#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- # Plural-Forms for ru (Russian) nplurals=3 # Russian language has 3 forms: # 1 singular and 2 plurals # Determine plural_id for number *n* as sequence of positive # integers: 0,1,... # NOTE! For singular form ALWAYS return plural_id = 0 get_plural_id = lambda n: (0 if n % 10 == 1 and n % 100 != 11 else 1 if n % 10 >= 2 and n % 10 <= 4 and (n % 100 < 10 or n % 100 >= 20) else 2) # construct_plural_form() is not used now because of complex # rules of Russian language. Default version of # this function is used to simple insert new words into # plural_dict dictionary) # construct_plural_form = lambda word, plural_id: word