272 lines
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272 lines
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AIM class to credit card payment with authorize.net
Fork of authnet code written by John Conde
BSDv3 License
Modifed by Massimo Di Pierro
- ported from Python 3.x run on Python 2.4+
- fixed a couple of bugs
- merged with test so single file
- namedtuple from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/500261/
from __future__ import print_function
__all__ = ['AIM']
from operator import itemgetter
from gluon._compat import urlopen, urlencode, FancyURLopener
_known_tuple_types = {}
class NamedTupleBase(tuple):
"""Base class for named tuples with the __new__ operator set, named tuples
yielded by the namedtuple() function will subclass this and add
def __new__(cls, *args, **kws):
"""Create a new instance of this fielded tuple"""
# May need to unpack named field values here
if kws:
values = list(args) + [None] * (len(cls._fields) - len(args))
fields = dict((val, idx) for idx, val in enumerate(cls._fields))
for kw, val in kws.iteritems():
assert kw in kws, "%r not in field list" % kw
values[fields[kw]] = val
args = tuple(values)
return tuple.__new__(cls, args)
def namedtuple(typename, fieldnames):
>>> import namedtuples
>>> tpl = namedtuples.namedtuple(['a', 'b', 'c'])
>>> tpl(1, 2, 3)
(1, 2, 3)
>>> tpl(1, 2, 3).b
>>> tpl(c=1, a=2, b=3)
(2, 3, 1)
>>> tpl(c=1, a=2, b=3).b
>>> tpl(c='pads with nones')
(None, None, 'pads with nones')
>>> tpl(b='pads with nones')
(None, 'pads with nones', None)
# Split up a string, some people do this
if isinstance(fieldnames, basestring):
fieldnames = fieldnames.replace(',', ' ').split()
# Convert anything iterable that enumerates fields to a tuple now
fieldname_tuple = tuple(str(field) for field in fieldnames)
# See if we've cached this
if fieldname_tuple in _known_tuple_types:
return _known_tuple_types[fieldname_tuple]
# Make the type
new_tuple_type = type(typename, (NamedTupleBase,), {})
# Set the hidden field
new_tuple_type._fields = fieldname_tuple
# Add the getters
for i, field in enumerate(fieldname_tuple):
setattr(new_tuple_type, field, property(itemgetter(i)))
# Cache
_known_tuple_types[fieldname_tuple] = new_tuple_type
# Done
return new_tuple_type
class AIM:
class AIMError(Exception):
def __init__(self, value):
self.parameter = value
def __str__(self):
return str(self.parameter)
def __init__(self, login, transkey, testmode=False):
if str(login).strip() == '' or login is None:
raise AIM.AIMError('No login name provided')
if str(transkey).strip() == '' or transkey is None:
raise AIM.AIMError('No transaction key provided')
if testmode != True and testmode != False:
raise AIM.AIMError('Invalid value for testmode. Must be True or False. "{0}" given.'.format(testmode))
self.testmode = testmode
self.proxy = None
self.delimiter = '|'
self.results = []
self.error = True
self.success = False
self.declined = False
self.parameters = {}
self.setParameter('x_delim_data', 'true')
self.setParameter('x_delim_char', self.delimiter)
self.setParameter('x_relay_response', 'FALSE')
self.setParameter('x_url', 'FALSE')
self.setParameter('x_version', '3.1')
self.setParameter('x_method', 'CC')
self.setParameter('x_type', 'AUTH_CAPTURE')
self.setParameter('x_login', login)
self.setParameter('x_tran_key', transkey)
def process(self):
encoded_args = urlencode(self.parameters)
if self.testmode == True:
url = 'https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll'
url = 'https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll'
if self.proxy is None:
self.results += str(urlopen(
url, encoded_args).read()).split(self.delimiter)
opener = FancyURLopener(self.proxy)
opened = opener.open(url, encoded_args)
self.results += str(opened.read()).split(self.delimiter)
Results = namedtuple('Results', 'ResultResponse ResponseSubcode ResponseCode ResponseText AuthCode \
AVSResponse TransactionID InvoiceNumber Description Amount PaymentMethod \
TransactionType CustomerID CHFirstName CHLastName Company BillingAddress \
BillingCity BillingState BillingZip BillingCountry Phone Fax Email ShippingFirstName \
ShippingLastName ShippingCompany ShippingAddress ShippingCity ShippingState \
ShippingZip ShippingCountry TaxAmount DutyAmount FreightAmount TaxExemptFlag \
PONumber MD5Hash CVVResponse CAVVResponse')
self.response = Results(*tuple(r for r in self.results)[0:40])
if self.getResultResponseFull() == 'Approved':
self.error = False
self.success = True
self.declined = False
elif self.getResultResponseFull() == 'Declined':
self.error = False
self.success = False
self.declined = True
raise AIM.AIMError(self.response.ResponseText)
def setTransaction(self, creditcard, expiration, total, cvv=None, tax=None, invoice=None):
if str(creditcard).strip() == '' or creditcard is None:
raise AIM.AIMError('No credit card number passed to setTransaction(): {0}'.format(creditcard))
if str(expiration).strip() == '' or expiration is None:
raise AIM.AIMError('No expiration number to setTransaction(): {0}'.format(expiration))
if str(total).strip() == '' or total is None:
raise AIM.AIMError('No total amount passed to setTransaction(): {0}'.format(total))
self.setParameter('x_card_num', creditcard)
self.setParameter('x_exp_date', expiration)
self.setParameter('x_amount', total)
if cvv is not None:
self.setParameter('x_card_code', cvv)
if tax is not None:
self.setParameter('x_tax', tax)
if invoice is not None:
self.setParameter('x_invoice_num', invoice)
def setTransactionType(self, transtype=None):
if transtype.upper() not in types:
raise AIM.AIMError('Incorrect Transaction Type passed to setTransactionType(): {0}'.format(transtype))
self.setParameter('x_type', transtype.upper())
def setProxy(self, proxy=None):
if str(proxy).strip() == '' or proxy is None:
raise AIM.AIMError('No proxy passed to setProxy()')
self.proxy = {'http': str(proxy).strip()}
def setParameter(self, key=None, value=None):
if key is not None and value is not None and str(key).strip() != '' and str(value).strip() != '':
self.parameters[key] = str(value).strip()
raise AIM.AIMError('Incorrect parameters passed to setParameter(): {0}:{1}'.format(key, value))
def isApproved(self):
return self.success
def isDeclined(self):
return self.declined
def isError(self):
return self.error
def getResultResponseFull(self):
responses = ['', 'Approved', 'Declined', 'Error']
return responses[int(self.results[0])]
def process(creditcard, expiration, total, cvv=None, tax=None, invoice=None,
login='cnpdev4289', transkey='SR2P8g4jdEn7vFLQ', testmode=True):
payment = AIM(login, transkey, testmode)
expiration = expiration.replace('/', '')
payment.setTransaction(creditcard, expiration, total, cvv, tax, invoice)
return payment.isApproved()
except AIM.AIMError:
return False
def test():
import socket
import sys
from time import time
creditcard = '4427802641004797'
expiration = '122012'
total = '1.00'
cvv = '123'
tax = '0.00'
invoice = str(time())[4:10] # get a random invoice number
payment = AIM('cnpdev4289', 'SR2P8g4jdEn7vFLQ', True)
creditcard, expiration, total, cvv, tax, invoice)
'x_duplicate_window', 180) # three minutes duplicate windows
payment.setParameter('x_cust_id', '1324') # customer ID
payment.setParameter('x_first_name', 'John')
payment.setParameter('x_last_name', 'Conde')
payment.setParameter('x_company', 'Test Company')
payment.setParameter('x_address', '1234 Main Street')
payment.setParameter('x_city', 'Townsville')
payment.setParameter('x_state', 'NJ')
payment.setParameter('x_zip', '12345')
payment.setParameter('x_country', 'US')
payment.setParameter('x_phone', '800-555-1234')
payment.setParameter('x_description', 'Test Transaction')
'x_customer_ip', socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname()))
payment.setParameter('x_email', 'john@example.com')
payment.setParameter('x_email_customer', False)
if payment.isApproved():
print('Response Code: ', payment.response.ResponseCode)
print('Response Text: ', payment.response.ResponseText)
print('Response: ', payment.getResultResponseFull())
print('Transaction ID: ', payment.response.TransactionID)
print('CVV Result: ', payment.response.CVVResponse)
print('Approval Code: ', payment.response.AuthCode)
print('AVS Result: ', payment.response.AVSResponse)
elif payment.isDeclined():
print('Your credit card was declined by your bank')
elif payment.isError():
raise AIM.AIMError('An uncaught error occurred')
except AIM.AIMError as e:
print("Exception thrown:", e)
print('An error occured')
print('approved', payment.isApproved())
print('declined', payment.isDeclined())
print('error', payment.isError())
if __name__ == '__main__':