Ben McGinnes f64d259e1d docs: python bindings howto
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2018-05-15 13:50:14 +10:00

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<topic id="topic_jgw_wly_5db">
<title>Counting Keys</title>
<p>Counting the number of keys in your public keybox (<filepath>pubring.kbx</filepath>), the
format which has superseded the old keyring format (<filepath>pubring.gpg</filepath> and
<filepath>secring.gpg</filepath>), or the number of secret keys is a very simple task.</p>
<codeblock id="kc" outputclass="language-python">import gpg
c = gpg.Context()
seckeys = c.keylist(pattern=None, secret=True)
pubkeys = c.keylist(pattern=None, secret=False)
seclist = list(seckeys)
secnum = len(seclist)
publist = list(pubkeys)
pubnum = len(publist)
Number of secret keys: {0}
Number of public keys: {1}
""".format(secnum, pubnum))