2004-10-05 10:28:21 +00:00
// VMime library (http://vmime.sourceforge.net)
// Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Vincent Richard <vincent@vincent-richard.net>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include "base.hpp"
#include "component.hpp"
#include "exception.hpp"
#include "headerField.hpp"
#include "headerFieldFactory.hpp"
#include "addressListField.hpp"
#include "mailboxListField.hpp"
#include "mailboxField.hpp"
#include "textField.hpp"
#include "dateField.hpp"
#include "contentTypeField.hpp"
#include "contentEncodingField.hpp"
#include "defaultField.hpp"
#include "contentDispositionField.hpp"
#include "messageIdField.hpp"
namespace vmime
class bodyPart;
/** Header section of a MIME part.
class header : public component
friend class bodyPart;
friend class body;
friend class message;
2004-10-06 11:04:00 +00:00
2004-10-05 10:28:21 +00:00
// A sub-class for field manipulation
class fieldsContainer
friend class header;
// Field access
mailboxField& From() { return (dynamic_cast<mailboxField&>(get(headerField::From))); }
mailboxField& Sender() { return (dynamic_cast<mailboxField&>(get(headerField::Sender))); }
mailboxField& ReplyTo() { return (dynamic_cast<mailboxField&>(get(headerField::ReplyTo))); }
mailboxField& DeliveredTo() { return (dynamic_cast<mailboxField&>(get(headerField::DeliveredTo))); }
addressListField& To() { return (dynamic_cast<addressListField&>(get(headerField::To))); }
addressListField& Cc() { return (dynamic_cast<addressListField&>(get(headerField::Cc))); }
addressListField& Bcc() { return (dynamic_cast<addressListField&>(get(headerField::Bcc))); }
dateField& Date() { return (dynamic_cast<dateField&>(get(headerField::Date))); }
textField& Subject() { return (dynamic_cast<textField&>(get(headerField::Subject))); }
textField& Organization() { return (dynamic_cast<textField&>(get(headerField::Organization))); }
textField& UserAgent() { return (dynamic_cast<textField&>(get(headerField::UserAgent))); }
contentTypeField& ContentType() { return (dynamic_cast<contentTypeField&>(get(headerField::ContentType))); }
textField& ContentDescription() { return (dynamic_cast<textField&>(get(headerField::ContentDescription))); }
contentEncodingField& ContentTransferEncoding() { return (dynamic_cast<contentEncodingField&>(get(headerField::ContentTransferEncoding))); }
defaultField& MimeVersion() { return (dynamic_cast<defaultField&>(get(headerField::MimeVersion))); }
contentDispositionField& ContentDisposition() { return (dynamic_cast<contentDispositionField&>(get(headerField::ContentDisposition))); }
messageIdField& ContentId() { return (dynamic_cast<messageIdField&>(get(headerField::ContentId))); }
messageIdField& MessageId() { return (dynamic_cast<messageIdField&>(get(headerField::MessageId))); }
defaultField& ContentLocation() { return (dynamic_cast<defaultField&>(get(headerField::ContentLocation))); }
const mailboxField& From() const { return (dynamic_cast<mailboxField&>(find(headerField::From))); }
const mailboxField& Sender() const { return (dynamic_cast<mailboxField&>(find(headerField::Sender))); }
const mailboxField& ReplyTo() const { return (dynamic_cast<mailboxField&>(find(headerField::ReplyTo))); }
const mailboxField& DeliveredTo() const { return (dynamic_cast<mailboxField&>(find(headerField::DeliveredTo))); }
const addressListField& To() const { return (dynamic_cast<addressListField&>(find(headerField::To))); }
const addressListField& Cc() const { return (dynamic_cast<addressListField&>(find(headerField::Cc))); }
const addressListField& Bcc() const { return (dynamic_cast<addressListField&>(find(headerField::Bcc))); }
const dateField& Date() const { return (dynamic_cast<dateField&>(find(headerField::Date))); }
const textField& Subject() const { return (dynamic_cast<textField&>(find(headerField::Subject))); }
const textField& Organization() const { return (dynamic_cast<textField&>(find(headerField::Organization))); }
const textField& UserAgent() const { return (dynamic_cast<textField&>(find(headerField::UserAgent))); }
const contentTypeField& ContentType() const { return (dynamic_cast<contentTypeField&>(find(headerField::ContentType))); }
const textField& ContentDescription() const { return (dynamic_cast<textField&>(find(headerField::ContentDescription))); }
const contentEncodingField& ContentTransferEncoding() const { return (dynamic_cast<contentEncodingField&>(find(headerField::ContentTransferEncoding))); }
const defaultField& MimeVersion() const { return (dynamic_cast<defaultField&>(find(headerField::MimeVersion))); }
const contentDispositionField& ContentDisposition() const { return (dynamic_cast<contentDispositionField&>(find(headerField::ContentDisposition))); }
const messageIdField& ContentId() const { return (dynamic_cast<messageIdField&>(find(headerField::ContentId))); }
const messageIdField& MessageId() const { return (dynamic_cast<messageIdField&>(find(headerField::MessageId))); }
const defaultField& ContentLocation() const { return (dynamic_cast<defaultField&>(find(headerField::ContentLocation))); }
// Checks whether (at least) one field with this type/name exists
const bool has(const headerField::Types fieldType) const;
const bool has(const string& fieldName) const;
// Find the first field that matches the specified type/name.
// If no field is found, an exception is thrown.
headerField& find(const headerField::Types fieldType) const;
headerField& find(const string& fieldName) const;
2004-10-06 11:04:00 +00:00
// Find all fields that matche the specified type/name.
// If no field is found, an empty vector is returned.
std::vector <headerField*> findAllByType(const headerField::Types fieldType);
std::vector <headerField*> findAllByName(const string& fieldName);
2004-10-05 10:28:21 +00:00
// Find the first field that matches the specified type/name.
// If no field is found, one will be created.
headerField& get(const headerField::Types fieldType);
headerField& get(const string& fieldName);
// Field iterator
class const_iterator;
class iterator
friend class header::fieldsContainer::const_iterator;
friend class header::fieldsContainer;
typedef std::vector <headerField*>::iterator::difference_type difference_type;
iterator(std::vector <headerField*>::iterator it) : m_iterator(it) { }
iterator(const iterator& it) : m_iterator(it.m_iterator) { }
iterator& operator=(const iterator& it) { m_iterator = it.m_iterator; return (*this); }
headerField& operator*() const { return (**m_iterator); }
headerField* operator->() const { return (*m_iterator); }
iterator& operator++() { ++m_iterator; return (*this); }
iterator operator++(int) { iterator i(*this); ++m_iterator; return (i); }
iterator& operator--() { --m_iterator; return (*this); }
iterator operator--(int) { iterator i(*this); --m_iterator; return (i); }
iterator& operator+=(difference_type n) { m_iterator += n; return (*this); }
iterator& operator-=(difference_type n) { m_iterator -= n; return (*this); }
iterator operator-(difference_type x) const { return iterator(m_iterator - x); }
headerField& operator[](difference_type n) const { return *(m_iterator[n]); }
const bool operator==(const iterator& it) const { return (it.m_iterator == m_iterator); }
const bool operator!=(const iterator& it) const { return (!(*this == it)); }
std::vector <headerField*>::iterator m_iterator;
class const_iterator
typedef std::vector <headerField*>::const_iterator::difference_type difference_type;
const_iterator(std::vector <headerField*>::const_iterator it) : m_iterator(it) { }
const_iterator(const iterator& it) : m_iterator(it.m_iterator) { }
const_iterator(const const_iterator& it) : m_iterator(it.m_iterator) { }
const_iterator& operator=(const const_iterator& it) { m_iterator = it.m_iterator; return (*this); }
const_iterator& operator=(const iterator& it) { m_iterator = it.m_iterator; return (*this); }
const headerField& operator*() const { return (**m_iterator); }
const headerField* operator->() const { return (*m_iterator); }
const_iterator& operator++() { ++m_iterator; return (*this); }
const_iterator operator++(int) { const_iterator i(*this); ++m_iterator; return (i); }
const_iterator& operator--() { --m_iterator; return (*this); }
const_iterator operator--(int) { const_iterator i(*this); --m_iterator; return (i); }
const_iterator& operator+=(difference_type n) { m_iterator += n; return (*this); }
const_iterator& operator-=(difference_type n) { m_iterator -= n; return (*this); }
const_iterator operator-(difference_type x) const { return const_iterator(m_iterator - x); }
const headerField& operator[](difference_type n) const { return *(m_iterator[n]); }
const bool operator==(const const_iterator& it) const { return (it.m_iterator == m_iterator); }
const bool operator!=(const const_iterator& it) const { return (!(*this == it)); }
std::vector <headerField*>::const_iterator m_iterator;
iterator begin() { return (m_fields.begin()); }
iterator end() { return (m_fields.end()); }
const_iterator begin() const { return (const_iterator(m_fields.begin())); }
const_iterator end() const { return (const_iterator(m_fields.end())); }
// Field insertion
void append(const headerField& field);
void insert(const iterator it, const headerField& field);
// Field removing
void remove(const iterator it);
void clear();
// Field count
const std::vector <headerField*>::size_type count() const { return (m_fields.size()); }
const std::vector <headerField*>::size_type size() const { return (m_fields.size()); }
const bool empty() const { return (m_fields.empty()); }
headerField& front() { return (*m_fields.front()); }
const headerField& front() const { return (*m_fields.front()); }
headerField& back() { return (*m_fields.back()); }
const headerField& back() const { return (*m_fields.back()); }
fieldsContainer& operator=(const fieldsContainer& c);
void insertSorted(headerField* field);
std::vector <headerField*> m_fields;
} fields;
typedef fieldsContainer::iterator iterator;
typedef fieldsContainer::const_iterator const_iterator;
header& operator=(const header& h);
using component::parse;
using component::generate;
// Component parsing & assembling
void parse(const string& buffer, const string::size_type position, const string::size_type end, string::size_type* newPosition = NULL);
void generate(utility::outputStream& os, const string::size_type maxLineLength = lineLengthLimits::infinite, const string::size_type curLinePos = 0, string::size_type* newLinePos = NULL) const;
} // vmime