// // VMime library (http://www.vmime.org) // Copyright (C) 2002 Vincent Richard <vincent@vmime.org> // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making // a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of // the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination. // #include "tests/testUtils.hpp" #include "vmime/charset.hpp" #include "vmime/charsetConverter.hpp" #include "charsetTestSuites.hpp" VMIME_TEST_SUITE_BEGIN(charsetFilteredOutputStreamTest) VMIME_TEST_LIST_BEGIN VMIME_TEST(testInputBufferUnderflow) VMIME_TEST(testInvalidInput1) VMIME_TEST(testStreamCopy) VMIME_TEST(testOneByteAtTime) VMIME_TEST(testVariableInputChunk) VMIME_TEST_LIST_END void testInputBufferUnderflow() { vmime::shared_ptr <vmime::charsetConverter> cc = vmime::charsetConverter::create("utf-8", "iso-8859-1"); vmime::string output; vmime::utility::outputStreamStringAdapter os(output); vmime::shared_ptr <vmime::utility::filteredOutputStream> cfos = cc->getFilteredOutputStream(os); VASSERT_NOT_NULL("filteredOutputStream availability", cfos); // føo = 66 c3 b8 6f [UTF8] // føo = 66 f8 6f [latin1] cfos->write("\x66\xc3", 2); // Incomplete UTF-8 sequence was not converted VASSERT_EQ("chunk 1", toHex("f"), toHex(output)); // Write second byte of UTF-8 sequence cfos->write("\xb8\x6f", 2); VASSERT_EQ("chunk 2", toHex("f\xf8o"), toHex(output)); } void testInvalidInput1() { vmime::string in("foo\xab\xcd\xef bar"); vmime::string expectedOut("foo??? bar"); vmime::string actualOut; vmime::utility::outputStreamStringAdapter osa(actualOut); vmime::shared_ptr <vmime::charsetConverter> conv = vmime::charsetConverter::create(vmime::charset("utf-8"), vmime::charset("iso-8859-1")); vmime::shared_ptr <vmime::utility::charsetFilteredOutputStream> os = conv->getFilteredOutputStream(osa); VASSERT_NOT_NULL("filteredOutputStream availability", os); vmime::utility::inputStreamStringAdapter is(in); vmime::byte_t buffer[16]; for (int i = 0 ; !is.eof() ; ++i) os->write(buffer, is.read(buffer, 1)); os->flush(); VASSERT_EQ("1", toHex(expectedOut), toHex(actualOut)); } // Using 'bufferedStreamCopy' void testStreamCopy() { for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < charsetTestSuitesCount ; ++i) { const charsetTestSuiteStruct& entry = charsetTestSuites[i]; std::ostringstream testName; testName << i << ": " << entry.fromCharset << " -> " << entry.toCharset; const unsigned long inLength = (entry.fromLength == 0 ? strlen(entry.fromBytes) : entry.fromLength); vmime::string in(entry.fromBytes, entry.fromBytes + inLength); const unsigned long outLength = (entry.toLength == 0 ? strlen(entry.toBytes) : entry.toLength); vmime::string expectedOut(entry.toBytes, entry.toBytes + outLength); vmime::string actualOut; vmime::utility::outputStreamStringAdapter osa(actualOut); vmime::shared_ptr <vmime::charsetConverter> conv = vmime::charsetConverter::create(entry.fromCharset, entry.toCharset); vmime::shared_ptr <vmime::utility::charsetFilteredOutputStream> os = conv->getFilteredOutputStream(osa); VASSERT_NOT_NULL("filteredOutputStream availability", os); vmime::utility::inputStreamStringAdapter is(in); vmime::utility::bufferedStreamCopy(is, *os); os->flush(); VASSERT_EQ(testName.str(), toHex(expectedOut), toHex(actualOut)); } } // One byte at a time void testOneByteAtTime() { for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < charsetTestSuitesCount ; ++i) { const charsetTestSuiteStruct& entry = charsetTestSuites[i]; std::ostringstream testName; testName << i << ": " << entry.fromCharset << " -> " << entry.toCharset; const unsigned long inLength = (entry.fromLength == 0 ? strlen(entry.fromBytes) : entry.fromLength); vmime::string in(entry.fromBytes, entry.fromBytes + inLength); const unsigned long outLength = (entry.toLength == 0 ? strlen(entry.toBytes) : entry.toLength); vmime::string expectedOut(entry.toBytes, entry.toBytes + outLength); vmime::string actualOut; vmime::utility::outputStreamStringAdapter osa(actualOut); vmime::shared_ptr <vmime::charsetConverter> conv = vmime::charsetConverter::create(entry.fromCharset, entry.toCharset); vmime::shared_ptr <vmime::utility::charsetFilteredOutputStream> os = conv->getFilteredOutputStream(osa); VASSERT_NOT_NULL("filteredOutputStream availability", os); vmime::utility::inputStreamStringAdapter is(in); vmime::byte_t buffer[16]; for (int i = 0 ; !is.eof() ; ++i) os->write(buffer, is.read(buffer, 1)); os->flush(); VASSERT_EQ(testName.str(), toHex(expectedOut), toHex(actualOut)); } } // Variable chunks void testVariableInputChunk() { for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < charsetTestSuitesCount ; ++i) { const charsetTestSuiteStruct& entry = charsetTestSuites[i]; std::ostringstream testName; testName << i << ": " << entry.fromCharset << " -> " << entry.toCharset; const unsigned long inLength = (entry.fromLength == 0 ? strlen(entry.fromBytes) : entry.fromLength); vmime::string in(entry.fromBytes, entry.fromBytes + inLength); const unsigned long outLength = (entry.toLength == 0 ? strlen(entry.toBytes) : entry.toLength); vmime::string expectedOut(entry.toBytes, entry.toBytes + outLength); vmime::string actualOut; vmime::utility::outputStreamStringAdapter osa(actualOut); vmime::shared_ptr <vmime::charsetConverter> conv = vmime::charsetConverter::create(entry.fromCharset, entry.toCharset); vmime::shared_ptr <vmime::utility::charsetFilteredOutputStream> os = conv->getFilteredOutputStream(osa); VASSERT_NOT_NULL("filteredOutputStream availability", os); vmime::utility::inputStreamStringAdapter is(in); vmime::byte_t buffer[16]; for (int i = 0 ; !is.eof() ; ++i) os->write(buffer, is.read(buffer, (i % 5) + 1)); os->flush(); VASSERT_EQ(testName.str(), toHex(expectedOut), toHex(actualOut)); } } VMIME_TEST_SUITE_END