551 lines
13 KiB
551 lines
13 KiB
// VMime library (http://www.vmime.org)
// Copyright (C) 2002-2008 Vincent Richard <vincent@vincent-richard.net>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
// Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making
// a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of
// the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
#include "vmime/parameterizedHeaderField.hpp"
#include "vmime/text.hpp"
#include "vmime/parserHelpers.hpp"
namespace vmime
This class handles field contents of the following form:
eg. RFC-1521
content := "Content-Type" ":" type "/" subtype *(";" parameter)
parameter := attribute "=" value
attribute := token ; case-insensitive
value := token / quoted-string
token := 1*<any (ASCII) CHAR except SPACE, CTLs, or tspecials>
tspecials := "(" / ")" / "<" / ">" / "@"
/ "," / ";" / ":" / "\" / <">
/ "/" / "[" / "]" / "?" / "="
; Must be in quoted-string,
; to use within parameter values
struct paramInfo
bool extended;
std::vector <parameter::valueChunk> value;
string::size_type start;
string::size_type end;
void parameterizedHeaderField::parse(const string& buffer, const string::size_type position,
const string::size_type end, string::size_type* newPosition)
const string::value_type* const pend = buffer.data() + end;
const string::value_type* const pstart = buffer.data() + position;
const string::value_type* p = pstart;
const string::size_type start = position;
while (p < pend && *p != ';') ++p;
getValue()->parse(buffer, start, position + (p - pstart));
// If there is one or more parameters following...
if (p < pend)
std::map <string, paramInfo> params;
while (*p == ';')
// Skip ';'
while (p < pend && parserHelpers::isSpace(*p)) ++p;
const string::size_type attrStart = position + (p - pstart);
while (p < pend && !(*p == ';' || *p == '='))
if (p >= pend || *p == ';')
// Hmmmm... we didn't found an '=' sign.
// This parameter may not be valid so try to advance
// to the next one, if there is one.
while (p < pend && *p != ';')
// Extract the attribute name
string::size_type attrEnd = position + (p - pstart);
while (attrEnd != attrStart && parserHelpers::isSpace(buffer[attrEnd - 1]))
// Skip '='
// Skip white-spaces between '=' and the value
while (p < pend && parserHelpers::isSpace(*p)) ++p;
// Extract the value
string value;
// -- this is a quoted-string
if (*p == '"')
// Skip '"'
// Extract quoted-string
bool escape = false;
bool stop = false;
std::ostringstream ss;
string::size_type start = position + (p - pstart);
for ( ; p < pend && !stop ; ++p)
if (escape)
escape = false;
start = position + (p - pstart);
switch (*p)
case '"':
ss << string(buffer.begin() + start,
buffer.begin() + position + (p - pstart));
stop = true;
case '\\':
ss << string(buffer.begin() + start,
buffer.begin() + position + (p - pstart));
escape = true;
if (!stop)
ss << string(buffer.begin() + start,
buffer.begin() + position + (p - pstart));
value = ss.str();
// -- the value is a simple token
const string::size_type valStart = position + (p - pstart);
while (p < pend && *p != ';')
string::size_type valEnd = position + (p - pstart);
while (valEnd != valStart && parserHelpers::isSpace(buffer[valEnd - 1]))
value = string(buffer.begin() + valStart,
buffer.begin() + valEnd);
// Don't allow ill-formed parameters
if (attrStart != attrEnd && value.length())
string name(buffer.begin() + attrStart, buffer.begin() + attrEnd);
// Check for RFC-2231 extended parameters
bool extended = false;
bool encoded = false;
if (name[name.length() - 1] == '*')
name.erase(name.end() - 1, name.end());
extended = true;
encoded = true;
// Check for RFC-2231 multi-section parameters
const string::size_type star = name.find_last_of('*');
if (star != string::npos)
bool allDigits = true;
for (string::size_type i = star + 1 ; allDigits && (i < name.length()) ; ++i)
allDigits = parserHelpers::isDigit(name[i]);
if (allDigits)
name.erase(name.begin() + star, name.end());
extended = true;
// NOTE: we ignore section number, and we suppose that
// the sequence is correct (ie. the sections appear
// in order: param*0, param*1...)
// Add/replace/modify the parameter
const std::map <string, paramInfo>::iterator it = params.find(name);
if (it != params.end())
paramInfo& info = (*it).second;
// An extended parameter replaces a normal one
if (!info.extended)
info.extended = extended;
info.start = attrStart;
// Append a new section for a multi-section parameter
parameter::valueChunk chunk;
chunk.encoded = encoded;
chunk.data = value;
info.end = position + (p - pstart);
parameter::valueChunk chunk;
chunk.encoded = encoded;
chunk.data = value;
paramInfo info;
info.extended = extended;
info.start = attrStart;
info.end = position + (p - pstart);
// Insert a new parameter
params.insert(std::map <string, paramInfo>::value_type(name, info));
// Skip white-spaces after this parameter
while (p < pend && parserHelpers::isSpace(*p)) ++p;
for (std::map <string, paramInfo>::const_iterator it = params.begin() ;
it != params.end() ; ++it)
const paramInfo& info = (*it).second;
// Append this parameter to the list
ref <parameter> param = vmime::create <parameter>((*it).first);
param->setParsedBounds(info.start, info.end);
if (newPosition)
*newPosition = end;
void parameterizedHeaderField::generate(utility::outputStream& os, const string::size_type maxLineLength,
const string::size_type curLinePos, string::size_type* newLinePos) const
string::size_type pos = curLinePos;
// Parent header field
headerField::generate(os, maxLineLength, pos, &pos);
// Parameters
for (std::vector <ref <parameter> >::const_iterator
it = m_params.begin() ; it != m_params.end() ; ++it)
os << "; ";
pos += 2;
(*it)->generate(os, maxLineLength, pos, &pos);
if (newLinePos)
*newLinePos = pos;
void parameterizedHeaderField::copyFrom(const component& other)
const parameterizedHeaderField& source = dynamic_cast<const parameterizedHeaderField&>(other);
for (std::vector <ref <parameter> >::const_iterator i = source.m_params.begin() ;
i != source.m_params.end() ; ++i)
appendParameter((*i)->clone().dynamicCast <parameter>());
parameterizedHeaderField& parameterizedHeaderField::operator=(const parameterizedHeaderField& other)
return (*this);
bool parameterizedHeaderField::hasParameter(const string& paramName) const
const string name = utility::stringUtils::toLower(paramName);
std::vector <ref <parameter> >::const_iterator pos = m_params.begin();
const std::vector <ref <parameter> >::const_iterator end = m_params.end();
for ( ; pos != end && utility::stringUtils::toLower((*pos)->getName()) != name ; ++pos) {}
return (pos != end);
ref <parameter> parameterizedHeaderField::findParameter(const string& paramName) const
const string name = utility::stringUtils::toLower(paramName);
// Find the first parameter that matches the specified name
std::vector <ref <parameter> >::const_iterator pos = m_params.begin();
const std::vector <ref <parameter> >::const_iterator end = m_params.end();
for ( ; pos != end && utility::stringUtils::toLower((*pos)->getName()) != name ; ++pos) {}
// No parameter with this name can be found
if (pos == end)
throw exceptions::no_such_parameter(paramName);
// Else, return a reference to the existing parameter
return (*pos);
ref <parameter> parameterizedHeaderField::getParameter(const string& paramName)
const string name = utility::stringUtils::toLower(paramName);
// Find the first parameter that matches the specified name
std::vector <ref <parameter> >::const_iterator pos = m_params.begin();
const std::vector <ref <parameter> >::const_iterator end = m_params.end();
for ( ; pos != end && utility::stringUtils::toLower((*pos)->getName()) != name ; ++pos) {}
// If no parameter with this name can be found, create a new one
if (pos == end)
ref <parameter> param = vmime::create <parameter>(paramName);
// Return a reference to the new parameter
return (param);
// Else, return a reference to the existing parameter
return (*pos);
void parameterizedHeaderField::appendParameter(ref <parameter> param)
void parameterizedHeaderField::insertParameterBefore(ref <parameter> beforeParam, ref <parameter> param)
const std::vector <ref <parameter> >::iterator it = std::find
(m_params.begin(), m_params.end(), beforeParam);
if (it == m_params.end())
throw exceptions::no_such_parameter(beforeParam->getName());
m_params.insert(it, param);
void parameterizedHeaderField::insertParameterBefore(const int pos, ref <parameter> param)
m_params.insert(m_params.begin() + pos, param);
void parameterizedHeaderField::insertParameterAfter(ref <parameter> afterParam, ref <parameter> param)
const std::vector <ref <parameter> >::iterator it = std::find
(m_params.begin(), m_params.end(), afterParam);
if (it == m_params.end())
throw exceptions::no_such_parameter(afterParam->getName());
m_params.insert(it + 1, param);
void parameterizedHeaderField::insertParameterAfter(const int pos, ref <parameter> param)
m_params.insert(m_params.begin() + pos + 1, param);
void parameterizedHeaderField::removeParameter(ref <parameter> param)
const std::vector <ref <parameter> >::iterator it = std::find
(m_params.begin(), m_params.end(), param);
if (it == m_params.end())
throw exceptions::no_such_parameter(param->getName());
void parameterizedHeaderField::removeParameter(const int pos)
const std::vector <ref <parameter> >::iterator it = m_params.begin() + pos;
void parameterizedHeaderField::removeAllParameters()
int parameterizedHeaderField::getParameterCount() const
return (m_params.size());
bool parameterizedHeaderField::isEmpty() const
return (m_params.empty());
const ref <parameter> parameterizedHeaderField::getParameterAt(const int pos)
return (m_params[pos]);
const ref <const parameter> parameterizedHeaderField::getParameterAt(const int pos) const
return (m_params[pos]);
const std::vector <ref <const parameter> > parameterizedHeaderField::getParameterList() const
std::vector <ref <const parameter> > list;
for (std::vector <ref <parameter> >::const_iterator it = m_params.begin() ;
it != m_params.end() ; ++it)
return (list);
const std::vector <ref <parameter> > parameterizedHeaderField::getParameterList()
return (m_params);
const std::vector <ref <const component> > parameterizedHeaderField::getChildComponents() const
std::vector <ref <const component> > list = headerField::getChildComponents();
for (std::vector <ref <parameter> >::const_iterator it = m_params.begin() ;
it != m_params.end() ; ++it)
return (list);
} // vmime