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2018-10-25 15:33:07 +00:00
Developed by Massimo Di Pierro
Released under the web2py license (LGPL)
It an interface on top of urllib2 which simplifies scripting of http requests
mostly for testing purposes
- customizable
- supports basic auth
- supports cookies
- supports session cookies (tested with web2py sessions)
- detects broken session
- detects web2py form postbacks and handles formname and formkey
- detects web2py tickets
Some examples at the bottom.
from __future__ import print_function
from gluon._compat import urllib2, cookielib, iteritems, to_native, urlencode, to_bytes
import re
import time
'user-agent': 'Mozilla/4.0', # some servers are picky
'accept-language': 'en',
FORM_REGEX = re.compile('(\<input name\="_formkey" type\="hidden" value\="(?P<formkey>.+?)" \/\>)?\<input name\="_formname" type\="hidden" value\="(?P<formname>.+?)" \/\>')
SESSION_REGEX = 'session_id_(?P<name>.+)'
class WebClient(object):
def __init__(self,
self.app = app
self.postbacks = postbacks
self.forms = {}
self.history = []
self.cookies = {}
self.cookiejar = cookielib.CookieJar()
self.default_headers = default_headers
self.sessions = {}
self.session_regex = session_regex and re.compile(session_regex)
self.headers = {}
def _parse_headers_in_cookies(self):
self.cookies = {}
if 'set-cookie' in self.headers:
for item in self.headers['set-cookie'].split(','):
cookie = item[:item.find(';')]
pos = cookie.find('=')
key = cookie[:pos]
value = cookie[pos+1:]
self.cookies[key.strip()] = value.strip()
def get(self, url, cookies=None, headers=None, auth=None):
return self.post(url, data=None, cookies=cookies,
headers=headers, method='GET')
def post(self, url, data=None, cookies=None,
headers=None, auth=None, method='auto'):
self.url = self.app + url
# if this POST form requires a postback do it
if data and '_formname' in data and self.postbacks and \
self.history and self.history[-1][1] != self.url:
# to bypass the web2py CSRF need to get formkey
# before submitting the form
self.get(url, cookies=cookies, headers=headers, auth=auth)
# unless cookies are specified, recycle cookies
if cookies is None:
cookies = self.cookies
cookies = cookies or {}
headers = headers or {}
args = [
# if required do basic auth
if auth:
auth_handler = urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(*args)
# copy headers from dict to list of key,value
headers_list = []
for key, value in iteritems(self.default_headers):
if not key in headers:
headers[key] = value
for key, value in iteritems(headers):
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
for v in value:
headers_list.append((key, v))
headers_list.append((key, value))
# move cookies to headers
for key, value in iteritems(cookies):
headers_list.append(('Cookie', '%s=%s' % (key, value)))
# add headers to request
for key, value in headers_list:
opener.addheaders.append((key, str(value)))
# assume everything is ok and make http request
error = None
if isinstance(data, str):
self.method = 'POST' if method=='auto' else method
elif isinstance(data, dict):
self.method = 'POST' if method=='auto' else method
# if there is only one form, set _formname automatically
if not '_formname' in data and len(self.forms) == 1:
data['_formname'] = self.forms.keys()[0]
# if there is no formkey but it is known, set it
if '_formname' in data and not '_formkey' in data and \
data['_formname'] in self.forms:
data['_formkey'] = self.forms[data['_formname']]
# time the POST request
data = urlencode(data, doseq=True)
self.method = 'GET' if method=='auto' else method
data = None
t0 = time.time()
self.response = opener.open(self.url, to_bytes(data))
self.time = time.time() - t0
except urllib2.HTTPError as er:
error = er
# catch HTTP errors
self.time = time.time() - t0
self.response = er
if hasattr(self.response, 'getcode'):
self.status = self.response.getcode()
self.status = None
self.text = to_native(self.response.read())
# In PY3 self.response.headers are case sensitive
self.headers = dict()
for h in self.response.headers:
self.headers[h.lower()] = self.response.headers[h]
# treat web2py tickets as special types of errors
if error is not None:
if 'web2py_error' in self.headers:
raise RuntimeError(self.headers['web2py_error'])
raise error
# check is a new session id has been issued, symptom of broken session
if self.session_regex is not None:
for cookie, value in iteritems(self.cookies):
match = self.session_regex.match(cookie)
if match:
name = match.group('name')
if name in self.sessions and self.sessions[name] != value:
print(RuntimeError('Changed session ID %s' % name))
self.sessions[name] = value
# find all forms and formkeys in page
self.forms = {}
for match in FORM_REGEX.finditer(to_native(self.text)):
self.forms[match.group('formname')] = match.group('formkey')
# log this request
self.history.append((self.method, self.url, self.status, self.time))
def test_web2py_registration_and_login():
# from gluon.contrib.webclient import WebClient
# start a web2py instance for testing
client = WebClient('')
# register
data = dict(first_name='Homer',
client.post('user/register', data=data)
# logout
# login
data = dict(email='homer@web2py.com',
client.post('user/login', data=data)
# check registration and login were successful
assert 'Welcome Homer' in client.text
# print some variables
print('\nsessions:\n', client.sessions)
print('\nheaders:\n', client.headers)
print('\ncookies:\n', client.cookies)
print('\nforms:\n', client.forms)
for method, url, status, t in client.history:
print(method, url, status, t)
if __name__ == '__main__':