/* gpgme.js - Javascript integration for gpgme * Copyright (C) 2018 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik * * This file is part of GPGME. * * GPGME is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * GPGME is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, see . * SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ * * Author(s): * Maximilian Krambach */ /* global chrome */ import { permittedOperations } from './permittedOperations'; import { gpgme_error } from './Errors'; import { GPGME_Message, createMessage } from './Message'; import { decode, atobArray, Utf8ArrayToStr } from './Helpers'; /** * A Connection handles the nativeMessaging interaction via a port. As the * protocol only allows up to 1MB of message sent from the nativeApp to the * browser, the connection will stay open until all parts of a communication * are finished. For a new request, a new port will open, to avoid mixing * contexts. * @class * @private */ export class Connection{ constructor (){ this._connectionError = null; this._connection = chrome.runtime.connectNative('gpgmejson'); this._connection.onDisconnect.addListener(() => { if (chrome.runtime.lastError) { this._connectionError = chrome.runtime.lastError.message; } else { this._connectionError = 'Disconnected without error message'; } }); } /** * Immediately closes an open port. */ disconnect () { if (this._connection){ this._connection.disconnect(); this._connection = null; this._connectionError = 'Disconnect requested by gpgmejs'; } } /** * Checks if the connection terminated with an error state */ get isDisconnected (){ return this._connectionError !== null; } /** * @typedef {Object} backEndDetails * @property {String} gpgme Version number of gpgme * @property {Array} info Further information about the backend * and the used applications (Example: *
    * {
    *          "protocol":     "OpenPGP",
    *          "fname":        "/usr/bin/gpg",
    *          "version":      "2.2.6",
    *          "req_version":  "1.4.0",
    *          "homedir":      "default"
    * }
*/ /** * Retrieves the information about the backend. * @param {Boolean} details (optional) If set to false, the promise will * just return if a connection was successful. * @param {Number} timeout (optional) * @returns {Promise|Promise} Details from the * backend * @async */ checkConnection (details = true, timeout = 1000){ if (typeof timeout !== 'number' && timeout <= 0) { timeout = 1000; } const msg = createMessage('version'); if (details === true) { return this.post(msg); } else { let me = this; return new Promise(function (resolve) { Promise.race([ me.post(msg), new Promise(function (resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function (){ reject(gpgme_error('CONN_TIMEOUT')); }, timeout); }) ]).then(function (){ // success resolve(true); }, function (){ // failure resolve(false); }); }); } } /** * Sends a {@link GPGME_Message} via the nativeMessaging port. It * resolves with the completed answer after all parts have been * received and reassembled, or rejects with an {@link GPGME_Error}. * * @param {GPGME_Message} message * @returns {Promise<*>} The collected answer, depending on the messages' * operation * @private * @async */ post (message){ if (!message || !(message instanceof GPGME_Message)){ this.disconnect(); return Promise.reject(gpgme_error( 'PARAM_WRONG', 'Connection.post')); } if (message.isComplete() !== true){ this.disconnect(); return Promise.reject(gpgme_error('MSG_INCOMPLETE')); } if (this.isDisconnected) { if ( this.isNativeHostUnknown === true) { return Promise.reject(gpgme_error('CONN_NO_CONFIG')); } else { return Promise.reject(gpgme_error( 'CONN_NO_CONNECT', this._connectionError)); } } let chunksize = message.chunksize; const me = this; const nativeCommunication = new Promise(function (resolve, reject){ let answer = new Answer(message); let listener = function (msg) { if (!msg){ me._connection.onMessage.removeListener(listener); me._connection.disconnect(); reject(gpgme_error('CONN_EMPTY_GPG_ANSWER')); } else { let answer_result = answer.collect(msg); if (answer_result !== true){ me._connection.onMessage.removeListener(listener); me._connection.disconnect(); reject(answer_result); } else { if (msg.more === true){ me._connection.postMessage({ 'op': 'getmore', 'chunksize': chunksize }); } else { me._connection.onMessage.removeListener(listener); me._connection.disconnect(); const message = answer.getMessage(); if (message instanceof Error){ reject(message); } else { resolve(message); } } } } }; me._connection.onMessage.addListener(listener); me._connection.postMessage(message.message); }); if (permittedOperations[message.operation].pinentry === true) { return nativeCommunication; } else { return Promise.race([ nativeCommunication, new Promise(function (resolve, reject){ setTimeout(function (){ me._connection.disconnect(); reject(gpgme_error('CONN_TIMEOUT')); }, 5000); }) ]); } } } /** * A class for answer objects, checking and processing the return messages of * the nativeMessaging communication. * @private */ class Answer{ /** * @param {GPGME_Message} message */ constructor (message){ this._operation = message.operation; this._expected = message.expected; this._response_b64 = null; } get operation (){ return this._operation; } get expected (){ return this._expected; } /** * Checks if an error matching browsers 'host not known' messages occurred */ get isNativeHostUnknown () { return this._connectionError === 'Specified native messaging host not found.'; } /** * Adds incoming base64 encoded data to the existing response * @param {*} msg base64 encoded data. * @returns {Boolean} * * @private */ collect (msg){ if (typeof (msg) !== 'object' || !msg.hasOwnProperty('response')) { return gpgme_error('CONN_UNEXPECTED_ANSWER'); } if (!this._response_b64){ this._response_b64 = msg.response; return true; } else { this._response_b64 += msg.response; return true; } } /** * Decodes and verifies the base64 encoded answer data. Verified against * {@link permittedOperations}. * @returns {Object} The readable gpnupg answer */ getMessage (){ if (this._response_b64 === null){ return gpgme_error('CONN_UNEXPECTED_ANSWER'); } let _decodedResponse = JSON.parse(atob(this._response_b64)); let _response = { format: 'ascii' }; let messageKeys = Object.keys(_decodedResponse); let poa = permittedOperations[this.operation].answer; if (messageKeys.length === 0){ return gpgme_error('CONN_UNEXPECTED_ANSWER'); } for (let i= 0; i < messageKeys.length; i++){ let key = messageKeys[i]; switch (key) { case 'type': { if (_decodedResponse.type === 'error'){ return (gpgme_error('GNUPG_ERROR', decode(_decodedResponse.msg))); } else if (poa.type.indexOf(_decodedResponse.type) < 0){ return gpgme_error('CONN_UNEXPECTED_ANSWER'); } break; } case 'base64': { break; } case 'msg': { if (_decodedResponse.type === 'error'){ return (gpgme_error('GNUPG_ERROR', _decodedResponse.msg)); } break; } default: { let answerType = null; if (poa.payload && poa.payload.hasOwnProperty(key)){ answerType = 'p'; } else if (poa.info && poa.info.hasOwnProperty(key)){ answerType = 'i'; } if (answerType !== 'p' && answerType !== 'i'){ return gpgme_error('CONN_UNEXPECTED_ANSWER'); } if (answerType === 'i') { if ( typeof (_decodedResponse[key]) !== poa.info[key] ){ return gpgme_error('CONN_UNEXPECTED_ANSWER'); } _response[key] = decode(_decodedResponse[key]); } else if (answerType === 'p') { if (_decodedResponse.base64 === true && poa.payload[key] === 'string' ) { if (this.expected === 'uint8'){ _response[key] = atobArray(_decodedResponse[key]); _response.format = 'uint8'; } else if (this.expected === 'base64'){ _response[key] = _decodedResponse[key]; _response.format = 'base64'; } else { // no 'expected' _response[key] = Utf8ArrayToStr( atobArray(_decodedResponse[key])); _response.format = 'string'; } } else if (poa.payload[key] === 'string') { _response[key] = _decodedResponse[key]; } else { // fallthrough, should not be reached // (payload is always string) return gpgme_error('CONN_UNEXPECTED_ANSWER'); } } break; } } } return _response; } }