Using VMime library with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003

I. Prerequisites

  To use  VMime with Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 you need
    * Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
    * The GNU libiconv library
    * The GNU gettext package (libiconv depends on it)
    * SCons if you'd like to compile from the CVS repository

1. Retrieve GNU libiconv and GNU gettext

  Download libiconv (http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/) and gettext
  (http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/). Currently libiconv-1.9.1 and
  gettext-0.13.1 works fine with Visual Studio .NET 2003 and VMime. However
  I was experiencing problems trying to compile gettext-0.14.3.

2. Compile GNU libiconv and GNU gettext

  You have to compile libiconv first, then compile gettext and afterwards
  you have to compile libiconv again. Follow the instructions in the files
  README.woe32 coming with both packages.
  Before compiling you have to decide if you want to use the library in
  single-threaded projects only or not. If in doubt choose the multi-threaded
  version. According to your choice you have to specify the right MFLAGS 
  (explained in the README.woe32 of both packages).

3. Install the libraries
  Once the libraries are compiled copy the files from C:\usr\include to your
  Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 include directory (...\Vc7\include). Copy
  the files from C:\usr\lib to your library directory (...\Vc7\lib).
4. Retrieve and install SCons

  If you'd like to compile from the CVS repository you need SCons to build
  the MSVC project files. You can download it from http://www.scons.org/.
II. Compiling VMime

1. Build the project files

  If you'd like to compile the code in the CVS repository you need to build
  the project files first. You do so by changing to your VMime directory and
    scons msvc
  on the command line.

2. Build VMime

  Use the vmime.sln file to build the library.

3. Install VMime

  Copy the compiled library file to your library directory (...\Vc7\lib). Copy
  the whole vmime directory to your include directory (...\Vc7\include). Don't
  copy all files in the vmime directory to your include directory but the 
  directory itself, so that all headers are in ...\Vc7\include\vmime.

4. Use VMime

  Now you are ready to use VMime (hopefully). Probably you'd like to disable
  warnings 4101, 4244, 4250, 4267 and 4355. Do so in your project using
  Project -> vmime Properties -> C/C++ -> Advanced -> Disable specific warnings.