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<topic id="topic_nfy_byz_5db">
<title>Primary Key Creation</title>
<p>Generating a primary key uses the <codeph>create_key</codeph> method in a Context. It
contains multiple arguments and keyword arguments, including: <codeph>userid</codeph>,
<codeph>algorithm</codeph>, <codeph>expires_in</codeph>, <codeph>expires</codeph>,
<codeph>sign</codeph>, <codeph>encrypt</codeph>, <codeph>certify</codeph>,
<codeph>authenticate</codeph>, <codeph>passphrase</codeph> and <codeph>force</codeph>. The
defaults for all of those except <codeph>userid</codeph>, <codeph>algorithm</codeph>,
<codeph>expires_in</codeph>, <codeph>expires</codeph> and <codeph>passphrase</codeph> is
<codeph>False</codeph>. The defaults for <codeph>algorithm</codeph> and
<codeph>passphrase</codeph> is <codeph>None</codeph>. The default for
<codeph>expires_in</codeph> is <codeph>0</codeph>. The default for
<codeph>expires</codeph> is <codeph>True</codeph>. There is no default for
<p>If <codeph>passphrase</codeph> is left as <codeph>None</codeph> then the key will not be
generated with a passphrase, if <codeph>passphrase</codeph> is set to a string then that
will be the passphrase and if <codeph>passphrase</codeph> is set to <codeph>True</codeph>
then gpg-agent will launch pinentry to prompt for a passphrase. For the sake of convenience,
these examples will keep passphrase set to <codeph>None</codeph>.</p>
<codeblock id="keygen-1" outputclass="language-python">import gpg
c = gpg.Context()
c.home_dir = "~/.gnupg-dm"
userid = "Danger Mouse <dm@secret.example.net>"
dmkey = c.create_key(userid, algorithm="rsa3072", expires_in=31536000,
sign=True, certify=True)
<p>One thing to note here is the use of setting the <codeph>c.home_dir</codeph> parameter.
This enables generating the key or keys in a different location. In this case to keep the
new key data created for this example in a separate location rather than adding it to
existing and active key store data. As with the default directory,
<filepath>~/.gnupg</filepath>, any temporary or separate directory needs the permissions
set to only permit access by the directory owner. On posix systems this means setting the
directory permissions to <codeph>700</codeph>.</p>
<p>The <cmdname>temp-homedir-config.py</cmdname> script in the HOWTO examples directory will
create an alternative homedir with these configuration options already set and the correct
directory and file permissions.</p>
<p>The successful generation of the key can be confirmed via the returned
<codeph>GenkeyResult</codeph> object, which includes the following data:</p>
<codeblock id="keygen-2" outputclass="language-python">print("""
Fingerprint: {0}
Primary Key: {1}
Public Key: {2}
Secret Key: {3}
Sub Key: {4}
User IDs: {5}
""".format(dmkey.fpr, dmkey.primary, dmkey.pubkey, dmkey.seckey, dmkey.sub,
<p>Alternatively the information can be confirmed using the command line program:</p>
<codeblock id="keygen-3" outputclass="language-bourne">bash-4.4$ gpg --homedir ~/.gnupg-dm -K
sec rsa3072 2018-03-15 [SC] [expires: 2019-03-15]
uid [ultimate] Danger Mouse <dm@secret.example.net>
<p>As with generating keys manually, to preconfigure expanded preferences for the cipher,
digest and compression algorithms, the <filepath>gpg.conf</filepath> file must contain those
details in the home directory in which the new key is being generated. I used a cut down
version of my own <filepath>gpg.conf</filepath> file in order to be able to generate
<codeblock id="keygen-4" outputclass="language-bourne">bash-4.4$ gpg --homedir ~/.gnupg-dm --edit-key 177B7C25DB99745EE2EE13ED026D2F19E99E63AA showpref quit
Secret key is available.
sec rsa3072/026D2F19E99E63AA
created: 2018-03-15 expires: 2019-03-15 usage: SC
trust: ultimate validity: ultimate
[ultimate] (1). Danger Mouse <dm@secret.example.net>
[ultimate] (1). Danger Mouse <dm@secret.example.net>
Digest: SHA512, SHA384, SHA256, SHA224, RIPEMD160, SHA1
Compression: ZLIB, BZIP2, ZIP, Uncompressed
Features: MDC, Keyserver no-modify