// Copyright (C) 2001 Claus Dræby // Terms of use are in the file COPYING #include <algorithm> #include <functional> #include "unit++.h" using namespace unitpp; using namespace std; #ifndef GUI gui_hook::gui_hook() { } #endif void test::visit(visitor* v) { v->visit(*this); } testcase::testcase(test* t) : cnt(new size_t(1)), tst(t) { } testcase::testcase(const testcase& t) : cnt(t.cnt), tst(t.tst) { (*cnt)++; } void testcase::dec_cnt() { if (--(*cnt) == 0) { delete cnt; delete tst; } } testcase::~testcase() { dec_cnt(); } testcase& testcase::operator=(const testcase& t) { ++*(t.cnt); dec_cnt(); cnt = t.cnt; tst = t.tst; return *this; } suite& suite::main() { static suite instance("top"); return instance; } test* suite::get_child(const string& id) { vector<string>::iterator p = std::find(ids.begin(), ids.end(), id); if (p != ids.end()) return &(static_cast<test&>(tests[p - ids.begin()])); return 0; } vector<string> unitpp::vectorize(const string& str, char c) { vector<string> res; string::const_iterator s, p; for (s = str.begin(); s != str.end(); ) { p = find(s, str.end(), c); res.push_back(string(s, p)); s = (p == str.end()) ? p : p + 1; } return res; } test* suite::find(const string& id) { vector<string> ss(vectorize(id, '.')); test* tp = this; for (vector<string>::iterator p = ss.begin(); p != ss.end(); ++p) if (!(tp = tp->get_child(*p))) break; return tp; } void suite::add(const string& id, const testcase& t) { ids.push_back(id); tests.push_back(t); } void suite::visit(visitor* v) { v->visit(*this); for_each(tests.begin(), tests.end(), bind2nd(mem_fun_ref(&testcase::visit), v)); v->visit(*this, 0); } void unitpp::assertion_error::out(ostream& os) const { os << msg << string(" [assertion failed]"); }