2004-10-05 10:28:21 +00:00
// VMime library (http://vmime.sourceforge.net)
// Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Vincent Richard <vincent@vincent-richard.net>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "messageId.hpp"
#include "utility/random.hpp"
#include "platformDependant.hpp"
#include "parserHelpers.hpp"
namespace vmime
messageId::messageId(const string& id)
messageId::messageId(const messageId& mid)
: component(), m_left(mid.m_left), m_right(mid.m_right)
messageId::messageId(const string& left, const string& right)
: m_left(left), m_right(right)
3.6.4. Identification fields
msg-id = [CFWS] "<" id-left "@" id-right ">" [CFWS]
void messageId::parse(const string& buffer, const string::size_type position,
const string::size_type end, string::size_type* newPosition)
const string::value_type* const pend = buffer.data() + end;
const string::value_type* const pstart = buffer.data() + position;
const string::value_type* p = pstart;
unsigned int commentLevel = 0;
bool escape = false;
bool stop = false;
for ( ; !stop && p < pend ; ++p)
if (escape)
// Ignore this character
switch (*p)
case '(': ++commentLevel; break;
case ')': --commentLevel; break;
case '\\': escape = true; break;
case '<':
if (commentLevel == 0)
stop = true;
if (p < pend)
// Extract left part
const string::size_type leftStart = position + (p - pstart);
while (p < pend && *p != '@') ++p;
m_left = string(buffer.begin() + leftStart,
buffer.begin() + position + (p - pstart));
if (p < pend)
// Skip '@'
// Extract right part
const string::size_type rightStart = position + (p - pstart);
while (p < pend && *p != '>') ++p;
m_right = string(buffer.begin() + rightStart,
buffer.begin() + position + (p - pstart));
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setParsedBounds(position, end);
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if (newPosition)
*newPosition = end;
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const string messageId::getId() const
2004-10-05 10:28:21 +00:00
return (m_left + '@' + m_right);
void messageId::generate(utility::outputStream& os, const string::size_type /* maxLineLength */,
const string::size_type curLinePos, string::size_type* newLinePos) const
os << '<' << m_left << '@' << m_right << '>';
if (newLinePos)
*newLinePos = curLinePos + m_left.length() + m_right.length() + 3;
messageId& messageId::operator=(const string& id)
return (*this);
messageId messageId::generateId()
std::ostringstream left;
left << "vmime";
left << '.';
2004-10-21 15:05:47 +00:00
left << std::hex << utility::random::getTime();
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left << '.';
2004-10-21 15:05:47 +00:00
left << std::hex << utility::random::getProcess();
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left << '.';
2004-10-21 15:05:47 +00:00
left << std::hex << utility::random::getNext();
left << std::hex << utility::random::getNext();
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return (messageId(left.str(), platformDependant::getHandler()->getHostName()));
const bool messageId::operator==(const messageId& mid) const
return (m_left == mid.m_left && m_right == mid.m_right);
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const bool messageId::operator!=(const messageId& mid) const
return !(*this == mid);
messageId* messageId::clone() const
return new messageId(*this);
void messageId::copyFrom(const component& other)
const messageId& mid = dynamic_cast <const messageId&>(other);
m_left = mid.m_left;
m_right = mid.m_right;
messageId& messageId::operator=(const messageId& other)
return (*this);
const string& messageId::getLeft() const
return (m_left);
void messageId::setLeft(const string& left)
m_left = left;
const string& messageId::getRight() const
return (m_right);
void messageId::setRight(const string& right)
m_right = right;
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const std::vector <const component*> messageId::getChildComponents() const
return std::vector <const component*>();
2004-10-05 10:28:21 +00:00
} // vmime