# connect-mongodb connect-mongodb is a mongoDB session store backed by [node-mongodb-native](http://github.com/christkv/node-mongodb-native). Originally written by [dvv](http://github.com/dvv) ## Version 1.* This version is not compatible with `0.*` versions. Now you must pass a mongodb connection, or server configuration. On updating, i recomment to delete your current sessions collection data. ## Installation via npm: $ npm install connect-mongodb ## Options To start `connect-mongodb`, you have to pass instances of select node-mongodb-native classes, thus permitting the usage of existing connections or server configurations. Using an existing connection: * `db` Existing connection/database reference (instance of mongodb.Db) Or with a server configuration: * `server_config` Existing server configuration (may be an instance of either mongodb.Server, mongodb.ServerPair, mongodb.ServerCluster, mongodb.ReplSetServers) - review node-mongodb-native docs. Other options: * `collection` MongoDB collection to host sessions. _'sessions' by default_ * `reapInterval` ms to check expired sessions to remove on db * `username` To authenticate your db connection * `password` To authenticate your db connection ## Example You have a complete example on `example/index.js`. var connect = require('connect') , Db = require('mongodb').Db , Server = require('mongodb').Server , server_config = new Server('localhost', 27017, {auto_reconnect: true, native_parser: true}) , db = new Db('test', server_config, {}) , mongoStore = require('connect-mongodb'); connect.createServer( connect.bodyParser(), connect.cookieParser(), connect.session({ cookie: {maxAge: 60000 * 20} // 20 minutes , secret: 'foo' , store: new mongoStore({db: db}) }) ); ## Tests This library is being tested using [testosterone](https://github.com/masylum/testosterone). To run the tests: ``` bash make ```