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\chapter{Building and Installing VMime}
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If no pre-build packages of VMime is available for your system, or if for some
reason you want to compile it yourself from scratch, this section will guide
you through the process.
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\section{What you need}
To build VMime from the sources, you will need the following:
\item a working C++ compiler with good STL implementation and also a good
support for templates (for example, \href{http://gcc.gnu.org/}{GNU GCC}) ;
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\item \href{http://www.cmake.org/}{CMake} build system ;
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\item either \href{http://www.icu-project.org}{ICU library} or an usable
{\vcode iconv()} implementation (see
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\href{http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/}{libiconv of GNU Project}) ;
\item the \href{http://www.gnu.org/software/gsasl/}{GNU SASL Library} if you
want SASL\footnote{Simple Authentication and Security Layer} support ;
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\item either the \href{http://www.openssl.org}{OpenSSL library} or the
\href{http://www.gnu.org/software/gnutls/}{GNU TLS Library} if you
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want SSL and TLS\footnote{Transport Layer Security} support ;
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\item the \href{http://www.boost.org}{Boost C++ library} if you are not using
C++11 (or your compiler does not support it), for {\vcode shared\_ptr<>}.
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\section{Obtaining source files}
You can download a package containing the source files of the latest release
of the VMime library from the \href{http://www.vmime.org/}{VMime web site}.
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You can also obtain the current development version from the Git repository,
which is currently hosted at GitHub. It can be checked out through anonymous
access with the following instruction:
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git clone git://github.com/kisli/vmime
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\section{Compiling and installing}
There are two possibilities for compiling VMime: using SCons building system,
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or using CMake.
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SCons is only used for development purposes, and so it is recommended that you
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use CMake to build the project as it is a more portable solution, and is
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likely to work out-of-the-box on your computer. Thus, we will not describe
the process of compiling VMime using SCons here.
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CMake is an open source, cross-platform build system. It will generate all
build scripts required to compile VMime on your platform.
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First, from the directory where you extracted the tarball or checked out
the sources, run {\vcode cmake} with the {\vcode -G} argument corresponding
to your platform. For example, if you are on a Unix-compatible platform (like
GNU/Linux or MacOS), type:
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$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"
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This will perform some tests on your system to check for libs installed
and some platform-specific includes. It will then create a Makefile in
the root directory of VMime.
\vnote{Delete the {\vcode CMakeCache.txt} file if something changed on your
system, as CMake may cache some values to speed up things.}
This will also create a file named {\vcode config.hpp} in the {\vcode vmime/}
directory, with the parameters detected for your platform. You should not
modify this file directly. Instead, you can run again {\vcode cmake} and
specify your own defines on the command line.
For example, to force using OpenSSL library instead of GnuTLS for TLS
support, type:
$ cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DVMIME_TLS_SUPPORT_LIB_IS_OPENSSL=ON \
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If you want to enable or disable some features in VMime, you can obtain some
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help by typing {\vcode cmake -L}. The defaults should be OK though.
For more information about using CMake, go to
\href{http://www.cmake.org/}{the CMake web site}.
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Next, you can start the compilation process:
$ make
Please wait a few minutes will the compilation runs (you should have some time
to have a coffee right now!). If you get errors during the compilation, be
sure your system meet the requirements given at the beginning of the chapter.
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You can also try to get a newer version (from the Git repository, for example)
or to get some help on VMime user forums.
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If everything has been compiled successfully, you can install the library and
the development files on your system:
# make install
\vnote{you must do that with superuser rights (root) if you chose to install
the library into the default location (ie: /usr/lib and /usr/include).}
Now, you are done! You can jump to the next chapter to know how to use VMime
in your program...
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\section{Build options}
Some options can be given to CMake to control the build:
{\bf Option name} &
{\bf Description} \\
Set to ON to build a shared version (.so) of the library (default is ON). \\
Set to ON to build a static version (.a) of the library (default is ON). \\
Set to ON to build unit tests (default is OFF). \\
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Set to either "openssl" or "gnutls" to force using either OpenSSL or GNU TLS
for SSL/TLS support (default depends on which libraries are available on
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your system). \\
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Set to either "iconv", "icu" or "win" (Windows only) to force using iconv, ICU
or Windows built-in API for converting between charsets (default value depends
on which libraries are available on your system). \\
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Set the build type: either "Release" or "Debug". In Debug build, optimizations
are disabled and debugging information are enabled. \\
\caption{CMake build options}