# - Check which parts of the C++11 standard the compiler supports # # When found it will set the following variables # # CXX11_COMPILER_FLAGS - the compiler flags needed to get C++11 features # # HAS_CXX11_AUTO - auto keyword # HAS_CXX11_AUTO_RET_TYPE - function declaration with deduced return types # HAS_CXX11_CLASS_OVERRIDE - override and final keywords for classes and methods # HAS_CXX11_CONSTEXPR - constexpr keyword # HAS_CXX11_CSTDINT_H - cstdint header # HAS_CXX11_DECLTYPE - decltype keyword # HAS_CXX11_FUNC - __func__ preprocessor constant # HAS_CXX11_INITIALIZER_LIST - initializer list # HAS_CXX11_LAMBDA - lambdas # HAS_CXX11_LIB_REGEX - regex library # HAS_CXX11_LONG_LONG - long long signed & unsigned types # HAS_CXX11_NULLPTR - nullptr # HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES - rvalue references # HAS_CXX11_SIZEOF_MEMBER - sizeof() non-static members # HAS_CXX11_STATIC_ASSERT - static_assert() # HAS_CXX11_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES - variadic templates #============================================================================= # Copyright 2011,2012 Rolf Eike Beer <eike@sf-mail.de> # Copyright 2012 Andreas Weis # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distribute this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) # # Each feature may have up to 3 checks, every one of them in it's own file # FEATURE.cpp - example that must build and return 0 when run # FEATURE_fail.cpp - example that must build, but may not return 0 when run # FEATURE_fail_compile.cpp - example that must fail compilation # # The first one is mandatory, the latter 2 are optional and do not depend on # each other (i.e. only one may be present). # if (NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LOADED) message(FATAL_ERROR "CheckCXX11Features modules only works if language CXX is enabled") endif () cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3) # ### Check for needed compiler flags # include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) check_cxx_compiler_flag("-std=c++11" _HAS_CXX11_FLAG) if (NOT _HAS_CXX11_FLAG) check_cxx_compiler_flag("-std=c++0x" _HAS_CXX0X_FLAG) endif () if (_HAS_CXX11_FLAG) set(CXX11_COMPILER_FLAGS "-std=c++11") elseif (_HAS_CXX0X_FLAG) set(CXX11_COMPILER_FLAGS "-std=c++0x") endif () function(cxx11_check_feature FEATURE_NAME RESULT_VAR) if (NOT DEFINED ${RESULT_VAR}) set(_bindir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cxx11_${FEATURE_NAME}") set(_SRCFILE_BASE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/CheckCXX11Features/cxx11-test-${FEATURE_NAME}) set(_LOG_NAME "\"${FEATURE_NAME}\"") message(STATUS "Checking C++11 support for ${_LOG_NAME}") set(_SRCFILE "${_SRCFILE_BASE}.cpp") set(_SRCFILE_FAIL "${_SRCFILE_BASE}_fail.cpp") set(_SRCFILE_FAIL_COMPILE "${_SRCFILE_BASE}_fail_compile.cpp") if (CROSS_COMPILING) try_compile(${RESULT_VAR} "${_bindir}" "${_SRCFILE}" COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "${CXX11_COMPILER_FLAGS}") if (${RESULT_VAR} AND EXISTS ${_SRCFILE_FAIL}) try_compile(${RESULT_VAR} "${_bindir}_fail" "${_SRCFILE_FAIL}" COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "${CXX11_COMPILER_FLAGS}") endif (${RESULT_VAR} AND EXISTS ${_SRCFILE_FAIL}) else (CROSS_COMPILING) try_run(_RUN_RESULT_VAR _COMPILE_RESULT_VAR "${_bindir}" "${_SRCFILE}" COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "${CXX11_COMPILER_FLAGS}") if (_COMPILE_RESULT_VAR AND NOT _RUN_RESULT_VAR) set(${RESULT_VAR} TRUE) else (_COMPILE_RESULT_VAR AND NOT _RUN_RESULT_VAR) set(${RESULT_VAR} FALSE) endif (_COMPILE_RESULT_VAR AND NOT _RUN_RESULT_VAR) if (${RESULT_VAR} AND EXISTS ${_SRCFILE_FAIL}) try_run(_RUN_RESULT_VAR _COMPILE_RESULT_VAR "${_bindir}_fail" "${_SRCFILE_FAIL}" COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "${CXX11_COMPILER_FLAGS}") if (_COMPILE_RESULT_VAR AND _RUN_RESULT_VAR) set(${RESULT_VAR} TRUE) else (_COMPILE_RESULT_VAR AND _RUN_RESULT_VAR) set(${RESULT_VAR} FALSE) endif (_COMPILE_RESULT_VAR AND _RUN_RESULT_VAR) endif (${RESULT_VAR} AND EXISTS ${_SRCFILE_FAIL}) endif (CROSS_COMPILING) if (${RESULT_VAR} AND EXISTS ${_SRCFILE_FAIL_COMPILE}) try_compile(_TMP_RESULT "${_bindir}_fail_compile" "${_SRCFILE_FAIL_COMPILE}" COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "${CXX11_COMPILER_FLAGS}") if (_TMP_RESULT) set(${RESULT_VAR} FALSE) else (_TMP_RESULT) set(${RESULT_VAR} TRUE) endif (_TMP_RESULT) endif (${RESULT_VAR} AND EXISTS ${_SRCFILE_FAIL_COMPILE}) if (${RESULT_VAR}) message(STATUS "Checking C++11 support for ${_LOG_NAME}: works") else (${RESULT_VAR}) message(STATUS "Checking C++11 support for ${_LOG_NAME}: not supported") endif (${RESULT_VAR}) set(${RESULT_VAR} ${${RESULT_VAR}} CACHE INTERNAL "C++11 support for ${_LOG_NAME}") endif (NOT DEFINED ${RESULT_VAR}) endfunction(cxx11_check_feature) cxx11_check_feature("__func__" HAS_CXX11_FUNC) cxx11_check_feature("auto" HAS_CXX11_AUTO) cxx11_check_feature("auto_ret_type" HAS_CXX11_AUTO_RET_TYPE) cxx11_check_feature("class_override_final" HAS_CXX11_CLASS_OVERRIDE) cxx11_check_feature("constexpr" HAS_CXX11_CONSTEXPR) cxx11_check_feature("cstdint" HAS_CXX11_CSTDINT_H) cxx11_check_feature("decltype" HAS_CXX11_DECLTYPE) cxx11_check_feature("initializer_list" HAS_CXX11_INITIALIZER_LIST) cxx11_check_feature("lambda" HAS_CXX11_LAMBDA) cxx11_check_feature("long_long" HAS_CXX11_LONG_LONG) cxx11_check_feature("nullptr" HAS_CXX11_NULLPTR) cxx11_check_feature("regex" HAS_CXX11_LIB_REGEX) cxx11_check_feature("rvalue-references" HAS_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES) cxx11_check_feature("sizeof_member" HAS_CXX11_SIZEOF_MEMBER) cxx11_check_feature("static_assert" HAS_CXX11_STATIC_ASSERT) cxx11_check_feature("variadic_templates" HAS_CXX11_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES)