#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import, division, unicode_literals import gpg import hkp4py import os.path import sys del absolute_import, division, unicode_literals # Copyright (C) 2018 Ben McGinnes <ben@gnupg.org> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License and the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and the GNU # Lesser General Public along with this program; if not, see # <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. print(""" This script searches the ProtonMail key server for the specified key and imports it. Usage: pmkey-import-hkp.py [search strings] """) c = gpg.Context(armor=True) server = hkp4py.KeyServer("hkps://api.protonmail.ch") keyterms = [] ksearch = [] allkeys = [] results = [] paradox = [] homeless = None if len(sys.argv) > 2: keyterms = sys.argv[1:] elif len(sys.argv) == 2: keyterm = sys.argv[1] keyterms.append(keyterm) else: key_term = input("Enter the key ID, UID or search string: ") keyterms = key_term.split() for keyterm in keyterms: if keyterm.count("@") == 2 and keyterm.startswith("@") is True: ksearch.append(keyterm[1:]) ksearch.append(keyterm[1:]) ksearch.append(keyterm[1:]) elif keyterm.count("@") == 1 and keyterm.startswith("@") is True: ksearch.append("{0}@protonmail.com".format(keyterm[1:])) ksearch.append("{0}@protonmail.ch".format(keyterm[1:])) ksearch.append("{0}@pm.me".format(keyterm[1:])) elif keyterm.count("@") == 0: ksearch.append("{0}@protonmail.com".format(keyterm)) ksearch.append("{0}@protonmail.ch".format(keyterm)) ksearch.append("{0}@pm.me".format(keyterm)) elif keyterm.count("@") == 2 and keyterm.startswith("@") is False: uidlist = keyterm.split("@") for uid in uidlist: ksearch.append("{0}@protonmail.com".format(uid)) ksearch.append("{0}@protonmail.ch".format(uid)) ksearch.append("{0}@pm.me".format(uid)) elif keyterm.count("@") > 2: uidlist = keyterm.split("@") for uid in uidlist: ksearch.append("{0}@protonmail.com".format(uid)) ksearch.append("{0}@protonmail.ch".format(uid)) ksearch.append("{0}@pm.me".format(uid)) else: ksearch.append(keyterm) for k in ksearch: print("Checking for key for: {0}".format(k)) import_result = None keys = server.search(k) if isinstance(keys, list) is True: for key in keys: allkeys.append(key) try: import_result = c.key_import(key.key_blob) except Exception as e: import_result = c.key_import(key.key) else: paradox.append(keys) results.append(import_result) for result in results: if result is not None and hasattr(result, "considered") is False: print("{0} for {1}".format(result.decode(), k)) elif result is not None and hasattr(result, "considered") is True: num_keys = len(result.imports) new_revs = result.new_revocations new_sigs = result.new_signatures new_subs = result.new_sub_keys new_uids = result.new_user_ids new_scrt = result.secret_imported nochange = result.unchanged def knom(): for ki in result.imports: for ku in c.get_key(ki.fpr).uids: return ku.uid print(""" The total number of keys considered for import was: {0} With UIDs wholely or partially matching the following string(s): {1} Number of keys revoked: {2} Number of new signatures: {3} Number of new subkeys: {4} Number of new user IDs: {5} Number of new secret keys: {6} Number of unchanged keys: {7} The key IDs for all considered keys were: """.format(num_keys, knom(), new_revs, new_sigs, new_subs, new_uids, new_scrt, nochange)) for i in range(num_keys): print(result.imports[i].fpr) print("") elif result is None: pass