VMIME AUTHOR ============ Vincent Richard <vincent@vincent-richard.net> Project owner and creator. VMime was created in 1998, and publicly released under the GNU GPL license in 2003. VMIME CONTRIBUTORS ================== VMime is Open Source software, you are free and welcome to contribute! If you have a patch and you want it to be included into official VMime release, you have to release your patch into the public domain or assign the copyright to "VMime authors". You will then be credited in this AUTHORS file. - Stefan Uhrig <stefanuhrig@gmx.net> - Rafael Fernandez <prf@adinet.com.uy> - Xin Li <lixin3@staff.sina.com.cn> - Benjamin Biron <benbiron@gmail.com> - Bertrand Benoit <projettwk@users.sourceforge.net> - Tim Teulings <rael@edge.ping.de> - Georg Sauthoff <gsauthof@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de> - Pierre Thierry <nowhere.man@levallois.eu.org> (patches for STL algorithms) - Zarafa <http://developer.zarafa.com/VmimePatches> - Bartek Szurgot <vempirelord@wp.pl, http://baszerr.org> - Achim Brandt <http://sourceforge.net/users/a-brandt/> Please apologize if I have forgotten someone here. ;) Send me an email to <vincent@vincent-richard.net> if you want your name to be listed. See SVN Changelog for full list.