueByDoubleForTree(TNode *p_tnode) {
if (p_tnode->type == DOUBLE) {
return *(double *)p_tnode->value;
return -1;
char *getValueByStringForTree(TNode *p_tnode) {
if (p_tnode->type == STRING) {
return (char *)p_tnode->value;
return NULL;
void *getValueByPointerForTree(TNode *p_tnode) {
if (p_tnode->type == POINTER) {
return p_tnode->value;
return NULL;
int printTNode(TNode *p_tnode, int priority) {
int i;
if (p_tnode != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < priority; i++) printf(" ");
if (priority == 0) printf("###");
else printf("#");
printf("TNode(id: %s)\n", s_idToASCIIString(p_tnode->s_id));
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("ifMalloc: ");
if (p_tnode->if_malloc) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Value(type: %d): ", p_tnode->type);
if (p_tnode->type == INT) {
printf("%d\n", *(int *)(p_tnode->value));
else if (p_tnode->type == DOUBLE) {
printf("%a\n", *(double *)(p_tnode->value));
else if (p_tnode->type == STRING) {
printf("%s\n", (char *)(p_tnode->value));
else if (p_tnode->type == POINTER) {
printf("%p\n", (char *)(p_tnode->value));
else printf("NO\n");
if (p_tnode->child_num > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Child number: %llu\n", p_tnode->child_num);
return 0;
return -1;
int printTNodeWithHome(TNode *p_tnode,int priority) {
int i;
List *p_home;
Node *p_node;
if (p_tnode != NULL) {
if (priority == 0) printf("###");
else printf("#");
printf("TNode(id: %s)\n", s_idToASCIIString(p_tnode->s_id));
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("ifMalloc: ");
if (p_tnode->if_malloc) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Value(type: %d): ", p_tnode->type);
if (p_tnode->type == INT) {
printf("%d\n", *(int *)(p_tnode->value));
else if (p_tnode->type == DOUBLE) {
printf("%a\n", *(double *)(p_tnode->value));
else if (p_tnode->type == STRING) {
printf("%s\n", (char *)(p_tnode->value));
else if (p_tnode->type == POINTER) {
printf("%p\n", (char *)(p_tnode->value));
else printf("NO\n");
if (p_tnode->father != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Father id: %s\n", s_idToASCIIString(p_tnode->father->s_id));
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Father: NO\n");
if (p_tnode->child_num > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Child(number: %llu):\n", p_tnode->child_num);
p_home = p_tnode->home;
p_node = p_home->head;
while (p_node != NULL) {
printTNode((TNode *)p_node->value, priority + 2);
p_node = p_node->next;
return 0;
return -1;
int printTNodeWithFamily(TNode *p_tnode, int priority) {
int i;
List *p_home;
Node *p_node;
if (p_tnode != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < priority; i++) printf(" ");
if (priority == 0) printf("###");
else printf("#");
printf("TNode(id: %s)\n", s_idToASCIIString(p_tnode->s_id));
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("ifMalloc: ");
if (p_tnode->if_malloc) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Value(type: %d): ", p_tnode->type);
if (p_tnode->type == INT) {
printf("%d\n", *(int *)(p_tnode->value));
else if (p_tnode->type == DOUBLE) {
printf("%a\n", *(double *)(p_tnode->value));
else if (p_tnode->type == STRING) {
printf("%s\n", (char *)(p_tnode->value));
else if (p_tnode->type == POINTER) {
printf("%p\n", (char *)(p_tnode->value));
else printf("NO\n");
if (p_tnode->father != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Father id: %s\n", s_idToASCIIString(p_tnode->father->s_id));
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Father: NO\n");
if (p_tnode->child_num > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Child(number: %llu):\n", p_tnode->child_num);
p_home = p_tnode->home;
p_node = p_home->head;
while (p_node != NULL) {
printTNodeWithFamily((TNode *)p_node->value, priority + 2);
p_node = p_node->next;
return 0;
return -1;
int printTree(Tree *p_tree) {
printf("Tree(id: %s)",s_idToASCIIString(p_tree->s_id));
return 0;
static unsigned long long tnodes_size = 0LL;
unsigned long long calTreeMemory(Tree *p_tree){ unsigned long long calTreeMemory(Tree *p_tree){
tnodes_size = 0LL; tnodes_size = 0LL;

View File

@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
#include "tree.h" #include "tree.h"
TNode *tnodeWithInt(int); TNode *tnodeWithInt(int);
TNode *tnodeWithDouble(double); TNode *tnodeWithDouble(double);
TNode *tnodeWithString(char *); TNode *tnodeWithString(char *);
TNode *tnodeWithPointer(void *); TNode *tnodeWithPointer(void *);
int getValueByIntForTree(TNode *); int getValueByIntForTree(TNode *);
double getValueByDoubleForTree(TNode *); double getValueByDoubleForTree(TNode *);
char *getValueByStringForTree(TNode *); char *getValueByStringForTree(TNode *);
void *getValueByPointerForTree(TNode *); void *getValueByPointerForTree(TNode *);
int printTree(Tree *p_tree); int printTree(Tree *p_tree);
int printTNodeWithHome(TNode *p_tnode, int priority); int printTNodeWithHome(TNode *p_tnode, int priority);
int printTNodeWithFamily(TNode *p_tnode, int priority); int printTNodeWithFamily(TNode *p_tnode, int priority);
int printTNode(TNode *p_tnode, int priority); int printTNode(TNode *p_tnode, int priority);
unsigned long long calTreeMemory(Tree *); unsigned long long calTreeMemory(Tree *);
int _doCalTreeMemory(TNode *p_tnode, unsigned long long height); int _doCalTreeMemory(TNode *p_tnode, unsigned long long height);
List *treeToList(Tree *p_tree); List *treeToList(Tree *p_tree);
#endif #endif

src/error/error.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <error/error.h>
int pushInfo(Info *p_info, const char *head, const char *body) {
strcpy(p_info->head, head);
strcpy(p_info->body, body);
return 0;
Error *pushError(unsigned int type, int pri, Info *p_info) {
Error *p_error = (Error *)malloc(sizeof(Error));
p_error->type = type;
p_error->priority = pri;
p_error->info = *p_info;
p_error->time = time(NULL);
return p_error;
Notice *pushNotice(unsigned int type, Info *p_info) {
Notice *p_notice = (Notice *)malloc(sizeof(Notice));
p_notice->type = type;
p_notice->info = *p_info;
p_notice->time = time(NULL);
return p_notice;
Info *initInfo(const char *head, const char *body){
Info *p_info = (Info *)malloc(sizeof(Info));
pushInfo(p_info, head, body);
return p_info;
int showError(Error *p_error){
for (int i = 0; i < p_error->priority; i++) {
printf("(Error) %s\n",asctime(localtime(&p_error->time)));
printf("%s: %s.\n",p_error->info.head,p_error->info.body);
return 0;
int showWarning(Notice *p_notice){
printf("(Warning) %s\n",asctime(localtime(&p_notice->time)));
printf("%s: %s.\n",p_notice->info.head,p_notice->info.body);
return 0;

View File

@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
#include "error.h" #include <error/error_file.h>
int initErrorSystem(void) { int initErrorSystem(void) {
error_list = initList(); error_list = initList(0);
notice_list = initList(); notice_list = initList(0);
if_error = 1; if_error = 1;
return 1; return 1;
} }
int setLogDirectory(const char *path) { int setLogDirectory(const char *path) {
#ifdef id_enable = getId(); = getId();
unsigned long memory_space = strlen(path) + 256; unsigned long memory_space = strlen(path) + 256;
char *file_path = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*memory_space); char *file_path = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*memory_space);

src/event/event_callback.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
@param p_list
@param p_func
Chain *listThrough(Chain *p_list, Chain *(*p_func)(uint32_t, void *, Chain *), Chain *expand_resources) {
Node *p_node = p_list->head;
List *m_rtnlst = NULL;
uint64_t index = 0;
insertInTail(expand_resources, nodeWithULLInt(index, 0));
insertInTail(expand_resources, nodeWithULLInt(p_list->length, 0));
while (p_node != NULL) {
if (p_node->value != NULL) {
m_rtnlst = (*p_func)(p_node->type, p_node->value, expand_resources);
int status = getByIntForNode(findByIndexForNode(m_rtnlst, 0));
if (status == -1) break;
else if (status == 1) {
p_node = p_node->last;
m_rtnlst = NULL;
else {
m_rtnlst = NULL;
p_node = p_node->next;
if(m_rtnlst != NULL) releaseNode(popFromHead(m_rtnlst));
return m_rtnlst;
@param expand_resources
@param type
uint64_t getInfoForListThrough(Chain *expand_resources, int type){
Node *p_node = NULL;
if (type == 0) {
p_node = findByIndexForNode(expand_resources, expand_resources->length-1);
p_node = findByIndexForNode(expand_resources, expand_resources->length-2);
return *((uint64_t *)p_node->value);
@param if_status
@param status
@param argc
@param ...
Chain *newReturn(int if_status ,int status, char *argc, ...){
List *p_list = initList(0);
lisrti(p_list, status);
if(status != 0){
va_list args;
va_start(args, argc);
char p_ch = argc[0];
char t_ch[256];
int count = 0, t_count = 0;
while(p_ch != '\0'){
if(p_ch == '%'){
switch (argc[count + 1]) {
case 'd':
lisrti(p_list, va_arg(args, int));
case 's':
t_count = 0;
while ((t_ch[t_count] = va_arg(args, int)) != '\0') t_count++;
t_ch[t_count] = '\0';
lisrts(p_list, t_ch);
case 'f':
lisrtd(p_list, va_arg(args, double));
case 'p':
lisrtp(p_list, va_arg(args, void *));
case 'u':
if(argc[count + 2] == 'l'){
if(argc[count + 3] == 'l'){
lisrtull(p_list, va_arg(args, unsigned long long));
count += 2;
lisrtu(p_list, va_arg(args, unsigned int));
p_ch = argc[++count];
return p_list;
Chain *newCReturn(void){
return newReturn(1, 0, NULL);

src/id/id.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
static _Bool if_rand = 0;
static void init_rand(void);
*: deep_level指示原始ID的复杂度
*: ,NULL.
static SID *initS_id(unsigned int deep_level);
static void s_idToMD5(SID *s_id);
*: ,NULL
static char *s_idToASCIIRawString(SID * const s_id);
static char hexToChar(unsigned int);
*: ,NULL
static SID *asciiRawStringToS_id(char * const string);
static void getRawS_id(SID *s_id, unsigned int type, unsigned int deep_level);
static void init_rand(void) {
unsigned long long getId(void) {
int i;
unsigned long long id = 0;
id = ((rand() % 9) + 1);
for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
id *= 10;
id += rand() % 10;
return id;
static SID *initS_id(unsigned int deep_level){
if (!if_rand){
if_rand = 1;
SID *p_sid = (SID *) malloc(sizeof(SID));
if(p_sid == NULL){
printf("\ninitS_id(): Error in getting the memory of sid.\n");
p_sid->sr = malloc(sizeof(struct sid_raw));
p_sid->sr->type = VOID;
p_sid->deep = deep_level;
p_sid->sr->value = NULL;
p_sid->sr->value_deeper = NULL;
p_sid->sr->value_deepest = NULL;
p_sid->md5 = NULL;
p_sid->decrypt_str = NULL;
p_sid->decrypt_hex = NULL;
return p_sid;
void getRawS_id(SID *p_sid, unsigned int type, unsigned int deep_level){
if (deep_level > 0) {
p_sid->sr->value = (unsigned int *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int)*DEEPC_LEN);
if(p_sid->sr->value == NULL){
printf("\ninitS_id(): Error in getting the memory of sid.value.\n");
if (deep_level > 1){
p_sid->sr->value_deeper = (unsigned int *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int)*DEEPB_LEN);
if(p_sid->sr->value_deeper == NULL){
printf("\ninitS_id(): Error in getting the memory of sid.value_deeper.\n");
if (deep_level > 2){
p_sid->sr->value_deepest = (unsigned int *)malloc(sizeof(unsigned int)*DEEPA_LEN);
if(p_sid->sr->value_deepest == NULL){
printf("\ninitS_id(): Error in getting the memory of sid.value_deepest.\n");
p_sid->sr->type = type;
if(deep_level > 0){
for(register int i = 0; i < DEEPC_LEN; i++) p_sid->sr->value[i] = rand()%65535;
if(deep_level > 1) for(register int i = 0; i < DEEPB_LEN; i++) p_sid->sr->value_deeper[i] = rand()%65535;
if (deep_level > 2) for(register int i = 0; i < DEEPA_LEN; i++) p_sid->sr->value_deepest[i] = rand()%65535;
SID *getS_id(unsigned int type, unsigned int deep_level){
SID *p_sid = initS_id(deep_level);
getRawS_id(p_sid, type, deep_level);
return p_sid;
int fitS_id(SID * const fs_id, SID * const ss_id){
if(fs_id->decrypt_str == NULL) setSidToASCIIString(fs_id);
if(ss_id->decrypt_str == NULL) setSidToASCIIString(ss_id);
return strcmp(fs_id->decrypt_str, ss_id->decrypt_str);
void setSidToASCIIString(SID * const s_id){
if(s_id->decrypt_str == NULL){
s_id->decrypt_str = malloc(sizeof(char) * 33);
s_id->decrypt_str[32] = '\0';
for(register int i = 0; i < 16; i++){
unsigned int temp_dyt = s_id->decrypt_hex[i];
//printf("%d\n",(unsigned int)temp_dyt);
unsigned int k = 0;
for (k = 0; (temp_dyt - (k * 16)) >= 16; k++);
s_id->decrypt_str[i * 2] = hexToChar(k);
s_id->decrypt_str[i * 2 + 1] = hexToChar(temp_dyt - k * 16);
//printf("HEX:%c",hexToChar(temp_dyt - k * 16));
int simFitS_id(SID * fs_id, SID * ss_id){
return !fitS_id(fs_id, ss_id);
char *s_idToASCIIString(SID * const s_id){
if(s_id->decrypt_str == NULL){
s_id->md5 = NULL;
//printf("s_id->decrypt_str: %s",s_id->decrypt_str);
char *rtn_str = malloc(sizeof(char) * 33);
strcpy(rtn_str, s_id->decrypt_str);
s_id->decrypt_hex = NULL;
return rtn_str;
char *s_idToASCIIRawString(SID * const s_id){
char *string = NULL;
int deep_len = 0, temp, buff_count, string_count;
unsigned int buff[DATA_BIT];
if(s_id->deep > 0){
if (s_id->deep == DEEPC){
string = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (DEEPC_LEN + 1) * DATA_BIT);
deep_len = DEEPC_LEN + 1;
deep_len *= DATA_BIT;
else if (s_id->deep == DEEPB){
string = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (DEEPC_LEN + DEEPB_LEN + 1) * DATA_BIT);
deep_len = DEEPC_LEN + DEEPB_LEN + 1;
deep_len *= DATA_BIT;
string = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * (DEEPC_LEN + DEEPB_LEN + DEEPA_LEN + 1) * DATA_BIT);
deep_len = DEEPC_LEN + DEEPB_LEN + DEEPA_LEN + 1;
deep_len *= DATA_BIT;
if(string == NULL){
printf("\ns_idToASCIIString(): Error in getting the memory of string.\n");
string[deep_len] = '\0';
temp = s_id->sr->type;
buff_count = DATA_BIT - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < DATA_BIT; i++) buff[i] = 0;
while(buff_count >= 0){
buff[buff_count] = temp % 10;
string[buff_count] = buff[buff_count] + 48;
temp /= 10;
deep_len -= DATA_BIT;
for(int i = 0; i < DEEPC_LEN; i++){
temp = s_id->sr->value[i];
for (int i = 0; i < DATA_BIT; i++) buff[i] = 0;
string_count = TYPE_LEN + (i) * 5;
buff_count = DATA_BIT - 1;
while (buff_count >= 0) {
buff[buff_count] = temp % 10;
temp /= 10;
for(int i = DATA_BIT - 1; i >= 0; i--) string[string_count + i] = buff[i] + 48;
deep_len -= DEEPC_LEN * DATA_BIT;
if(deep_len > 0)
for(int i = 0; i < DEEPB_LEN; i++){
temp = s_id->sr->value_deeper[i];
for (int i = 0; i < DATA_BIT; i++) buff[i] = 0;
string_count = TYPE_LEN + DEEPC_LEN * DATA_BIT + (i) * DATA_BIT;
buff_count = DATA_BIT - 1;
while (buff_count >= 0) {
buff[buff_count] = temp % 10;
temp /= 10;
for(int i = DATA_BIT - 1; i >= 0; i--) string[string_count + i] = buff[i] + 48;
deep_len -= DEEPB_LEN * DATA_BIT;
if(deep_len > 0)
for(int i = 0; i < DEEPA_LEN; i++){
temp = s_id->sr->value_deepest[i];
for (int i = 0; i < DATA_BIT; i++) buff[i] = 0;
string_count = TYPE_LEN + (DEEPC_LEN + DEEPB_LEN) * DATA_BIT + (i) * DATA_BIT;
buff_count = DATA_BIT - 1;
while (buff_count >= 0) {
buff[buff_count] = temp % 10;
string[string_count] = buff[buff_count] + 48;
temp /= 10;
for(int i = DATA_BIT - 1; i >= 0; i--) string[string_count + i] = buff[i] + 48;
return string;
return NULL;
static SID *asciiRawStringToS_id(char * const string){
SID *s_id = NULL;
unsigned long long string_len = strlen(string);
if (string_len == 25) s_id = initS_id(1);
else if (string_len == 65) s_id = initS_id(2);
else if (string_len == 225) s_id = initS_id(3);
else return NULL;
unsigned int *buff = (unsigned int *) malloc(sizeof(unsigned int) * (string_len));
if(buff == NULL){
printf("\ns_idToASCIIString(): Error in getting the memory of string.\n");
for(int i = 0; i < string_len; i++){
buff[i] = (unsigned int)string[i] - 48;
s_id->sr->type = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++){
s_id->sr->type += buff[i] ;
s_id->sr->type *= 10u;
s_id->sr->type /= 10u;
if (string_len >= 25){
for(int i = 0; i < DEEPC_LEN; i++){
s_id->sr->value[i] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++){
s_id->sr->value[i] += (unsigned int)buff[5 + i * 5 + j];
if(j < 4) s_id->sr->value[i] *= 10;
if (string_len >= 65){
for(int i = 0; i < DEEPB_LEN; i++){
s_id->sr->value_deeper[i] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++){
s_id->sr->value_deeper[i] += buff[25 + i * 5 + j];
if(j < 4) s_id->sr->value_deeper[i] *= 10;
if (string_len >= 225){
for(int i = 0; i < DEEPA_LEN; i++){
s_id->sr->value_deepest[i] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++){
s_id->sr->value_deepest[i] += buff[65 + i * 5 + j];
if(j < 4) s_id->sr->value_deepest[i] *= 10;
return s_id;
int freeS_id(SID *s_id){
if(s_id == NULL) return 0;
if(s_id->decrypt_hex != NULL) free(s_id->decrypt_hex);
if (s_id->md5 != NULL) free(s_id->md5);
return 0;
int freeSidRaw(SID *s_id){
if (s_id != NULL && s_id->sr != NULL){
if(s_id->sr->value != NULL){
s_id->sr->value = NULL;
if(s_id->sr->value_deeper != NULL){
s_id->sr->value_deeper = NULL;
if(s_id->sr->value_deepest != NULL){
s_id->sr->value_deepest = NULL;
s_id->sr = NULL;
return 0;
void s_idToMD5(SID *s_id){
if(s_id->md5 == NULL) s_id->md5 = malloc(sizeof(MD5_CTX));
char *sid_string = s_idToASCIIRawString(s_id);
s_id->decrypt_hex = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) * 16);
MD5Update(s_id->md5, (unsigned char *) sid_string, strlen(sid_string));
MD5Final(s_id->md5, s_id->decrypt_hex);
char hexToChar(unsigned int n){
switch (n) {
case 1:return '1';
case 2:return '2';
case 3:return '3';
case 4:return '4';
case 5:return '5';
case 6:return '6';
case 7:return '7';
case 8:return '8';
case 9:return '9';
case 10:return 'a';
case 11:return 'b';
case 12:return 'c';
case 13:return 'd';
case 14:return 'e';
case 15:return 'f';
return '0';
SID *copyS_id(SID *f_sid){
SID *s_sid = initS_id(f_sid->deep);
if(s_sid->decrypt_str == NULL) s_sid->decrypt_str = malloc(sizeof(char) * SID_LEN);
if (f_sid->decrypt_str != NULL) strcpy(s_sid->decrypt_str, f_sid->decrypt_str);
return NULL;
return s_sid;
SID *setS_idWithString(char *p_string){
if(p_string == NULL) return NULL;
SID *p_sid = initS_id(0);
if(p_sid->decrypt_str == NULL) p_sid->decrypt_str = malloc(sizeof(char) * SID_LEN);
strcpy(p_sid->decrypt_str, p_string);
return p_sid;

src/id/md5.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
#include "md5.h"
unsigned char PADDING[] = {
0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
void MD5Init(MD5_CTX *context)
context->count[0] = 0;
context->count[1] = 0;
context->state[0] = 0x67452301;
context->state[1] = 0xEFCDAB89;
context->state[2] = 0x98BADCFE;
context->state[3] = 0x10325476;
void MD5Update(MD5_CTX *context, unsigned char *input, unsigned long inputlen)
unsigned int i = 0, index = 0, partlen = 0;
index = (context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3F;
partlen = 64 - index;
context->count[0] += inputlen << 3;
if (context->count[0] < (inputlen << 3))
context->count[1] += inputlen >> 29;
if (inputlen >= partlen)
memcpy(&context->buffer[index], input, partlen);
MD5Transform(context->state, context->buffer);
for (i = partlen; i + 64 <= inputlen; i += 64)
MD5Transform(context->state, &input[i]);
index = 0;
i = 0;
memcpy(&context->buffer[index], &input[i], inputlen - i);
void MD5Final(MD5_CTX *context, unsigned char digest[16])
unsigned int index = 0, padlen = 0;
unsigned char bits[8];
index = (context->count[0] >> 3) & 0x3F;
padlen = (index < 56) ? (56 - index) : (120 - index);
MD5Encode(bits, context->count, 8);
MD5Update(context, PADDING, padlen);
MD5Update(context, bits, 8);
MD5Encode(digest, context->state, 16);
void MD5Encode(unsigned char *output, unsigned int *input, unsigned long len)
unsigned int i = 0, j = 0;
while (j < len)
output[j] = input[i] & 0xFF;
output[j + 1] = (input[i] >> 8) & 0xFF;
output[j + 2] = (input[i] >> 16) & 0xFF;
output[j + 3] = (input[i] >> 24) & 0xFF;
j += 4;
void MD5Decode(unsigned int *output, unsigned char *input, unsigned long len)
unsigned int i = 0, j = 0;
while (j < len)
output[i] = (input[j]) |
(input[j + 1] << 8) |
(input[j + 2] << 16) |
(input[j + 3] << 24);
j += 4;
void MD5Transform(unsigned int state[4], unsigned char block[64])
unsigned int a = state[0];
unsigned int b = state[1];
unsigned int c = state[2];
unsigned int d = state[3];
unsigned int x[64];
MD5Decode(x, block, 64);
FF(a, b, c, d, x[0], 7, 0xd76aa478);
FF(d, a, b, c, x[1], 12, 0xe8c7b756);
FF(c, d, a, b, x[2], 17, 0x242070db);
FF(b, c, d, a, x[3], 22, 0xc1bdceee);
FF(a, b, c, d, x[4], 7, 0xf57c0faf);
FF(d, a, b, c, x[5], 12, 0x4787c62a);
FF(c, d, a, b, x[6], 17, 0xa8304613);
FF(b, c, d, a, x[7], 22, 0xfd469501);
FF(a, b, c, d, x[8], 7, 0x698098d8);
FF(d, a, b, c, x[9], 12, 0x8b44f7af);
FF(c, d, a, b, x[10], 17, 0xffff5bb1);
FF(b, c, d, a, x[11], 22, 0x895cd7be);
FF(a, b, c, d, x[12], 7, 0x6b901122);
FF(d, a, b, c, x[13], 12, 0xfd987193);
FF(c, d, a, b, x[14], 17, 0xa679438e);
FF(b, c, d, a, x[15], 22, 0x49b40821);
GG(a, b, c, d, x[1], 5, 0xf61e2562);
GG(d, a, b, c, x[6], 9, 0xc040b340);
GG(c, d, a, b, x[11], 14, 0x265e5a51);
GG(b, c, d, a, x[0], 20, 0xe9b6c7aa);
GG(a, b, c, d, x[5], 5, 0xd62f105d);
GG(d, a, b, c, x[10], 9, 0x2441453);
GG(c, d, a, b, x[15], 14, 0xd8a1e681);
GG(b, c, d, a, x[4], 20, 0xe7d3fbc8);
GG(a, b, c, d, x[9], 5, 0x21e1cde6);
GG(d, a, b, c, x[14], 9, 0xc33707d6);
GG(c, d, a, b, x[3], 14, 0xf4d50d87);
GG(b, c, d, a, x[8], 20, 0x455a14ed);
GG(a, b, c, d, x[13], 5, 0xa9e3e905);
GG(d, a, b, c, x[2], 9, 0xfcefa3f8);
GG(c, d, a, b, x[7], 14, 0x676f02d9);
GG(b, c, d, a, x[12], 20, 0x8d2a4c8a);
HH(a, b, c, d, x[5], 4, 0xfffa3942);
HH(d, a, b, c, x[8], 11, 0x8771f681);
HH(c, d, a, b, x[11], 16, 0x6d9d6122);
HH(b, c, d, a, x[14], 23, 0xfde5380c);
HH(a, b, c, d, x[1], 4, 0xa4beea44);
HH(d, a, b, c, x[4], 11, 0x4bdecfa9);
HH(c, d, a, b, x[7], 16, 0xf6bb4b60);
HH(b, c, d, a, x[10], 23, 0xbebfbc70);
HH(a, b, c, d, x[13], 4, 0x289b7ec6);
HH(d, a, b, c, x[0], 11, 0xeaa127fa);
HH(c, d, a, b, x[3], 16, 0xd4ef3085);
HH(b, c, d, a, x[6], 23, 0x4881d05);
HH(a, b, c, d, x[9], 4, 0xd9d4d039);
HH(d, a, b, c, x[12], 11, 0xe6db99e5);
HH(c, d, a, b, x[15], 16, 0x1fa27cf8);
HH(b, c, d, a, x[2], 23, 0xc4ac5665);
II(a, b, c, d, x[0], 6, 0xf4292244);
II(d, a, b, c, x[7], 10, 0x432aff97);
II(c, d, a, b, x[14], 15, 0xab9423a7);
II(b, c, d, a, x[5], 21, 0xfc93a039);
II(a, b, c, d, x[12], 6, 0x655b59c3);
II(d, a, b, c, x[3], 10, 0x8f0ccc92);
II(c, d, a, b, x[10], 15, 0xffeff47d);
II(b, c, d, a, x[1], 21, 0x85845dd1);
II(a, b, c, d, x[8], 6, 0x6fa87e4f);
II(d, a, b, c, x[15], 10, 0xfe2ce6e0);
II(c, d, a, b, x[6], 15, 0xa3014314);
II(b, c, d, a, x[13], 21, 0x4e0811a1);
II(a, b, c, d, x[4], 6, 0xf7537e82);
II(d, a, b, c, x[11], 10, 0xbd3af235);
II(c, d, a, b, x[2], 15, 0x2ad7d2bb);
II(b, c, d, a, x[9], 21, 0xeb86d391);
state[0] += a;
state[1] += b;
state[2] += c;
state[3] += d;

src/memory/block/block.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
#include <block/block.h>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
#include <block/block.h>
#include <block/block_expand.h>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <list/list.h>
@param p_node
Node *copyNode(Node *p_node) {
Node *t_node = NULL;
#ifdef id_enable
if (p_node->s_id == NULL) t_node = initNode(0);
else t_node = initNode(p_node->s_id->deep);
t_node->s_id = copyS_id(p_node->s_id);
t_node->last = p_node->last;
t_node->next = p_node->next;
t_node->type = p_node->type;
t_node->value = p_node->value;
return t_node;
@param p_list
List *copyList(List *p_list) {
Node *p_node;
Node *t_node;
List *t_list = NULL;
#ifdef id_enable
if (p_list->s_id == NULL) t_list = initList(0);
else t_list = initList(p_list->s_id->deep);
t_list->head = p_list->head;
t_list->tail = p_list->tail;
t_list->length = p_list->length;
if(p_list->head != NULL && p_list->tail != NULL){
p_node = p_list->head;
while (p_node != NULL) {
t_node = copyNode(p_node);
insertInTail(t_list, t_node);
p_node = p_node->next;
return t_list;

src/memory/list/list_find.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <list/list.h>
#ifdef id_enable
@param p_list
@param s_id ID值
@return NULL
Node *findByIdForNode(List *p_list, SID * s_id) {
Node *ph_node = p_list->head;
Node *pt_node = p_list->tail;
int direction = 0;
while (ph_node != pt_node) {
if (direction == 0) {
if (simFitS_id(ph_node->s_id, s_id)) {
return ph_node;
else {
ph_node = ph_node->next;
direction = 1;
else {
if (simFitS_id(pt_node->s_id, s_id)) {
return pt_node;
else {
pt_node = pt_node->last;
return NULL;
@param p_list
@param type
@param value
@return NULL
Node *findByValue(List *p_list, uint type, const void *value) {
Node *p_node = p_list->head;
while (p_node != NULL) {
if (p_node->type != type) {
p_node = p_node->next;
if (type == INT) {
if (*((int *)p_node->value) == *((int *)value)) {
return p_node;
else if (type == DOUBLE) {
if (*((double *)p_node->value) == *((double *)value)) {
return p_node;
else if (type == STRING) {
if (!strcmp((char *)p_node->value, (char *)value))
return p_node;
else if (type == POINTER) {
if (p_node->value == value) {
return p_node;
p_node = p_node->next;
return NULL;
@param p_list
@param type
@param value
List *mply_findByValue(List *p_list, unsigned int type, const void *value) {
List *f_list = initList(0);
Node *p_node = p_list->head;
while (p_node != NULL) {
if (p_node->type != type) {
p_node = p_node->next;
if (type == INT) {
if (*((int *)p_node->value) == *((int *)value)) {
Node *f_node = p_node;
insertInTail(f_list, f_node);
else if (type == DOUBLE) {
if (*((double *)p_node->value) == *((double *)value)) {
Node *f_node = p_node;
insertInTail(f_list, f_node);
else if (type == STRING) {
if (!strcmp((char *)p_node->value, (char *)value))
Node *f_node = p_node;
insertInTail(f_list, f_node);
else if (type == POINTER) {
if (p_node->value == value) {
Node *f_node = p_node;
insertInTail(f_list, f_node);
p_node = p_node->next;
return f_list;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <list/list.h>
@param p_list
uint64_t len(List *p_list) {
return p_list->length;
@param p_list
@return 10
int isListEmpty(List *p_list) {
if (p_list->head == NULL || p_list->tail == NULL)// If its head or tail is NULL,it would be thought as empty.
return 1; // But we should ensure that both of them are NULL when we
return 0; // want to make a list empty.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <list/list.h>
@param if_sid ID
#ifdef id_enable
Node *initNode(_Bool if_sid)
Node *initNode(void)
Node *p_node = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node));
if(p_node == NULL){
return NULL;
Node *prec_node = NULL;
#ifdef id_enable
if (if_sid)p_node->s_id = getS_id(LIST_NODE, 1);
else p_node->s_id = NULL;
p_node->next = NULL;
p_node->last = NULL;
p_node->type = VOID;
// 链表内存安全模式相关操作
if (if_safeModeForNode) {
if_safeModeForNode = 0;
prec_node = initNode(0);
if_safeModeForNode = 1;
initMallocValueForNode(prec_node, POINTER, (void *)p_node);
insertInTail(node_list, prec_node);
return p_node;
@param if_sid ID
#ifdef id_enable
List *initList(_Bool if_sid)
List *initList(void)
Node *p_node = NULL;
List *p_list = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List));
if(p_list == NULL){
return NULL;
#ifdef id_enable
if(if_sid) p_list->s_id = getS_id(LIST, 1);
else p_list->s_id = NULL;
p_list->head = NULL;
p_list->tail = NULL;
if (if_safeModeForNode) {
if_safeModeForNode = 0;
p_node = initNode(0);
if_safeModeForNode = 1;
initMallocValueForNode(p_node, POINTER, (void *)p_list);
insertInTail(list_list, p_node);
return p_list;
@param p_node
@param type
@param p_value
@return 0
inline int initMallocValueForNode(Node *p_node, unsigned int type, const void *p_value) {
p_node->type = type;
p_node->value = (void *)p_value;
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <list/list.h>
@param p_list
@param p_node
@return 0
int insertInHead(List *p_list, Node *p_node) {
if (isListEmpty(p_list)) {
p_list->head = p_node;
p_list->tail = p_node;
else {
p_list->head->last = p_node;
p_node->last = NULL;
p_node->next = p_list->head;
p_list->head = p_node;
p_list->length += 1;
return 0;
@param p_list
@param p_node
@return 0
int insertInTail(List *p_list, Node *p_node) {
// 如果可能需要使用长链表模块则编译以下代码
#ifdef list_quick_enable
if(p_list->p_lq != NULL && p_list->p_lq->if_sort) return -1;
if (isListEmpty(p_list)) {
p_list->head = p_node;
p_list->tail = p_node;
else {
p_list->tail->next = p_node;
p_node->next = NULL;
p_node->last = p_list->tail;
p_list->tail = p_node;
p_list->length += 1;
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <list/list.h>
#include <list/list_print.h>
#ifdef id_enable
#include <id/id.h>
@param p_list
@param priority
void printListInfo(List *p_list, int priority) {
int i = 0;
Node *p_node;
for (i = 0; i < priority; i++) printf(" ");
// 如果可能使用到ID模块则编译以下代码
#ifdef id_enable
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("HEAD->%p / Tail->%p / Length:%llu\n", p_list->head, p_list->tail, p_list->length);
p_node = p_list->head;
while (p_node != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("%d.... \n", i);
printNodeInfo(p_node, priority + 1);
p_node = p_node->next;
for (i = 0; i < priority; i++) printf(" ");
@param p_list
void printList(List *p_list) {
int if_nearLast = 0;
Node *p_node = p_list->head;
while (p_node != NULL) {
if (!if_nearLast && p_node->next == NULL) if_nearLast = 1;
if (p_node->type == INT) {
printf("%d", *(int *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == DOUBLE) {
printf("%a", *(double *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == STRING) {
printf("%s", (char *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == POINTER) {
printf("%p", (char *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == LIST) {
printList((List *)p_node->value);
if (!if_nearLast) {
printf(", ");
p_node = p_node->next;
@param p_node
@param priority
void printNodeInfo(Node *p_node, int priority) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < priority; i++) printf(" ");
#ifdef id_enable
printf(", id:%s", s_idToASCIIString(p_node->s_id));
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("NEXT->%p / LAST->%p\n", p_node->next, p_node->last);
if (p_node->type == INT) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("VALUE(int):%d\n", *(int *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == DOUBLE) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("VALUE(double):%a\n", *(double *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == STRING) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("VALUE(string):%s\n", (char *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == POINTER) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("VALUE(pointer):%s\n", (char *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == LIST) {
for (i = 0; i < priority + 1; i++) printf(" ");
printListInfo((List *)p_node->value, priority + 2);
for (i = 0; i < priority; i++) printf(" ");
@param p_node
void printNode(Node *p_node) {
int i;
#ifdef id_enable
printf(", id:%s",s_idToASCIIString(p_node->s_id));
printf(" ");
printf("NEXT->%p / LAST->%p\n", p_node->next, p_node->last);
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("ifMalloc: ");
if (p_node->value != NULL) {
for (i = 0; i < 1; i++) printf(" ");
printf("Value(type: %d): ", p_node->type);
if (p_node->type == INT) {
printf("%d", *(int *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == DOUBLE) {
printf("%a\n", *(double *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == STRING) {
printf("%s\n", (char *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == POINTER) {
printf("%p\n", (char *)(p_node->value));
else if (p_node->type == LIST) {
printList((List *)p_node->value);
else printf("NO\n");
@param p_list
@param func
void printListForCustom(List *p_list,void (*func)(void *value)){
printf("###LIST (LEN:%llu ",p_list->length);
#ifdef id_enable
if(p_list->s_id != NULL) printf("SID:%s",p_list->s_id->decrypt_str);
listThrough(p_list, __CALLBACK_CALL(printListForCustom), __SEND_ARG("%p", func));
void (*func)(void *) = __ARGS_P(0, void);
printf("NODE (IDX:%llu ",__NOW_INDEX);
func(__VALUE(void *));
return __CRETURN__;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <list/list.h>
int releaseNode(Node *p_node) {
if (if_safeModeForNode == 1) {
removeByNode(node_list, p_node);
if (p_node->value != NULL) {
if (p_node->type != POINTER && p_node->type != HOLE) {
if (p_node->type == LIST) {
releaseList((List *)p_node->value);
else {
p_node->value = NULL;
p_node->last = NULL;
p_node->next = NULL;
p_node->type = VOID;
p_node->value = NULL;
#ifdef id_enable
if (p_node->s_id != NULL) freeS_id(p_node->s_id);
return 0;
int releaseOnlyNode(Node *p_node) {
#ifdef id_enable
if (p_node->s_id != NULL) freeS_id(p_node->s_id);
p_node->last = NULL;
p_node->next = NULL;
p_node->type = VOID;
p_node->value = NULL;
return 0;
int releaseList(List *p_list) {
Node *p_node, *pl_node;
p_node = p_list->head;
if (if_safeModeForNode == 1) {
Node *tar_list = findByValue(list_list, POINTER, (void *)p_list);//turn pointer in to int to compare.
removeByNode(list_list, tar_list);
while (p_node != NULL) {
pl_node = p_node;
p_node = p_node->next;
pl_node->next = NULL;
pl_node->last = NULL;
p_list->head = NULL;
p_list->tail = NULL;
p_list->length = 0;
return 0;
int releaseListForSingle(List *p_list) {
return 0;
int releaseNodeForCustom(Node *p_node, int (*func)(void *)){
if (if_safeModeForNode) {
removeByNode(node_list, p_node);
if (p_node->value != NULL) {
if (func(p_node->value))
p_node->value = NULL;
p_node->last = NULL;
p_node->next = NULL;
p_node->type = VOID;
p_node->value = NULL;
#ifdef id_enable
if (p_node->s_id != NULL) freeS_id(p_node->s_id);
return 0;
int releaseListForCustom(List *p_list, int (*func)(void *)){
Node *p_node, *pl_node;
p_node = p_list->head;
if (if_safeModeForNode == 1) {
Node *tar_list = findByValue(list_list, POINTER, (void *)p_list);
removeByNode(list_list, tar_list);
while (p_node != NULL) {
pl_node = p_node;
p_node = p_node->next;
pl_node->next = NULL;
pl_node->last = NULL;
p_list->head = NULL;
p_list->tail = NULL;
p_list->length = 0;
#ifdef id_enable
if (p_list->s_id != NULL) freeS_id(p_list->s_id);
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <list/list.h>
#ifdef id_enable
int removeById(List *p_list, SID *s_id) {
Node *tmp = p_list->head;
if (isListEmpty(p_list))
return -1;
do {
if (simFitS_id(tmp->s_id, s_id)) {
if (tmp != p_list->head) {
tmp->last->next = tmp->next;
else {
p_list->head = tmp->next;
if (tmp != p_list->tail) {
tmp->next->last = tmp->last;
else {
p_list->tail = tmp->last;
p_list->length -= 1;
return 1;//found
else {
tmp = tmp->next;
} while (tmp != NULL);
return 0;//not find
int removeByNode(List *p_list, Node *p_node) {
if (isListEmpty(p_list))
return -1;
if(p_node == p_list->head){
return 0;
else if(p_node == p_list->tail){
return 0;
p_node->last->next = p_node->next;
p_node->next->last = p_node->last;
p_list->length -= 1;
return 0;//not find
Node *popFromHead(List *p_list) {
if (isListEmpty(p_list))
return NULL;
Node *p_node = p_list->head;
//Node *tmp = p_list->head;
p_list->head->next->last = NULL;
p_list->head = p_list->head->next;
//releaseNode(tmp); not necessary
if (isListEmpty(p_list)) {
p_list->head = NULL;
p_list->tail = NULL;
p_list->length -= 1;
return p_node;
Node *popFromTail(List *p_list) {
Node *p_node = p_list->tail;
if (isListEmpty(p_list))
return NULL;
else {
//Node *tmp = p_list->tail;
p_list->tail->last->next = NULL;
p_list->tail = p_list->tail->last;
//releaseNode(tmp); not necessary
if (isListEmpty(p_list)) {
p_list->head = NULL;
p_list->tail = NULL;
p_list->length -= 1;
return p_node;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <list/list.h>
int replaceNode(List *p_list, Node *pt_node, Node *p_node){
p_node->next = pt_node->next;
p_node->last = pt_node->last;
if (p_list->head != pt_node) pt_node->last->next = p_node;
else p_list->head = p_node;
if(p_list->tail != pt_node) pt_node->next->last = p_node;
else p_list->tail = p_node;
return 0;
int exchangeNode(List *p_list, Node *f_node, Node *s_node){
Node *fl_node = f_node->last, *fn_node = f_node->next;
if(p_list->head != f_node) f_node->last->next = s_node;
else p_list->head = s_node;
if(p_list->tail != f_node) f_node->next->last = s_node;
else p_list->tail = s_node;
if(p_list->head != s_node) s_node->last->next = f_node;
else p_list->head = f_node;
if(p_list->tail != s_node) s_node->next->last = f_node;
else p_list->tail = f_node;
f_node->next = s_node->next;
f_node->last = s_node->last;
s_node->next = fn_node;
s_node->last = fl_node;
return 0;

src/memory/list/safe_mode.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
#include <type.h>
#include <list/list.h>
#include <chain/chain_quick.h>
static int if_safeModeForNode = 0;
static List *node_list = NULL;
static List *list_list = NULL;
static int releaseSingleNodeForsafeModeForNode(List *p_list);
static int releaseSingleListForsafeModeForNode(List *p_list);
int safeModeForNode(int ifon) {
if (ifon == 1) {
if (node_list == NULL && list_list == NULL) {
node_list = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List));
if(node_list == NULL){
return -1;
list_list = (List *)malloc(sizeof(List));
if(list_list == NULL){
return -1;
list_list->head = NULL;
list_list->length = 0;
list_list->tail = NULL;
node_list->head = NULL;
node_list->length = 0;
node_list->tail = NULL;
if_safeModeForNode = 1;
else {
return -1;
return ifon;
static int releaseSingleListForsafeModeForNode(List *p_list) {
Node *p_node = p_list->head;
List *plv_node = NULL;
while (p_node != NULL) {
plv_node = (List *)p_node->value;
#ifdef id_enable
plv_node->head = NULL;
plv_node->length = 0;
plv_node->tail = NULL;
p_node = p_node->next;
p_list->head = NULL;
p_list->length = 0;
p_list->tail = NULL;
#ifdef id_enable
return 0;
static int releaseSingleNodeForsafeModeForNode(List *p_list) {
Node *p_node = p_list->head;
Node *pnv_node = NULL;
while (p_node != NULL) {
pnv_node = (Node *)p_node->value;
#ifdef id_enable
pnv_node->last = NULL;
pnv_node->next = NULL;
pnv_node->type = VOID;
pnv_node->value = NULL;
p_node = p_node->next;
#ifdef id_enable
p_list->head = NULL;
p_list->length = 0;
p_list->tail = NULL;
return 0;
int releaseAllForNode(void) {
if (if_safeModeForNode == 1) {
if_safeModeForNode = 0;
return 0;

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
#include "stack.h"
Stack *initStack(void) {
Stack *p_stack = (Stack *)malloc(sizeof(Stack));
if(p_stack == NULL){
showError(pushError(STACK, STANDARD, initInfo("initStack()", "Error in getting the memory of stack.")));
return NULL;
p_stack->s_id = getS_id(STACK, 1);
p_stack->length = 0;
p_stack->top = NULL;
return p_stack;
SNode *initSNode(void) {
SNode *p_snode = (SNode *)malloc(sizeof(SNode));
if(p_snode == NULL){
showError(pushError(STACK_NODE, STANDARD, initInfo("initSNode()", "Error in getting the memory of snode.")));
return NULL;
p_snode->s_id = getS_id(STACK_NODE, 1);
p_snode->if_malloc = 0;
p_snode->next = NULL;
p_snode->value = NULL;
return p_snode;
SNode *popStack(Stack *p_stack) {
if (p_stack->top != NULL) {
SNode *p_snode = p_stack->top;
p_stack->top = p_snode->next;
p_snode->next = NULL;
p_stack->length -= 1;
return p_snode;
else return NULL;
int pushStack(Stack *p_stack, SNode *p_snode) {
SNode *pn_snode = p_stack->top;
p_stack->top = p_snode;
p_snode->next = pn_snode;
p_stack->length -= 1;
return 0;
int releaseStack(Stack *p_stack) {
SNode *p_sndoe = p_stack->top;
while (p_sndoe != NULL) {
SNode *pl_snode = p_sndoe;
p_sndoe = p_sndoe->next;
p_stack->top = NULL;
p_stack->length = 0;
return 0;
int releaseSNode(SNode *p_snode) {
p_snode->if_malloc = 0;
p_snode->value = NULL;
p_snode->type = VOID;
return 0;
int initMallocValueForSNode(SNode *p_snode, unsigned int type, void *value) {
p_snode->if_malloc = 1;
p_snode->type = type;
p_snode->value = value;
return 0;

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
#ifndef STACK_H
#define STACK_H
#include "../type/type.h"
#include "../list/list_expand.h"
Stack *initStack(void);
SNode *initSNode(void);
int initMallocValueForSNode(SNode *p_snode, unsigned int type, void *value);
SNode *popStack(Stack *p_stack);
int pushStack(Stack *p_stack, SNode *p_snode);
int releaseStack(Stack *p_stack);
int releaseSNode(SNode *p_snode);
#endif /* stack_h */

View File

@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
#include "stack_expand.h"
SNode *snodeWithInt(int temp) {
SNode *p_snode = initSNode();
int *p_temp = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
if(p_temp == NULL){
showError(pushError(INT, STANDARD, initInfo("snodeWithInt()", "Error in getting the memory of int.")));
return NULL;
*p_temp = temp;
initMallocValueForSNode(p_snode, INT, p_temp);
return p_snode;
SNode *snodeWithDouble(double temp) {
SNode *p_snode = initSNode();
double *p_temp = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double));
if(p_temp == NULL){
showError(pushError(DOUBLE, STANDARD, initInfo("snodeWithDouble()", "Error in getting the memory of double.")));
return NULL;
*p_temp = temp;
initMallocValueForSNode(p_snode, DOUBLE, p_temp);
return p_snode;
SNode *snodeWithString(char *temp) {
SNode *p_snode = initSNode();
char *p_temp = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(temp) + 1));
if(p_temp == NULL){
showError(pushError(STRING, STANDARD, initInfo("snodeWithString()", "Error in getting the memory of string.")));
return NULL;
strcpy(p_temp, temp);
initMallocValueForSNode(p_snode, STRING, p_temp);
return p_snode;
SNode *snodeWithPointer(void *temp) {
SNode *p_snode = initSNode();
initMallocValueForSNode(p_snode, POINTER, temp);
return p_snode;
int getValueByIntForSNode(SNode *p_snode) {
if (p_snode->type == INT) return *(int *)p_snode->value;
else return -1;
double getValueByDoubleForSNode(SNode *p_snode) {
if (p_snode->type == DOUBLE) return *(double *)p_snode->value;
else return -1;
char *getValueByStringForSNode(SNode *p_snode) {
if (p_snode->type == STRING) return (char *)p_snode->value;
else return NULL;
void *getValueByPointerForSNode(SNode *p_snode) {
if (p_snode->type == POINTER) return (void *)p_snode->value;
else return NULL;

View File

@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
#include "stack.h"
SNode *snodeWithInt(int);
SNode *snodeWithDouble(double);
SNode *snodeWithString(char *);
SNode *snodeWithPointer(void *);
int getValueByIntForSNode(SNode *);
double getValueByDoubleForSNode(SNode *);
char *getValueByStringForSNode(SNode *);
void *getValueByPointerForSNode(SNode *);
#endif /* stack_expand_h */

View File

@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
#include "test.h"
int list(void) {
List *t_list, *m_list;;
t_list = initList();
/*for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
Node *t_node = initNode();
int *t_i = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
*t_i = i;
initMallocValue(t_node,"int",(void *)t_i);
/*Node *t_node = initNode();
initMalllocValue(t_node,(void *)"there");*/
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
insertInHead(t_list, nodeWithInt(i));
insertInTail(t_list, nodeWithInt(i));
printListInfo(t_list, 0);
m_list = m_findByIntForNode(t_list, 5);
return 0;
int _useTreeThroughDown(TNode *p_tnode, unsigned long long height) {
return 0;
int tree(void) {
TNode *t_tnode, *cr_tnode, *cl_tnode;
Tree *t_tree;
TNode *gs_tnode;
t_tree = initTree();
t_tnode = tnodeWithInt(1);
cr_tnode = tnodeWithInt(3);
cl_tnode = tnodeWithInt(2);
addChildInRight(t_tnode, cl_tnode);
addChildInRight(t_tnode, cr_tnode);
addChildInRight(cl_tnode, tnodeWithInt(4));
gs_tnode = tnodeWithInt(5);
addChildInRight(cr_tnode, tnodeWithInt(6));
addChildInRight(cr_tnode, tnodeWithInt(7));
addChildInRight(gs_tnode, tnodeWithInt(8));
setRoot(t_tree, t_tnode);
TreeThroughUp(t_tree, _useTreeThroughDown);
//printTNodeWithFamily(t_tnode, 0);
return 0;
int stack(void) {
int i;
Stack *t_stack = initStack();
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
pushStack(t_stack, snodeWithInt(i));
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
printf("%d", getValueByIntForSNode(popStack(t_stack)));
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
List *t_list = initList();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
insertInHead(t_list, nodeWithInt(i));
STD_DATA *p_std = listToSTD(t_list);
D_FILE *p_dfilew = initDataFileForWrite("data.df");
dataFileAddStandardData(p_dfilew, p_std);
D_FILE *p_dfiler = initDataFileForRead("data.df");
return 0;

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
#ifndef TEST_H
#define TEST_H
#include "type/type.h"
#include "list/list_expand.h"
#include "stack/stack_expand.h"
#include "tree/tree_expand.h"
#include "communicate/communicate.h"
int stack(void);
int list(void);
int tree(void);
#endif // TEST_H

test/test.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#include "test.h"
int list(void) {
List *p_list = initList(1);
for(int i = 0; i < 12; i++){
insertInTail(p_list, nodeWithInt(i, 0));
D_FILE *pd_file = initDataFileForWrite("data.db");
STD_DATA *p_std = listToSTD(p_list);
STD_DATA *pa_std = listToSTD(p_list);
dataFileAddStandardData(pd_file, p_std);
dataFileAddStandardData(pd_file, pa_std);
return 0;
/*int _useTreeThroughDown(TNode *p_tnode, unsigned long long height) {
return 0;
/*int tree(void) {
TNode *t_tnode, *cr_tnode, *cl_tnode;
Tree *t_tree;
TNode *gs_tnode;
t_tree = initTree();
t_tnode = tnodeWithInt(1);
cr_tnode = tnodeWithInt(3);
cl_tnode = tnodeWithInt(2);
addChildInRight(t_tnode, cl_tnode);
addChildInRight(t_tnode, cr_tnode);
addChildInRight(cl_tnode, tnodeWithInt(4));
gs_tnode = tnodeWithInt(5);
addChildInRight(cr_tnode, tnodeWithInt(6));
addChildInRight(cr_tnode, tnodeWithInt(7));
addChildInRight(gs_tnode, tnodeWithInt(8));
setRoot(t_tree, t_tnode);
TreeThroughUp(t_tree, _useTreeThroughDown);
//printTNodeWithFamily(t_tnode, 0);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
List *p_list = initList(0);
for(int i = 0; i < 65535; i++){
insertInTail(p_list, nodeWithInt(i, 1));
return 0;

test/test.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#ifndef TEST_H
#define TEST_H
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <type.h>
#include <id/id.h>
#include <chain/chain.h>
#include <event/event.h>
#include <communicate/communicate_file.h>
int stack(void);
int list(void);
int tree(void);
#endif // TEST_H

View File

@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
#ifndef type_h
#define type_h
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#define VOID 0
#define INT 1
#define DOUBLE 2
#define STRING 3
#define POINTER 4
#define LIST 5
#define STACK 6
#define TREE 7
#define LIST_NODE 8
#define TREE_NODE 9
#define STACK_NODE 10
#define T_SID 11
#define UINT 12
#define STANDARD_DATA 13
#define DATA_FILE 14
#define MESSAGE 15
#define DEEPC 1
#define DEEPB 2
#define DEEPA 3
#define TYPE_LEN 5
#define DEEPC_LEN 4
#define DEEPB_LEN 8
#define DEEPA_LEN 32
#define DATA_BIT 5
#define DEEP_LEN 25
#define DEEPER_LEN 65
#define DEEPEST_LEN 225
#define FILE_TSET_LEN 18
#define HEAD_TEST_LEN 9
#define HIGH 0x3
#define STANDARD 0x2
#define LOW 0x1
typedef struct s_id{
unsigned int type;
unsigned int *value;//4
unsigned int *value_deeper;//8
unsigned int *value_deepest;//32
unsigned int deep;
typedef struct Node{
SID *s_id;
void *value;
_Bool if_malloc;
_Bool if_sid;
unsigned int type;
struct Node *next;
struct Node *last;
} Node;
typedef struct List{
SID *s_id;
Node *head;
Node *tail;
_Bool if_sid;
unsigned long long length;
} List;
typedef struct Info{
char head[64];
char body[256];
typedef struct Error{
unsigned int type;
int priority;
Info info;
time_t time;
typedef struct Notice{
unsigned int type;
Info info;
time_t time;
typedef struct Log{
FILE *fp;
int if_enable;
unsigned long int id;
typedef struct stack_node{
SID *s_id;
_Bool if_malloc;
_Bool if_sid;
unsigned int type;
void *value;
struct stack_node *next;
} SNode;
typedef struct stack{
SID *s_id;
unsigned long long length;
SNode *top;
_Bool if_sid;
} Stack;
typedef struct tree_node
SID *s_id;
List *home;
struct tree_node *father;
Node *room;
unsigned long long child_num;
unsigned int type;
void *value;
_Bool if_malloc;
_Bool if_sid;
typedef struct tree
SID *s_id;
_Bool if_sid;
TNode *root;
typedef struct file_head{
char head_test[18];
unsigned long long data_num;
typedef struct data_file{
FILE *fp;
F_HEAD *pf_head;
List *pf_stdlst;
typedef struct standard_data_blocks{
unsigned int type;
char *sid;
_Bool if_data;
unsigned int blocks_num;
char *buff;
typedef struct standard_data_connection{
char *f_sid;
char *s_sid;
typedef struct standard_data_head{
unsigned long long data_blk_num;
unsigned long long data_ctn_num;
typedef struct standard_data{
SID *s_id;
unsigned int type;
_Bool lock;
List *pd_blocklst;
List *pd_ctnlst;
#endif /* type_h */