#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Usage: Install cx_Freeze: http://cx-freeze.sourceforge.net/ Copy script to the web2py directory c:\Python27\python standalone_exe_cxfreeze.py build_exe """ from cx_Freeze import setup, Executable from gluon.import_all import base_modules, contributed_modules from gluon.fileutils import readlines_file from glob import glob import fnmatch import os import shutil import sys import re #read web2py version from VERSION file web2py_version_line = readlines_file('VERSION')[0] #use regular expression to get just the version number v_re = re.compile('[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+') web2py_version = v_re.search(web2py_version_line).group(0) base = None if sys.platform == 'win32': base = "Win32GUI" base_modules.remove('macpath') buildOptions = dict( compressed=True, excludes=["macpath", "PyQt4"], includes=base_modules, include_files=[ 'applications', 'ABOUT', 'LICENSE', 'VERSION', 'logging.example.conf', 'options_std.py', 'app.example.yaml', 'queue.example.yaml', ], # append any extra module by extending the list below - # "contributed_modules+["lxml"]" packages=contributed_modules, ) setup( name="Web2py", version=web2py_version, author="Massimo DiPierro", description="web2py web framework", license="LGPL v3", options=dict(build_exe=buildOptions), executables=[Executable("web2py.py", base=base, compress=True, icon="web2py.ico", targetName="web2py.exe", copyDependentFiles=True)], )