/* trustlist.c - Trust item listing. Copyright (C) 2000 Werner Koch (dd9jn) Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 g10 Code GmbH This file is part of GPGME. GPGME is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GPGME is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #if HAVE_CONFIG_H #include <config.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <errno.h> #include "gpgme.h" #include "debug.h" #include "util.h" #include "context.h" #include "ops.h" struct trust_queue_item_s { struct trust_queue_item_s *next; gpgme_trust_item_t item; }; typedef struct { /* Something new is available. */ int trust_cond; struct trust_queue_item_s *trust_queue; } *op_data_t; static gpgme_error_t trustlist_status_handler (void *priv, gpgme_status_code_t code, char *args) { (void)priv; (void)code; (void)args; return 0; } /* This handler is used to parse the output of --list-trust-path: Format: level:keyid:type:recno:ot:val:mc:cc:name: With TYPE = U for a user ID K for a key The RECNO is either the one of the dir record or the one of the uid record. OT is the the usual trust letter and only available on K lines. VAL is the calculated validity MC is the marginal trust counter and only available on U lines CC is the same for the complete count NAME ist the username and only printed on U lines. */ static gpgme_error_t trustlist_colon_handler (void *priv, char *line) { gpgme_ctx_t ctx = (gpgme_ctx_t) priv; gpgme_error_t err; char *p, *pend; int field = 0; gpgme_trust_item_t item = NULL; if (!line) return 0; /* EOF */ for (p = line; p; p = pend) { field++; pend = strchr (p, ':'); if (pend) *pend++ = 0; switch (field) { case 1: /* level */ err = _gpgme_trust_item_new (&item); if (err) return err; item->level = atoi (p); break; case 2: /* long keyid */ if (strlen (p) == DIM(item->keyid) - 1) strcpy (item->keyid, p); break; case 3: /* type */ item->type = *p == 'K'? 1 : *p == 'U'? 2 : 0; break; case 5: /* owner trust */ item->_owner_trust[0] = *p; break; case 6: /* validity */ item->_validity[0] = *p; break; case 9: /* user ID */ item->name = strdup (p); if (!item->name) { int saved_err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); gpgme_trust_item_unref (item); return saved_err; } break; } } if (item) _gpgme_engine_io_event (ctx->engine, GPGME_EVENT_NEXT_TRUSTITEM, item); return 0; } void _gpgme_op_trustlist_event_cb (void *data, gpgme_event_io_t type, void *type_data) { gpgme_ctx_t ctx = (gpgme_ctx_t) data; gpgme_error_t err; void *hook; op_data_t opd; gpgme_trust_item_t item = (gpgme_trust_item_t) type_data; struct trust_queue_item_s *q, *q2; assert (type == GPGME_EVENT_NEXT_TRUSTITEM); err = _gpgme_op_data_lookup (ctx, OPDATA_TRUSTLIST, &hook, -1, NULL); opd = hook; if (err) return; q = malloc (sizeof *q); if (!q) { gpgme_trust_item_unref (item); /* FIXME: GPGME_Out_Of_Core; */ return; } q->item = item; q->next = NULL; /* FIXME: Use a tail pointer */ q2 = opd->trust_queue; if (!q2) opd->trust_queue = q; else { while (q2->next) q2 = q2->next; q2->next = q; } /* FIXME: unlock queue */ opd->trust_cond = 1; } gpgme_error_t gpgme_op_trustlist_start (gpgme_ctx_t ctx, const char *pattern, int max_level) { gpgme_error_t err = 0; void *hook; op_data_t opd; TRACE_BEG2 (DEBUG_CTX, "gpgme_op_trustlist_start", ctx, "pattern=%s, max_level=%i", pattern, max_level); if (!ctx || !pattern || !*pattern) return TRACE_ERR (gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE)); err = _gpgme_op_reset (ctx, 2); if (err) return TRACE_ERR (err); err = _gpgme_op_data_lookup (ctx, OPDATA_TRUSTLIST, &hook, sizeof (*opd), NULL); opd = hook; if (err) return TRACE_ERR (err); _gpgme_engine_set_status_handler (ctx->engine, trustlist_status_handler, ctx); err = _gpgme_engine_set_colon_line_handler (ctx->engine, trustlist_colon_handler, ctx); if (err) return TRACE_ERR (err); err = _gpgme_engine_op_trustlist (ctx->engine, pattern); return TRACE_ERR (err); } gpgme_error_t gpgme_op_trustlist_next (gpgme_ctx_t ctx, gpgme_trust_item_t *r_item) { gpgme_error_t err; void *hook; op_data_t opd; struct trust_queue_item_s *q; TRACE_BEG (DEBUG_CTX, "gpgme_op_trustlist_next", ctx); if (!ctx || !r_item) return TRACE_ERR (gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE)); *r_item = NULL; if (!ctx) return TRACE_ERR (gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE)); err = _gpgme_op_data_lookup (ctx, OPDATA_TRUSTLIST, &hook, -1, NULL); opd = hook; if (err) return TRACE_ERR (err); if (opd == NULL) return TRACE_ERR (gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE)); if (!opd->trust_queue) { err = _gpgme_wait_on_condition (ctx, &opd->trust_cond, NULL); if (err) return TRACE_ERR (err); if (!opd->trust_cond) return TRACE_ERR (gpg_error (GPG_ERR_EOF)); opd->trust_cond = 0; assert (opd->trust_queue); } q = opd->trust_queue; opd->trust_queue = q->next; *r_item = q->item; free (q); if ((*r_item)->type == 1) { TRACE_SUC5 ("trust_item=%p: %s: owner trust %s with level %i " "and validity 0x%x", *r_item, (*r_item)->keyid, (*r_item)->owner_trust, (*r_item)->level, (*r_item)->validity); } else if ((*r_item)->type == 2) { TRACE_SUC5 ("trust_item=%p: %s: UID %s with level %i " "and validity 0x%x", *r_item, (*r_item)->keyid, (*r_item)->name, (*r_item)->level, (*r_item)->validity); } else { TRACE_SUC5 ("trust_item=%p: %s: unknown type %i with level %i " "and validity 0x%x", *r_item, (*r_item)->keyid, (*r_item)->type, (*r_item)->level, (*r_item)->validity); } return 0; } /* Terminate a pending trustlist operation within CTX. */ gpgme_error_t gpgme_op_trustlist_end (gpgme_ctx_t ctx) { TRACE (DEBUG_CTX, "gpgme_op_trustlist_end", ctx); if (!ctx) return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE); return 0; }