This commit is contained in:
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.17)
add_executable(syntaxParser main.cpp)
@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
@E -> T E'
E' -> "+" T E'
E' -> ε
T -> F T'
T' -> "*" F T'
T' -> ε
F -> "(" @E ")"
F -> "id"
@S -> C C
C -> "c" C
C -> "d"
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <functional>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
@ -19,13 +20,14 @@ using std::wcout;
using std::endl;
using std::to_string;
using std::hash;
using std::setw;
struct Symbol {
const int index;
const wstring name;
const bool terminator;
const bool start;
wstring name;
bool terminator;
bool start;
Symbol(int index, wstring name, bool terminator, bool start):
@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ public:
const vector<const Symbol *> &getAllSymbols() {
const vector<const Symbol *> &getAllSymbols() const {
return line;
@ -89,7 +91,7 @@ public:
return symbol->index;
const Symbol *getSymbol(int symbol_index) {
const Symbol *getSymbol(int symbol_index) const {
const auto &it = cache.find(symbol_index);
if(it != cache.end()) {
return it->second;
@ -98,7 +100,7 @@ public:
int getSymbolIndex(const wstring &name) {
int getSymbolIndex(const wstring &name) const {
const auto &it = table.find(name);
if(it != table.end()) {
return it->second->index;
@ -107,6 +109,28 @@ public:
void modifySymbol(int idx, const wstring &name, bool terminator, bool start) {
auto it = cache.find(idx);
if(it != cache.end()) {
auto p_sym = it->second;
p_sym->name = name;
p_sym->terminator = terminator;
p_sym->start = start;
const Symbol *getStartSymbol() const {
for(const auto & symbol : getAllSymbols()) {
if(symbol->start) {
return symbol;
throw runtime_error("start symbol NOT Found");
// 产生式
@ -118,137 +142,21 @@ struct Production {
// 项
class Item{
// 对应的产生式
const Production* const production;
// 点的位置
int dot_index = 0;
const int terminator = 0;
explicit Item(Production *p_pdt, int m_terminator) : production(p_pdt), terminator(m_terminator) {}
void set_dot_index(int m_dot_index) {
if(m_dot_index > production->right.size()) {
throw runtime_error("DOT_INDEX out of range");
this->dot_index = m_dot_index;
int get_dot_index() const {
return dot_index;
int get_dot_next_symbol() {
if(get_dot_index() == production->right.size()) {
return 0;
} else {
return production->right[dot_index];
class ItemCollectionManager;
class ItemCollection{
int index = 0;
vector<Item *> items;
Production *G;
friend ItemCollectionManager;
void addItem(Production *p_pdt, int dot_index, int terminator) {
auto *p_item = new Item(p_pdt, terminator);
void CLOSURE() {
bool ifAdd = true;
while(ifAdd) {
ifAdd = false;
for(const auto & item : items) {
if(item->get_dot_next_symbol() == 0) {
class ItemCollectionManager{
int index = 1;
map<size_t, ItemCollection *> ic_map;
vector<const ItemCollection *> ics;
template <class T>
inline void hash_combine(std::size_t& seed, const T& v)
std::hash<T> hasher;
seed ^= hasher(v) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed<<6) + (seed>>2);
const vector<const ItemCollection *> &getItemCollections() {
return ics;
bool addItemCollection(int idx, int terminator, ItemCollection *p_ic){
auto hasher = hash<int>();
size_t seed = hasher(idx);
hash_combine(seed, terminator);
auto it = ic_map.find(seed);
if(it != ic_map.end()) {
return false;
} else {
p_ic->index = this->index++;
ic_map.insert(pair<size_t, ItemCollection *>(seed, p_ic));
return true;
class Generator{
// 文件输入
wifstream input;
// 语法资源池
class GrammarResourcePool {
// 符号表
SymbolTable symbolTable;
// 产生式
vector<Production *> productions;
vector<const Production *> productions;
// FIRST结果存储表
map<int, set<int> *> firsts;
map<int, const set<int> *> firsts;
// FOLLOW结果存储表
map<int, set<int> *> follows;
map<string, ItemCollection *> C;
// 去掉首尾空格
static wstring& trim(wstring &&str) {
if (str.empty()) {
@ -260,7 +168,9 @@ class Generator{
return str;
set<int > *FIRST(const vector<int> &symbols, int start_index) {
const set<int > *FIRST(const vector<int> &symbols, int start_index) {
// 生成集合
auto *non_terminator_symbols = new set<int>();
@ -282,7 +192,7 @@ class Generator{
return non_terminator_symbols;
set<int>* FIRST(int symbol) {
const set<int>* FIRST(int symbol) {
// 查找缓存
const auto it = firsts.find(symbol);
@ -302,7 +212,7 @@ class Generator{
// 遍历每一产生式
for (const auto &production : productions) {
Production *p_pdt = production;
const Production *p_pdt = production;
if (p_pdt->left != symbol) continue;
@ -328,7 +238,7 @@ class Generator{
if (!production_found) non_terminator_symbols->insert(0);
this->firsts.insert(pair<int, set<int> *>(symbol, non_terminator_symbols));
this->firsts.insert(pair<int, const set<int> *>(symbol, non_terminator_symbols));
return non_terminator_symbols;
@ -471,39 +381,7 @@ class Generator{
wcout << L"}" << endl;
Generator(): input("syntaxInput.txt", std::ios::binary) {
auto* codeCvtToUTF8= new std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>;
input.imbue(std::locale(input.getloc(), codeCvtToUTF8));
void test() {
auto p_non_term_set = FIRST(1);
p_non_term_set = FIRST(3);
p_non_term_set = FIRST(6);
// 得到所有的产生式
void getProductions() {
wstring temp_line;
while (getline(input, temp_line)) {
void parse_production_string_line(const wstring &temp_line) {
auto middle_index = temp_line.find(L"->", 0);
@ -548,7 +426,596 @@ public:
auto p_pdt = new Production(left, symbols);
const vector<const Production *> &get_productions() const {
return productions;
const Symbol *getSymbol(int symbol_index) const {
return symbolTable.getSymbol(symbol_index);
const Symbol *getStartSymbol() const {
return symbolTable.getStartSymbol();
int addSymbol(const wstring &name, bool terminator) {
return symbolTable.addSymbol(name, terminator);
const Production *addProduction(int left, initializer_list<int> right) {
vector<int> right_vector;
for(int symbol : right) {
auto p_pdt = new Production(left, right_vector);
return p_pdt;
const vector<const Symbol *> &getAllSymbols() const {
return symbolTable.getAllSymbols();
void modifySymbol(int index, const wstring &name, bool terminator, bool start) {
symbolTable.modifySymbol(index, name, terminator, start);
// 项
class Item{
// 对应的产生式
const Production* const production;
// 点的位置
int dot_index = 0;
const int terminator = 0;
const bool generated = false;
explicit Item(const Production *p_pdt, int m_terminator, bool m_generated = false)
: production(p_pdt), terminator(m_terminator), generated(m_generated) {}
void set_dot_index(int m_dot_index) {
if(m_dot_index > production->right.size()) {
throw runtime_error("DOT_INDEX out of range");
this->dot_index = m_dot_index;
int get_dot_index() const {
return dot_index;
int get_dot_next_symbol() const {
if(get_dot_index() == production->right.size()) {
return 0;
} else {
return production->right[dot_index];
int get_dot_next_i_symbol(int i) const {
if(get_dot_index() + i >= production->right.size()) {
return 0;
} else {
return production->right[dot_index + i];
int get_terminator() const {
return terminator;
const Production *get_production() const {
return production;
class ItemCollectionManager;
class ItemCollection{
int index = 0;
map<size_t, Item *> items;
vector<const Item *> cache;
GrammarResourcePool *pool;
friend ItemCollectionManager;
template <class T>
inline void hash_combine(std::size_t& seed, const T& v) const
std::hash<T> hasher;
seed ^= hasher(v) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed<<6) + (seed>>2);
explicit ItemCollection(GrammarResourcePool *pool) : pool(pool) {
const vector<const Item *> &getItems() const {
return cache;
int getIndex() const {
return index;
bool addItem(const Production *p_pdt, int dot_index, int terminator, bool generated = false) {
auto hasher = hash<int>();
size_t seed = hasher(reinterpret_cast<const int>(p_pdt));
hash_combine(seed, dot_index);
hash_combine(seed, terminator);
auto it = items.find(seed);
if(it != items.end()) {
return false;
auto *p_item = new Item(p_pdt, terminator, generated);
items.insert(pair<size_t, Item *>(seed, p_item));
return true;
void CLOSURE() {
bool ifAdd = true;
while(ifAdd) {
ifAdd = false;
for(const auto & item : items) {
int next_symbol = item.second->get_dot_next_symbol();
if(next_symbol == 0
|| pool->getSymbol(next_symbol)->terminator) {
for(auto *production : pool->get_productions()) {
if(production->left == next_symbol) {
vector<int> first_args;
const auto first_set = pool->FIRST(first_args, 0);
for(auto terminator : *first_set) {
if(terminator == 0) continue;
if(this->addItem(production, 0, terminator, true)) {
ifAdd = true;
void print() const {
wcout << L"I" << index << L": ";
for(const auto item : cache) {
const auto *p_pdt = item->get_production();
int dot_index = item->get_dot_index();
wcout << pool->getSymbol(p_pdt->left)->name << L" -> " ;
int i = 0;
for(const auto &symbol : p_pdt->right) {
if(i++ == dot_index) cout << "·";
wcout << pool->getSymbol(symbol)->name;
if(i++ == dot_index) cout << "·";
wcout << L"," << pool->getSymbol(item->get_terminator())->name << endl;
cout << endl;
size_t getHash() const {
size_t seed = 0;
for(const auto item : cache) {
if(item->generated) {
hash_combine(seed, item->get_production());
hash_combine(seed, item->get_dot_index());
hash_combine(seed, item->get_terminator());
return seed;
class ItemCollectionManager{
int index = 0;
map<size_t, ItemCollection *> ic_map;
map<size_t, ItemCollection *> ic_content_map;
vector<const ItemCollection *> ics;
GrammarResourcePool *pool;
const Production *start_pdt;
template <class T>
inline void hash_combine(std::size_t& seed, const T& v) const
std::hash<T> hasher;
seed ^= hasher(v) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed<<6) + (seed>>2);
explicit ItemCollectionManager(GrammarResourcePool *resource_pool) : pool(resource_pool) {
void buildItems() {
const auto startSymbol = pool->getStartSymbol();
wstring new_symbol_name = startSymbol->name + L"'";
int new_symbol_index = pool->addSymbol(new_symbol_name, startSymbol->terminator);
pool->modifySymbol(startSymbol->index, startSymbol->name.substr(1), false, false);
const auto *p_pdt = pool->addProduction(new_symbol_index, {startSymbol->index});
this->start_pdt = p_pdt;
auto *pi_ic = new ItemCollection(pool);
// -1 代表 $
pi_ic->addItem(p_pdt, 0, -1);
addItemCollection(0, 0, pi_ic);
bool ifAdd = true;
while(ifAdd) {
ifAdd = false;
const auto &r_ics = getItemCollections();
vector<const ItemCollection *> temp_ics(r_ics.begin(), r_ics.end());
for(const auto ic : temp_ics) {
for(const auto symbol : pool->getAllSymbols()) {
if(symbol->index <= 0) {
if(GOTO(ic, symbol->index)) {
ifAdd = true;
const Production *getStartProduction() const {
return start_pdt;
const vector<const ItemCollection *> &getItemCollections() const{
return ics;
ItemCollection *getItemCollectionByHash(size_t hash) {
ItemCollection *p_ic = nullptr;
auto it = ic_content_map.find(hash);
if(it != ic_content_map.end()) {
p_ic = it->second;
return p_ic;
bool addItemCollection(int idx, int symbol, ItemCollection *p_ic){
size_t ic_hash = p_ic->getHash();
auto it = ic_content_map.find(ic_hash);
if (it != ic_content_map.end()) {
p_ic = it->second;
} else {
p_ic->index = this->index++;
ic_content_map.insert(pair<size_t, ItemCollection *>(ic_hash, p_ic));
auto hasher = hash<int>();
size_t seed = hasher(idx);
hash_combine(seed, symbol);
auto it2 = ic_map.find(seed);
if(it2 != ic_map.end()) {
return false;
if(symbol != 0)
wcout << L"GOTO(" << idx << L", " << pool->getSymbol(symbol)->name << L")" << endl;
ic_map.insert(pair<size_t, ItemCollection *>(seed, p_ic));
return true;
const ItemCollection* getGOTO(int idx, int symbol) const {
auto hasher = hash<int>();
size_t seed = hasher(idx);
hash_combine(seed, symbol);
auto it = ic_map.find(seed);
if(it != ic_map.end()) {
return it->second;
} else {
return nullptr;
bool GOTO(const ItemCollection *p_ic, int symbol) {
auto *pt_ic = new ItemCollection(pool);
for(const auto &item : p_ic->cache) {
if(item->get_dot_next_symbol() == symbol) {
pt_ic->addItem(item->get_production(), item->get_dot_index() + 1, item->get_terminator());
auto p_temp_ic = this->getItemCollectionByHash(pt_ic->getHash());
if(p_temp_ic == nullptr)
else pt_ic = p_temp_ic;
if(!pt_ic->items.empty()) {
return this->addItemCollection(p_ic->index, symbol, pt_ic);
} else {
return false;
class AnalyseTableGenerator {
using Action = enum {
struct Step {
const Action action;
const union Target{
int index;
const Production *production;
} target;
Step(Action action, int index) : action(action), target(Target{index}){}
Step(Action action, const Production *p_pdt) : action(action), target(Target{.production = p_pdt}){}
map<size_t, Step *> ACTION;
map<size_t, Step *> GOTO;
const ItemCollectionManager *icm;
const GrammarResourcePool *pool;
template <class T>
inline void hash_combine(std::size_t& seed, const T& v) const
std::hash<T> hasher;
seed ^= hasher(v) + 0x9e3779b9 + (seed<<6) + (seed>>2);
void add_action(int index, int terminator_symbol, Action action, const Production *target_pdt) {
size_t seed = 0;
hash_combine(seed, index);
hash_combine(seed, terminator_symbol);
auto it = ACTION.find(seed);
if(it == ACTION.end()) {
auto step = new Step(action, target_pdt);
ACTION.insert(pair<size_t, Step *>(seed, step));
} else {
if(it->second->action != action || it->second->target.production != target_pdt)
throw runtime_error("Conflict Occurred, Syntax NOT LR(1)");
void add_action(int index, int terminator_symbol, Action action, int target_index) {
size_t seed = 0;
hash_combine(seed, index);
hash_combine(seed, terminator_symbol);
auto it = ACTION.find(seed);
if(it == ACTION.end()) {
auto step = new Step(action, target_index);
ACTION.insert(pair<size_t, Step *>(seed, step));
} else {
if(it->second->action != action || it->second->target.index != target_index)
throw runtime_error("Conflict Occurred, Syntax NOT LR(1)");
void add_goto(int index, int non_terminator_symbol, int target_index) {
size_t seed = 0;
hash_combine(seed, index);
hash_combine(seed, non_terminator_symbol);
auto it = GOTO.find(seed);
if(it == GOTO.end()) {
auto step = new Step(STEP_GOTO, target_index);
GOTO.insert(pair<size_t, Step *>(seed, step));
} else {
if(it->second->target.index != target_index)
throw runtime_error("Conflict Occurred, Syntax NOT LR(1)");
explicit AnalyseTableGenerator(const GrammarResourcePool *p_pool, const ItemCollectionManager *p_icm)
:pool(p_pool) , icm(p_icm) {
void generate() {
const auto &ics = icm->getItemCollections();
for(const auto *ic : ics) {
for(const auto *item : ic->getItems()) {
if(item->get_production() == icm->getStartProduction()
&& item->get_dot_next_symbol() == 0
&& item->get_terminator() == -1) {
this->add_action(ic->getIndex(), -1, ACC, 0);
int next_symbol = item->get_dot_next_symbol();
if(next_symbol != 0) {
const auto *p_ic = icm->getGOTO(ic->getIndex(), next_symbol);
if(pool->getSymbol(next_symbol)->terminator) {
if (p_ic != nullptr) {
this->add_action(ic->getIndex(), next_symbol, MOVE, p_ic->getIndex());
} else {
if (p_ic != nullptr) {
this->add_goto(ic->getIndex(), next_symbol, p_ic->getIndex());
} else {
if(item->get_production()->left != pool->getStartSymbol()->index) {
this->add_action(ic->getIndex(), next_symbol, STATUTE, item->get_production());
const Step *findActionStep(int index, int terminator_symbol) {
size_t seed = 0;
hash_combine(seed, index);
hash_combine(seed, terminator_symbol);
auto it = ACTION.find(seed);
if(it != ACTION.end()) {
return it->second;
} else {
return nullptr;
const Step *findGotoStep(int index, int non_terminator_symbol) {
size_t seed = 0;
hash_combine(seed, index);
hash_combine(seed, non_terminator_symbol);
auto it = GOTO.find(seed);
if (it != GOTO.end()) {
return it->second;
} else {
return nullptr;
void print() {
wcout << L"ACTION" << endl;
vector<int> symbols;
wcout << std::left << std::setw(4) << " ";
for(const auto *symbol : pool->getAllSymbols()) {
if(symbol->index == 0) continue;
if(symbol->terminator) {
wcout << std::left << std::setw(4) << symbol->name;
wcout << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < icm->getItemCollections().size(); i++){
wcout << std::left << std::setw(4) << i;
for(int symbol : symbols) {
auto p_step = this->findActionStep(i, symbol);
if(p_step == nullptr) {
wcout << std::left << std::setw(4) << " ";
} else {
if(p_step->action == MOVE)
wcout << std::left << std::setw(4) << wstring(L"s") + to_wstring(p_step->target.index);
else if(p_step->action == ACC)
wcout << std::left << std::setw(4) << L"acc";
wcout << std::left << std::setw(4) << L"r";
wcout << endl;
class Generator{
// 文件输入
wifstream input;
GrammarResourcePool *pool;
map<string, ItemCollection *> C;
ItemCollectionManager *icm;
AnalyseTableGenerator *atg;
Generator(): input("syntaxInput.txt", std::ios::binary),
pool(new GrammarResourcePool()),
icm(new ItemCollectionManager(pool)),
atg(new AnalyseTableGenerator(pool, icm)){
auto* codeCvtToUTF8= new std::codecvt_utf8<wchar_t>;
input.imbue(std::locale(input.getloc(), codeCvtToUTF8));
void run() {
// 得到所有的产生式
void getProductions() {
// 读入文法文件
wstring temp_line;
while (getline(input, temp_line)) {
@ -566,7 +1033,7 @@ int main() {
end = clock(); //结束时间
cout << endl;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user