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2018-10-25 15:33:07 +00:00
DowCommerce class to process credit card payments with DowCommerce.com
Modifications to support Dow Commerce API from code originally written by John Conde
BSDv3 License
Modifed by Dave Stoll dave.stoll@gmail.com
- modifed to support Dow Commerce API
from __future__ import print_function
__all__ = ['DowCommerce']
from operator import itemgetter
from gluon._compat import urlopen, urlencode, FancyURLopene
class DowCommerce:
class DowCommerceError(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.parameter = value
def __str__(self):
return str(self.parameter)
def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, demomode=False):
if not demomode:
if str(username).strip() == '' or username is None:
raise DowCommerce.DowCommerceError('No username provided')
if str(password).strip() == '' or password is None:
raise DowCommerce.DowCommerceError('No password provided')
username = 'demo'
password = 'password'
self.proxy = None
self.delimiter = '&'
self.results = {}
self.error = True
self.success = False
self.declined = False
self.url = 'https://secure.dowcommerce.net/api/transact.php'
self.parameters = {}
self.setParameter('username', username)
self.setParameter('password', password)
def process(self):
encoded_args = urlencode(self.parameters)
if self.proxy is None:
results = str(urlopen(
self.url, encoded_args).read()).split(self.delimiter)
opener = FancyURLopener(self.proxy)
opened = opener.open(self.url, encoded_args)
results = str(opened.read()).split(self.delimiter)
for result in results:
(key, val) = result.split('=')
self.results[key] = val
if self.results['response'] == '1':
self.error = False
self.success = True
self.declined = False
elif self.results['response'] == '2':
self.error = False
self.success = False
self.declined = True
elif self.results['response'] == '3':
self.error = True
self.success = False
self.declined = False
self.error = True
self.success = False
self.declined = False
raise DowCommerce.DowCommerceError(self.results)
def setTransaction(
self, creditcard, expiration, total, cvv=None, orderid=None, orderdescription=None,
ipaddress=None, tax=None, shipping=None,
firstname=None, lastname=None, company=None, address1=None, address2=None, city=None, state=None, zipcode=None,
country=None, phone=None, fax=None, emailaddress=None, website=None,
shipping_firstname=None, shipping_lastname=None, shipping_company=None, shipping_address1=None, shipping_address2=None,
shipping_city=None, shipping_state=None, shipping_zipcode=None, shipping_country=None, shipping_emailaddress=None):
if str(creditcard).strip() == '' or creditcard is None:
raise DowCommerce.DowCommerceError('No credit card number passed to setTransaction(): {0}'.format(creditcard))
if str(expiration).strip() == '' or expiration is None:
raise DowCommerce.DowCommerceError('No expiration number passed to setTransaction(): {0}'.format(expiration))
if str(total).strip() == '' or total is None:
raise DowCommerce.DowCommerceError('No total amount passed to setTransaction(): {0}'.format(total))
self.setParameter('ccnumber', creditcard)
self.setParameter('ccexp', expiration)
self.setParameter('amount', total)
if cvv:
self.setParameter('cvv', cvv)
if orderid:
self.setParameter('orderid', orderid)
if orderdescription:
self.setParameter('orderdescription', orderdescription)
if ipaddress:
self.setParameter('ipaddress', ipaddress)
if tax:
self.setParameter('tax', tax)
if shipping:
self.setParameter('shipping', shipping)
## billing info
if firstname:
self.setParameter('firstname', firstname)
if lastname:
self.setParameter('lastname', lastname)
if company:
self.setParameter('company', company)
if address1:
self.setParameter('address1', address1)
if address2:
self.setParameter('address2', address2)
if city:
self.setParameter('city', city)
if state:
self.setParameter('state', state)
if zipcode:
self.setParameter('zip', zipcode)
if country:
self.setParameter('country', country)
if phone:
self.setParameter('phone', phone)
if fax:
self.setParameter('fax', fax)
if emailaddress:
self.setParameter('email', emailaddress)
if website:
self.setParameter('website', website)
## shipping info
if shipping_firstname:
self.setParameter('shipping_firstname', shipping_firstname)
if shipping_lastname:
self.setParameter('shipping_lastname', shipping_lastname)
if shipping_company:
self.setParameter('shipping_company', shipping_company)
if shipping_address1:
self.setParameter('shipping_address1', shipping_address1)
if shipping_address2:
self.setParameter('shipping_address2', shipping_address2)
if shipping_city:
self.setParameter('shipping_city', shipping_city)
if shipping_state:
self.setParameter('shipping_state', shipping_state)
if shipping_zipcode:
self.setParameter('shipping_zip', shipping_zipcode)
if shipping_country:
self.setParameter('shipping_country', shipping_country)
def setTransactionType(self, transtype=None):
types = ['sale', 'auth', 'credit']
if transtype.lower() not in types:
raise DowCommerce.DowCommerceError('Incorrect Transaction Type passed to setTransactionType(): {0}'.format(transtype))
self.setParameter('type', transtype.lower())
def setProxy(self, proxy=None):
if str(proxy).strip() == '' or proxy is None:
raise DowCommerce.DowCommerceError('No proxy passed to setProxy()')
self.proxy = {'http': str(proxy).strip()}
def setParameter(self, key=None, value=None):
if key is not None and value is not None and str(key).strip() != '' and str(value).strip() != '':
self.parameters[key] = str(value).strip()
raise DowCommerce.DowCommerceError('Incorrect parameters passed to setParameter(): {0}:{1}'.format(key, value))
def isApproved(self):
return self.success
def isDeclined(self):
return self.declined
def isError(self):
return self.error
def getResultResponseShort(self):
responses = ['', 'Approved', 'Declined', 'Error']
return responses[int(self.results['response'])]
def getFullResponse(self):
return self.results
def getResponseText(self):
return self.results['responsetext']
def test():
import socket
import sys
from time import time
# Visa: 4111111111111111
# MasterCard 5431111111111111
# DiscoverCard: 6011601160116611
# American Express: 341111111111111
# Expiration: 10/10
# Amount: > 1.00 (( passing less than $1.00 will cause it to be declined ))
# CVV: 999
creditcard = '4111111111111111'
expiration = '1010'
total = '1.00'
cvv = '999'
tax = '0.00'
orderid = str(time())[4:10] # get a random invoice number
payment = DowCommerce(demomode=True)
creditcard, expiration, total, cvv=cvv, tax=tax, orderid=orderid, orderdescription='Test Transaction',
firstname='John', lastname='Doe', company='Acme', address1='123 Min Street', city='Hometown', state='VA',
zipcode='12345', country='US', phone='888-555-1212', emailaddress='john@noemail.local', ipaddress='')
if payment.isApproved():
print('Payment approved!')
elif payment.isDeclined():
print('Your credit card was declined by your bank')
elif payment.isError():
raise DowCommerce.DowCommerceError('An uncaught error occurred')
except DowCommerce.DowCommerceError as e:
print("Exception thrown:", e)
print('An error occured')
print('approved', payment.isApproved())
print('declined', payment.isDeclined())
print('error', payment.isError())
if __name__ == '__main__':