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2018-10-25 15:33:07 +00:00
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.operations import put, get
from fabric.contrib.files import exists, append, uncomment
import os
import crypt
import datetime
import getpass
if os.path.exists('hosts'):
env.hosts = [h.strip() for h in open('hosts').readlines() if h.strip()]
env.hosts = env.hosts or raw_input('hostname (example.com):').split(',')
env.user = env.user or raw_input('username :')
INSTALL_SCRIPT = "setup-web2py-nginx-uwsgi-ubuntu.sh"
now = datetime.datetime.now()
applications = '/home/www-data/web2py/applications'
def create_user(username):
"""fab -H root@host create_user:username"""
password = getpass.getpass('password for %s> ' % username)
run('useradd -m -G www-data -s /bin/bash -p %s %s' % (crypt.crypt(password, 'salt'), username))
local('ssh-copy-id %s' % env.hosts[0])
run('cp /etc/sudoers /tmp/sudoers.new')
append('/tmp/sudoers.new', '%s ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' % username, use_sudo=True)
run('visudo -c -f /tmp/sudoers.new')
run('EDITOR="cp /tmp/sudoers.new" visudo')
uncomment('~%s/.bashrc' % username, '#force_color_prompt=yes')
def install_web2py():
"""fab -H username@host install_web2py"""
sudo('wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/web2py/web2py/master/scripts/%s' % INSTALL_SCRIPT)
sudo('chmod +x %s' % INSTALL_SCRIPT)
def start_webserver():
sudo('service nginx start')
sudo('start uwsgi-emperor')
sudo('start web2py-scheduler')
def stop_webserver():
sudo('stop uwsgi-emperor')
sudo('service nginx stop')
sudo('stop web2py-scheduler')
def restart_webserver():
def notify(appname=None):
"""fab -H username@host notify:appname"""
appname = appname or os.path.split(os.getcwd())[-1]
appfolder = applications+'/'+appname
with cd(appfolder):
sudo('echo "response.flash = \'System Going Down For Maintenance\'" > models/flash_goingdown.py')
def down(appname=None):
"""fab -H username@host down:appname"""
appname = appname or os.path.split(os.getcwd())[-1]
appfolder = applications+'/'+appname
with cd(appfolder):
sudo('echo `date` > DISABLED')
sudo('rm -rf sessions/* || true')
def up(appname=None):
"""fab -H username@host up:appname"""
appname = appname or os.path.split(os.getcwd())[-1]
appfolder = applications+'/'+appname
with cd(appfolder):
if exists('modules/flash_goingdown.py'):
sudo('rm modules/flash_goingdown.py')
sudo('rm DISABLED')
def mkdir_or_backup(appname):
appfolder = applications+'/'+appname
if not exists(appfolder):
sudo('mkdir %s' % appfolder)
sudo('chown -R www-data:www-data %s' % appfolder)
backup = None
dt = now.strftime('%y-%m-%d-%h-%m')
backup = '%s.%s.zip' % (appname, dt)
with cd(applications):
sudo('zip -r %s %s' % (backup, appname))
return backup
def git_deploy(appname, repo):
"""fab -H username@host git_deploy:appname,username/remoname"""
appfolder = applications+'/'+appname
backup = mkdir_or_backup(appname)
if exists(appfolder):
with cd(appfolder):
sudo('git pull origin master')
sudo('chown -R www-data:www-data *')
with cd(applications):
sudo('git clone git@github.com/%s %s' % (repo, name))
sudo('chown -R www-data:www-data %s' % name)
def retrieve(appname=None):
"""fab -H username@host retrieve:appname"""
appname = appname or os.path.split(os.getcwd())[-1]
appfolder = applications+'/'+appname
filename = '%s.zip' % appname
with cd(appfolder):
sudo('zip -r /tmp/%s *' % filename)
get('/tmp/%s' % filename, filename)
sudo('rm /tmp/%s' % filename)
local('unzip %s' % filename)
local('rm %s' % filename)
def deploy(appname=None, all=False):
"""fab -H username@host deploy:appname,all"""
appname = appname or os.path.split(os.getcwd())[-1]
appfolder = applications+'/'+appname
zipfile = os.path.join(appfolder, '_update.zip')
if os.path.exists(zipfile):
backup = mkdir_or_backup(appname)
if all=='all' or not backup:
local('zip -r _update.zip * -x *~ -x .* -x \#* -x *.bak -x *.bak2')
local('zip -r _update.zip */*.py */*/*.py views/*.html views/*/*.html static/*')
with cd(appfolder):
sudo('unzip -o /tmp/_update.zip')
sudo('chown -R www-data:www-data *')
sudo('echo "%s" > DATE_DEPLOYMENT' % now)
sudo('rm /tmp/_update.zip')
if backup:
print 'TO RESTORE: fab restore:%s' % backup
def deploynobackup(appname=None):
"""fab -H username@host deploy:appname,all"""
appname = appname or os.path.split(os.getcwd())[-1]
appfolder = applications+'/'+appname
zipfile = os.path.join(appfolder, '_update.zip')
if os.path.exists(zipfile):
local('zip -r _update.zip */*.py */*/*.py views/*.html views/*/*.html static/*')
with cd(appfolder):
sudo('unzip -o /tmp/_update.zip')
sudo('chown -R www-data:www-data *')
sudo('echo "%s" > DATE_DEPLOYMENT' % now)
sudo('rm /tmp/_update.zip')
def restore(backup):
"""fab -H username@host restore:backupfilename"""
appname = backup.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
appfolder = applications + '/' + appname
with cd(appfolder):
sudo('rm -r *')
with cd(applications):
sudo('unzip %s' % backup)
sudo('chown -R www-data:www-data %s' % appname)
def cleanup(appname):
appname = appname or os.path.split(os.getcwd())[-1]
appfolder = applications + '/' + appname
with cd(appfolder):
sudo('rm -rf sessions/* || true')
sudo('rm -rf errors/* || true')
sudo('rm -rf cache/* || true')