# For Google App Engine deployment, copy this file to app.yaml # and edit as required # See http://code.google.com/appengine/docs/python/config/appconfig.html # and http://web2py.com/book/default/chapter/11?search=app.yaml application: yourappname version: 1 api_version: 1 # use these lines for Python 2.7 # upload app with: appcfg.py update web2py (where 'web2py' is web2py's root directory) # runtime: python27 threadsafe: true # true for WSGI & concurrent requests (Python 2.7 only) default_expiration: "24h" # for static files handlers: # Warning! Static mapping - below - isn't compatible with # the parametric router's language logic. # You cannot use them together. - url: /(.+?)/static/_(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\/(.+) static_files: applications/\1/static/\3 upload: applications/(.+?)/static/(.+) secure: optional expiration: "365d" - url: /(.+?)/static/(.+) static_files: applications/\1/static/\2 upload: applications/(.+?)/static/(.+) secure: optional - url: /favicon.ico static_files: applications/welcome/static/favicon.ico upload: applications/welcome/static/favicon.ico - url: /robots.txt static_files: applications/welcome/static/robots.txt upload: applications/welcome/static/robots.txt - url: .* script: gaehandler.wsgiapp # WSGI (Python 2.7 only) secure: optional admin_console: pages: - name: Appstats url: /_ah/stats skip_files: | ^(.*/)?( (app\.yaml)| (app\.yml)| (index\.yaml)| (index\.yml)| (#.*#)| (.*~)| (.*\.py[co])| (.*/RCS/.*)| (\..*)| (applications/examples/.*)| ((examples|welcome)\.(w2p|tar))| (applications/.*?/(cron|databases|errors|cache|sessions)/.*)| ((logs|scripts)/.*)| (anyserver\.py)| (web2py\.py)| ((cgi|fcgi|modpython|wsgi)handler\.py)| (epydoc\.(conf|css))| (httpserver\.log)| (logging\.example\.conf)| (route[rs]\.example\.py)| (setup_(app|exe)\.py)| (splashlogo\.gif)| (parameters_\d+\.py)| (options_std.py)| (gluon/tests/.*)| (gluon/rocket\.py)| (contrib/(gateways|markdown|memcache|pymysql)/.*)| (contrib/(populate|taskbar_widget)\.py)| (google_appengine/.*)| (.*\.(bak|orig))| )$ builtins: - remote_api: on - appstats: on - admin_redirect: on - deferred: on