// // VMime library (http://vmime.sourceforge.net) // Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Vincent Richard // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // #include "messageParser.hpp" #include "defaultAttachment.hpp" #include "textPartFactory.hpp" namespace vmime { messageParser::messageParser(const string& buffer) { vmime::message msg; msg.parse(buffer); parse(msg); } messageParser::messageParser(const message& msg) { parse(msg); } messageParser::~messageParser() { free_container(m_attach); free_container(m_textParts); for (std::map ::iterator it = m_attachInfo.begin() ; it != m_attachInfo.end() ; ++it) { delete ((*it).second); } } void messageParser::parse(const message& msg) { // Header fields (if field is present, copy its value, else do nothing) #ifndef VMIME_BUILDING_DOC #define TRY_FIELD(var, type, name) \ try { var = dynamic_cast(*msg.getHeader()->findField(name)).getValue(); } \ catch (exceptions::no_such_field) { } TRY_FIELD(m_from, mailboxField, fields::FROM); TRY_FIELD(m_to, addressListField, fields::TO); TRY_FIELD(m_cc, addressListField, fields::CC); TRY_FIELD(m_bcc, addressListField, fields::BCC); TRY_FIELD(m_subject, textField, fields::SUBJECT); #undef TRY_FIELD #endif // VMIME_BUILDING_DOC // Date try { vmime::relayField& recv = dynamic_cast (*msg.getHeader()->findField(fields::RECEIVED)); m_date = recv.getValue().getDate(); } catch (vmime::exceptions::no_such_field&) { try { vmime::dateField& date = dynamic_cast (*msg.getHeader()->findField(fields::DATE)); m_date = date.getValue(); } catch (vmime::exceptions::no_such_field&) { m_date = datetime::now(); } } // Attachments findAttachments(msg); // Text parts findTextParts(msg, msg); } void messageParser::findAttachments(const bodyPart& part) { // We simply search for parts that are not "Content-disposition: inline". for (int i = 0 ; i < part.getBody()->getPartCount() ; ++i) { const bodyPart& p = *part.getBody()->getPartAt(i); const header& hdr = *p.getHeader(); const body& bdy = *p.getBody(); // Is this part an attachment? bool isAttachment = false; const contentDispositionField* contentDispField = NULL; try { const contentDispositionField& cdf = dynamic_cast (*hdr.findField(fields::CONTENT_DISPOSITION)); if (cdf.getValue().getName() != contentDispositionTypes::INLINE) { contentDispField = &cdf; isAttachment = true; } } catch (exceptions::no_such_field) { // No "Content-disposition" field: assume "attachment" if // type is not "text/..." or "multipart/...". mediaType type; try { const contentTypeField& ctf = dynamic_cast (*hdr.findField(fields::CONTENT_TYPE)); type = ctf.getValue(); } catch (exceptions::no_such_field) { // No "Content-type" field: assume "application/octet-stream". type = mediaType(mediaTypes::APPLICATION, mediaTypes::APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM); } if (type.getType() != mediaTypes::TEXT && type.getType() != mediaTypes::MULTIPART) { isAttachment = true; } } if (isAttachment) { // Determine the media type of this attachment mediaType type; try { const contentTypeField& ctf = dynamic_cast (*hdr.findField(fields::CONTENT_TYPE)); type = ctf.getValue(); } catch (exceptions::no_such_field) { // No "Content-type" field: assume "application/octet-stream". type = mediaType(mediaTypes::APPLICATION, mediaTypes::APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM); } // Get the description (if available) text description; try { const textField& cd = dynamic_cast (*hdr.findField(fields::CONTENT_DESCRIPTION)); description = cd.getValue(); } catch (exceptions::no_such_field) { // No description available. } // Construct the attachment object attachment* attach = new defaultAttachment (bdy.getContents(), bdy.getEncoding(), type, description); if (contentDispField != NULL) { m_attachInfo.insert(std::map :: value_type(attach, dynamic_cast (contentDispField->clone()))); } // Add the attachment to the list m_attach.push_back(attach); } // Try to find attachments in sub-parts if (bdy.getPartCount()) findAttachments(p); } } void messageParser::findTextParts(const bodyPart& msg, const bodyPart& part) { // Handle the case in which the message is not multipart: if the body part is // "text/*", take this part. if (part.getBody()->getPartCount() == 0) { mediaType type(mediaTypes::TEXT, mediaTypes::TEXT_PLAIN); bool accept = false; try { const contentTypeField& ctf = dynamic_cast (*msg.getHeader()->findField(fields::CONTENT_TYPE)); if (ctf.getValue().getType() == mediaTypes::TEXT) { type = ctf.getValue(); accept = true; } } catch (exceptions::no_such_field) { // No "Content-type" field: assume "text/plain". accept = true; } if (accept) { textPart* textPart = textPartFactory::getInstance()->create(type); textPart->parse(msg, msg, msg); m_textParts.push_back(textPart); } } // Multipart message else { findSubTextParts(msg, part); } } bool messageParser::findSubTextParts(const bodyPart& msg, const bodyPart& part) { // In general, all the text parts are contained in parallel in the same // parent part (or message). // So, wherever the text parts are, all we have to do is to find the first // MIME part which is a text part. std::vector textParts; for (int i = 0 ; i < part.getBody()->getPartCount() ; ++i) { const bodyPart& p = *part.getBody()->getPartAt(i); try { const contentTypeField& ctf = dynamic_cast (*p.getHeader()->findField(fields::CONTENT_TYPE)); if (ctf.getValue().getType() == mediaTypes::TEXT) { textParts.push_back(&p); } } catch (exceptions::no_such_field) { // No "Content-type" field. } } if (textParts.size()) { // Okay. So we have found at least one text part for (std::vector ::const_iterator p = textParts.begin() ; p != textParts.end() ; ++p) { const contentTypeField& ctf = dynamic_cast (*(*p)->getHeader()->findField(fields::CONTENT_TYPE)); try { textPart* textPart = textPartFactory::getInstance()->create(ctf.getValue()); textPart->parse(msg, part, **p); m_textParts.push_back(textPart); } catch (exceptions::no_factory_available& e) { // Content-type not recognized. } } //return true; } //else { bool found = false; for (int i = 0 ; !found && (i < part.getBody()->getPartCount()) ; ++i) { found = findSubTextParts(msg, *part.getBody()->getPartAt(i)); } return found; } } const contentDispositionField* messageParser::getAttachmentInfo(const attachment* a) const { std::map ::const_iterator it = m_attachInfo.find(const_cast (a)); return (it != m_attachInfo.end() ? (*it).second : NULL); } const mailbox& messageParser::getExpeditor() const { return (m_from); } const addressList& messageParser::getRecipients() const { return (m_to); } const addressList& messageParser::getCopyRecipients() const { return (m_cc); } const addressList& messageParser::getBlindCopyRecipients() const { return (m_bcc); } const text& messageParser::getSubject() const { return (m_subject); } const datetime& messageParser::getDate() const { return (m_date); } const std::vector messageParser::getAttachmentList() const { std::vector res; res.reserve(m_attach.size()); for (std::vector ::const_iterator it = m_attach.begin() ; it != m_attach.end() ; ++it) { res.push_back(*it); } return (res); } const int messageParser::getAttachmentCount() const { return (m_attach.size()); } const attachment* messageParser::getAttachmentAt(const int pos) const { return (m_attach[pos]); } const std::vector messageParser::getTextPartList() const { std::vector res; res.reserve(m_textParts.size()); for (std::vector ::const_iterator it = m_textParts.begin() ; it != m_textParts.end() ; ++it) { res.push_back(*it); } return (res); } const int messageParser::getTextPartCount() const { return (m_textParts.size()); } const textPart* messageParser::getTextPartAt(const int pos) const { return (m_textParts[pos]); } } // vmime