2021-03-11 16:06:57 +08:00

162 lines
3.6 KiB

#pragma once
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <memory>
#include "communicate/commu_options.h"
#include "utils/sha256_generator.h"
using std::string;
using std::vector;
using std::shared_ptr;
using std::queue;
namespace Net {
// the structure to store the option part of a message
class Option {
Option(const string &key, const string &value);
Option(const Option &o);
Option(Option &&o) noexcept;
Option& operator=(const Option &o);
Option& operator=(Option &&o) noexcept;
const string &getKey() const;
const string &getValue() const;
void updateValue(const string &value);
// the key is unique within a message
shared_ptr<string> key;
shared_ptr<string> value;
class MessageFactory;
class Message {
Message() noexcept;
void setHead(int32_t tid, int16_t type);
void addOption(const string &key, const string &value);
const string &getValue(const string &key) const;
void pushData(void *const buf, size_t size);
int32_t getTID() const;
const vector<char> &getData() const;
void clear();
friend MessageFactory;
int32_t tid = -1;
int16_t version = MSG_VERSION;
int16_t type = 0x0;
vector<Option> options = vector<Option>();
vector<char> data = vector<char>();
static const string msg_head;
static const string msg_tail;
class MessageFactory {
bool encodeMessage(Message &msg, vector<char> &raw_data);
bool decodeMessage(const vector<char> &raw_data, Message &msg);
bool decodeMessageHead(const vector<char> &raw_data, Message &msg);
bool decodeMessageOption(const vector<char> &raw_data, Message &msg);
bool decodeMessageBody(const vector<char> &raw_data, Message &msg);
bool decodeMessageTail(const vector<char> &raw_data, Message &msg);
bool checkMessageSign(const Message &msg);
void encode_head(const Message &msg, vector<char> &raw_data);
void encode_options(const Message &msg, vector<char> &raw_data);
void encode_body(const Message &msg, vector<char> &raw_data);
void encode_tail(const Message &msg, vector<char> &raw_data);
ssize_t decode_head(const vector<char> &raw_data, Message &msg);
ssize_t decode_options(const vector<char> &raw_data, size_t offset, Message &msg);
ssize_t decode_body(const vector<char> &raw_data, size_t offset, Message &msg);
ssize_t decode_tail(const vector<char> &raw_Data, size_t offset, Message &msg);
void calculate_options_hash(const vector<char> &raw_data, int32_t end_index, int16_t &sum_hash);
SHA256Generator sign_gen;
class MessageParser {
// send a received buffer to parse
void parse(const void *buf, size_t size);
// Get a parsed message from the queue
shared_ptr<Message> getMessage();
// Get the count of the parsed meaasge
size_t getMessageCount();
// state recorder of a special part of a message
int head_state = -5;
int option_state = -4;
ssize_t body_state = -1;
int tail_state = -4;
// factory used to read data and form the message step by step
MessageFactory factory;
// store the message parsed
queue<shared_ptr<Message>> msgs;
// buffer to store the data give by
queue<char> buffer;
// buffer to temporarily store the data of the certain part related to the state of the parser
vector<char> temp_buffer;
// temporarily record the message concentrated
shared_ptr<Message> temp_msg;
// reset all state and refresh the parser
void reset_state();
void locate_head();
void locate_option();
void locate_body();
void locate_tail();
} // namespace Net