Added support for transport padding in boundary (issue #38).

This commit is contained in:
Vincent Richard 2013-06-13 12:00:42 +02:00
parent 93c8d3a071
commit 2e5574b146
3 changed files with 173 additions and 109 deletions

View File

@ -53,6 +53,79 @@ body::~body()
// static
utility::stream::size_type body::findNextBoundaryPosition
(ref <utility::parserInputStreamAdapter> parser, const string& boundary,
const utility::stream::size_type position, const utility::stream::size_type end,
utility::stream::size_type* boundaryStart, utility::stream::size_type* boundaryEnd)
utility::stream::size_type pos = position;
while (pos != utility::stream::npos && pos < end)
pos = parser->findNext(boundary, pos);
if (pos == utility::stream::npos)
break; // not found
if (pos != 0)
// Skip transport padding bytes (SPACE or HTAB), if any
utility::stream::size_type advance = 0;
while (pos != 0)
parser->seek(pos - advance - 1);
const utility::stream::value_type c = parser->peekByte();
if (c == ' ' || c == '\t')
// Ensure the bytes before boundary are "[LF]--": boundary should be
// at the beginning of a line, and should start with "--"
if (pos - advance >= 3)
parser->seek(pos - advance - 3);
if (parser->matchBytes("\n--", 3))
parser->seek(pos + boundary.length());
const utility::stream::value_type next = parser->peekByte();
// Boundary should be followed by a new line or a dash
if (next == '\r' || next == '\n' || next == '-')
// Get rid of the "[CR]" just before "[LF]--", if any
if (pos - advance >= 4)
parser->seek(pos - advance - 4);
if (parser->peekByte() == '\r')
*boundaryStart = pos - advance - 3;
*boundaryEnd = pos + boundary.length();
return pos;
// Boundary is a prefix of another, continue the search
return pos;
void body::parseImpl
(const parsingContext& /* ctx */,
ref <utility::parserInputStreamAdapter> parser,
@ -126,17 +199,23 @@ void body::parseImpl
buffer[sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(buffer[0]) - 1] = '\0';
// Skip transport padding bytes (SPACE or HTAB), if any
utility::stream::size_type boundarySkip = 0;
while (boundarySkip < bufferLen && parserHelpers::isSpace(buffer[boundarySkip]))
// Extract boundary from buffer (stop at first CR or LF).
// We have to stop after a reasonnably long boundary length (100)
// not to take the whole body contents for a boundary...
string::value_type boundaryBytes[100];
string::size_type boundaryLen = 0;
for (string::value_type c = buffer[0] ;
for (string::value_type c = buffer[boundarySkip] ;
boundaryLen < bufferLen && boundaryLen < 100 && !(c == '\r' || c == '\n') ;
c = buffer[++boundaryLen])
++boundaryLen, c = buffer[boundarySkip + boundaryLen])
boundaryBytes[boundaryLen] = buffer[boundaryLen];
boundaryBytes[boundaryLen] = c;
if (boundaryLen >= 1 && boundaryLen < 100)
@ -167,104 +246,60 @@ void body::parseImpl
// This is a multi-part body
if (isMultipart && !boundary.empty())
const string boundarySep("--" + boundary);
utility::stream::size_type partStart = position;
utility::stream::size_type pos = position;
bool lastPart = false;
while (pos != utility::stream::npos && pos < end)
pos = parser->findNext(boundarySep, pos);
if (pos == utility::stream::npos)
break; // not found
if (pos != 0)
parser->seek(pos - 1);
if (parser->peekByte() != '\n')
// Boundary is not at a beginning of a line
parser->skip(1 + boundarySep.length());
parser->seek(pos + boundarySep.length());
const utility::stream::value_type next = parser->peekByte();
if (next == '\r' || next == '\n' || next == '-')
// Boundary is a prefix of another, continue the search
if (pos != utility::stream::npos && pos < end)
vmime::text text;
text.parse(parser, position, pos);
m_prologText = text.getWholeBuffer();
// Find the first boundary
utility::stream::size_type boundaryStart, boundaryEnd;
pos = findNextBoundaryPosition(parser, boundary, pos, end, &boundaryStart, &boundaryEnd);
for (int index = 0 ; !lastPart && (pos != utility::stream::npos) && (pos < end) ; ++index)
utility::stream::size_type partEnd = pos;
// Get rid of the [CR]LF just before the boundary string
if (pos >= (position + 1))
parser->seek(pos - 1);
if (parser->peekByte() == '\n')
if (pos >= (position + 2))
parser->seek(pos - 2);
if (parser->peekByte() == '\r')
utility::stream::size_type partEnd = boundaryStart;
// Check whether it is the last part (boundary terminated by "--")
pos += boundarySep.length();
if (pos + 1 < end && parser->matchBytes("--", 2))
if (boundaryEnd + 1 < end && parser->matchBytes("--", 2))
lastPart = true;
pos += 2;
boundaryEnd += 2;
// RFC #1521, Page 31:
// "...(If a boundary appears to end with white space, the
// white space must be presumed to have been added by a
// gateway, and must be deleted.)..."
pos += parser->skipIf(parserHelpers::isSpaceOrTab, end);
boundaryEnd += parser->skipIf(parserHelpers::isSpaceOrTab, end);
// End of boundary line
if (pos + 1 < end && parser->matchBytes("\r\n", 2))
if (boundaryEnd + 1 < end && parser->matchBytes("\r\n", 2))
pos += 2;
boundaryEnd += 2;
else if (pos < end && parser->peekByte() == '\n')
else if (boundaryEnd < end && parser->peekByte() == '\n')
if (index > 0)
if (index == 0)
if (partEnd > partStart)
vmime::text text;
text.parse(parser, partStart, partEnd);
m_prologText = text.getWholeBuffer();
m_prologText = "";
else // index > 0
ref <bodyPart> part = vmime::create <bodyPart>();
@ -279,41 +314,11 @@ void body::parseImpl
partStart = pos;
partStart = boundaryEnd;
while (pos != utility::stream::npos && pos < end)
pos = parser->findNext(boundarySep, pos);
if (pos == utility::stream::npos)
break; // not found
if (pos != 0)
parser->seek(pos - 1);
if (parser->peekByte() != '\n')
// Boundary is not at a beginning of a line
parser->skip(1 + boundarySep.length());
parser->seek(pos + boundarySep.length());
const utility::stream::value_type next = parser->peekByte();
if (next == '\r' || next == '\n' || next == '-')
// Boundary is a prefix of another, continue the search
// Find the next boundary
pos = findNextBoundaryPosition
(parser, boundary, boundaryEnd, end, &boundaryStart, &boundaryEnd);
m_contents = vmime::create <emptyContentHandler>();

View File

@ -30,10 +30,12 @@ VMIME_TEST_SUITE_BEGIN(bodyPartTest)
@ -200,6 +202,24 @@ VMIME_TEST_SUITE_BEGIN(bodyPartTest)
VASSERT_EQ("part2-body", "", extractContents(p.getBody()->getPartAt(1)->getBody()->getContents()));
void testTransportPaddingInBoundary()
vmime::string str =
"Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"MY-BOUNDARY\""
"-- \t MY-BOUNDARY\r\nHEADER1\r\n\r\nBODY1\r\n"
"-- MY-BOUNDARY--\r\n";
vmime::bodyPart p;
VASSERT_EQ("count", 2, p.getBody()->getPartCount());
VASSERT_EQ("part1-body", "BODY1", extractContents(p.getBody()->getPartAt(0)->getBody()->getContents()));
VASSERT_EQ("part2-body", "", extractContents(p.getBody()->getPartAt(1)->getBody()->getContents()));
/** Ensure '7bit' encoding is used when body is 7-bit only. */
void testGenerate7bit()
@ -256,6 +276,28 @@ VMIME_TEST_SUITE_BEGIN(bodyPartTest)
VASSERT_EQ("part2-body", "BODY2", extractContents(p.getBody()->getPartAt(1)->getBody()->getContents()));
void testParseGuessBoundaryWithTransportPadding()
// Boundary is not specified in "Content-Type" field
// Parser will try to guess it from message contents.
// Transport padding white spaces should be ignored.
vmime::string str =
"Content-Type: multipart/mixed"
"-- \t UNKNOWN-BOUNDARY\r\nHEADER1\r\n\r\nBODY1\r\n"
vmime::bodyPart p;
VASSERT_EQ("count", 2, p.getBody()->getPartCount());
VASSERT_EQ("part1-body", "BODY1", extractContents(p.getBody()->getPartAt(0)->getBody()->getContents()));
VASSERT_EQ("part2-body", "BODY2", extractContents(p.getBody()->getPartAt(1)->getBody()->getContents()));
void testParseVeryBigMessage()
// When parsing from a seekable input stream, body contents should not

View File

@ -301,6 +301,23 @@ private:
/** Finds the next boundary position in the parsing buffer.
* @param parser parser object
* @param boundary boundary string (without "--" nor CR/LF)
* @param position start position
* @param end end position
* @param boundaryStart will hold the start position of the boundary (including any
* CR/LF and "--" before the boundary)
* @param boundaryEnd will hold the end position of the boundary (position just
* before the CRLF or "--" which follows)
* @return the position of the boundary string, or stream::npos if not found
utility::stream::size_type findNextBoundaryPosition
(ref <utility::parserInputStreamAdapter> parser, const string& boundary,
const utility::stream::size_type position, const utility::stream::size_type end,
utility::stream::size_type* boundaryStart, utility::stream::size_type* boundaryEnd);
// Component parsing & assembling
void parseImpl
(const parsingContext& ctx,