#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ | This file is part of the web2py Web Framework | Copyrighted by Massimo Di Pierro | License: LGPLv3 (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html) The widget is called from web2py ---------------------------------- """ from __future__ import print_function import datetime import sys from gluon._compat import StringIO, thread, xrange, PY2 import time import threading import os import copy import socket import signal import math import logging import getpass from gluon import main, newcron from gluon.fileutils import read_file, write_file, create_welcome_w2p from gluon.settings import global_settings from gluon.shell import run, test from gluon.utils import is_valid_ip_address, is_loopback_ip_address, getipaddrinfo ProgramName = 'web2py Web Framework' ProgramAuthor = 'Created by Massimo Di Pierro, Copyright 2007-' + str( datetime.datetime.now().year) ProgramVersion = read_file('VERSION').strip() ProgramInfo = '''%s %s %s''' % (ProgramName, ProgramAuthor, ProgramVersion) if sys.version_info < (2, 7) and (3, 0) < sys.version_info < (3, 5): msg = 'Warning: web2py requires at least Python 2.7/3.5 but you are running:\n%s' msg = msg % sys.version sys.stderr.write(msg) logger = logging.getLogger("web2py") def run_system_tests(options): """ Runs unittests for gluon.tests """ import subprocess major_version = sys.version_info[0] call_args = [sys.executable, '-m', 'unittest', '-v', 'gluon.tests'] if major_version == 2: sys.stderr.write("Python 2.7\n") else: sys.stderr.write("Experimental Python 3.x.\n") if options.with_coverage: has_coverage = False coverage_exec = 'coverage2' if major_version == 2 else 'coverage3' try: import coverage has_coverage = True except: sys.stderr.write('Coverage was not installed, skipping\n') coverage_config_file = os.path.join('gluon', 'tests', 'coverage.ini') coverage_config = os.environ.setdefault("COVERAGE_PROCESS_START", coverage_config_file) call_args = [coverage_exec, 'run', '--rcfile=%s' % coverage_config, '-m', 'unittest', '-v', 'gluon.tests'] if has_coverage: ret = subprocess.call(call_args) else: ret = 256 else: ret = subprocess.call(call_args) sys.exit(ret and 1) class IO(object): """ """ def __init__(self): """ """ self.buffer = StringIO() def write(self, data): """ """ sys.__stdout__.write(data) if hasattr(self, 'callback'): self.callback(data) else: self.buffer.write(data) def get_url(host, path='/', proto='http', port=80): if ':' in host: host = '[%s]' % host else: host = host.replace('', '') if path.startswith('/'): path = path[1:] if proto.endswith(':'): proto = proto[:-1] if not port or port == 80: port = '' else: port = ':%s' % port return '%s://%s%s/%s' % (proto, host, port, path) def start_browser(url, startup=False): if startup: print('please visit:') print('\t', url) print('starting browser...') try: import webbrowser webbrowser.open(url) except: print('warning: unable to detect your browser') class web2pyDialog(object): """ Main window dialog """ def __init__(self, root, options): """ web2pyDialog constructor """ if PY2: import Tkinter as tkinter import tkMessageBox as messagebox else: import tkinter from tkinter import messagebox bg_color = 'white' root.withdraw() self.root = tkinter.Toplevel(root, bg=bg_color) self.root.resizable(0, 0) self.root.title(ProgramName) self.options = options self.scheduler_processes = {} self.menu = tkinter.Menu(self.root) servermenu = tkinter.Menu(self.menu, tearoff=0) httplog = os.path.join(self.options.folder, self.options.log_filename) iconphoto = os.path.join('extras', 'icons', 'web2py.gif') if os.path.exists(iconphoto): img = tkinter.PhotoImage(file=iconphoto) self.root.tk.call('wm', 'iconphoto', self.root._w, img) # Building the Menu item = lambda: start_browser(httplog) servermenu.add_command(label='View httpserver.log', command=item) servermenu.add_command(label='Quit (pid:%i)' % os.getpid(), command=self.quit) self.menu.add_cascade(label='Server', menu=servermenu) self.pagesmenu = tkinter.Menu(self.menu, tearoff=0) self.menu.add_cascade(label='Pages', menu=self.pagesmenu) #scheduler menu self.schedmenu = tkinter.Menu(self.menu, tearoff=0) self.menu.add_cascade(label='Scheduler', menu=self.schedmenu) #start and register schedulers from options self.update_schedulers(start=True) helpmenu = tkinter.Menu(self.menu, tearoff=0) # Home Page item = lambda: start_browser('http://www.web2py.com/') helpmenu.add_command(label='Home Page', command=item) # About item = lambda: messagebox.showinfo('About web2py', ProgramInfo) helpmenu.add_command(label='About', command=item) self.menu.add_cascade(label='Info', menu=helpmenu) self.root.config(menu=self.menu) if options.taskbar: self.root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', lambda: self.quit(True)) else: self.root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.quit) sticky = tkinter.NW # Prepare the logo area self.logoarea = tkinter.Canvas(self.root, background=bg_color, width=300, height=300) self.logoarea.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=4, sticky=sticky) self.logoarea.after(1000, self.update_canvas) logo = os.path.join('extras', 'icons', 'splashlogo.gif') if os.path.exists(logo): img = tkinter.PhotoImage(file=logo) pnl = tkinter.Label(self.logoarea, image=img, background=bg_color, bd=0) pnl.pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='yes') # Prevent garbage collection of img pnl.image = img # Prepare the banner area self.bannerarea = tkinter.Canvas(self.root, bg=bg_color, width=300, height=300) self.bannerarea.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky=sticky) tkinter.Label(self.bannerarea, anchor=tkinter.N, text=str(ProgramVersion + "\n" + ProgramAuthor), font=('Helvetica', 11), justify=tkinter.CENTER, foreground='#195866', background=bg_color, height=3).pack(side='top', fill='both', expand='yes') self.bannerarea.after(1000, self.update_canvas) # IP tkinter.Label(self.root, text='Server IP:', bg=bg_color, justify=tkinter.RIGHT).grid(row=4, column=1, sticky=sticky) self.ips = {} self.selected_ip = tkinter.StringVar() row = 4 ips = [('', 'Local (IPv4)')] + \ ([('::1', 'Local (IPv6)')] if socket.has_ipv6 else []) + \ [(ip, 'Public') for ip in options.ips] + \ [('', 'Public')] for ip, legend in ips: self.ips[ip] = tkinter.Radiobutton( self.root, bg=bg_color, highlightthickness=0, selectcolor='light grey', width=30, anchor=tkinter.W, text='%s (%s)' % (legend, ip), justify=tkinter.LEFT, variable=self.selected_ip, value=ip) self.ips[ip].grid(row=row, column=2, sticky=sticky) if row == 4: self.ips[ip].select() row += 1 shift = row # Port tkinter.Label(self.root, text='Server Port:', bg=bg_color, justify=tkinter.RIGHT).grid(row=shift, column=1, pady=10, sticky=sticky) self.port_number = tkinter.Entry(self.root) self.port_number.insert(tkinter.END, self.options.port) self.port_number.grid(row=shift, column=2, sticky=sticky, pady=10) # Password tkinter.Label(self.root, text='Choose Password:', bg=bg_color, justify=tkinter.RIGHT).grid(row=shift + 1, column=1, sticky=sticky) self.password = tkinter.Entry(self.root, show='*') self.password.bind('', lambda e: self.start()) self.password.focus_force() self.password.grid(row=shift + 1, column=2, sticky=sticky) # Prepare the canvas self.canvas = tkinter.Canvas(self.root, width=400, height=100, bg='black') self.canvas.grid(row=shift + 2, column=1, columnspan=2, pady=5, sticky=sticky) self.canvas.after(1000, self.update_canvas) # Prepare the frame frame = tkinter.Frame(self.root) frame.grid(row=shift + 3, column=1, columnspan=2, pady=5, sticky=sticky) # Start button self.button_start = tkinter.Button(frame, text='start server', command=self.start) self.button_start.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=sticky) # Stop button self.button_stop = tkinter.Button(frame, text='stop server', command=self.stop) self.button_stop.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=sticky) self.button_stop.configure(state='disabled') if options.taskbar: import gluon.contrib.taskbar_widget self.tb = gluon.contrib.taskbar_widget.TaskBarIcon() self.checkTaskBar() if options.password != '': self.password.insert(0, options.password) self.start() self.root.withdraw() else: self.tb = None def update_schedulers(self, start=False): applications_folder = os.path.join(self.options.folder, 'applications') apps = [] available_apps = [ arq for arq in os.listdir(applications_folder) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(applications_folder, arq, 'models', 'scheduler.py')) ] if start: # the widget takes care of starting the scheduler if self.options.scheduler and self.options.with_scheduler: apps = [app.strip() for app in self.options.scheduler.split(',') if app in available_apps] for app in apps: self.try_start_scheduler(app) # reset the menu self.schedmenu.delete(0, len(available_apps)) for arq in available_apps: if arq not in self.scheduler_processes: item = lambda u = arq: self.try_start_scheduler(u) self.schedmenu.add_command(label="start %s" % arq, command=item) if arq in self.scheduler_processes: item = lambda u = arq: self.try_stop_scheduler(u) self.schedmenu.add_command(label="stop %s" % arq, command=item) def start_schedulers(self, app): try: from multiprocessing import Process except: sys.stderr.write('Sorry, -K only supported for python 2.6-2.7\n') return code = "from gluon.globals import current;current._scheduler.loop()" print('starting scheduler from widget for "%s"...' % app) args = (app, True, True, None, False, code) logging.getLogger().setLevel(self.options.debuglevel) p = Process(target=run, args=args) self.scheduler_processes[app] = p self.update_schedulers() print("Currently running %s scheduler processes" % ( len(self.scheduler_processes))) p.start() print("Processes started") def try_stop_scheduler(self, app): if app in self.scheduler_processes: p = self.scheduler_processes[app] del self.scheduler_processes[app] p.terminate() p.join() self.update_schedulers() def try_start_scheduler(self, app): if app not in self.scheduler_processes: t = threading.Thread(target=self.start_schedulers, args=(app,)) t.start() def checkTaskBar(self): """ Checks taskbar status """ if self.tb.status: if self.tb.status[0] == self.tb.EnumStatus.QUIT: self.quit() elif self.tb.status[0] == self.tb.EnumStatus.TOGGLE: if self.root.state() == 'withdrawn': self.root.deiconify() else: self.root.withdraw() elif self.tb.status[0] == self.tb.EnumStatus.STOP: self.stop() elif self.tb.status[0] == self.tb.EnumStatus.START: self.start() elif self.tb.status[0] == self.tb.EnumStatus.RESTART: self.stop() self.start() del self.tb.status[0] self.root.after(1000, self.checkTaskBar) def update(self, text): """ Updates app text """ try: self.text.configure(state='normal') self.text.insert('end', text) self.text.configure(state='disabled') except: pass # ## this should only happen in case app is destroyed def connect_pages(self): """ Connects pages """ # reset the menu applications_folder = os.path.join(self.options.folder, 'applications') available_apps = [ arq for arq in os.listdir(applications_folder) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(applications_folder, arq, '__init__.py')) ] self.pagesmenu.delete(0, len(available_apps)) for arq in available_apps: url = self.url + arq self.pagesmenu.add_command( label=url, command=lambda u=url: start_browser(u)) def quit(self, justHide=False): """ Finishes the program execution """ if justHide: self.root.withdraw() else: try: scheds = self.scheduler_processes.keys() for t in scheds: self.try_stop_scheduler(t) except: pass try: newcron.stopcron() except: pass try: self.server.stop() except: pass try: self.tb.Destroy() except: pass self.root.destroy() sys.exit(0) def error(self, message): """ Shows error message """ if PY2: import tkMessageBox as messagebox else: from tkinter import messagebox messagebox.showerror('web2py start server', message) def start(self): """ Starts web2py server """ password = self.password.get() if not password: self.error('no password, no web admin interface') ip = self.selected_ip.get() if not is_valid_ip_address(ip): return self.error('invalid host ip address') try: port = int(self.port_number.get()) except: return self.error('invalid port number') # Check for non default value for ssl inputs if (len(self.options.ssl_certificate) > 0 or len(self.options.ssl_private_key) > 0): proto = 'https' else: proto = 'http' self.url = get_url(ip, proto=proto, port=port) self.connect_pages() self.button_start.configure(state='disabled') try: options = self.options req_queue_size = options.request_queue_size self.server = main.HttpServer( ip, port, password, pid_filename=options.pid_filename, log_filename=options.log_filename, profiler_dir=options.profiler_dir, ssl_certificate=options.ssl_certificate, ssl_private_key=options.ssl_private_key, ssl_ca_certificate=options.ssl_ca_certificate, min_threads=options.minthreads, max_threads=options.maxthreads, server_name=options.server_name, request_queue_size=req_queue_size, timeout=options.timeout, shutdown_timeout=options.shutdown_timeout, path=options.folder, interfaces=options.interfaces) thread.start_new_thread(self.server.start, ()) except Exception as e: self.button_start.configure(state='normal') return self.error(str(e)) if not self.server_ready(): self.button_start.configure(state='normal') return self.button_stop.configure(state='normal') if not options.taskbar: thread.start_new_thread( start_browser, (get_url(ip, proto=proto, port=port), True)) self.password.configure(state='readonly') [ip.configure(state='disabled') for ip in self.ips.values()] self.port_number.configure(state='readonly') if self.tb: self.tb.SetServerRunning() def server_ready(self): for listener in self.server.server.listeners: if listener.ready: return True return False def stop(self): """ Stops web2py server """ self.button_start.configure(state='normal') self.button_stop.configure(state='disabled') self.password.configure(state='normal') [ip.configure(state='normal') for ip in self.ips.values()] self.port_number.configure(state='normal') self.server.stop() if self.tb: self.tb.SetServerStopped() def update_canvas(self): """ Updates canvas """ httplog = os.path.join(self.options.folder, self.options.log_filename) try: t1 = os.path.getsize(httplog) except: self.canvas.after(1000, self.update_canvas) return try: fp = open(httplog, 'r') fp.seek(self.t0) data = fp.read(t1 - self.t0) fp.close() value = self.p0[1:] + [10 + 90.0 / math.sqrt(1 + data.count('\n'))] self.p0 = value for i in xrange(len(self.p0) - 1): c = self.canvas.coords(self.q0[i]) self.canvas.coords(self.q0[i], (c[0], self.p0[i], c[2], self.p0[i + 1])) self.t0 = t1 except BaseException: self.t0 = time.time() self.t0 = t1 self.p0 = [100] * 400 self.q0 = [self.canvas.create_line(i, 100, i + 1, 100, fill='green') for i in xrange(len(self.p0) - 1)] self.canvas.after(1000, self.update_canvas) def console(): """ Defines the behavior of the console web2py execution """ import optparse import textwrap usage = "python web2py.py" description = """\ web2py Web Framework startup script. ATTENTION: unless a password is specified (-a 'passwd') web2py will attempt to run a GUI. In this case command line options are ignored.""" description = textwrap.dedent(description) parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage, None, optparse.Option, ProgramVersion) parser.description = description msg = ('IP address of the server (e.g., or ::1); ' 'Note: This value is ignored when using the \'interfaces\' option.') parser.add_option('-i', '--ip', default='', dest='ip', help=msg) parser.add_option('-p', '--port', default='8000', dest='port', type='int', help='port of server (8000)') parser.add_option('-G', '--GAE', default=None, dest='gae', help="'-G configure' will create app.yaml and gaehandler.py") msg = ('password to be used for administration ' '(use -a "" to reuse the last password))') parser.add_option('-a', '--password', default='', dest='password', help=msg) parser.add_option('-c', '--ssl_certificate', default='', dest='ssl_certificate', help='file that contains ssl certificate') parser.add_option('-k', '--ssl_private_key', default='', dest='ssl_private_key', help='file that contains ssl private key') msg = ('Use this file containing the CA certificate to validate X509 ' 'certificates from clients') parser.add_option('--ca-cert', action='store', dest='ssl_ca_certificate', default=None, help=msg) parser.add_option('-d', '--pid_filename', default='httpserver.pid', dest='pid_filename', help='file to store the pid of the server') parser.add_option('-l', '--log_filename', default='httpserver.log', dest='log_filename', help='file to log connections') parser.add_option('-n', '--numthreads', default=None, type='int', dest='numthreads', help='number of threads (deprecated)') parser.add_option('--minthreads', default=None, type='int', dest='minthreads', help='minimum number of server threads') parser.add_option('--maxthreads', default=None, type='int', dest='maxthreads', help='maximum number of server threads') parser.add_option('-s', '--server_name', default=socket.gethostname(), dest='server_name', help='server name for the web server') msg = 'max number of queued requests when server unavailable' parser.add_option('-q', '--request_queue_size', default='5', type='int', dest='request_queue_size', help=msg) parser.add_option('-o', '--timeout', default='10', type='int', dest='timeout', help='timeout for individual request (10 seconds)') parser.add_option('-z', '--shutdown_timeout', default='5', type='int', dest='shutdown_timeout', help='timeout on shutdown of server (5 seconds)') parser.add_option('--socket-timeout', default=5, type='int', dest='socket_timeout', help='timeout for socket (5 second)') parser.add_option('-f', '--folder', default=os.getcwd(), dest='folder', help='folder from which to run web2py') parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', dest='verbose', default=False, help='increase --test verbosity') parser.add_option('-Q', '--quiet', action='store_true', dest='quiet', default=False, help='disable all output') parser.add_option('-e', '--errors_to_console', action='store_true', dest='print_errors', default=False, help='log all errors to console') msg = ('set debug output level (0-100, 0 means all, 100 means none; ' 'default is 30)') parser.add_option('-D', '--debug', dest='debuglevel', default=30, type='int', help=msg) msg = ('run web2py in interactive shell or IPython (if installed) with ' 'specified appname (if app does not exist it will be created). ' 'APPNAME like a/c/f?x=y (c,f and vars x,y optional)') parser.add_option('-S', '--shell', dest='shell', metavar='APPNAME', help=msg) msg = ('run web2py in interactive shell or bpython (if installed) with ' 'specified appname (if app does not exist it will be created).\n' 'Use combined with --shell') parser.add_option('-B', '--bpython', action='store_true', default=False, dest='bpython', help=msg) msg = 'only use plain python shell; should be used with --shell option' parser.add_option('-P', '--plain', action='store_true', default=False, dest='plain', help=msg) msg = ('auto import model files; default is False; should be used ' 'with --shell option') parser.add_option('-M', '--import_models', action='store_true', default=False, dest='import_models', help=msg) msg = ('run PYTHON_FILE in web2py environment; ' 'should be used with --shell option') parser.add_option('-R', '--run', dest='run', metavar='PYTHON_FILE', default='', help=msg) msg = ('run scheduled tasks for the specified apps: expects a list of ' 'app names as -K app1,app2,app3 ' 'or a list of app:groups as -K app1:group1:group2,app2:group1 ' 'to override specific group_names. (only strings, no spaces ' 'allowed. Requires a scheduler defined in the models') parser.add_option('-K', '--scheduler', dest='scheduler', default=None, help=msg) msg = 'run schedulers alongside webserver, needs -K app1 and -a too' parser.add_option('-X', '--with-scheduler', action='store_true', default=False, dest='with_scheduler', help=msg) msg = ('run doctests in web2py environment; ' 'TEST_PATH like a/c/f (c,f optional)') parser.add_option('-T', '--test', dest='test', metavar='TEST_PATH', default=None, help=msg) msg = 'trigger a cron run manually; usually invoked from a system crontab' parser.add_option('-C', '--cron', action='store_true', dest='extcron', default=False, help=msg) msg = 'triggers the use of softcron' parser.add_option('--softcron', action='store_true', dest='softcron', default=False, help=msg) parser.add_option('-Y', '--run-cron', action='store_true', dest='runcron', default=False, help='start the background cron process') parser.add_option('-J', '--cronjob', action='store_true', dest='cronjob', default=False, help='identify cron-initiated command') parser.add_option('-L', '--config', dest='config', default='', help='config file') parser.add_option('-F', '--profiler', dest='profiler_dir', default=None, help='profiler dir') parser.add_option('-t', '--taskbar', action='store_true', dest='taskbar', default=False, help='use web2py gui and run in taskbar (system tray)') parser.add_option('', '--nogui', action='store_true', default=False, dest='nogui', help='text-only, no GUI') msg = ('should be followed by a list of arguments to be passed to script, ' 'to be used with -S, -A must be the last option') parser.add_option('-A', '--args', action='store', dest='args', default=None, help=msg) parser.add_option('--no-banner', action='store_true', default=False, dest='nobanner', help='Do not print header banner') msg = ('listen on multiple addresses: ' '"ip1:port1:key1:cert1:ca_cert1;ip2:port2:key2:cert2:ca_cert2;..." ' '(:key:cert:ca_cert optional; no spaces; IPv6 addresses must be in ' 'square [] brackets)') parser.add_option('--interfaces', action='store', dest='interfaces', default=None, help=msg) msg = 'runs web2py tests' parser.add_option('--run_system_tests', action='store_true', dest='run_system_tests', default=False, help=msg) msg = ('adds coverage reporting (needs --run_system_tests), ' 'python 2.7 and the coverage module installed. ' 'You can alter the default path setting the environmental ' 'var "COVERAGE_PROCESS_START". ' 'By default it takes gluon/tests/coverage.ini') parser.add_option('--with_coverage', action='store_true', dest='with_coverage', default=False, help=msg) if '-A' in sys.argv: k = sys.argv.index('-A') elif '--args' in sys.argv: k = sys.argv.index('--args') else: k = len(sys.argv) sys.argv, other_args = sys.argv[:k], sys.argv[k + 1:] (options, args) = parser.parse_args() options.args = [options.run] + other_args copy_options = copy.deepcopy(options) copy_options.password = '******' global_settings.cmd_options = copy_options global_settings.cmd_args = args if options.gae: if not os.path.exists('app.yaml'): name = raw_input("Your GAE app name: ") content = open(os.path.join('examples', 'app.example.yaml'), 'rb').read() open('app.yaml', 'wb').write(content.replace("yourappname", name)) else: print("app.yaml alreday exists in the web2py folder") if not os.path.exists('gaehandler.py'): content = open(os.path.join('handlers', 'gaehandler.py'), 'rb').read() open('gaehandler.py', 'wb').write(content) else: print("gaehandler.py alreday exists in the web2py folder") sys.exit(0) try: options.ips = list(set( # no duplicates [addrinfo[4][0] for addrinfo in getipaddrinfo(socket.getfqdn()) if not is_loopback_ip_address(addrinfo=addrinfo)])) except socket.gaierror: options.ips = [] if options.run_system_tests: run_system_tests(options) if options.quiet: capture = StringIO() sys.stdout = capture logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL + 1) else: logger.setLevel(options.debuglevel) if options.config[-3:] == '.py': options.config = options.config[:-3] if options.cronjob: global_settings.cronjob = True # tell the world options.plain = True # cronjobs use a plain shell options.nobanner = True options.nogui = True options.folder = os.path.abspath(options.folder) # accept --interfaces in the form # "ip1:port1:key1:cert1:ca_cert1;[ip2]:port2;ip3:port3:key3:cert3" # (no spaces; optional key:cert indicate SSL) if isinstance(options.interfaces, str): interfaces = options.interfaces.split(';') options.interfaces = [] for interface in interfaces: if interface.startswith('['): # IPv6 ip, if_remainder = interface.split(']', 1) ip = ip[1:] if_remainder = if_remainder[1:].split(':') if_remainder[0] = int(if_remainder[0]) # numeric port options.interfaces.append(tuple([ip] + if_remainder)) else: # IPv4 interface = interface.split(':') interface[1] = int(interface[1]) # numeric port options.interfaces.append(tuple(interface)) # accepts --scheduler in the form # "app:group1,group2,app2:group1" scheduler = [] options.scheduler_groups = None if isinstance(options.scheduler, str): if ':' in options.scheduler: for opt in options.scheduler.split(','): scheduler.append(opt.split(':')) options.scheduler = ','.join([app[0] for app in scheduler]) options.scheduler_groups = scheduler if options.numthreads is not None and options.minthreads is None: options.minthreads = options.numthreads # legacy create_welcome_w2p() if not options.cronjob: # If we have the applications package or if we should upgrade if not os.path.exists('applications/__init__.py'): write_file('applications/__init__.py', '') return options, args def check_existent_app(options, appname): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(options.folder, 'applications', appname)): return True def get_code_for_scheduler(app, options): if len(app) == 1 or app[1] is None: code = "from gluon.globals import current;current._scheduler.loop()" else: code = "from gluon.globals import current;current._scheduler.group_names = ['%s'];" code += "current._scheduler.loop()" code = code % ("','".join(app[1:])) app_ = app[0] if not check_existent_app(options, app_): print("Application '%s' doesn't exist, skipping" % app_) return None, None return app_, code def start_schedulers(options): try: from multiprocessing import Process except: sys.stderr.write('Sorry, -K only supported for python 2.6-2.7\n') return processes = [] apps = [(app.strip(), None) for app in options.scheduler.split(',')] if options.scheduler_groups: apps = options.scheduler_groups code = "from gluon.globals import current;current._scheduler.loop()" logging.getLogger().setLevel(options.debuglevel) if options.folder: os.chdir(options.folder) if len(apps) == 1 and not options.with_scheduler: app_, code = get_code_for_scheduler(apps[0], options) if not app_: return print('starting single-scheduler for "%s"...' % app_) run(app_, True, True, None, False, code) return # Work around OS X problem: http://bugs.python.org/issue9405 if PY2: import urllib else: import urllib.request as urllib urllib.getproxies() for app in apps: app_, code = get_code_for_scheduler(app, options) if not app_: continue print('starting scheduler for "%s"...' % app_) args = (app_, True, True, None, False, code) p = Process(target=run, args=args) processes.append(p) print("Currently running %s scheduler processes" % (len(processes))) p.start() ##to avoid bashing the db at the same time time.sleep(0.7) print("Processes started") for p in processes: try: p.join() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): print("Processes stopped") except: p.terminate() p.join() def start(cron=True): """ Starts server """ # ## get command line arguments (options, args) = console() if not options.nobanner: print(ProgramName) print(ProgramAuthor) print(ProgramVersion) from pydal.drivers import DRIVERS if not options.nobanner: print('Database drivers available: %s' % ', '.join(DRIVERS)) # ## if -L load options from options.config file if options.config: try: options2 = __import__(options.config, {}, {}, '') except Exception: try: # Jython doesn't like the extra stuff options2 = __import__(options.config) except Exception: print('Cannot import config file [%s]' % options.config) sys.exit(1) for key in dir(options2): if hasattr(options, key): setattr(options, key, getattr(options2, key)) # ## if -T run doctests (no cron) if hasattr(options, 'test') and options.test: test(options.test, verbose=options.verbose) return # ## if -S start interactive shell (also no cron) if options.shell: if options.folder: os.chdir(options.folder) if not options.args is None: sys.argv[:] = options.args run(options.shell, plain=options.plain, bpython=options.bpython, import_models=options.import_models, startfile=options.run, cronjob=options.cronjob) return # ## if -C start cron run (extcron) and exit # ## -K specifies optional apps list (overloading scheduler) if options.extcron: logger.debug('Starting extcron...') global_settings.web2py_crontype = 'external' if options.scheduler: # -K apps = [app.strip() for app in options.scheduler.split( ',') if check_existent_app(options, app.strip())] else: apps = None extcron = newcron.extcron(options.folder, apps=apps) extcron.start() extcron.join() return # ## if -K if options.scheduler and not options.with_scheduler: try: start_schedulers(options) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass return # ## if -H cron is enabled in this *process* # ## if --softcron use softcron # ## use hardcron in all other cases if cron and options.runcron and options.softcron: print('Using softcron (but this is not very efficient)') global_settings.web2py_crontype = 'soft' elif cron and options.runcron: logger.debug('Starting hardcron...') global_settings.web2py_crontype = 'hard' newcron.hardcron(options.folder).start() # ## if no password provided and havetk start Tk interface # ## or start interface if we want to put in taskbar (system tray) try: options.taskbar except: options.taskbar = False if options.taskbar and os.name != 'nt': print('Error: taskbar not supported on this platform') sys.exit(1) root = None if not options.nogui and options.password == '': try: if PY2: import Tkinter as tkinter else: import tkinter havetk = True try: root = tkinter.Tk() except: pass except (ImportError, OSError): logger.warn( 'GUI not available because Tk library is not installed') havetk = False options.nogui = True if root: root.focus_force() # Mac OS X - make the GUI window rise to the top if os.path.exists("/usr/bin/osascript"): applescript = """ tell application "System Events" set proc to first process whose unix id is %d set frontmost of proc to true end tell """ % (os.getpid()) os.system("/usr/bin/osascript -e '%s'" % applescript) master = web2pyDialog(root, options) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, lambda a, b: master.quit()) try: root.mainloop() except: master.quit() sys.exit() # ## if no tk and no password, ask for a password if not root and options.password == '': options.password = getpass.getpass('choose a password:') if not options.password and not options.nobanner: print('no password, no admin interface') # ##-X (if no tk, the widget takes care of it himself) if not root and options.scheduler and options.with_scheduler: t = threading.Thread(target=start_schedulers, args=(options,)) t.start() # ## start server # Use first interface IP and port if interfaces specified, since the # interfaces option overrides the IP (and related) options. if not options.interfaces: (ip, port) = (options.ip, int(options.port)) else: first_if = options.interfaces[0] (ip, port) = first_if[0], first_if[1] # Check for non default value for ssl inputs if (len(options.ssl_certificate) > 0) or (len(options.ssl_private_key) > 0): proto = 'https' else: proto = 'http' url = get_url(ip, proto=proto, port=port) if not options.nobanner: message = '\nplease visit:\n\t%s\n' % url if sys.platform.startswith('win'): message += 'use "taskkill /f /pid %i" to shutdown the web2py server\n\n' % os.getpid() else: message += 'use "kill -SIGTERM %i" to shutdown the web2py server\n\n' % os.getpid() print(message) # enhance linecache.getline (used by debugger) to look at the source file # if the line was not found (under py2exe & when file was modified) import linecache py2exe_getline = linecache.getline def getline(filename, lineno, *args, **kwargs): line = py2exe_getline(filename, lineno, *args, **kwargs) if not line: try: f = open(filename, "r") try: for i, line in enumerate(f): if lineno == i + 1: break else: line = None finally: f.close() except (IOError, OSError): line = None return line linecache.getline = getline server = main.HttpServer(ip=ip, port=port, password=options.password, pid_filename=options.pid_filename, log_filename=options.log_filename, profiler_dir=options.profiler_dir, ssl_certificate=options.ssl_certificate, ssl_private_key=options.ssl_private_key, ssl_ca_certificate=options.ssl_ca_certificate, min_threads=options.minthreads, max_threads=options.maxthreads, server_name=options.server_name, request_queue_size=options.request_queue_size, timeout=options.timeout, socket_timeout=options.socket_timeout, shutdown_timeout=options.shutdown_timeout, path=options.folder, interfaces=options.interfaces) try: server.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: server.stop() try: t.join() except: pass logging.shutdown()