/* jshint camelcase: false */ /** * Module dependencies */ var _ = require('lodash'); var crypto = require('crypto'); var mongo = require('mongodb'); var util = require('util'); var debug = require('debug')('connect-mongo'); var deprecate = require('depd')('connect-mongo'); var MongoClient = mongo.MongoClient; var Db = mongo.Db; /** * Default options */ var defaultOptions = { // Legacy strategy default options host: '', port: 27017, autoReconnect: true, ssl: false, w: 1, // Global options collection: 'sessions', stringify: true, hash: false, ttl: 60 * 60 * 24 * 14, // 14 days autoRemove: 'native', autoRemoveInterval: 10 }; var defaultHashOptions = { salt: 'connect-mongo', algorithm: 'sha1' }; var defaultSerializationOptions = { serialize: function (session) { // Copy each property of the session to a new object var obj = {}; for (var prop in session) { if (prop === 'cookie') { // Convert the cookie instance to an object, if possible // This gets rid of the duplicate object under session.cookie.data property obj.cookie = session.cookie.toJSON ? session.cookie.toJSON() : session.cookie; } else { obj[prop] = session[prop]; } } return obj; }, unserialize: _.identity }; var stringifySerializationOptions = { serialize: JSON.stringify, unserialize: JSON.parse }; module.exports = function(connect) { var Store = connect.Store || connect.session.Store; var MemoryStore = connect.MemoryStore || connect.session.MemoryStore; /** * Initialize MongoStore with the given `options`. * * @param {Object} options * @api public */ function MongoStore(options) { /* Deprecated options */ if ('auto_reconnect' in options) { deprecate('auto_reconnect option is deprecated. Use autoReconnect instead'); options.autoReconnect = options.auto_reconnect; } if ('mongoose_connection' in options) { deprecate('mongoose_connection option is deprecated. Use mongooseConnection instead'); options.mongooseConnection = options.mongoose_connection; } if ('defaultExpirationTime' in options) { deprecate('defaultExpirationTime option is deprecated. Use ttl instead'); options.ttl = options.defaultExpirationTime / 1000; } /* Fallback */ if (options.fallbackMemory && MemoryStore) { return new MemoryStore(); } /* Options */ options = _.defaults(options || {}, defaultOptions); if (options.hash) { options.hash = _.defaults(options.hash, defaultHashOptions); } if (!options.stringify || options.serialize || options.unserialize) { options = _.defaults(options, defaultSerializationOptions); } else { options = _.assign(options, stringifySerializationOptions); } this.options = options; Store.call(this, options); var self = this; function changeState(newState) { debug('switched to state: %s', newState); self.state = newState; self.emit(newState); } function connectionReady(err) { if (err) { debug('not able to connect to the database'); changeState('disconnected'); throw err; } self.collection = self.db.collection(options.collection); switch (options.autoRemove) { case 'native': self.collection.ensureIndex({ expires: 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 0 }, function (err) { if (err) throw err; changeState('connected'); }); break; case 'interval': setInterval(function () { self.collection.remove({ expires: { $lt: new Date() } }, { w: 0 }); }, options.autoRemoveInterval * 1000 * 60); changeState('connected'); break; default: changeState('connected'); break; } } function buildUrlFromOptions() { if(!options.db || typeof options.db !== 'string') { throw new Error('Required MongoStore option `db` missing or is not a string.'); } options.url = 'mongodb://'; if (options.username) { options.url += options.username + ':' + (options.password || '') + '@'; } options.url += options.host + ':' + options.port + '/' + options.db; if (options.ssl) options.url += '?ssl=true'; if (!options.mongoOptions) { options.mongoOptions = { server: { auto_reconnect: options.autoReconnect }, db: { w: options.w } }; } } function initWithUrl() { MongoClient.connect(options.url, options.mongoOptions || {}, function(err, db) { if (!err) self.db = db; connectionReady(err); }); } function initWithMongooseConnection() { if (options.mongooseConnection.readyState === 1) { self.db = options.mongooseConnection.db; process.nextTick(connectionReady); } else { options.mongooseConnection.once('open', function() { self.db = options.mongooseConnection.db; connectionReady(); }); } } function initWithNativeDb() { self.db = options.db; if (options.db.openCalled || options.db.openCalled === undefined) { // openCalled is undefined in mongodb@2.x options.db.collection(options.collection, connectionReady); } else { options.db.open(connectionReady); } } this.getCollection = function (done) { switch (self.state) { case 'connected': done(null, self.collection); break; case 'connecting': self.once('connected', function () { done(null, self.collection); }); break; case 'disconnected': done(new Error('Not connected')); break; } }; this.getSessionId = function (sid) { if (options.hash) { return crypto.createHash(options.hash.algorithm).update(options.hash.salt + sid).digest('hex'); } else { return sid; } }; changeState('init'); if (options.url) { debug('use strategy: `url`'); initWithUrl(); } else if (options.mongooseConnection) { debug('use strategy: `mongoose_connection`'); initWithMongooseConnection(); } else if (options.db && options.db instanceof Db) { debug('use strategy: `native_db`'); process.nextTick(initWithNativeDb); } else { debug('use strategy: `legacy`'); buildUrlFromOptions(); initWithUrl(); } changeState('connecting'); } /** * Inherit from `Store`. */ util.inherits(MongoStore, Store); /** * Attempt to fetch session by the given `sid`. * * @param {String} sid * @param {Function} callback * @api public */ MongoStore.prototype.get = function(sid, callback) { if (!callback) callback = _.noop; sid = this.getSessionId(sid); var self = this; var query = { _id: sid, $or: [ { expires: { $exists: false } }, { expires: { $gt: new Date() } } ] }; this.getCollection(function(err, collection) { if (err) return callback(err); collection.findOne(query, function(err, session) { if (err) { debug('not able to execute `find` query for session: ' + sid); return callback(err); } if (session) { var s; try { s = self.options.unserialize(session.session); if(self.options.touchAfter > 0 && session.lastModified){ s.lastModified = session.lastModified; } } catch (err) { debug('unable to deserialize session'); callback(err); } callback(null, s); } else { callback(); } }); }); }; /** * Commit the given `sess` object associated with the given `sid`. * * @param {String} sid * @param {Session} sess * @param {Function} callback * @api public */ MongoStore.prototype.set = function(sid, session, callback) { if (!callback) callback = _.noop; sid = this.getSessionId(sid); // removing the lastModified prop from the session object before update if(this.options.touchAfter > 0 && session && session.lastModified){ delete session.lastModified; } var s; try { s = {_id: sid, session: this.options.serialize(session)}; } catch (err) { debug('unable to serialize session'); callback(err); } if (session && session.cookie && session.cookie.expires) { s.expires = new Date(session.cookie.expires); } else { // If there's no expiration date specified, it is // browser-session cookie or there is no cookie at all, // as per the connect docs. // // So we set the expiration to two-weeks from now // - as is common practice in the industry (e.g Django) - // or the default specified in the options. s.expires = new Date(Date.now() + this.options.ttl * 1000); } if(this.options.touchAfter > 0){ s.lastModified = new Date(); } this.getCollection(function(err, collection) { if (err) return callback(err); collection.update({_id: sid}, s, {upsert: true, safe: true}, function(err) { if (err) debug('not able to set/update session: ' + sid); callback(err); }); }); }; /** * Touch the given `sess` object associated with the given `sid`. * * @param {String} sid * @param {Session} session * @param {Function} callback * @api public */ MongoStore.prototype.touch = function (sid, session, callback) { var updateFields = {}, touchAfter = this.options.touchAfter * 1000, lastModified = session.lastModified ? session.lastModified.getTime() : 0, currentDate = new Date(); sid = this.getSessionId(sid); callback = callback ? callback : _.noop; // if the given options has a touchAfter property, check if the // current timestamp - lastModified timestamp is bigger than // the specified, if it's not, don't touch the session if(touchAfter > 0 && lastModified > 0){ var timeElapsed = currentDate.getTime() - session.lastModified; if(timeElapsed < touchAfter){ return callback(); } else { updateFields.lastModified = currentDate; } } if (session && session.cookie && session.cookie.expires) { updateFields.expires = new Date(session.cookie.expires); } else { updateFields.expires = new Date(Date.now() + this.options.ttl * 1000); } this.getCollection(function(err, collection) { if (err) return callback(err); collection.update({ _id: sid }, { $set: updateFields }, { safe: true }, function (err, result) { if (err) { debug('not able to touch session: %s (error)', sid); callback(err); } else if (result.nModified === 0) { debug('not able to touch session: %s (not found)', sid); callback(new Error('Unable to find the session to touch')); } callback(); }); }); }; /** * Destroy the session associated with the given `sid`. * * @param {String} sid * @param {Function} callback * @api public */ MongoStore.prototype.destroy = function(sid, callback) { if (!callback) callback = _.noop; sid = this.getSessionId(sid); this.getCollection(function(err, collection) { if (err) return callback(err); collection.remove({_id: sid}, function(err) { if (err) debug('not able to destroy session: ' + sid); callback(err); }); }); }; /** * Fetch number of sessions. * * @param {Function} callback * @api public */ MongoStore.prototype.length = function(callback) { if (!callback) callback = _.noop; this.getCollection(function(err, collection) { if (err) return callback(err); collection.count({}, function(err, count) { if (err) debug('not able to count sessions'); callback(err, count); }); }); }; /** * Clear all sessions. * * @param {Function} callback * @api public */ MongoStore.prototype.clear = function(callback) { if (!callback) callback = _.noop; this.getCollection(function(err, collection) { if (err) return callback(err); collection.drop(function(err) { if (err) debug('not able to clear sessions'); callback(err); }); }); }; return MongoStore; };