VERSION 0.6.4cvs

2005-02-05  Vincent Richard  <>

 * parserHelpers.hpp: moved 'static' functions into 'parserHelpers' class.

2005-02-05  Vincent Richard  <>

 * platforms/posix/posixHandler.cpp: removed extra '::' before
   numeric constants.

2005-02-05  Vincent Richard  <>

 * utility/md5.cpp: fixed forward use of swapUint32Array() with
   gcc 3.3 (Apple).

2005-02-01  Vincent Richard  <>

 * text.cpp: fixed possible segfault when encoding is Base64 (typo).

2005-01-28  Vincent Richard  <>

 * Started version 0.6.4.


2005-01-28  Vincent Richard  <>

 * Splitted 'contentHandler' into three classes: 'emptyContentHandler',
   'stringContentHandler' and 'streamContentHandler'.

 * Fixed bugs with signed/unsigned char in 'parserHelpers'.

2005-01-15  Vincent Richard  <>

 * Fixed missing 'vmime/config.hpp' include when installing VMime
   using 'make install'.

2005-01-13  Vincent Richard  <>

 * messaging/events.*: prefixed function names with 'get' + written
   some documentation for functions.

2005-01-05  Vincent Richard  <>

 * Started version 0.6.3.


2005-01-04  Vincent Richard  <>

 * Added diagnostic error string for 'exceptions::connection_error'.

 * Fixed a bug in 'posixSocket::connect()' that prevented connecting to
   servers by specifying an IP address instead of a server name.

2005-01-03  Vincent Richard  <>

 * Fixed linking error on 'typeAdapter <string>::parse()' with g++ versions
   older than 3.3.

2005-01-02  Vincent Richard  <>

 * Added unit tests for utility::path and bodyPart.

 * Added 'utility::datetimeUtils' to provide some time-related functions.

 * Fixed 'stringUtils' not in namespace 'utility'.

 * Moved 'datetime::getDayOfWeek()' to 'datetimeUtils'.

2005-01-01  Vincent Richard  <>

 * Converted all C-style casts to C++-style casts.

 * Added unit tests for utility::md5, utility::stringProxy and

2004-12-31  Vincent Richard  <>

 * Started version 0.6.2.


2004-12-27  Vincent Richard  <>

 * Added support for 'libtool'. All files needed for autoconf/automake
   can be generated with SConstruct script, using the 'autotools'
   target ("scons autotools"). These are also built and included
   automatically in the distribution tarball ("scons dist").

2004-12-26  Vincent Richard  <>

 * Removed relative paths from #include's and moved all header files
   to 'vmime/' directory.

 * Renamed main VMime include from 'vmime' to 'vmime.hpp'. So, in your
   program, you have to #include <vmime/vmime.hpp>.

 * Added support for 'pkg-config'.

 * Allow creating a service from an URL (session::getStore("url") and

2004-12-24  Vincent Richard  <>

 * Renamed class 'disposition' to 'contentDisposition' and the enum
   namespace 'dispositionTypes' to 'contentDispositionTypes'.

2004-12-23  Vincent Richard  <>

 * maildir: when connecting to the store, create root directory on the
   file system if it does not exist.

2004-12-22  Vincent Richard  <>

 * Fixed missing files in distribution (src/platform/*).

 * Fixed empty 'COPYING' file.

 * Started version 0.6.1.


2004-12-22  Vincent Richard  <>

 * Finished 'maildir' implementation. This is EXPERIMENTAL!

 * Added a getCapabilities() function on 'vmime::messaging::store' to
   quickly check which features are available.

 * New functions in 'component': getParsedOffset(), getParsedLength()
   and getChildComponents().

2004-12-19  Vincent Richard  <>

 * Added chaining in exception handling. vmime::exception::other() returns
   the exception which is encapsulated in the current exception (if any).
   This allows to retrieve the exception "stack" (for example, this is
   used for 'maildir' implementation, where some functions return a
   'filesystem_exception' encapsulated in a 'messaging_exception').

 * Fixed bugs and memory leaks in POP3/IMAP/maildir implementations.

2004-12-17  Vincent Richard  <>

 * Made default platform handlers (currently, only "posix"). Source files
   are in src/platforms/[platform-name].

   To use a default platform handler, do the following:
      - #include <vmime/platforms/[platform-name]/handler.hpp>
      - call vmime::platformDependant::setHandler() with the appropriate class
      - link your program with both 'libvmime' and 'libvmime-[platform-name]'

   For example, to use the default platform handler for POSIX (GNU/Linux):

        #include <vmime/platforms/posix/posixHandler.hpp>

        int main()

            // ...

        and link your program with "-lvmime" and "-lvmime-posix".

2004-10-21  Vincent Richard  <>

 * A _LOT_ of cleaning/refactoring in VMime code:

      - got rid of field types (only using field names now).

      - removed iterators on 'header', 'text', 'addressList', 'mailboxGroup',
        'propertySet' and 'bodyPart': use access functions instead (iterators
        made the code difficult to understand). You can always use standard
        iterators on the container returned by getFieldList(), and so on.

      - migrated to get/set convention for accessors (most of time, just add
        'get' or 'set' before method name, depending on what it does).

      - dropped 'comp_t' typedef on 'datetime' (useless).

      - moved a lot of code from header (.hpp) to implementation files (.cpp).

      - made all objects cloneable and copiable at the 'component' level:
        methods component::clone() and component::copyFrom().

      - made a 'typeAdapter' to allow using fondamental/no-vmime types in
        header field and parameter values.

      - implicit 'operator=' on header fields to set value is not allowed
        anymore: use setValue() instead or you will get a std::bad_cast

      - 'textParameter' renamed to 'defaultParameter'.

      - vmime::makeWordsFromText() is now vmime::text::newFromString().

      - changed a lot of return type value from reference to pointer, to
        to avoid confusion.

2004-10-05  Vincent Richard  <>

 * added clone() method on 'component' object.

2004-09-09  Vincent Richard  <>

 * IMAPFolder.cpp: fixed rename(): folder name is now updated.

2004-08-21  Vincent Richard  <>

 * charset.cpp: workaround (hack?) for different 'iconv' prototypes (they
   may differ in the second parameter being 'const' or not).

2004-08-20  Vincent Richard  <>

 * renamed "messaging/folderPath" to "utility/path" for common use in
   "messaging/folder" and "utility/file".

 * moved "stream" and "stringProxy" into "utility" namespace.

 * started to write some "JavaDoc-like" comments, for use with Doxygen.

2004-08-18  Vincent Richard  <>

 * stringProxy.hpp: fixed stringProxy::it_end() which returned wrong
   value (typo...).

2004-07-26  Vincent Richard  <>

 * fileAttachment: fixed the encoding param (not set to default anymore)
   and provided a new constructor to specify your own encoding.

2004-07-22  Vincent Richard  <>

 * wide-char support is disabled by default. To enable, set the flag
   "with_wide_char_support=yes" on the SCons command line.

2004-07-08  Vincent Richard  <>

 * renamed messaging/POP3*, messaging/IMAP* and messaging/SMTP* classes
   to follow the same convention as other class names.

2004-07-03  Vincent Richard  <>

 * moved some files to "utility" subdirectory ("vmime::utility" namespace).


2004-06-15  Vincent Richard  <>

 * contentHandler, htmlTextPart: Fixed some compilation issues with
   g++ version < 3.4:
   [error: declaration of `const vmime::encoding& encoding() const'
    changes meaning of `encoding' from `class vmime::encoding'].

 * Fixed errors in SConstruct with Windows NT (2k, XP...).


2004-05-26  Vincent Richard  <>

 * added methods receiveRaw() and sendRaw() on vmime::socket object. Do not
   forget to implement it, or you will get a compile error.

2004-05-21  Vincent Richard  <>

 * added some unit tests in the "tests" directory. To run all the tests, 'cd'
   to the "tests" directory, compile test programs by running "make" and then
   execute the "" script.

 * charset: added a convert() function to perform stream conversion.

2004-05-18  Vincent Richard  <>

 * encoder*: updated all encoders so they use input streams and output
   streams instead of a in-memory string. You can use the stream adapters
   (inputStreamStringAdapter and outputStreamStringAdapter) for your code
   to continue working the old-fashioned way...

2004-05-17  Vincent Richard  <>

 * messaging/transport.hpp: added a "size" parameter to send() function.

2004-05-16  Vincent Richard  <>

 * body: body contents and data in text parts are now handled via a
   proxy object: contentHandler. This allow more flexibility, including
   providing data from an input stream instead of storing whole data in
   memory into a string object. This also provide a big performance and
   memory usage improvement. For more information, please see the comments
   in the file "contentHandler.hpp".

2004-05-15  Vincent Richard  <>

 * all files: modified the parsing in depth (not using iterators anymore),
   the code is clearer and faster.

 * IMAPutils.cpp: corrected a bug (typo) in IMAPutils::dateTime().

2004-05-13  Vincent Richard  <>

 * all files: added a generate() method on vmime::component to generate
   objects into an output stream (outputStream). This offers a large
   performance and memory usage improvement when generating big messages.

 * stream.cpp/.hpp: new objects "inputStream" and "outputStream" to
   provide more flexibility than with standard C++ streams. There are
   also adapters for standard i/o streams, provided for compatibility.


2004-05-08  Vincent Richard  <>

 * messaging: added a system of event notification (message change,
   folder renamed, etc...). For more information about this, please
   consult "src/messaging/events.hpp".

2004-05-03  Vincent Richard  <>

 * messaging: added a lot of useful features to message stores
   (set/get message flags, message deletion, copy, rename folder,
   adding messages, unique identifiers, MIME part/header fetch,
   partial fetch...).

2004-04-30  Vincent Richard  <>

 * messaging/message.hpp: added a fetchPartHeader() method to
   extract the header of a specific MIME part.

2004-04-25  Vincent Richard  <>

 * all files: removed (illegal) extra ';' after namespace

 * all files: fixed some compilation errors with g++-3.4 (the
   parser is more strict and more standard-compliant).

2004-04-24  Vincent Richard  <>

 * messaging/*: splitted "progressListener" into two objects:
   "progressionListener" and "timeoutHandler". The last one is
   used internally in VMime. The "progressionListener" parameter
   is no more passed as argument to the constructor of a "service"
   object. Instead, it can be given in argument to the functions
   that use it:
     - message::extract[Part]()
     - folder::fetchMessages()
     - transport::send()

2004-04-04  Vincent Richard  <>

 * messaging/folder.hpp: added a (optional) parameter "recursive"
   to getFolders() to allow enumeration of all sub-folders
   (that is, direct and indirect).

2004-04-03  Vincent Richard  <>

 * messaging/authenti[fi]cationInfos: renamed class
   'authentificationInfos' to 'authenticationInfos'.

 * exception.hpp: renamed class 'authentification_error' to

 * messaging/SMTPtransport: renamed 'options.need-authentification'
   to 'options.need-authentication'.

2004-04-02  Vincent Richard  <>

 * added basic IMAP support. This is EXPERIMENTAL.

2004-03-25  Vincent Richard  <>

 * messaging::folder::path: changed type of 'component' from 'string'
   to 'word' to allow multiple charsets to be used in a path.

 * implemented a noop() command on vmime::messaging::service class.

 * messageParser.cpp: it is now possible to get more information on an
   attachment using the "Content-Disposition" (use the attachmentInfo()
   fonction to retrieve the "Content-Disposition" field related to
   the attachment).


2004-03-24  Vincent Richard  <>

  * SMTPtransport.cpp: fixed a bug in send().


2004-02-19  Vincent Richard  <>

 * mailboxGroup.cpp: fixed a segfault when generating() an empty group
   (eg. "undisclosed-recipient").

2004-02-17  Vincent Richard  <>

 * === MAJOR CHANGE === Removed old "network features". Now, this is called
   "messaging system" and a new (incompatible) interface is provided.

2003-12-30  Vincent Richard  <>

 * encoderFactory.cpp/.hpp: added stuff to allow iterating through
   registered encoders.

 * encoder*.cpp/.hpp: changed the way options/results are set in encoders:
   now, a vmime::propertySet is used. This provides more flexibility.

2003-12-25  Vincent Richard  <>

 * constants.cpp/.hpp: media types constants: removed "sub" namespace and
   translated "sub::[TYPE]::[SUBTYPE]" to "[TYPE]_[SUBTYPE]".

2003-12-08  Vincent Richard  <>

 * constants.cpp/.hpp, dateTime.cpp/.hpp: translated all constants/enums
   from lower-case to upper-case letters.

2003-12-04  Vincent Richard  <>

 * Created a new class for singleton. Derived all concerned class from
   this new class. This concerns: "encoderFactory", "headerFieldFactory",
   "parameterFactory", "options" and "textPartFactory".

2003-12-02  Vincent Richard  <>

 * Moved to SCons building system ( and dropped old
   autoconf/automake system. Type 'scons' to build the library and use
   'scons install' to install it on your system.

2003-12-01  Vincent Richard  <>

 * mailboxGroup.cpp: fixed a bug in typeid() comparison: changed
   "typeid(parsedAddress)" to "typeid(*parsedAddress)" to test the
   object dynamic type (the previous test was always false).


2003-10-24  Vincent Richard  <>

 * included some sample programs in the "examples/" directory. For a more
   complete documentation, please visit: .

 * all files: it is not possible to create header fields directly anymore
   (ie. you cannot call the constructor directly); instead, you should use
   the "headerFieldFactory" object.


2003-10-05  Vincent Richard  <>

 * all files: changed all calls 'std::isspace(???)' to '[vmime::]isspace(???)'
   since no locale was passed (anyway, no locale is needed: text is ASCII).

2003-10-04  Kai Stammerjohann  <>

 * included a Visual C++ 7 solution/project for vmime: see "vmime.sln" and
   "vmime.vcproj" in the root directory.


2003-09-22  Vincent Richard  <>

 * moved all constants (media types, charsets...) from base.cpp/.hpp to new
   files constants.cpp/.hpp.

2003-09-21  Vincent Richard  <>

 * messageBuilder.cpp (construct): fixed algorithm for generating text parts.
   Single and multiple text parts, with or without attachments are now handled
   correctly (as recommended by the RFCs).

 * bodyPart.cpp/.hpp, body.cpp/.hpp, header.cpp/.hpp: added clone() and
   operator=() functions to be able to duplicate body parts.

 * messageParser.cpp (findTextParts): handled the case in which the message
   is not "multipart/*": we use the main part if its type is "text/*".

 * messageParser.cpp (destructor): added code for deleting the text parts
   created by the findTextParts() function.


2003-09-19  Bevan Collins  <>

 * encoderQP.cpp: fixed a bug in quoted-printable encoding: "=20\r\n" is
   appended to the line ending with a space.

2003-09-13  Vincent Richard  <>

 * charset.cpp/.hpp: dropped internal conversion from charset name (string) to
   charset type (enum). We keep only the name of the charset.

 * base.cpp/.hpp: added string constants for some charsets.

2003-09-12  Vincent Richard  <>

 * messageParser.cpp (findAttachments): fixed the search for attachment
   parts. The right test is "cdf.value().name() != dispositionTypes::_inline"
   and not "cdf.value().name() != dispositionTypes::attachment"...

2003-09-11  Vincent Richard  <>

 * plainTextPart.cpp/htmlTextPart.cpp: fixed a bug in parse(): when getting
   the "charset" parameter, "no_such_parameter" exception was not caught if
   the parameter was not present.

2003-09-06  Vincent Richard  <>

 * base.cpp: added a special case when encoding to Quoted-Printable: lines
   are no more limited to 76 characters (the maximum length recommended by
   the RFC) if maxLineLength == lineLengthLimits::infinite. However, this
   SHOULD NOT be used when generating mails (not RFC compliant).


2003-08-24  Vincent Richard  <>

 * mailbox.hpp: added "const" functions for name() and email().

2003-07-26  Vincent Richard  <>

 * charset.cpp: fixed a bug in "charset::iconvert()". Also, the
   conversion is now done using a buffer, and not in one block.

2003-07-24  Vincent Richard  <>

  * receiveProtocol[POP3].hpp/.cpp: a socket factory can now be passed in
    argument to the constructor so that it is possible to override the
    use of the default factory (set in vmime::platformDependantHandler).


2003-07-21  Vincent Richard  <>

 * changed 'libdir' to install lib files in {PREFIX}/lib
   instead of {PREFIX}/lib/vmime. However, include files remain in the
   {PREFIX}/include/vmime directory.

2003-06-28  Vincent Richard  <>

 * base.hpp/.cpp: changed the return type of "libname()" and "libversion()"
   from "string::value_type*" to "string".

2003-06-16  Vincent Richard  <>

 * platformDependant.hpp: added "getSocketFactory()" function to be used
   with the new network features.

 * modified the file to permit passing arguments to
   the "configure" script:
     . --disable-net: disable network support (new in 0.3.0)
     . --enable-debug: enable debug mode (not used for now)

 * started version 0.3.0: added network features: connection to mail
   servers via POP3, IMAP... Related classes: "receiveProtocol*",
   "serverInfos" and "socket", an abstract socket class.


2003-05-28  Vincent Richard  <>

 * messageId.cpp: added "vmime." at the beginning of random-generated
   message-ids (to make them more unique).

2003-05-26  Vincent Richard  <>

 * all source files: replaced "_VMIME_xxxxx_HPP_INCLUDED_" macros with
   "VMIME_xxxxx_HPP_INCLUDED". Names beginning with "_" (underscore) and
   followed by an uppercase letter are reserved to the implementation
   (see the C++ standard: Global names).


2003-05-18  Vincent Richard  <>

 * messageParser.cpp: added a message parser (to be used parallely with
   messageBuilder). Extraction of attachment, plain text parts and HTML
   text parts (with embedded objects) is supported.

2003-05-09  Vincent Richard  <>

 * body.cpp (generate): the default prolog & epilog text (as defined
   in vmime::options) are not written anymore in sub-parts (only for
   the "root" part). Added a "isRoot" member to vmime::header.

2003-05-08  Vincent Richard  <>

 * encoding.cpp (decide): added some code to choose "quoted-printable"
   when there are lines with more than "lineLengthLimits::convenient"
   characters (or with a '.' just after a '\n').

 * base.cpp (makeWordsFromText): enhanced algorithm.

2003-05-04  Vincent Richard  <>

 * address.cpp, mailbox.cpp, mailboxGroup.cpp: added empty() function.

 * messageBuilder.cpp (construct): some validity checks: we now check
   there is one expeditor and at least one recipient.


2003-05-03  Vincent Richard  <>

 * First (beta) version released.