// // VMime library (http://www.vmime.org) // Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Vincent Richard <vincent@vincent-richard.net> // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // #include "../lib/unit++/unit++.h" #include <iostream> #include <ostream> #include <algorithm> #include "vmime/vmime.hpp" #include "vmime/platforms/posix/posixHandler.hpp" #include "vmime/utility/filteredStream.hpp" using namespace unitpp; namespace { class filteredStreamTest : public suite { class chunkInputStream : public vmime::utility::inputStream { private: std::vector <std::string> m_chunks; std::vector <std::string>::size_type m_index; public: chunkInputStream() : m_index(0) { } void addChunk(const std::string& chunk) { m_chunks.push_back(chunk); } const bool eof() const { return (m_index >= m_chunks.size()); } void reset() { m_index = 0; } const size_type read(value_type* const data, const size_type /* count */) { if (eof()) return 0; const std::string chunk = m_chunks[m_index]; // Warning: 'count' should be larger than chunk length. // This is OK for our tests. std::copy(chunk.begin(), chunk.end(), data); ++m_index; return chunk.length(); } const size_type skip(const size_type /* count */) { // Not supported return 0; } }; const std::string readWhole(vmime::utility::inputStream& is) { vmime::utility::stream::value_type buffer[256]; std::string whole; while (!is.eof()) { const vmime::utility::stream::size_type read = is.read(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); whole += std::string(buffer, read); } return (whole); } // dotFilteredInputStream void testDotFilteredInputStreamHelper (const std::string& number, const std::string& expected, const std::string& c1, const std::string& c2 = "", const std::string& c3 = "", const std::string& c4 = "") { chunkInputStream cis; cis.addChunk(c1); if (!c2.empty()) cis.addChunk(c2); if (!c3.empty()) cis.addChunk(c3); if (!c4.empty()) cis.addChunk(c4); vmime::utility::dotFilteredInputStream is(cis); std::ostringstream oss; vmime::utility::outputStreamAdapter os(oss); vmime::utility::bufferedStreamCopy(is, os); assert_eq(number, expected, oss.str()); } void testDotFilteredInputStream() { testDotFilteredInputStreamHelper("1", "foo\n.bar", "foo\n..bar"); testDotFilteredInputStreamHelper("2", "foo\n.bar", "foo\n", "..bar"); testDotFilteredInputStreamHelper("3", "foo\n.bar", "foo\n.", ".bar"); testDotFilteredInputStreamHelper("4", "foo\n.bar", "foo\n..", "bar"); testDotFilteredInputStreamHelper("5", "foo\n.bar", "foo\n", ".", ".bar"); testDotFilteredInputStreamHelper("6", "foo\n.bar", "foo\n", ".", ".", "bar"); } // dotFilteredOutputStream // CRLFToLFFilteredOutputStream template <typename FILTER> void testFilteredOutputStreamHelper (const std::string& number, const std::string& expected, const std::string& c1, const std::string& c2 = "", const std::string& c3 = "", const std::string& c4 = "") { std::ostringstream oss; vmime::utility::outputStreamAdapter os(oss); FILTER fos(os); fos.write(c1.data(), c1.length()); if (!c2.empty()) fos.write(c2.data(), c2.length()); if (!c3.empty()) fos.write(c3.data(), c3.length()); if (!c4.empty()) fos.write(c4.data(), c4.length()); assert_eq(number, expected, oss.str()); } void testDotFilteredOutputStream() { typedef vmime::utility::dotFilteredOutputStream FILTER; testFilteredOutputStreamHelper<FILTER>("1", "foo\n..bar", "foo\n.bar"); testFilteredOutputStreamHelper<FILTER>("2", "foo\n..bar", "foo\n", ".bar"); testFilteredOutputStreamHelper<FILTER>("3", "foo\n..bar", "foo", "\n.bar"); testFilteredOutputStreamHelper<FILTER>("4", "foo\n..bar", "foo", "\n", ".bar"); testFilteredOutputStreamHelper<FILTER>("5", "foo\n..bar", "foo", "\n", ".", "bar"); } void testCRLFToLFFilteredOutputStream() { typedef vmime::utility::CRLFToLFFilteredOutputStream FILTER; testFilteredOutputStreamHelper<FILTER>("1", "foo\nbar", "foo\r\nbar"); testFilteredOutputStreamHelper<FILTER>("2", "foo\nbar", "foo\r\n", "bar"); testFilteredOutputStreamHelper<FILTER>("3", "foo\nbar", "foo\r", "\nbar"); testFilteredOutputStreamHelper<FILTER>("4", "foo\nbar", "foo", "\r\nbar"); testFilteredOutputStreamHelper<FILTER>("5", "foo\nbar", "foo", "\r", "\nbar"); testFilteredOutputStreamHelper<FILTER>("6", "foo\nbar", "foo", "\r", "\n", "bar"); } // stopSequenceFilteredInputStream template <int N> void testStopSequenceFISHelper (const std::string& number, const std::string& sequence, const std::string& expected, const std::string& c1, const std::string& c2 = "", const std::string& c3 = "", const std::string& c4 = "", const std::string& c5 = "") { chunkInputStream cis; cis.addChunk(c1); if (!c2.empty()) cis.addChunk(c2); if (!c3.empty()) cis.addChunk(c3); if (!c4.empty()) cis.addChunk(c4); if (!c5.empty()) cis.addChunk(c5); vmime::utility::stopSequenceFilteredInputStream <N> is(cis, sequence.data()); assert_eq(number, expected, readWhole(is)); } void testStopSequenceFilteredInputStream1() { testStopSequenceFISHelper <1>("1", "x", "foo", "fooxbar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <1>("2", "x", "foo", "foox", "bar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <1>("3", "x", "foo", "foo", "x", "bar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <1>("4", "x", "foo", "fo", "o", "x", "bar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <1>("5", "x", "foo", "fo", "o", "x", "b", "ar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <1>("6", "x", "foobar", "fo", "o", "b", "ar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <1>("7", "x", "foobar", "foo", "bar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <1>("8", "x", "foobar", "foo", "b", "ar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <1>("9", "x", "foobar", "foobar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <1>("10", "x", "foobar", "foobarx"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <1>("11", "x", "", ""); testStopSequenceFISHelper <1>("12", "x", "", "x"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <1>("13", "x", "", "", "x"); } void testStopSequenceFilteredInputStreamN_2() { testStopSequenceFISHelper <2>("1", "xy", "foo", "fooxybar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <2>("2", "xy", "foo", "foox", "ybar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <2>("3", "xy", "foo", "foox", "y", "bar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <2>("4", "xy", "foo", "foo", "x", "ybar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <2>("5", "xy", "foo", "foo", "xy", "bar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <2>("6", "xy", "foo", "foo", "x", "y", "bar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <2>("7", "xy", "fooxbar", "foox", "bar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <2>("8", "xy", "fooxbar", "foo", "xbar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <2>("9", "xy", "fooxbar", "foo", "x", "bar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <2>("10", "xy", "foobarx", "foo", "barx"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <2>("11", "xy", "foobar", "foobarxy"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <2>("12", "xy", "foobar", "foo", "barxy"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <2>("13", "xy", "foobar", "foo", "bar", "xy"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <2>("14", "xy", "", ""); testStopSequenceFISHelper <2>("15", "xy", "x", "x"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <2>("16", "xy", "", "xy"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <2>("17", "xy", "", "x", "y"); } void testStopSequenceFilteredInputStreamN_3() { testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("1", "xyz", "foo", "fooxyzbar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("2", "xyz", "foo", "foox", "yzbar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("3", "xyz", "foo", "foox", "y", "zbar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("4", "xyz", "foo", "foox", "yz", "bar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("5", "xyz", "foo", "foo", "xyz", "bar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("6", "xyz", "foo", "foo", "xy", "zbar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("7", "xyz", "foo", "foo", "x", "y", "zbar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("8", "xyz", "foo", "foo", "x", "y", "z", "bar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("9", "xyz", "foo", "fooxy", "z", "bar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("10", "xyz", "fooxybar", "foox", "y", "bar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("11", "xyz", "fooxybar", "fooxy", "bar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("12", "xyz", "fooxybar", "fo", "ox", "y", "bar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("13", "xyz", "fooxybar", "fo", "o", "x", "y", "bar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("14", "xyz", "fooxybar", "foo", "x", "ybar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("15", "xyz", "fooxybar", "foo", "xybar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("16", "xyz", "xfoxoxybxar", "xfoxo", "xybxar"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("17", "xyz", "xfoxoxybxarx", "xfoxo", "xybxarx"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("18", "xyz", "xfoxoxybxarxy", "xfoxo", "xybxarxy"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("19", "xyz", "", ""); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("20", "xyz", "x", "x"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("21", "xyz", "xy", "xy"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("22", "xyz", "", "xyz"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("23", "xyz", "", "x", "yz"); testStopSequenceFISHelper <3>("24", "xyz", "", "x", "y", "z"); } public: filteredStreamTest() : suite("vmime::utility::filteredStream") { // VMime initialization vmime::platformDependant::setHandler<vmime::platforms::posix::posixHandler>(); add("dotFilteredInputStream", testcase(this, "dotFilteredInputStream", &filteredStreamTest::testDotFilteredInputStream)); add("dotFilteredOutputStream", testcase(this, "dotFilteredOutputStream", &filteredStreamTest::testDotFilteredOutputStream)); add("CRLFToLFFilteredOutputStream", testcase(this, "CRLFToLFFilteredOutputStream", &filteredStreamTest::testCRLFToLFFilteredOutputStream)); add("stopSequenceFilteredInputStream1", testcase(this, "stopSequenceFilteredInputStream1", &filteredStreamTest::testStopSequenceFilteredInputStream1)); add("stopSequenceFilteredInputStreamN_2", testcase(this, "stopSequenceFilteredInputStreamN_2", &filteredStreamTest::testStopSequenceFilteredInputStreamN_2)); add("stopSequenceFilteredInputStreamN_3", testcase(this, "stopSequenceFilteredInputStreamN_3", &filteredStreamTest::testStopSequenceFilteredInputStreamN_3)); suite::main().add("vmime::utility::filteredStream", this); } }; filteredStreamTest* theTest = new filteredStreamTest(); }