// // VMime library (http://www.vmime.org) // Copyright (C) 2002-2013 Vincent Richard // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of // the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // Linking this library statically or dynamically with other modules is making // a combined work based on this library. Thus, the terms and conditions of // the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination. // #include "tests/testUtils.hpp" #include "vmime/utility/outputStreamAdapter.hpp" VMIME_TEST_SUITE_BEGIN(fileContentHandlerTest) VMIME_TEST_LIST_BEGIN VMIME_TEST(testIsEmpty) VMIME_TEST(testGetLength) VMIME_TEST(testIsEncoded) VMIME_TEST(testExtract) VMIME_TEST(testExtractRaw) VMIME_TEST(testGenerate) VMIME_TEST_LIST_END vmime::ref testFile; vmime::string testDataEncoded, testDataDecoded; void setUp() { testDataDecoded = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ \x12\x34\x56\x78\x90 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; testDataEncoded = "QUJDREVGR0hJSktMTU5PUFFSU1RVVldYWVogEjRWeJAgYWJjZGVmZ2hpamtsbW5vcHFyc3R1dnd4eXowMTIzNDU2Nzg5"; //printf("\n %s \n", encode("base64", testDataDecoded).c_str()); std::ostringstream testFilePath; testFilePath << "/tmp/vmime_test_" << (rand() % 999999999); vmime::ref fsf = vmime::platform::getHandler()->getFileSystemFactory(); testFile = fsf->create(fsf->stringToPath(testFilePath.str())); testFile->createFile(); testFile->getFileWriter()->getOutputStream()->write(testDataEncoded.data(), testDataEncoded.length()); } void tearDown() { testFile->remove(); testFile = NULL; } void testIsEmpty() { vmime::fileContentHandler cth; VASSERT_TRUE("empty", cth.isEmpty()); } void testGetLength() { vmime::fileContentHandler cth(testFile); VASSERT_FALSE("empty", cth.isEmpty()); VASSERT_EQ("length", testDataEncoded.length(), cth.getLength()); } void testIsEncoded() { vmime::fileContentHandler cth(testFile, vmime::encoding("base64")); VASSERT_TRUE("encoded", cth.isEncoded()); VASSERT_EQ("encoding", "base64", cth.getEncoding().generate()); } void testExtract() { vmime::fileContentHandler cth(testFile, vmime::encoding("base64")); std::ostringstream oss; vmime::utility::outputStreamAdapter osa(oss); cth.extract(osa); // Data should be decoded from B64 VASSERT_EQ("extract", testDataDecoded, oss.str()); } void testExtractRaw() { vmime::fileContentHandler cth(testFile, vmime::encoding("base64")); std::ostringstream oss; vmime::utility::outputStreamAdapter osa(oss); cth.extractRaw(osa); // Data should not be decoded VASSERT_EQ("extractRaw", testDataEncoded, oss.str()); } void testGenerate() { vmime::fileContentHandler cth(testFile, vmime::encoding("base64")); std::ostringstream oss; vmime::utility::outputStreamAdapter osa(oss); cth.generate(osa, vmime::encoding("quoted-printable")); // Data should be reencoded from B64 to QP VASSERT_EQ("generate", "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ =124Vx=90 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789", oss.str()); } VMIME_TEST_SUITE_END