{{=T("Interaction at %s line %s") % (filename, lineno)}}
{{if exception:}}
{{=T("Exception %s", exception['title'])}}
{{=T("Code listing")}}
{{if lines:}}
{{=CODE('\n'.join([x[1] for x in sorted(lines.items(),key=lambda x: x[0])]),
language='python', link=None, counter=min(lines.keys()),
highlight_line=lineno, context_lines=10)}}
{{=T("Your application will be blocked until you click an action button (next, step, continue, etc.)")}}
{{=T("You can inspect variables using the console below")}}
{{=T("Interactive console")}}
{{elif request.env.get('wsgi_multiprocess') or not request.env.get('wsgi_multithread'):}}
{{=T("Unsupported webserver working mode: %s", request.env.get('server_software', ''))}}
{{=T("WARNING:")}} {{=T("This debugger may not work properly if you don't have a threaded webserver or you're using multiple daemon processes.")}}
{{=T("In development, use the default Rocket webserver that is currently supported by this debugger.")}}
{{=T("On production, you'll have to configure your webserver to use one process and multiple threads to use this debugger.")}}
{{=T("No Interaction yet")}}
{{=T("You need to set up and reach a")}} {{=A(T("breakpoint"), _href=URL('breakpoints'))}} {{=T('to use the debugger!')}}