// // VMime library (http://www.vmime.org) // Copyright (C) 2002 Vincent Richard // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making // a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of // the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination. // #include #include "tests/testUtils.hpp" #include "charsetTestSuites.hpp" VMIME_TEST_SUITE_BEGIN(charsetTest) VMIME_TEST_LIST_BEGIN // Test valid input VMIME_TEST(testConvertStringValid) VMIME_TEST(testConvertStreamValid) VMIME_TEST(testConvertStreamExtract) VMIME_TEST(testEncodingHebrew1255) //VMIME_TEST(testEncodingSelectionOnASCII) // IDNA VMIME_TEST(testEncodeIDNA) VMIME_TEST(testDecodeIDNA) VMIME_TEST(testUTF7Support) VMIME_TEST(testReplaceInvalidSequence) VMIME_TEST(testStopOnInvalidSequence) VMIME_TEST(testStatus) VMIME_TEST(testStatusWithInvalidSequence) VMIME_TEST(testIsValidText) VMIME_TEST_LIST_END void testConvertStringValid() { for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < charsetTestSuitesCount ; ++i) { const charsetTestSuiteStruct& entry = charsetTestSuites[i]; std::ostringstream testName; testName << i << ": " << entry.fromCharset << " -> " << entry.toCharset; const unsigned long inLength = (entry.fromLength == 0 ? strlen(entry.fromBytes) : entry.fromLength); vmime::string in(entry.fromBytes, entry.fromBytes + inLength); const unsigned long outLength = (entry.toLength == 0 ? strlen(entry.toBytes) : entry.toLength); vmime::string expectedOut(entry.toBytes, entry.toBytes + outLength); vmime::string actualOut; vmime::charset::convert (in, actualOut, entry.fromCharset, entry.toCharset); VASSERT_EQ(testName.str(), toHex(expectedOut), toHex(actualOut)); } } void testConvertStreamValid() { for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < charsetTestSuitesCount ; ++i) { const charsetTestSuiteStruct& entry = charsetTestSuites[i]; std::ostringstream testName; testName << i << ": " << entry.fromCharset << " -> " << entry.toCharset; const unsigned long inLength = (entry.fromLength == 0 ? strlen(entry.fromBytes) : entry.fromLength); vmime::string in(entry.fromBytes, entry.fromBytes + inLength); const unsigned long outLength = (entry.toLength == 0 ? strlen(entry.toBytes) : entry.toLength); vmime::string expectedOut(entry.toBytes, entry.toBytes + outLength); vmime::string actualOut; vmime::utility::outputStreamStringAdapter os(actualOut); vmime::utility::inputStreamStringAdapter is(in); vmime::charset::convert(is, os, entry.fromCharset, entry.toCharset); os.flush(); VASSERT_EQ(testName.str(), toHex(expectedOut), toHex(actualOut)); } } void testConvertStreamExtract() { vmime::bodyPart p; p.getBody()->setContents( vmime::make_shared ( "Foo éé\r\né bar\r\nbaz" ), vmime::mediaType("text", "plain"), vmime::charset("utf-8"), vmime::encoding("quoted-printable") ); vmime::string str; vmime::utility::outputStreamStringAdapter outStr(str); vmime::shared_ptr conv = vmime::charsetConverter::create(p.getBody()->getCharset(), vmime::charset("US-ASCII")); auto filteredStream = conv->getFilteredOutputStream(outStr); p.getBody()->getContents()->extract(*filteredStream); filteredStream->flush(); VASSERT_EQ( "generate", "Foo ??\r\n" "? bar\r\n" "baz", str ); } void testEncodingHebrew1255() { // hewbrew string in windows-1255 charset const char data[] = "\xe9\xf9\xf7\xf8\xe9\xf9\xf8\xf7\xe9\xe9\xf9"; vmime::word w = vmime::word(data, "windows-1255"); vmime::string encoded = w.generate(); // less than 60% ascii, base64 received VASSERT_EQ("1", "=?windows-1255?B?6fn3+On5+Pfp6fk=?=", encoded); } #if 0 /* decideImpl is not public */ void testEncodingSelectionOnASCII() { const std::string a = "Hi\x01!", b = "Hi\x7f!"; VASSERT_EQ("1", vmime::encoding::decideImpl(std::begin(a), std::end(a)), vmime::encoding::decideImpl(std::begin(b), std::end(b))); } #endif static const vmime::string convertHelper( const vmime::string& in, const vmime::charset& csrc, const vmime::charset& cdest, const vmime::charsetConverterOptions& opts = vmime::charsetConverterOptions(), vmime::charsetConverter::status* st = NULL ) { vmime::shared_ptr conv = vmime::charsetConverter::create(csrc, cdest, opts); vmime::string out; conv->convert(in, out, st); return out; } void testEncodeIDNA() { VASSERT_EQ("1", "xn--espaol-zwa", convertHelper("español", "utf-8", "idna")); // Tests from ICANN VASSERT_EQ("2.1", "xn--hxajbheg2az3al", convertHelper("παράδειγμα", "utf-8", "idna")); VASSERT_EQ("2.2", "xn--jxalpdlp", convertHelper("δοκιμή", "utf-8", "idna")); VASSERT_EQ("3.1", "xn--mgbh0fb", convertHelper("مثال", "utf-8", "idna")); VASSERT_EQ("3.2", "xn--kgbechtv", convertHelper("إختبار", "utf-8", "idna")); } void testDecodeIDNA() { VASSERT_EQ("1", "español", convertHelper("xn--espaol-zwa", "idna", "utf-8")); // Tests from ICANN VASSERT_EQ("2.1", "παράδειγμα", convertHelper("xn--hxajbheg2az3al", "idna", "utf-8")); VASSERT_EQ("2.2", "δοκιμή", convertHelper("xn--jxalpdlp", "idna", "utf-8")); VASSERT_EQ("3.1", "مثال", convertHelper("xn--mgbh0fb", "idna", "utf-8")); VASSERT_EQ("3.2", "إختبار", convertHelper("xn--kgbechtv", "idna", "utf-8")); } void testUTF7Support() { // Ensure UTF-7 is supported, because it is used for IMAP VASSERT_EQ("1", "VMime +- UTF-7 encoding", convertHelper("VMime + UTF-7 encoding", "utf-8", "utf-7")); VASSERT_EQ("2", "f+APg-o", convertHelper("\x66\xc3\xb8\x6f", "utf-8", "utf-7")); } void testReplaceInvalidSequence() { vmime::charsetConverterOptions opts; opts.silentlyReplaceInvalidSequences = true; opts.invalidSequence = "?"; vmime::string res = convertHelper( "\x61\xf1\x80\x80\xe1\x80\xc2\x62\x80\x63\x80\xbf\x64", "utf-8", "iso-8859-1", opts ); // Result should be in the form "a???b?c??d" or "a??????b?c??d"... // Remove consecutive question marks for easier matching. res.erase(std::unique(res.begin(), res.end()), res.end()); VASSERT_EQ( "Illegal UTF-8 sequence", "a?b?c?d", res ); } void testStopOnInvalidSequence() { vmime::charsetConverterOptions opts; opts.silentlyReplaceInvalidSequences = false; VASSERT_THROW( "Illegal UTF-8 sequence", convertHelper("\x61\xf1\x80\x80\xe1\x80\xc2\x62\x80\x63\x80\xbf\x64", "utf-8", "iso-8859-1", opts), vmime::exceptions::illegal_byte_sequence_for_charset ); } void testStatus() { vmime::charsetConverterOptions opts; opts.silentlyReplaceInvalidSequences = false; vmime::charsetConverter::status st; // 012345 6 7 convertHelper("Gwena\xc3\xabl", "utf-8", "iso-8859-1", opts, &st); VASSERT_EQ("inputBytesRead", 8, st.inputBytesRead); VASSERT_EQ("outputBytesWritten", 7, st.outputBytesWritten); } void testStatusWithInvalidSequence() { vmime::charsetConverterOptions opts; opts.silentlyReplaceInvalidSequences = false; vmime::charsetConverter::status st; try { // 01234 5 6789 0 1 convertHelper("Fran\xc3\xa7ois\xf1\x80\x65", "utf-8", "iso-8859-1", opts, &st); } catch (vmime::exceptions::illegal_byte_sequence_for_charset& e) { } catch (...) { throw; } VASSERT_EQ("inputBytesRead", 9, st.inputBytesRead); VASSERT_EQ("outputBytesWritten", 8, st.outputBytesWritten); } void testIsValidText() { // Invalid text const vmime::string invalidText("Fran\xc3\xa7ois\xf1\x80\x65"); vmime::string::size_type firstInvalidByte; VASSERT_EQ("invalid.isValidText", false, vmime::charset("utf-8").isValidText(invalidText, &firstInvalidByte)); VASSERT_EQ("invalid.firstInvalidByte", 9, firstInvalidByte); // Valid text const vmime::string validText("Gwena\xc3\xabl"); VASSERT_EQ("valid.isValidText", true, vmime::charset("utf-8").isValidText(validText, &firstInvalidByte)); VASSERT_EQ("valid.firstInvalidByte", 8, firstInvalidByte); } VMIME_TEST_SUITE_END