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2004-10-05 10:28:21 +00:00
// VMime library (http://vmime.sourceforge.net)
// Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Vincent Richard <vincent@vincent-richard.net>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "htmlTextPart.hpp"
#include "exception.hpp"
namespace vmime
const mediaType htmlTextPart::type() const
return (mediaType(mediaTypes::TEXT, mediaTypes::TEXT_HTML));
const int htmlTextPart::getPartCount() const
return (m_plainText.empty() ? 1 : 2);
void htmlTextPart::generateIn(bodyPart& /* message */, bodyPart& parent) const
// Plain text
if (!m_plainText.empty())
// -- Create a new part
bodyPart* part = new bodyPart();
// -- Set header fields
part->header().fields.ContentType() = mediaType(mediaTypes::TEXT, mediaTypes::TEXT_PLAIN);
part->header().fields.ContentType().charset() = m_charset;
part->header().fields.ContentTransferEncoding() = encoding(encodingTypes::QUOTED_PRINTABLE);
// -- Set contents
part->body().contents() = m_plainText;
// HTML text
// -- Create a new part
bodyPart* htmlPart = new bodyPart();
// -- Set header fields
htmlPart->header().fields.ContentType() = mediaType(mediaTypes::TEXT, mediaTypes::TEXT_HTML);
htmlPart->header().fields.ContentType().charset() = m_charset;
htmlPart->header().fields.ContentTransferEncoding() = encoding(encodingTypes::QUOTED_PRINTABLE);
// -- Set contents
htmlPart->body().contents() = m_text;
// Handle the case we have embedded objects
if (!embeddedObjects.empty())
// Create a "multipart/related" body part
bodyPart* relPart = new bodyPart();
relPart->header().fields.ContentType() = mediaType
(mediaTypes::MULTIPART, mediaTypes::MULTIPART_RELATED);
// Add the HTML part into this part
// Also add images into this part
for (embeddedObjectsContainer::const_iterator i = embeddedObjects.begin() ;
i != embeddedObjects.end() ; ++i)
bodyPart* objPart = new bodyPart();
string id = (*i).id();
if (id.substr(0, 4) == "CID:")
id = id.substr(4);
objPart->header().fields.ContentType() = (*i).type();
objPart->header().fields.ContentId() = messageId("<" + id + ">");
objPart->header().fields.ContentDisposition() = disposition(dispositionTypes::INLINE);
objPart->header().fields.ContentTransferEncoding() = (*i).encoding();
objPart->body().contents() = (*i).data();
// Add the HTML part into the parent part
void htmlTextPart::findEmbeddedParts(const bodyPart& part,
std::vector <const bodyPart*>& cidParts, std::vector <const bodyPart*>& locParts)
for (body::const_iterator p = part.body().parts.begin() ; p != part.body().parts.end() ; ++p)
catch (exceptions::no_such_field)
// No "Content-id" field.
// Maybe there is a "Content-Location" field...
catch (exceptions::no_such_field)
// No "Content-Location" field.
// Cannot be an embedded object since it cannot be referenced in HTML text.
findEmbeddedParts((*p), cidParts, locParts);
void htmlTextPart::addEmbeddedObject(const bodyPart& part, const string& id)
mediaType type;
const contentTypeField& ctf = dynamic_cast<contentTypeField&>
type = ctf.value();
catch (exceptions::no_such_field)
// No "Content-type" field: assume "application/octet-stream".
embeddedObjects.m_list.push_back(new embeddedObject
(part.body().contents(), part.body().encoding(), id, type));
void htmlTextPart::parse(const bodyPart& message, const bodyPart& parent, const bodyPart& textPart)
// Search for possible embedded objects in the _whole_ message.
std::vector <const bodyPart*> cidParts;
std::vector <const bodyPart*> locParts;
findEmbeddedParts(message, cidParts, locParts);
// Extract HTML text
std::ostringstream oss;
utility::outputStreamAdapter adapter(oss);
const string data = oss.str();
m_text = textPart.body().contents();
const contentTypeField& ctf = dynamic_cast<contentTypeField&>
m_charset = ctf.charset();
catch (exceptions::no_such_field)
// No "Content-type" field.
catch (exceptions::no_such_parameter)
// No "charset" parameter.
// Extract embedded objects. The algorithm is quite simple: for each previously
// found inline part, we check if its CID/Location is contained in the HTML text.
for (std::vector <const bodyPart*>::const_iterator p = cidParts.begin() ; p != cidParts.end() ; ++p)
const messageIdField& midField = dynamic_cast<messageIdField&>
const string searchFor("CID:" + midField.value().id());
if (data.find(searchFor) != string::npos)
// This part is referenced in the HTML text.
// Add it to the embedded object list.
addEmbeddedObject(**p, "CID:" + midField.value().id());
for (std::vector <const bodyPart*>::const_iterator p = locParts.begin() ; p != locParts.end() ; ++p)
const defaultField& locField = dynamic_cast<defaultField&>
if (data.find(locField.value()) != string::npos)
// This part is referenced in the HTML text.
// Add it to the embedded object list.
addEmbeddedObject(**p, locField.value());
// Extract plain text, if any.
findPlainTextPart(message, parent, textPart);
bool htmlTextPart::findPlainTextPart(const bodyPart& part, const bodyPart& parent, const bodyPart& textPart)
// We search for the nearest "multipart/alternative" part.
const contentTypeField& ctf = dynamic_cast<contentTypeField&>
if (ctf.value().type() == mediaTypes::MULTIPART &&
ctf.value().subType() == mediaTypes::MULTIPART_ALTERNATIVE)
bodyPart const* foundPart = NULL;
for (body::const_iterator p = part.body().parts.begin() ; !foundPart && p != part.body().parts.end() ; ++p)
if (&(*p) == &parent || // if "text/html" is in "multipart/related"
&(*p) == &textPart) // if not...
foundPart = &(*p);
if (foundPart)
bool found = false;
// Now, search for the alternative plain text part
for (body::const_iterator p = part.body().parts.begin() ;
!found && p != part.body().parts.end() ; ++p)
const contentTypeField& ctf = dynamic_cast<contentTypeField&>
if (ctf.value().type() == mediaTypes::TEXT &&
ctf.value().subType() == mediaTypes::TEXT_PLAIN)
m_plainText = (*p).body().contents();
found = true;
catch (exceptions::no_such_field)
// No "Content-type" field.
// If we don't have found the plain text part here, it means that
// it does not exists (the MUA which built this message probably
// did not include it...).
return (found);
catch (exceptions::no_such_field)
// No "Content-type" field.
bool found = false;
for (body::const_iterator p = part.body().parts.begin() ; !found && p != part.body().parts.end() ; ++p)
found = findPlainTextPart(*p, parent, textPart);
return (found);
// Embedded objects container //
const htmlTextPart::embeddedObject& htmlTextPart::embeddedObjectsContainer::find(const string& id) const
for (std::vector <embeddedObject*>::const_iterator o = m_list.begin() ; o != m_list.end() ; ++o)
if ((**o).id() == id)
return (**o);
throw exceptions::no_object_found();
const bool htmlTextPart::embeddedObjectsContainer::has(const string& id) const
for (std::vector <embeddedObject*>::const_iterator o = m_list.begin() ; o != m_list.end() ; ++o)
if ((**o).id() == id)
return (true);
return (false);
const string htmlTextPart::embeddedObjectsContainer::add
(const contentHandler& data, const vmime::encoding& enc, const mediaType& type)
const messageId mid(messageId::generateId());
const string id = "CID:" + mid.id();
m_list.push_back(new embeddedObject(data, enc, id, type));
return (id);
const string htmlTextPart::embeddedObjectsContainer::add
(const contentHandler& data, const mediaType& type)
return (add(data, encoding::decide(data), type));
const string htmlTextPart::embeddedObjectsContainer::add
(const string& data, const mediaType& type)
return (add(contentHandler(data), encoding::decide(data), type));
} // vmime