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<topic id="topic_wmg_tjz_5db">
<title>Encrypting to Multiple Keys</title>
<p>Encrypting to multiple keys essentially just expands upon the key selection process
and the recipients from the previous examples.</p>
<p>The following example encrypts a message (<codeph>text</codeph>) to everyone with an email
address on the <codeph>gnupg.org</codeph> domain,<fn>You probably don't really want to do
this. Searching the keyservers for "gnupg.org" produces over 400 results, the majority of
which aren't actually at the gnupg.org domain, but just included a comment regarding the
project in their key somewhere.</fn> but does <i>not</i> encrypt to a default key or other
key which is configured to normally encrypt to.</p>
<codeblock id="enc2-1" outputclass="language-python">import gpg
text = b"""Oh look, another test message.
The same rules apply as with the previous example and more likely
than not, the message will actually be drawn from reading the
contents of a file or, maybe, from entering data at an input()
Since the text in this case must be bytes, it is most likely that
the input form will be a separate file which is opened with "rb"
as this is the simplest method of obtaining the correct data
c = gpg.Context(armor=True)
rpattern = list(c.keylist(pattern="@gnupg.org", secret=False))
logrus = []
for i in range(len(rpattern)):
if rpattern[i].can_encrypt == 1:
ciphertext, result, sign_result = c.encrypt(text, recipients=logrus, sign=False,
with open("secret_plans.txt.asc", "wb") as f:
<p>All it would take to change the above example to sign the message and also encrypt the
message to any configured default keys would be to change the <codeph>c.encrypt</codeph>
line to this:</p>
<codeblock id="enc2-2" outputclass="language-python">ciphertext, result, sign_result = c.encrypt(text, recipients=logrus,
<p>The only keyword arguments requiring modification are those for which the default values
are changing. The default value of <codeph>sign</codeph> is <codeph>True</codeph>, the
default of <codeph>always_trust</codeph> is <codeph>False</codeph>, the default of
<codeph>add_encrypt_to</codeph> is <codeph>False</codeph>.</p>
<p>If <codeph>always_trust</codeph> is not set to <codeph>True</codeph> and any of the
recipient keys are not trusted (e.g. not signed or locally signed) then the encryption will
raise an error. It is possible to mitigate this somewhat with something more like this:</p>
<codeblock id="enc2-3" outputclass="language-python">import gpg
with open("secret_plans.txt.asc", "rb") as f:
text = f.read()
c = gpg.Context(armor=True)
rpattern = list(c.keylist(pattern="@gnupg.org", secret=False))
logrus = []
for i in range(len(rpattern)):
if rpattern[i].can_encrypt == 1:
ciphertext, result, sign_result = c.encrypt(text, recipients=logrus,
except gpg.errors.InvalidRecipients as e:
for i in range(len(e.recipients)):
for n in range(len(logrus)):
if logrus[n].fpr == e.recipients[i].fpr:
ciphertext, result, sign_result = c.encrypt(text, recipients=logrus,
with open("secret_plans.txt.asc", "wb") as f:
<p>This will attempt to encrypt to all the keys searched for, then remove invalid recipients
if it fails and try again.</p>