* lang/qt/src/qgpgmeaddexistingsubkeyjob.cpp (QGpgMEAddExistingSubkeyJob::exec): Remove call of resultHook. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmedecryptjob.cpp (QGpgMEDecryptJob::exec): Remove call of resultHook. (QGpgMEDecryptJob::resultHook): Remove. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmedecryptjob.h (QGpgMEDecryptJob): Remove resultHook override. Remove member mResult. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmedecryptverifyjob.cpp (QGpgMEDecryptVerifyJob::exec): Remove call of resultHook. (QGpgMEDecryptVerifyJob::resultHook): Remove. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmedecryptverifyjob.h (QGpgMEDecryptVerifyJob): Remove resultHook override. Remove member mResult. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmeencryptjob.cpp (QGpgMEEncryptJob::exec): Remove call of resultHook. (QGpgMEEncryptJob::resultHook): Remove. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmeencryptjob.h (QGpgMEEncryptJob): Remove resultHook override. Remove member mResult. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmegpgcardjob.cpp (QGpgMEGpgCardJob::exec): Remove call of resultHook. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmeimportfromkeyserverjob.cpp (QGpgMEImportFromKeyserverJob::exec): Remove call of resultHook. (QGpgMEImportFromKeyserverJob::resultHook): Remove. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmeimportfromkeyserverjob.h (QGpgMEImportFromKeyserverJob): Remove resultHook override. Remove member mResult. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmeimportjob.cpp (QGpgMEImportJob::exec): Remove call of resultHook. (QGpgMEImportJob::resultHook): Remove. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmeimportjob.h (QGpgMEImportJob): Remove resultHook override. Remove member mResult. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmekeyformailboxjob.cpp (QGpgMEKeyForMailboxJob::exec): Remove call of resultHook. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmekeylistjob.cpp (QGpgMEKeyListJob::QGpgMEKeyListJob): Remove initialization of mResult. (QGpgMEKeyListJob::resultHook): Do not set (removed) mResult. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmekeylistjob.h (QGpgMEKeyListJob): Remove member mResult. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmelistallkeysjob.cpp (QGpgMEListAllKeysJob::QGpgMEListAllKeysJob): Remove initialization of mResult. (QGpgMEListAllKeysJob::exec): Remove call of resultHook. (QGpgMEListAllKeysJob::resultHook): Remove. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmelistallkeysjob.h (QGpgMEListAllKeysJob): Remove resultHook override. Remove member mResult. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmereceivekeysjob.cpp (QGpgMEReceiveKeysJob::exec): Remove call of resultHook. (QGpgMEReceiveKeysJob::resultHook): Remove. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmereceivekeysjob.h (QGpgMEReceiveKeysJob): Remove resultHook override. Remove member mResult. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmerevokekeyjob.cpp (QGpgMERevokeKeyJob::exec): Remove call of resultHook. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmesignencryptjob.cpp (QGpgMESignEncryptJob::exec): Remove call of resultHook. (QGpgMESignEncryptJob::resultHook): Remove. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmesignencryptjob.h (QGpgMESignEncryptJob): Remove resultHook override. Remove member mResult. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmesignjob.cpp (QGpgMESignJob::exec): Remove call of resultHook. (QGpgMESignJob::resultHook): Remove. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmesignjob.h (QGpgMESignJob): Remove resultHook override. Remove member mResult. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmeverifydetachedjob.cpp (QGpgMEVerifyDetachedJob::exec): Remove call of resultHook. (QGpgMEVerifyDetachedJob::resultHook): Remove. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmeverifydetachedjob.h (QGpgMEVerifyDetachedJob): Remove resultHook override. Remove member mResult. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmeverifyopaquejob.cpp (QGpgMEVerifyOpaqueJob::exec): Remove call of resultHook. (QGpgMEVerifyOpaqueJob::resultHook): Remove. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmeverifyopaquejob.h (QGpgMEVerifyOpaqueJob): Remove resultHook override. Remove member mResult. * lang/qt/src/qgpgmewkdlookupjob.cpp (QGpgMEWKDLookupJob::exec): Remove call of resultHook. -- All overrides of resultHook (except for the one of QGpgMEKeyListJob) are superfluous. All the resultHook overrides do is store the result in a member variable which is then returned in exec() (which just before returning calls resultHook). The member variable the result is stored in is only ever used by exec(). So exec() can simply return the result directly. Some Job subclasses call resultHook without overriding it. That's equally useless because the default implementation of resultHook is empty. The only resultHook override that does anything useful is the one of QGpgMEKeyListJob.
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This file is part of qgpgme, the Qt API binding for gpgme
Copyright (c) 2004,2008 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
Copyright (c) 2016 by Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik
Software engineering by Intevation GmbH
QGpgME is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
License, or (at your option) any later version.
QGpgME is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give
permission to link the code of this program with any edition of
the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions
of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked
combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General
Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than
Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to
your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If
you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from
your version.
#include "config.h"
#include "qgpgmeimportfromkeyserverjob.h"
#include "dataprovider.h"
#include "context.h"
#include "data.h"
#include "key.h"
#include <cassert>
using namespace QGpgME;
using namespace GpgME;
QGpgMEImportFromKeyserverJob::QGpgMEImportFromKeyserverJob(Context *context)
: mixin_type(context)
QGpgMEImportFromKeyserverJob::~QGpgMEImportFromKeyserverJob() {}
static QGpgMEImportFromKeyserverJob::result_type importfromkeyserver(Context *ctx, const std::vector<Key> &keys)
const ImportResult res = ctx->importKeys(keys);
Error ae;
const QString log = _detail::audit_log_as_html(ctx, ae);
return std::make_tuple(res, log, ae);
Error QGpgMEImportFromKeyserverJob::start(const std::vector<Key> &keys)
run(std::bind(&importfromkeyserver, std::placeholders::_1, keys));
return Error();
GpgME::ImportResult QGpgME::QGpgMEImportFromKeyserverJob::exec(const std::vector<Key> &keys)
const result_type r = importfromkeyserver(context(), keys);
return std::get<0>(r);
#include "qgpgmeimportfromkeyserverjob.moc"