from __future__ import print_function import urllib import json from hashlib import sha1 class Stripe: """ Use in WEB2PY (guaranteed PCI compliant) def pay(): from gluon.contrib.stripe import StripeForm form = StripeForm( pk=STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY, sk=STRIPE_SECRET_KEY, amount=150, # $1.5 (amount is in cents) description="Nothing").process() if form.accepted: payment_id = form.response['id'] redirect(URL('thank_you')) elif form.errors: redirect(URL('pay_error')) return dict(form=form) Low level API: key='' d = Stripe(key).charge( amount=100, # 1 dollar!!!! currency='usd', card_number='4242424242424242', card_exp_month='5', card_exp_year='2012', card_cvc_check='123', description='test charge') print d print Stripe(key).check(d['id']) print Stripe(key).refund(d['id']) Sample output (python dict): {u'fee': 0, u'description': u'test charge', u'created': 1321242072, u'refunded': False, u'livemode': False, u'object': u'charge', u'currency': u'usd', u'amount': 100, u'paid': True, u'id': u'ch_sdjasgfga83asf', u'card': {u'exp_month': 5, u'country': u'US', u'object': u'card', u'last4': u'4242', u'exp_year': 2012, u'type': u'Visa'}} if paid is True than transaction was processed """ URL_CHARGE = '' URL_CHECK = '' URL_REFUND = '' def __init__(self, key): self.key = key def charge(self, amount, # in cents currency='usd', card_number='4242424242424242', card_exp_month='5', card_exp_year='2012', card_cvc_check='123', token=None, description='test charge', more=None): if token: d = {'amount': amount, 'currency': currency, 'card': token, 'description': description} else: d = {'amount': amount, 'currency': currency, 'card[number]': card_number, 'card[exp_month]': card_exp_month, 'card[exp_year]': card_exp_year, 'card[cvc_check]': card_cvc_check, 'description': description} if more: d.update(mode) params = urllib.urlencode(d) u = urllib.urlopen(self.URL_CHARGE % self.key, params) return json.loads( def check(self, charge_id): u = urllib.urlopen(self.URL_CHECK % (self.key, charge_id)) return json.loads( def refund(self, charge_id): params = urllib.urlencode({}) u = urllib.urlopen(self.URL_REFUND % (self.key, charge_id), params) return json.loads( class StripeForm(object): def __init__(self, pk, sk, amount, # in cents description, currency = 'usd', currency_symbol = '$', security_notice = True, disclosure_notice = True, template = None): from gluon import current, redirect, URL if not (current.request.is_local or current.request.is_https): redirect(URL(args=current.request.args,scheme='https')) = pk = sk self.amount = amount self.description = description self.currency = currency self.currency_symbol = currency_symbol self.security_notice = security_notice self.disclosure_notice = disclosure_notice self.template = template or TEMPLATE self.accepted = None self.errors = None self.signature = sha1(repr((self.amount,self.description))).hexdigest() def process(self): from gluon import current request = current.request if request.post_vars: if self.signature == request.post_vars.signature: self.response = Stripe( token=request.post_vars.stripeToken, amount=self.amount, description=self.description, currency=self.currency) if self.response.get('paid',False): self.accepted = True return self self.errors = True return self def xml(self): from gluon.template import render if self.accepted: return "Your payment was processed successfully" elif self.errors: return "There was an processing error" else: context = dict(amount=self.amount, signature=self.signature,, currency_symbol=self.currency_symbol, security_notice=self.security_notice, disclosure_notice=self.disclosure_notice) return render(content=self.template, context=context) TEMPLATE = """

Payment Amount: {{=currency_symbol}} {{="%.2f" % (0.01*amount)}}

{{if security_notice or disclosure_notice:}}
{{if security_notice:}}

Security Notice

For your security we process all payments using a service called Stripe. Thanks to Stripe your credit card information is communicated directly between your Web Browser and the payment processor, Stripe, without going through our server. Since we never see your card information nobody can steal it through us. Stripe is PCI compliant and so are we.

{{pass}} {{if disclosure_notice:}}

Disclosure Notice

We do store other information about your purchase including your name, a description of the purchase, the time when it was processed, and the amount paid. This information is necessary to provide our services and for accounting purposes. We do not disclose this information to third parties unless required to operate our services or accounting purposes.

{{pass}} """ if __name__ == '__main__': key = raw_input('user>') d = Stripe(key).charge(100) print('charged', d['paid']) s = Stripe(key).check(d[u'id']) print('paid', s['paid'], s['amount'], s['currency']) s = Stripe(key).refund(d[u'id']) print('refunded', s['refunded'])