
708 lines
38 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2018-10-25 15:33:07 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'!langcode!': 'sl',
'!langname!': 'Slovenski',
'"update" is an optional expression like "field1=\'newvalue\'". You cannot update or delete the results of a JOIN': '"Popravi" je izbirni izraz kot npr.: "stolpec1 = \'novavrednost\'". Rezultatov JOIN operacije ne morete popravljati ali brisati',
'"User Exception" debug mode. ': '"User Exception" debug mode. ',
'%s': '%s',
'%s %%{row} deleted': '%s vrstic izbrisanih',
'%s %%{row} updated': '%s vrstic popravljeno',
'%s selected': '%s selected',
'%s students registered': '%s students registered',
'%Y-%m-%d': '%Y-%m-%d',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S': '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
'(requires internet access)': '(zahteva internetni dostop)',
'(requires internet access, experimental)': '(requires internet access, experimental)',
'(something like "it-it")': '(nekaj kot "sl-SI" ali samo "sl")',
'(version %s)': '(version %s)',
'?': '?',
'@markmin\x01Searching: **%s** %%{file}': 'Iskanje: **%s** datoteke',
'A new version of web2py is available': 'Nova različica web2py je na voljo',
'A new version of web2py is available: %s': 'Nova različica web2py je na voljo: %s',
'Abort': 'Preklic',
'About': 'Vizitka',
'About application': 'O aplikaciji',
'Accept Terms': 'Accept Terms',
'Add breakpoint': 'Add breakpoint',
'additional code for your application': 'dodatna koda za vašo aplikacijo',
'Additional code for your application': 'Dodatna koda za vašo aplikacijo',
'Admin design page': 'Admin design page',
'admin disabled because no admin password': 'skrbnik izključen, ker ni skrbniškega gesla',
'admin disabled because not supported on google app engine': 'admin disabled because not supported on google app engine',
'admin disabled because not supported on google apps engine': 'skrbnik izključen, ker ni podprt na Google App sistemu',
'admin disabled because too many invalid login attempts': 'admin disabled because too many invalid login attempts',
'admin disabled because unable to access password file': 'skrbnik izključen, ker ne morem dostopati do datoteke z gesli',
'Admin is disabled because insecure channel': 'Skrbnik je izključen zaradi nezavarovane povezave',
'Admin is disabled because unsecure channel': 'Skrbnik je izključen zaradi nezavarovane povezave',
'Admin language': 'Skrbniški jezik',
'Admin versioning page': 'Admin versioning page',
'administrative interface': 'skrbniški vmesnik',
'Administrator Password:': 'Skrbniško geslo:',
'and rename it (required):': 'in jo preimenujte (obvezno):',
'and rename it:': ' in jo preimenujte:',
'App does not exist or you are not authorized': 'App does not exist or you are not authorized',
'appadmin': 'appadmin',
'appadmin is disabled because insecure channel': 'Appadmin izključen, ker zahteva varno (HTTPS) povezavo',
'Application': 'Application',
'application "%s" uninstalled': 'Aplikacija "%s" odstranjena',
'Application cannot be generated in demo mode': 'Application cannot be generated in demo mode',
'application compiled': 'aplikacija prevedena',
'Application exists already': 'Application exists already',
'application is compiled and cannot be designed': 'aplikacija je prevedena in je ne morete popravljati',
'Application name:': 'Ime aplikacije:',
'Application updated via git pull': 'Application updated via git pull',
'are not used': 'are not used',
'are not used yet': 'are not used yet',
'Are you sure you want to delete file "%s"?': 'Ali res želite pobrisati datoteko "%s"?',
'Are you sure you want to delete plugin "%s"?': 'Are you sure you want to delete plugin "%s"?',
'Are you sure you want to delete this object?': 'Ali res želite izbrisati ta predmet?',
'Are you sure you want to uninstall application "%s"': 'Ali res želite odstraniti program "%s"',
'Are you sure you want to uninstall application "%s"?': 'Ali res želite odstraniti program "%s"?',
'Are you sure you want to upgrade web2py now?': 'Ali želite sedaj nadgraditi web2py?',
'Are you sure?': 'Are you sure?',
'arguments': 'argumenti',
'at char %s': 'at char %s',
'at line %s': 'at line %s',
'ATTENTION: Login requires a secure (HTTPS) connection or running on localhost.': 'POZOR: Prijava zahteva varno povezavo (HTTPS) ali lokalni (localhost) dostop.',
'ATTENTION: TESTING IS NOT THREAD SAFE SO DO NOT PERFORM MULTIPLE TESTS CONCURRENTLY.': 'POZOR: Testiranje ni večopravilno, zato ne poganjajte več testov hkrati.',
'ATTENTION: This is an experimental feature and it needs more testing.': 'POZOR: To je preizkusni fazi in potrebuje več testiranja.',
'ATTENTION: you cannot edit the running application!': 'POZOR: Ne morete urejati aplikacije, ki že teče!',
'Authentication': 'Avtentikacija',
'Autocomplete Python Code': 'Autocomplete Python Code',
'Available databases and tables': 'Podatkovne baze in tabele',
'Available Databases and Tables': 'Available Databases and Tables',
'back': 'nazaj',
'Back to the plugins list': 'Back to the plugins list',
'Back to wizard': 'Back to wizard',
'Basics': 'Basics',
'beautify': 'olepšaj',
'Begin': 'Začni',
'breakpoint': 'breakpoint',
'Breakpoints': 'Breakpoints',
'breakpoints': 'breakpoints',
'Bulk Register': 'Bulk Register',
'Bulk Student Registration': 'Bulk Student Registration',
'Cache': 'Cache',
'cache': 'predpomnilnik',
'Cache Cleared': 'Cache Cleared',
'Cache Keys': 'Cache Keys',
'cache, errors and sessions cleaned': 'Predpomnilnik, napake in seja so očiščeni',
'call': 'kliči',
'can be a git repo': 'can be a git repo',
'Cancel': 'Cancel',
'Cannot be empty': 'Ne sme biti prazno',
'Cannot compile: there are errors in your app. Debug it, correct errors and try again.': 'Nemogoče prevajanje: napake v programu. Odpravite napake in poskusite ponovno.',
'Cannot compile: there are errors in your app:': 'Cannot compile: there are errors in your app:',
'cannot create file': 'ne morem ustvariti datoteke',
'cannot upload file "%(filename)s"': 'ne morem naložiti datoteke "%(filename)s"',
'Change Admin Password': 'Change Admin Password',
'Change admin password': 'Spremenite skrbniško geslo',
'change editor settings': 'change editor settings',
'Change Password': 'Spremeni geslo',
'change password': 'spremeni geslo',
'Changelog': 'Changelog',
'check all': 'označi vse',
'Check for upgrades': 'Preveri za posodobitve',
'Check to delete': 'Odkljukajte, če želite izbrisati',
'Checking for upgrades...': 'Preverjam posodobitve...',
'Clean': 'Počisti',
'Clear': 'Clear',
'Clear CACHE?': 'Clear CACHE?',
'Clear DISK': 'Clear DISK',
'Clear RAM': 'Clear RAM',
'click here for online examples': 'kliknite za spletne primere',
'click here for the administrative interface': 'kliknite za skrbniški vmesnik',
'Click row to expand traceback': 'Kliknite vrstico da razširite sledenje',
'Click row to view a ticket': 'Kliknite vrstico za ogled listka',
'click to check for upgrades': 'kliknite za preverjanje nadgradenj',
'Client IP': 'IP klienta',
'code': 'koda',
'Code listing': 'Code listing',
'collapse/expand all': 'zapri/odpri vse',
'Command': 'Command',
'Comment:': 'Comment:',
'Commit': 'Commit',
'Commit form': 'Commit form',
'Committed files': 'Committed files',
'Compile': 'Prevedi',
'Compile (all or nothing)': 'Compile (all or nothing)',
'Compile (skip failed views)': 'Compile (skip failed views)',
'compiled application removed': 'prevedena aplikacija je odstranjena',
'Condition': 'Condition',
'continue': 'continue',
'Controller': 'Krmilnik',
'Controllers': 'Krmilniki',
'controllers': 'krmilniki',
'Copyright': 'Copyright',
'Count': 'Število',
'Create': 'Ustvari',
'create file with filename:': 'Ustvari datoteko z imenom:',
'create new application:': 'Ustvari novo aplikacijo:',
'Create new simple application': 'Ustvari novo enostavno aplikacijo',
'Create/Upload': 'Create/Upload',
'created by': 'ustvaril',
'Created by:': 'Created by:',
'Created On': 'Created On',
'Created on:': 'Created on:',
'crontab': 'crontab',
'Current request': 'Trenutna zahteva',
'Current response': 'Trenutni odgovor',
'Current session': 'Trenutna seja',
'currently running': 'trenutno teče',
'currently saved or': 'trenutno shranjeno ali',
'customize me!': 'Spremeni me!',
'data uploaded': 'podatki naloženi',
'Database': 'Podatkovna baza',
'database': 'podatkovna baza',
'Database %s select': 'Database %s select',
'database %s select': 'izberi podatkovno bazo %s ',
'Database administration': 'Database administration',
'database administration': 'upravljanje s podatkovno bazo',
'Database Administration (appadmin)': 'Database Administration (appadmin)',
'Date and Time': 'Datum in čas',
'db': 'db',
'DB Model': 'Podatkovni model',
'Debug': 'Debug',
'defines tables': 'definiraj tabele',
'Delete': 'Izbriši',
'delete': 'izbriši',
'delete all checked': 'izbriši vse označene',
'delete plugin': 'izbriši vtičnik',
'Delete this file (you will be asked to confirm deletion)': 'Izbriši to datoteko (izbris boste morali potrditi)',
'Delete:': 'Izbriši:',
'deleted after first hit': 'deleted after first hit',
'Demo': 'Demo',
'Deploy': 'Namesti',
'Deploy on Google App Engine': 'Prenesi na Google App sistem',
'Deploy to OpenShift': 'Deploy to OpenShift',
'Deploy to pythonanywhere': 'Deploy to pythonanywhere',
'Deploy to PythonAnywhere': 'Deploy to PythonAnywhere',
'Deployment form': 'Deployment form',
'Deployment Interface': 'Deployment Interface',
'Description': 'Opis',
'Description:': 'Description:',
'design': 'oblikuj',
'DESIGN': 'Izgled',
'Design for': 'Oblikuj za',
'Detailed traceback description': 'Natačen opis sledenja',
'details': 'podrobnosti',
'direction: ltr': 'smer: ltr',
'directory not found': 'directory not found',
'Disable': 'Izključi',
'Disabled': 'Disabled',
'disabled in demo mode': 'disabled in demo mode',
'disabled in GAE mode': 'disabled in GAE mode',
'disabled in multi user mode': 'disabled in multi user mode',
'Disk Cache Keys': 'Disk Cache Keys',
'Disk Cleared': 'Disk Cleared',
'Display line numbers': 'Display line numbers',
'DO NOT use the "Pack compiled" feature.': 'DO NOT use the "Pack compiled" feature.',
'docs': 'docs',
'Docs': 'Docs',
'documentation': 'dokumentacija',
'done!': 'Narejeno!',
'Downgrade': 'Downgrade',
'Download .w2p': 'Download .w2p',
'Download as .exe': 'Download as .exe',
'download layouts': 'prenesi postavitev',
'Download layouts from repository': 'Download layouts from repository',
'download plugins': 'prenesi vtičnik',
'Download plugins from repository': 'Download plugins from repository',
'E-mail': 'E-mail',
'Edit': 'Uredi',
'edit all': 'edit all',
'Edit application': 'Uredi program',
'edit controller': 'uredi krmilnik',
'edit controller:': 'edit controller:',
'Edit current record': 'Uredi trenutni zapis',
'Edit Profile': 'Uredi profil',
'edit profile': 'uredi profil',
'Edit This App': 'Uredi ta program',
'edit views:': 'urejaj poglede:',
'Editing %s': 'Editing %s',
'Editing file': 'Urejanje datoteke',
'Editing file "%s"': 'Urejanje datoteke "%s"',
'Editing Language file': 'Uredi jezikovno datoteko',
'Editing Plural Forms File': 'Editing Plural Forms File',
'Editor': 'Editor',
'Email Address': 'Email Address',
'Enable': 'Enable',
'Enable Close-Tag': 'Enable Close-Tag',
'Enable Code Folding': 'Enable Code Folding',
'Enterprise Web Framework': 'Enterprise Web Framework',
'Error': 'Napaka',
'Error logs for "%(app)s"': 'Dnevnik napak za "%(app)s"',
'Error snapshot': 'Posnetek napake',
'Error ticket': 'Listek napake',
'Errors': 'Napake',
'escape': 'escape',
'Exception %(extype)s: %(exvalue)s': 'Exception %(extype)s: %(exvalue)s',
'Exception %s': 'Exception %s',
'Exception instance attributes': 'Lastnosti instance izjeme',
'Exit Fullscreen': 'Exit Fullscreen',
'Expand Abbreviation': 'Razširi okrajšave',
'Expand Abbreviation (html files only)': 'Expand Abbreviation (html files only)',
'export as csv file': 'izvozi kot CSV',
'Exports:': 'Exports:',
'exposes': 'objavlja',
'exposes:': 'exposes:',
'extends': 'razširja',
'failed to compile file because:': 'failed to compile file because:',
'failed to reload module': 'nisem uspel ponovno naložiti modula',
'failed to reload module because:': 'failed to reload module because:',
'File': 'Datoteka',
'file "%(filename)s" created': 'datoteka "%(filename)s" ustvarjena',
'file "%(filename)s" deleted': 'datoteka "%(filename)s" izbrisana',
'file "%(filename)s" uploaded': 'datoteka "%(filename)s" prenešena',
'file "%(filename)s" was not deleted': 'datoteka "%(filename)s" ni bila izbrisana',
'file "%s" of %s restored': 'datoteka "%s" od %s obnovljena',
'file changed on disk': 'datoteka je bila spremenjena',
'file does not exist': 'datoteka ne obstaja',
'file not found': 'file not found',
'file saved on %(time)s': 'datoteka shranjena %(time)s',
'file saved on %s': 'datoteka shranjena %s',
'filename': 'filename',
'Filename': 'Filename',
'Files added': 'Files added',
'filter': 'fiter',
'Find Next': 'Find Next',
'Find Previous': 'Find Previous',
'First name': 'Ime',
'Form has errors': 'Form has errors',
'Frames': 'Okvirji',
'Functions with no doctests will result in [passed] tests.': 'Funkcije brez doctest bodo opravile teste brez preverjanja.',
'GAE Email': 'GAE Email',
'GAE Output': 'GAE Output',
'GAE Password': 'GAE Password',
'Generate': 'Generate',
'Get from URL:': 'Naloži iz URL:',
'Git Pull': 'Git Pull',
'Git Push': 'Git Push',
'Globals##debug': 'Globals##debug',
'Go to Matching Pair': 'Pojdi k ujemalnemu paru',
'go!': 'go!',
'Google App Engine Deployment Interface': 'Google App Engine Deployment Interface',
'Google Application Id': 'Google Application Id',
'Goto': 'Goto',
'graph model': 'graph model',
'Graph Model': 'Graph Model',
'Group ID': 'ID skupine',
'Hello World': 'Pozdravljen, Svet!',
'Help': 'Pomoč',
'here': 'here',
'Hide/Show Translated strings': 'Hide/Show Translated strings',
'Highlight current line': 'Highlight current line',
'Hits': 'Hits',
'Home': 'Home',
'honored only if the expression evaluates to true': 'honored only if the expression evaluates to true',
'htmledit': 'htmledit',
'If start the downgrade, be patient, it may take a while to rollback': 'If start the downgrade, be patient, it may take a while to rollback',
'If start the upgrade, be patient, it may take a while to download': 'If start the upgrade, be patient, it may take a while to download',
'If the report above contains a ticket number it indicates a failure in executing the controller, before any attempt to execute the doctests. This is usually due to an indentation error or an error outside function code.\n\t\tA green title indicates that all tests (if defined) passed. In this case test results are not shown.': 'If the report above contains a ticket number it indicates a failure in executing the controller, before any attempt to execute the doctests. This is usually due to an indentation error or an error outside function code.\n\t\tA green title indicates that all tests (if defined) passed. In this case test results are not shown.',
'If the report above contains a ticket number it indicates a failure in executing the controller, before any attempt to execute the doctests. This is usually due to an indentation error or an error outside function code.\nA green title indicates that all tests (if defined) passed. In this case test results are not shown.': 'Če poročilo zgoraj vsebuje številko listka to pomeni napako pri izvajanju krmilnika, še preden so se izvedli doctesti. To ponavadi pomeni napako pri zamiku programske vrstice ali izven funkcije.\nZelen naslov označuje, da so vsi testi opravljeni. V tem primeru testi niso prikazani.',
'If you answer "yes", be patient, it may take a while to download': 'Če odgovorite z "DA", potrpite. Prenos traja nekaj časa',
'If you answer yes, be patient, it may take a while to download': 'Če odgovorite z "DA", potrpite. Prenos traja nekaj časa',
'if your application uses a database other than sqlite you will then have to configure its DAL in pythonanywhere.': 'if your application uses a database other than sqlite you will then have to configure its DAL in pythonanywhere.',
'import': 'import',
'Import/Export': 'Uvoz/Izvoz',
'In development, use the default Rocket webserver that is currently supported by this debugger.': 'In development, use the default Rocket webserver that is currently supported by this debugger.',
'includes': 'vključuje',
'Indent with tabs': 'Indent with tabs',
'Index': 'Indeks',
'index': 'indeks',
'insert new': 'vstavi nov',
'insert new %s': 'vstavi nov %s',
'inspect attributes': 'pregled lastnosti',
'Install': 'Namesti',
'Installation of %(plugin)s for %(app)s': 'Installation of %(plugin)s for %(app)s',
'Installed applications': 'Nameščene aplikacije',
'Interaction at %s line %s': 'Interaction at %s line %s',
'Interactive console': 'Interactive console',
'internal error': 'notranja napaka',
'internal error: %s': 'internal error: %s',
'Internal State': 'Notranje stanje',
'Invalid action': 'Napačno dejanje',
'Invalid application name': 'Invalid application name',
'invalid circular reference': 'invalid circular reference',
'Invalid email': 'Napačen e-naslov',
'Invalid git repository specified.': 'Invalid git repository specified.',
'invalid password': 'napačno geslo',
'invalid password.': 'invalid password.',
'Invalid Query': 'Napačno povpraševanje',
'invalid request': 'napačna zahteva',
'Invalid request': 'Invalid request',
'invalid table names (auth_* tables already defined)': 'invalid table names (auth_* tables already defined)',
'invalid ticket': 'napačen kartonček',
'Key': 'Key',
'Key bindings': 'Povezave tipk',
'Key bindings for ZenConding Plugin': 'Povezave tipk za ZenConding vtičnik',
'Keyboard shortcuts': 'Keyboard shortcuts',
'kill process': 'kill process',
'language file "%(filename)s" created/updated': 'jezikovna datoteka "%(filename)s" ustvarjena/posodobljena',
'Language files (static strings) updated': 'Jezikovna datoteka (statično besedilo) posodobljeno',
'languages': 'jeziki',
'Languages': 'Jeziki',
'languages updated': 'jeziki posodobljeni',
'Last name': 'Priimek',
'Last Revision': 'Last Revision',
'Last saved on:': 'Zadnjič shranjeno:',
'Layout': 'Postavitev',
'License for': 'Licenca za',
'License:': 'License:',
'Line Nr': 'Line Nr',
'Line number': 'Line number',
'lists by exception': 'lists by exception',
'lists by ticket': 'lists by ticket',
'Loading...': 'Loading...',
'loading...': 'nalaganje...',
'Local Apps': 'Local Apps',
'locals': 'locals',
'Locals##debug': 'Locals##debug',
'located in the file': 'se nahaja v datoteki',
'login': 'prijava',
'Login': 'Prijava',
'Login successful': 'Login successful',
'Login to the Administrative Interface': 'Prijava v skrbniški vmesnik',
'Login/Register': 'Login/Register',
'Logout': 'Odjava',
'Lost Password': 'Izgubljeno geslo',
'lost password': 'lost password',
'lost password?': 'Izgubljeno geslo?',
'Main Menu': 'Glavni meni',
'Manage': 'Manage',
'Manage %(action)s': 'Manage %(action)s',
'Manage Access Control': 'Manage Access Control',
'Manage Admin Users/Students': 'Manage Admin Users/Students',
'Manage Cache': 'Manage Cache',
'Manage Students': 'Manage Students',
'Match Pair': 'Ujemalni par',
'Memberships': 'Memberships',
'Menu Model': 'Model menija',
'merge': 'združi',
'Merge Lines': 'Združi vrstice',
'Models': 'Modeli',
'models': 'modeli',
'Modified On': 'Modified On',
'Modules': 'Moduli',
'modules': 'moduli',
'Multi User Mode': 'Multi User Mode',
'Name': 'Ime',
'new application "%s" created': 'ustvarjen nov program "%s"',
'new application "%s" imported': 'new application "%s" imported',
'New Application Wizard': 'Čarovnik za novo aplikacijo',
'New application wizard': 'Čarovnik za novo aplikacijo',
'new plugin installed': 'new plugin installed',
'New plugin installed: %s': 'New plugin installed: %s',
'New Record': 'Nov zapis',
'new record inserted': 'vstavljen nov zapis',
'New simple application': 'Nova enostavna aplikacija',
'next': 'next',
'next %s rows': 'next %s rows',
'next 100 rows': 'naslednjih 100 zapisov',
'Next Edit Point': 'Naslednja točka urejanja',
'NO': 'NE',
'no changes': 'no changes',
'No databases in this application': 'V tem programu ni podatkovnih baz',
'No Interaction yet': 'No Interaction yet',
'no match': 'no match',
'no package selected': 'no package selected',
'no permission to uninstall "%s"': 'no permission to uninstall "%s"',
'Node:': 'Node:',
'Not Authorized': 'Not Authorized',
'Not supported': 'Not supported',
'Note: If you receive an error with github status code of 128, ensure the system and account you are deploying from has a cooresponding ssh key configured in the openshift account.': 'Note: If you receive an error with github status code of 128, ensure the system and account you are deploying from has a cooresponding ssh key configured in the openshift account.',
"On production, you'll have to configure your webserver to use one process and multiple threads to use this debugger.": "On production, you'll have to configure your webserver to use one process and multiple threads to use this debugger.",
'Open new app in new window': 'Open new app in new window',
'OpenShift Deployment Interface': 'OpenShift Deployment Interface',
'OpenShift Output': 'OpenShift Output',
'or alternatively': 'or alternatively',
'Or Get from URL:': 'Or Get from URL:',
'or import from csv file': 'ali uvozi iz CSV datoteke',
'or provide app url:': 'ali vpišite URL programa:',
'or provide application url:': 'ali vpišite URL programa:',
'Origin': 'Izvor',
'Original/Translation': 'Izvor/Prevod',
'Overview': 'Overview',
'Overwrite installed app': 'Prepiši obstoječi program',
'Pack all': 'Zapakiraj vse',
'Pack compiled': 'Paket preveden',
'Pack custom': 'Pack custom',
'pack plugin': 'zapakiraj vtičnik',
'Password': 'Geslo',
'password changed': 'password changed',
'Past revisions': 'Past revisions',
'Path to appcfg.py': 'Path to appcfg.py',
'Path to local openshift repo root.': 'Path to local openshift repo root.',
'Peeking at file': 'Vpogled v datoteko',
'Permission': 'Permission',
'Permissions': 'Permissions',
'Please': 'Please',
'please wait!': 'Prosim počakajte!',
'Please wait, giving pythonanywhere a moment...': 'Please wait, giving pythonanywhere a moment...',
'plugin "%(plugin)s" deleted': 'plugin "%(plugin)s" deleted',
'Plugin "%s" in application': 'Vtičnik "%s" v aplikaciji',
'plugin not specified': 'plugin not specified',
'Plugin page': 'Plugin page',
'plugins': 'vtičniki',
'Plugins': 'Vtičniki',
'Plural Form #%s': 'Plural Form #%s',
'Plural-Forms:': 'Plural-Forms:',
'Powered by': 'Narejeno z',
'Preferences saved correctly': 'Preferences saved correctly',
'Preferences saved on session only': 'Preferences saved on session only',
'previous %s rows': 'previous %s rows',
'previous 100 rows': 'prejšnjih 100 zapisov',
'Previous Edit Point': 'Prejšnja točka urejanja',
'Private files': 'Private files',
'private files': 'private files',
'Project Progress': 'Project Progress',
'Pull': 'Pull',
'Pull failed, certain files could not be checked out. Check logs for details.': 'Pull failed, certain files could not be checked out. Check logs for details.',
'Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files. Fix them up in the work tree, and then try again.': 'Pull is not possible because you have unmerged files. Fix them up in the work tree, and then try again.',
'Push': 'Push',
'Push failed, there are unmerged entries in the cache. Resolve merge issues manually and try again.': 'Push failed, there are unmerged entries in the cache. Resolve merge issues manually and try again.',
'pygraphviz library not found': 'pygraphviz library not found',
'PythonAnywhere Apps': 'PythonAnywhere Apps',
'PythonAnywhere Password': 'PythonAnywhere Password',
'Query:': 'Vprašanje:',
'RAM': 'RAM',
'RAM Cache Keys': 'RAM Cache Keys',
'Ram Cleared': 'Ram Cleared',
'Rapid Search': 'Rapid Search',
'Record': 'Record',
'record': 'zapis',
'record does not exist': 'zapis ne obstaja',
'record id': 'id zapisa',
'Record ID': 'ID zapisa',
'Record id': 'Record id',
'refresh': 'refresh',
'Register': 'Registracija',
'register': 'registracija',
'Registration key': 'Registracijski ključ',
'Reload routes': 'Ponovno naloži preusmeritve',
'Remove compiled': 'Odstrani prevedeno',
'Removed Breakpoint on %s at line %s': 'Removed Breakpoint on %s at line %s',
'Replace': 'Replace',
'Replace All': 'Replace All',
'Repository (%s)': 'Repository (%s)',
'request': 'zahteva',
'requires distutils, but not installed': 'requires distutils, but not installed',
'requires python-git, but not installed': 'requires python-git, but not installed',
'Reset Password key': 'Ponastavi ključ gesla',
'Resolve Conflict file': 'Datoteka za razrešitev problemov',
'response': 'odgovor',
'restart': 'restart',
'restore': 'obnovi',
'return': 'return',
'Revert': 'Revert',
'revert': 'povrni',
'reverted to revision %s': 'reverted to revision %s',
'Revision %s': 'Revision %s',
'Revision:': 'Revision:',
'Role': 'Vloga',
'Roles': 'Roles',
'Rows in table': 'Vrstic v tabeli',
'Rows in Table': 'Rows in Table',
'Rows selected': 'Izbranih vrstic',
'rules are not defined': 'rules are not defined',
'Run tests': 'Run tests',
'Run tests in this file': 'Run tests in this file',
"Run tests in this file (to run all files, you may also use the button labelled 'test')": "Poženi teste v tej datoteki (za vse teste uporabite gumb 'test')",
'Running on %s': 'Running on %s',
'Save': 'Save',
'save': 'shrani',
'Save file:': 'Save file:',
'Save file: %s': 'Save file: %s',
'Save model as...': 'Save model as...',
'Save via Ajax': 'Shrani preko AJAX',
'Saved file hash:': 'Koda shranjene datoteke:',
'Screenshot %s': 'Screenshot %s',
'Search': 'Search',
'Select Files to Package': 'Select Files to Package',
'selected': 'izbrano',
'session': 'seja',
'session expired': 'seja pretekla',
'Session saved correctly': 'Session saved correctly',
'Session saved on session only': 'Session saved on session only',
'Set Breakpoint on %s at line %s: %s': 'Set Breakpoint on %s at line %s: %s',
'shell': 'lupina',
'Showing %s to %s of %s %s found': 'Showing %s to %s of %s %s found',
'Singular Form': 'Singular Form',
'Site': 'Spletišče',
'Size of cache:': 'Size of cache:',
'skip to generate': 'skip to generate',
'some files could not be removed': 'nekaterih datotek se ni dalo izbrisati',
'Something went wrong please wait a few minutes before retrying': 'Something went wrong please wait a few minutes before retrying',
'Sorry, could not find mercurial installed': 'Oprostite. Mercurial ni nameščen.',
'source : db': 'source : db',
'source : filesystem': 'source : filesystem',
'Start a new app': 'Začnite z novo aplikacijo',
'Start searching': 'Start searching',
'Start wizard': 'Zaženi čarovnika',
'state': 'stanje',
'Static': 'Static',
'static': 'statično',
'Static files': 'Statične datoteke',
'Statistics': 'Statistics',
'Step': 'Step',
'step': 'step',
'stop': 'stop',
'Stylesheet': 'CSS datoteka',
'submit': 'pošlji',
'Submit': 'Submit',
'successful': 'successful',
'Sure you want to delete this object?': 'Ali res želite izbrisati ta predmet?',
'switch to : db': 'switch to : db',
'switch to : filesystem': 'switch to : filesystem',
'Tab width (# characters)': 'Tab width (# characters)',
'table': 'tabela',
'Table': 'Table',
'Table name': 'Ime tabele',
'Temporary': 'Temporary',
'test': 'test',
'test_def': 'test_def',
'test_for': 'test_for',
'test_if': 'test_if',
'test_try': 'test_try',
'Testing application': 'Testiranje programa',
'Testing controller': 'Testiranje krmilnika',
'The "query" is a condition like "db.table1.field1==\'value\'". Something like "db.table1.field1==db.table2.field2" results in a SQL JOIN.': '"vprašanje" je pogoj kot npr. "db.table1.field1 == \'vrednost\'". Nekaj kot "db.table1.field1 == db.table2.field2" izvede SQL operacijo JOIN.',
'The app exists, was created by wizard, continue to overwrite!': 'The app exists, was created by wizard, continue to overwrite!',
'The app exists, was NOT created by wizard, continue to overwrite!': 'The app exists, was NOT created by wizard, continue to overwrite!',
'the application logic, each URL path is mapped in one exposed function in the controller': 'krmilna logika, vsaka URL pot je preslikana v eno funkcijo v krmilniku',
'The application logic, each URL path is mapped in one exposed function in the controller': 'Logika delovanja aplikacije. Vsak URL je povezan z eno objavljeno funkcijo v krmilniku',
'the data representation, define database tables and sets': 'podatkovna predstavitev, definirajte tabele in množice',
'The data representation, define database tables and sets': 'Predstavitev podatkov. Definirajte podatkovne tabele in množice',
'The output of the file is a dictionary that was rendered by the view': 'Rezultat datoteke je slovar, ki ga predela pogled',
'The presentations layer, views are also known as templates': 'Predstavitveni nivo. Pogledi so znani tudi kot predloge',
'the presentations layer, views are also known as templates': 'predstavitveni nivo, pogledi so tudi znani kot predloge',
'Theme': 'Theme',
'There are no controllers': 'Ni krmilnikov',
'There are no models': 'Ni modelov',
'There are no modules': 'Ni modulov',
'There are no plugins': 'Ni vtičnikov',
'There are no private files': 'There are no private files',
'There are no static files': 'Ni statičnih datotek',
'There are no translators': 'There are no translators',
'There are no translators, only default language is supported': 'Ni prevodov. Podprt je samo privzeti jezik',
'There are no views': 'Ni pogledov',
'These files are not served, they are only available from within your app': 'These files are not served, they are only available from within your app',
'These files are served without processing, your images go here': 'Te datoteke so poslane brez obdelave. Vaše slike shranite tu.',
'these files are served without processing, your images go here': 'te datoteke so poslane brez posredovanja in obdelave, svoje slike shranite tu',
"This debugger may not work properly if you don't have a threaded webserver or you're using multiple daemon processes.": "This debugger may not work properly if you don't have a threaded webserver or you're using multiple daemon processes.",
'This is a copy of the scaffolding application': 'To je kopija okvirne aplikacije',
'This is an experimental feature and it needs more testing. If you decide to downgrade you do it at your own risk': 'This is an experimental feature and it needs more testing. If you decide to downgrade you do it at your own risk',
'This is an experimental feature and it needs more testing. If you decide to upgrade you do it at your own risk': 'This is an experimental feature and it needs more testing. If you decide to upgrade you do it at your own risk',
'This is the %(filename)s template': 'To je predloga %(filename)s',
"This page can commit your changes to an openshift app repo and push them to your cloud instance. This assumes that you've already created the application instance using the web2py skeleton and have that repo somewhere on a filesystem that this web2py instance can access. This functionality requires GitPython installed and on the python path of the runtime that web2py is operating in.": "This page can commit your changes to an openshift app repo and push them to your cloud instance. This assumes that you've already created the application instance using the web2py skeleton and have that repo somewhere on a filesystem that this web2py instance can access. This functionality requires GitPython installed and on the python path of the runtime that web2py is operating in.",
'This page can upload your application to the Google App Engine computing cloud. Mind that you must first create indexes locally and this is done by installing the Google appserver and running the app locally with it once, or there will be errors when selecting records. Attention: deployment may take long time, depending on the network speed. Attention: it will overwrite your app.yaml. DO NOT SUBMIT TWICE.': 'This page can upload your application to the Google App Engine computing cloud. Mind that you must first create indexes locally and this is done by installing the Google appserver and running the app locally with it once, or there will be errors when selecting records. Attention: deployment may take long time, depending on the network speed. Attention: it will overwrite your app.yaml. DO NOT SUBMIT TWICE.',
'this page to see if a breakpoint was hit and debug interaction is required.': 'this page to see if a breakpoint was hit and debug interaction is required.',
'This will pull changes from the remote repo for application "%s"?': 'This will pull changes from the remote repo for application "%s"?',
'This will push changes to the remote repo for application "%s".': 'This will push changes to the remote repo for application "%s".',
'Ticket': 'Listek',
'Ticket ID': 'ID listka',
'Ticket Missing': 'Ticket Missing',
'Time in Cache (h:m:s)': 'Time in Cache (h:m:s)',
'Timestamp': 'Časovni žig',
'TM': 'TM',
'to previous version.': 'na prejšnjo različico.',
'To create a plugin, name a file/folder plugin_[name]': 'Če želite ustvariti vtičnik, poimenujte datoteko/mapo plugin_[ime]',
'To emulate a breakpoint programatically, write:': 'To emulate a breakpoint programatically, write:',
'to use the debugger!': 'to use the debugger!',
'toggle breakpoint': 'toggle breakpoint',
'Toggle comment': 'Toggle comment',
'Toggle Fullscreen': 'Toggle Fullscreen',
'Traceback': 'Sledljivost',
'translation strings for the application': 'prevodna besedila za program',
'Translation strings for the application': 'Prevajalna besedila za aplikacijo',
'try': 'poskusi',
'try something like': 'poskusite na primer',
'Try the mobile interface': 'Try the mobile interface',
'try view': 'try view',
'Type PDB debugger command in here and hit Return (Enter) to execute it.': 'Type PDB debugger command in here and hit Return (Enter) to execute it.',
'Type some Python code in here and hit Return (Enter) to execute it.': 'Type some Python code in here and hit Return (Enter) to execute it.',
'Unable to check for upgrades': 'Ne morem preveriti posodobitev',
'unable to create application "%s"': 'ne morem ustvariti programa "%s" ',
'unable to delete file "%(filename)s"': 'ne morem izbrisati datoteke "%(filename)s"',
'unable to delete file plugin "%(plugin)s"': 'unable to delete file plugin "%(plugin)s"',
'Unable to determine the line number!': 'Unable to determine the line number!',
'Unable to download': 'Ne morem prenesti datoteke',
'Unable to download app': 'Ne morem prenesti programa',
'Unable to download app because:': 'Unable to download app because:',
'unable to download layout': 'unable to download layout',
'unable to download plugin: %s': 'unable to download plugin: %s',
'Unable to download the list of plugins': 'Unable to download the list of plugins',
'unable to install plugin "%s"': 'unable to install plugin "%s"',
'unable to parse csv file': 'ne morem obdelati csv datoteke',
'unable to uninstall "%s"': 'ne morem odstraniti "%s"',
'unable to upgrade because "%s"': 'unable to upgrade because "%s"',
'uncheck all': 'odznači vse',
'Uninstall': 'Odstrani',
'Unsupported webserver working mode: %s': 'Unsupported webserver working mode: %s',
'update': 'posodobi',
'update all languages': 'posodobi vse jezike',
'Update:': 'Posodobitev:',
'Upgrade': 'Upgrade',
'upgrade now to %s': 'upgrade now to %s',
'upgrade web2py now': 'posodobi web2py',
'upload': 'naloži',
'Upload': 'Upload',
'Upload & install packed application': 'Naloži in namesti pakirano aplikacijo',
'Upload a package:': 'Naloži paket:',
'Upload and install packed application': 'Naloži in namesti pakirano aplikacijo',
'upload application:': 'naloži program:',
'Upload existing application': 'Naloži obstoječo aplikacijo',
'upload file:': 'naloži datoteko:',
'upload plugin file:': 'naloži vtičnik:',
'Use (...)&(...) for AND, (...)|(...) for OR, and ~(...) for NOT to build more complex queries.': 'Uporabie (...)&(...) za AND, (...)|(...) za OR, in ~(...) za NOT pri gradnji kompleksnih povpraševanj.',
'Use an url:': 'Uporabite URL:',
'user': 'uporabnik',
'User': 'User',
'User ID': 'ID uporabnika',
'Username': 'Username',
'Users': 'Users',
'Using the shell may lock the database to other users of this app.': 'Using the shell may lock the database to other users of this app.',
'variables': 'spremenljivke',
'Version': 'Različica',
'Versioning': 'Versioning',
'versioning': 'različice',
'View': 'Pogled',
'view': 'pogled',
'Views': 'Pogledi',
'views': 'pogledi',
'Warning!': 'Warning!',
'WARNING: The following views could not be compiled:': 'WARNING: The following views could not be compiled:',
'Web Framework': 'Web Framework',
'web2py Admin Password': 'web2py Admin Password',
'web2py apps to deploy': 'web2py apps to deploy',
'web2py Debugger': 'web2py Debugger',
'web2py downgrade': 'web2py downgrade',
'web2py is up to date': 'web2py je ažuren',
'web2py online debugger': 'web2py online debugger',
'web2py Recent Tweets': 'zadnji tviti na web2py',
'web2py upgrade': 'web2py upgrade',
'web2py upgraded; please restart it': 'web2py upgraded; please restart it',
'Welcome %s': 'Dobrodošli, %s',
'Welcome to web2py': 'Dobrodošli v web2py',
'Which called the function': 'Ki je klical funkcijo',
'Working...': 'Working...',
'Wrap with Abbreviation': 'Ovij z okrajšavo',
'WSGI reference name': 'WSGI reference name',
'xml': 'xml',
'YES': 'DA',
'Yes': 'Yes',
'You are successfully running web2py': 'Uspešno ste pognali web2py',
'You can also set and remove breakpoint in the edit window, using the Toggle Breakpoint button': 'You can also set and remove breakpoint in the edit window, using the Toggle Breakpoint button',
'You can inspect variables using the console below': 'You can inspect variables using the console below',
'You can modify this application and adapt it to your needs': 'Lahko spremenite to aplikacijo in jo prilagodite vašim potrebam',
'You have one more login attempt before you are locked out': 'You have one more login attempt before you are locked out',
'You need to set up and reach a': 'You need to set up and reach a',
'You only need these if you have already registered': 'You only need these if you have already registered',
'You visited the url': 'Obiskali ste URL',
'Your application will be blocked until you click an action button (next, step, continue, etc.)': 'Your application will be blocked until you click an action button (next, step, continue, etc.)',