Noteworthy changes in version 0.4.1 (unreleased)

 * If gpgme.h is included in sources compiled by GCC 3.1 or later,
   deprecated attributes will warn about use of obsolete functions and
   typedefs.  The use of obsolete error values will appear as the use
   of an obsolete type _gpgme_deprecated_error_t.  You can suppress
   these warnings by passing -Wno-deprecated-declarations to the gcc

 * The following types have been renamed.  The old types are still
   available as aliases, but they are deprecated now:
   Old name:		New name:
   GpgmeCtx		gpgme_ctx_t
   GpgmeData		gpgme_data_t
   GpgmeRecipients	gpgme_recipients_t
   GpgmeError		gpgme_error_t
   GpgmeDataEncoding	gpgme_data_encoding_t
   GpgmeSigStat		gpgme_sig_stat_t
   GpgmeSigMode		gpgme_sig_mode_t
   GpgmeAttr		gpgme_attr_t
   GpgmeValidity	gpgme_validity_t
   GpgmeProtocol	gpgme_protocol_t
   GpgmeKey		gpgme_key_t
   GpgmePassphraseCb	gpgme_passphrase_cb_t
   GpgmeProgressCb	gpgme_progress_cb_t
   GpgmeIOCb		gpgme_io_cb_t
   GpgmeRegisterIOCb	gpgme_register_io_cb_t
   GpgmeRemoveIOCb	gpgme_remove_io_cb_t
   GpgmeEventIO		gpgme_event_io_t
   GpgmeEventIOCb	gpgme_event_io_cb_t
   GpgmeIOCbs		gpgme_io_cbs
   GpgmeDataReadCb	gpgme_data_read_cb_t
   GpgmeDataWriteCb	gpgme_data_write_cb_t
   GpgmeDataSeekCb	gpgme_data_seek_cb_t
   GpgmeDataReleaseCb	gpgme_data_release_cb_t
   GpgmeDataCbs		gpgme_data_cbs_t
   GpgmeTrustItem	gpgme_trust_item_t
   GpgmeStatusCode	gpgme_status_code_t

 * GPGME_ATTR_IS_SECRET is not anymore representable as a string.

 * GnuPG 1.2.2 is required.  The progress callback is now also invoked
   for encrypt, sign, encrypt-sign, decrypt, verify, and
   decrypt-verify operations.  For verify operations on detached
   signatures, the progress callback is invoked for both the detached
   signature and the plaintext message, though.

 * gpgme_passphrase_cb_t has been changed to not return a complete
   description, but the UID hint, passphrase info and a flag
   indicating if this is a repeated attempt individually, so the user
   can compose his own description from this information.  Furthermore
   it does not expect the user to return a string, but write the
   passphrase followed by a newline character directly to a file

 * gpgme_edit_cb_t has been changed to take a file descriptor argument.
   The user is expected to write the response to the file descriptor,
   followed by a newline.

 * gpgme_op_verify and gpgme_op_decrypt_verify don't return a status
   summary anymore.  Use gpgme_get_sig_status to retrieve the individual

 * gpgme_io_cb_t changed from a void function to a function returning
   a gpgme_error_t value.  However, it will always return 0, so you
   can safely ignore the return value.

 * A new I/O callback event GPGME_EVENT_START has been added.  The new
   requirement is that you must wait until this event until you are
   allowed to call the I/O callback handlers previously registered for
   this context operation.  Calling I/O callback functions for this
   context operation before the start event happened is unsafe because
   it can lead to race conditions in a multi-threaded environment.

 * The idle function feature has been removed.  It was not precisely
   defined in a multi-threaded environment and is obsoleted by the
   user I/O callback functions.  If you still need a simple way to
   call something while waiting on one or multiple asynchronous
   operations to complete, don't set the HANG flag in gpgme_wait (note
   that this will return to your program more often than the idle
   function did).

 * gpgme_wait can return NULL even if hang is true, if an error
   occurs.  In that case *status contains the error code.

 * gpgme_get_engine_info was radically changed.  Instead an XML
   string, an info structure of the new type gpgme_engine_info_t is
   returned.  This makes it easier and more robust to evaluate the
   information in an application.

 * The new function gpgme_get_protocol_name can be used to convert a
   gpgme_protocol_t value into a string.

 * The gpgme_passphrase_cb_t type now returns a gpgme_error_t value,
   and returns the password string in a new parameter.  The
   gpgme_cancel function has been removed, just return GPGME_Canceled
   in the passphrase callback directly.

 * The status of a context operation is not checked anymore, so the
   errors GPGME_Busy and GPGME_No_Request can not occur anymore.

 * For clarity and better reusability, the error codes
   GPGME_No_Recipients, GPGME_Invalid_Recipient and
   GPGME_No_Passphrase have been renamed to GPGME_No_UserID,
   GPGME_Invalid_UserID and GPGME_Bad_Passphrase resp.

 * The FPR argument to gpgme_op_genkey was removed.  Instead, use the
   gpgme_op_genkey_result function to retrieve a gpgme_genkey_result_t
   pointer to a structure which contains the fingerprint.  This also
   works with gpgme_op_genkey_start.  The structure also provides
   other information about the generated keys.

   So, instead:

   char *fpr;
   err = gpgme_op_genkey (ctx, NULL, NULL, &fpr); 
   if (!err && fpr)
     printf ("%s\n", fpr);

   you should now do:

   gpgme_genkey_result_t result;
   err = gpgme_op_genkey (ctx, NULL, NULL);
   if (!err)
       result = gpgme_op_genkey_result (ctx);
       if (result->fpr)
         printf ("%s\n", result->fpr);

 * The new gpgme_op_import_result function provides detailed
   information about the result of an import operation in
   gpgme_import_result_t and gpgme_import_status_t objects.
   Thus, the gpgme_op_import_ext variant is deprecated.

 * The new gpgme_op_sign_result function provides detailed information
   about the result of a signing operation in gpgme_sign_result_t,
   gpgme_invalid_user_id_t and gpgme_new_signature_t objects.

 * The new gpgme_op_encrypt_result function provides detailed
   information about the result of an encryption operation in
   a GpgmeEncryptResult object.

 * The new gpgme_op_decrypt_result function provides detailed
   information about the result of a decryption operation in
   a GpgmeDecryptResult object.

 * The new gpgme_op_verify_result function provides detailed
   information about the result of an verify operation in
   a GpgmeVerifyResult object.  Because of this, the GPGME_SIG_STAT_*
   values, gpgme_get_sig_status, gpgme_get_sig_ulong_attr,
   gpgme_get_sig_string_attr and gpgme_get_sig_key are now deprecated,
   and gpgme_get_notation is removed.

 * GpgmeTrustItem objects have now directly accessible data, so the
   gpgme_trust_item_get_string_attr and gpgme_trust_item_get_ulong_attr
   accessor functions are deprecated.  Also, reference counting is
   available through gpgme_trust_item_ref and gpgme_trust_item_unref
   (the gpgme_trust_item_release alias for the latter is deprecated).

 * Keys are not cached internally anymore, so the force_update argument
   to gpgme_get_key has been removed.

 * GpgmeKey objects have now directly accessible data so the
   gpgme_key_get_string_attr, gpgme_key_get_ulong_attr,
   gpgme_key_sig_get_string_attr and gpgme_key_sig_get_ulong_attr
   functions are deprecated.  Also, gpgme_key_release is now
   deprecated.  The gpgme_key_get_as_xml function has been dropped.

 * Because all interfaces using attributes are deprecated, the
   GpgmeAttr data type is also deprecated.

 * The new gpgme_op_keylist_result function provides detailed
   information about the result of a key listing operation in
   a GpgmeKeyListResult object.

 * Now that each function comes with its own result retrieval
   interface, the generic gpgme_get_op_info interface is not useful
   anymore and dropped.

 * The error values GPGME_Invalid_Type and GPGME_Invalid_Mode can not
   occur anymore and are thus deprecated.

 * Interface changes relative to the 0.4.0 release:
GpgmeCtx			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_ctx_t.
GpgmeData			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_data_t.
GpgmeRecipients			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_recipients_t.
GpgmeError			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_error_t.
GpgmeDataEncoding		DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_data_encoding_t.
GpgmeSigStat			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_sig_stat_t.
GpgmeSigMode			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_sig_mode_t.
GpgmeAttr			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_attr_t.
GpgmeValidity			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_validity_t.
GpgmeProtocol			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_protocol_t.
GpgmeKey			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_key_t.
GpgmePassphraseCb		DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_passphrase_cb_t.
GpgmeProgressCb			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_progress_cb_t.
GpgmeIOCb			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_io_cb_t.
GpgmeRegisterIOCb		DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_register_io_cb_t.
GpgmeRemoveIOCb			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_remove_io_cb_t.
GpgmeEventIO			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_event_io_t.
GpgmeEventIOCb			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_event_io_cb_t.
GpgmeIOCbs			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_io_cbs.
GpgmeDataReadCb			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_data_read_cb_t.
GpgmeDataWriteCb		DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_data_write_cb_t.
GpgmeDataSeekCb			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_data_seek_cb_t.
GpgmeDataReleaseCb		DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_data_release_cb_t.
GpgmeDataCbs			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_data_cbs_t.
GpgmeTrustItem			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_trust_item_t.
GpgmeStatusCode			DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_status_code_t.
gpgme_ctx_t			NEW
gpgme_data_t			NEW
gpgme_recipients_t		NEW
gpgme_error_t			NEW
gpgme_data_encoding_t		NEW
gpgme_sig_stat_t		NEW
gpgme_sig_mode_t		NEW
gpgme_attr_t			NEW
gpgme_validity_t		NEW
gpgme_protocol_t		NEW
gpgme_key_t			NEW
gpgme_passphrase_cb_t		NEW
gpgme_progress_cb_t		NEW
gpgme_io_cb_t			NEW
gpgme_register_io_cb_t		NEW
gpgme_remove_io_cb_t		NEW
gpgme_event_io_t		NEW
gpgme_event_io_cb_t		NEW
gpgme_io_cbs			NEW
gpgme_data_read_cb_t		NEW
gpgme_data_write_cb_t		NEW
gpgme_data_seek_cb_t		NEW
gpgme_data_release_cb_t		NEW
gpgme_data_cbs_t		NEW
gpgme_trust_item_t		NEW
gpgme_status_code_t		NEW
gpgme_io_cb_t			CHANGED: Return type from void to GpgmeError.
gpgme_event_io_t		CHANGED: New event type (all numbers changed).
gpgme_passphrase_cb_t		CHANGED: Desc decomposed, write directly to FD.
gpgme_edit_cb_t			CHANGED: Write directly to FD.
gpgme_key_get_string_attr	CHANGED: Don't handle GPGME_ATTR_IS_SECRET.
gpgme_op_verify			CHANGED: Drop R_STAT argument.
gpgme_op_decrypt_verify		CHANGED: Drop R_STAT argument.
gpgme_wait			CHANGED: Can return NULL even if hang is true.
GpgmeIdleFunc                   REMOVED
gpgme_register_idle             REMOVED
gpgme_engine_info_t		NEW
gpgme_get_engine_info		CHANGED: Return info structure instead XML.
gpgme_get_protocol_name		NEW
GpgmePassphraseCb		CHANGED: Return error value, new argument.
gpgme_cancel			REMOVED: Return error in callback directly.
GPGME_Busy			DEPRECATED: Not in use.
GPGME_No_Request		DEPRECATED: Not in use.
GPGME_Invalid_Recipient		DEPRECATED: Use GPGME_Invalid_UserID.
GPGME_Invalid_UserID		NEW
GPGME_No_Passphrase		DEPRECATED: Use GPGME_Bad_Passphrase.
GPGME_Bad_Passphrase		NEW
gpgme_op_genkey			CHANGED: FPR argument dropped.
gpgme_op_genkey_result		NEW
gpgme_genkey_result_t		NEW
gpgme_op_import_ext		DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_op_import_result.
gpgme_op_import_result		NEW
gpgme_import_status_t		NEW
gpgme_import_result_t		NEW
gpgme_pubkey_algo_t		NEW
gpgme_hash_algo_t		NEW
gpgme_invalid_user_id_t		NEW
gpgme_new_signature_t		NEW
gpgme_sign_result_t		NEW
gpgme_op_sign_result		NEW
gpgme_pubkey_algo_name		NEW
gpgme_hash_algo_name		NEW
gpgme_encrypt_result_t		NEW
gpgme_op_encrypt_result		NEW
gpgme_decrypt_result_t		NEW
gpgme_op_decrypt_result		NEW
gpgme_verify_result_t		NEW
gpgme_op_verify_result		NEW
gpgme_get_notation		REMOVED: Access verify result directly instead.
gpgme_get_sig_key		DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_get_key with fingerprint.
gpgme_get_sig_ulong_attr	DEPRECATED: Use verify result directly.
gpgme_get_sig_string_attr	DEPRECATED: Use verify result directly.
GPGME_SIG_STAT_*		DEPRECATED: Use error value in sig status.
gpgme_get_sig_status		DEPRECATED: Use verify result directly.
gpgme_trust_item_t		CHANGED: Now has user accessible data members.
gpgme_trust_item_ref		NEW
gpgme_trust_item_unref		NEW
gpgme_trust_item_release	DEPRECATED: Use gpgme_trust_item_unref.
gpgme_trust_item_get_string_attr DEPRECATED
gpgme_trust_item_get_ulong_attr	DEPRECATED
gpgme_get_key			CHANGED: Removed force_update argument.
gpgme_sub_key_t			NEW
gpgme_key_sig_t			NEW
gpgme_user_id_t			NEW
gpgme_key_t			CHANGED: Now has user accessible data members.
gpgme_key_get_string_attr	DEPRECATED
gpgme_key_get_ulong_attr	DEPRECATED
gpgme_key_sig_get_string_attr	DEPRECATED
gpgme_key_sig_get_ulong_attr	DEPRECATED
gpgme_key_get_as_xml		REMOVED
gpgme_key_list_result_t		NEW
gpgme_op_keylist_result		NEW
gpgme_get_op_info		REMOVED

Noteworthy changes in version 0.4.0 (2002-12-23)

 * Key generation returns the fingerprint of the generated key.

 * New convenience function gpgme_get_key.

 * Supports signatures of user IDs in keys via the new
   GPGME_KEYLIST_MODE_SIGS keylist mode and the
   gpgme_key_sig_get_string_attr and gpgme_key_sig_get_ulong_attr
   interfaces.  The XML info about a key also includes the signatures
   if available.

 * New data object interface, which is more flexible and transparent.

 * Interface changes relative to the 0.3.9 release:
GpgmeDataReadCb			NEW
GpgmeDataWriteCb		NEW
GpgmeDataSeekCb			NEW
GpgmeDataReleaseCb		NEW
GpgmeDataCbs			NEW
gpgme_data_read			CHANGED: Match read() closely.
gpgme_data_write		CHANGED: Match write() closely.
gpgme_data_seek			NEW
gpgme_data_new_from_fd		NEW
gpgme_data_new_from_stream	NEW
gpgme_data_new_from_cbs		NEW
gpgme_data_rewind		DEPRECATED: Replaced by gpgme_data_seek().
gpgme_data_new_from_read_cb	DEPRECATED: Replaced by gpgme_data_from_cbs().
gpgme_data_get_type		REMOVED: No replacement.
gpgme_op_verify			CHANGED: Take different data objects for
				signed text and plain text.
gpgme_op_verify_start		CHANGED: See gpgme_op_verify.
gpgme_check_engine		REMOVED: Deprecated since 0.3.0.
gpgme_op_genkey			CHANGED: New parameter FPR.
gpgme_key_sig_get_string_attr	NEW
gpgme_key_sig_get_ulong_attr	NEW
gpgme_get_key			NEW

Noteworthy changes in version 0.3.15 (2003-02-18)

 * The progress status is sent via the progress callbacks in

 * Bug fix for signing operations with explicit signer settings for
   the CMS protocol.

Noteworthy changes in version 0.3.14 (2002-12-04)

 * GPGME-Plug is now in its own package "cryptplug".

 * Workaround for a setlocale problem.  Fixed a segv related to not
   correctly as closed marked file descriptors.

Noteworthy changes in version 0.3.13 (2002-11-20)

 * Release due to changes in gpgmeplug.

Noteworthy changes in version 0.3.12 (2002-10-15)

 * Fixed some bux with key listings.  

 * The development has been branched to clean up some API issues.
   This 0.3 series will be kept for compatibility reasons; so do don't
   expect new features.

Noteworthy changes in version 0.3.11 (2002-09-20)
 * Bug fixes.

Noteworthy changes in version 0.3.10 (2002-09-02)

 * Setting the signing keys for the CMS protocol does now work.

 * The signers setting is honoured by gpgme_op_edit.

Noteworthy changes in version 0.3.9 (2002-08-21)

 * A spec file for creating RPMs has been added.

 * An experimental interface to GnuPG's --edit-key functionality is
   introduced, see gpgme_op_edit.

 * The new gpgme_import_ext function provides a convenient access to
   the number of processed keys.

 * Interface changes relative to the 0.3.8 release:
GpgmeStatusCode			NEW
GpgmeEditCb			NEW
gpgme_op_edit_start		NEW
gpgme_op_edit			NEW
gpgme_op_import_ext		NEW

Noteworthy changes in version 0.3.8 (2002-06-25)

 * It is possible to use an outside event loop for the I/O to the
   crypto engine by setting the I/O callbacks with gpgme_set_io_cbs.

 * Interface changes relative to the 0.3.6 release:
GpgmeIOCb			NEW
GpgmeRegisterIOCb		NEW
GpgmeRemoveIOCb			NEW
GpgmeEventIO			NEW
GpgmeEventIOCb			NEW
struct GpgmeIOCbs		NEW
gpgme_set_io_cbs		NEW
gpgme_get_io_cbs		NEW

Noteworthy changes in version 0.3.7 (2002-06-04)

 * GPGME_ATTR_OTRUST is implemented now.

 * A first step toward thread safeness has been achieved, see the
   documentation for details.  Supported thread libraries are pthread
   and Pth.

Noteworthy changes in version 0.3.6 (2002-05-03)

 * All error output of the gpgsm backend is send to the bit bucket.

 * The signature verification functions are extended.  Instead of
   always returning GPGME_SIG_STATUS_GOOD, the functions new codes for
   expired signatures.  2 new functions may be used to retrieve more
   detailed information like the signature expiration time and a
   validity information of the key without an extra key looking.

 * The current passphrase callback and progress meter callback can be
   retrieved with the new functions gpgme_get_passphrase_cb and
   gpgme_get_progress_cb respectively.

 * Interface changes relative to the 0.3.5 release:
gpgme_get_passphrase_cb		NEW
gpgme_get_progress_cb		NEW
GpgmeDataEncoding               NEW
gpgme_data_set_encoding         NEW
gpgme_data_get_encoding         NEW
gpgme_op_verify                 CHANGED: Returns more status codes.
gpgme_get_sig_string_attr       NEW
gpgme_get_sig_ulong_attr        NEW
gpgme_get_protocol              NEW

Noteworthy changes in version 0.3.5 (2002-04-01)

 * gpgme_op_encrypt can be called with RECIPIENTS being 0.  In this
   case, symmetric encryption is performed.  Note that this requires a
   passphrase from the user.

 * More information is returned for X.509 certificates.

 * Interface changes relative to the 0.3.4 release:
gpgme_op_encrypt		EXTENDED: Symmetric encryption possible

Noteworthy changes in version 0.3.4 (2002-03-04)

 * gpgme_op_encrypt does now fail with GPGME_Invalid_Recipients if
   some recipients have been invalid, whereas earlier versions
   succeeded in this case.  The plaintext is still encrypted for all valid
   recipients, so the application might take this error as a hint that
   the ciphertext is not usable for all requested recipients.
   Information about invalid recipients is available with gpgme_get_op_info.

 * gpgme_op_verify now allows to pass an uninitialized data object as
   its plaintext argument to check for normal and cleartext
   signatures.  The plaintext is then returned in the data object.

 * New interfaces gpgme_set_include_certs and gpgme_get_include_certs
   to set and get the number of certifications to include in S/MIME
   signed messages.

 * New interfaces gpgme_op_encrypt_sign and gpgme_op_encrypt_sign_start
   to encrypt and sign a message in a combined operation.

 * New interface gpgme_op_keylist_ext_start to search for multiple patterns.

 * gpgme_key_get_ulong_attr supports the GPGME_ATTR_EXPIRE attribute.

 * Interface changes relative to the 0.3.3 release:
gpgme_op_encrypt		CHANGED: Can fail with GPGME_Invalid_Recipients
gpgme_op_verify			EXTENDED: Accepts uninitialized text argument
gpgme_key_get_ulong_attr	EXTENDED: Supports GPGME_ATTR_EXPIRE
gpgme_set_include_certs		NEW
gpgme_get_include_certs		NEW
gpgme_op_encrypt_sign		NEW
gpgme_op_encrypt_sign_start	NEW
gpgme_op_keylist_ext_start	NEW

Noteworthy changes in version 0.3.3 (2002-02-12)

 * Fix the Makefile in jnlib.

 * Fix the test suite (hopefully).  It should clean up all its state
   with `make check' now.

Noteworthy changes in version 0.3.2 (2002-02-10)

 * Remove erroneous dependency on libgcrypt in jnlib.

Noteworthy changes in version 0.3.1 (2002-02-09)

 * There is a Texinfo manual documenting the API.

 * The gpgme_set_keylist_mode function returns an error, and changed
   its meaning.  It is no longer usable to select between normal and
   fast mode (newer versions of GnuPG will always be fast), but
   selects between local keyring, remote keyserver, or both.
   For this, two new macros are defined, GPGME_KEYLIST_MODE_LOCAL
   and GPGME_KEYLIST_MODE_EXTERN.  To make it possible to modify the
   current setting, a fucntion gpgme_get_keylist_mode was added to
   retrieve the current mode.

 * gpgme_wait accepts a new argument STATUS to return the error status
   of the operation on the context.  Its definition is closer to
   waitpid() now than before.

 * The LENGTH argument to gpgme_data_new_from_filepart changed its
   type from off_t to the unsigned size_t.

 * The R_HD argument to the GpgmePassphraseCb type changed its type
   from void* to void**.

 * New interface gpgme_op_trustlist_end() to match

 * The CryptPlug modules have been renamed to gpgme-openpgp and
   gpgme-smime, and they are installed in pkglibdir by `make install'.

 * An idle function can be registered with gpgme_register_idle().

 * The GpgSM backend supports key generation with gpgme_op_genkey().

 * Interface changes relative to the 0.3.0 release:
gpgme_data_new_from_filepart	CHANGED: Type of LENGTH is size_t.
GpgmePassphraseCb               CHANGED: Type of R_HD is void **.
gpgme_wait                      CHANGED: New argument STATUS.
gpgme_set_keylist_mode          CHANGED: Type of return value is GpgmeError.
                                The function has a new meaning!
gpgme_get_keylist_mode          NEW
gpgme_op_trustlist_next		NEW
GpgmeIdleFunc                   NEW
gpgme_register_idle             NEW

Noteworthy changes in version 0.3.0 (2001-12-19)
 * New interface gpgme_set_protocol() to set the protocol and thus the
   crypto engine to be used by the context.  Currently, the OpenPGP
   and the CMS protocols are supported.  They are specified by the new
   preprocessor symbols GPGME_PROTOCOL_OpenPGP and GPGME_PROTOCOL_CMS.
   A new context uses the OpenPGP engine by default.

 * gpgme_get_engine_info() returns information for all crypto engines
   compiled into the library.  The XML format has changed.  To
   reliably get the version of a crypto engine, the <version> tag
   after the appropriate <protocol> tag has to be looked for.

 * New interface gpgme_engine_check_version(), obsoleting
   gpgme_check_engine().  Check the version of all engines you are
   supporting in your software.

 * GpgmeKey lists the user ids in the order as they are returned by
   GnuPG, first the primary key with index 0, then the sub-user ids.

 * New operation gpgme_op_decrypt_verify() to decrypt and verify
   signatures simultaneously.

 * The new interface gpgme_op_keylist_end() terminates a pending
   keylist operation.  A keylist operation is also terminated when
   gpgme_op_keylist_next() returns GPGME_EOF.

 * GPGME can be compiled without GnuPG being installed (`--with-gpg=PATH'),
   cross-compiled, or even compiled without support for GnuPG

 * GPGME can be compiled with support for GpgSM (GnuPG for S/MIME,
   `--with-gpgsm=PATH').  It is enabled by default if the `gpgsm' is found
   in the path, but it can also be compiled without support for GpgSM

 * CryptPlug modules for GPGME are included and can be enabled at
   configure time (`--enable-gpgmeplug').  There is one module which
   uses the GnuPG engine (`gpgmeplug') and one module which uses the
   GpgSM engine (`gpgsmplug').

 * Interface changes relative to the latest 0.2.x release:
gpgme_key_get_as_xml		CHANGED: Sub-user ids reversed in order.
gpgme_key_get_string_attr	CHANGED: User ids reversed in order.
gpgme_key_get_ulong_attr	CHANGED: User ids reversed in order.
gpgme_get_engine_info		CHANGED: New format, extended content.
gpgme_engine_check_version	NEW
gpgme_decrypt_verify_start	NEW
gpgme_decrypt_verify		NEW
gpgme_op_keylist_next		NEW
gpgme_set_protocol		NEW

Noteworthy changes in version 0.2.3 (2001-09-17)

 * New function gpgme_get_op_info which can be used to get the micalg
   parameter needed for MOSS.

 * New functions gpgme_get_armor and gpgme_get_textmode.

 * The usual bug fixes and some minor functionality improvements.

 * Added a simple encryption component for MS-Windows; however the
   build procedure might have some problems.

Noteworthy changes in version 0.2.2 (2001-06-12)
 * Implemented a key cache.

 * Fixed a race condition under W32 and some other bug fixes.

Noteworthy changes in version 0.2.1 (2001-04-02)

 * Changed debug output and GPGME_DEBUG variable (gpgme/debug.c)

 * Handle GnuPG's new key capabilities output and support revocation
   et al. attributes

 * Made the W32 support more robust.

 Copyright 2001, 2002 g10 Code GmbH

 This file is free software; as a special exception the author gives
 unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without
 modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.

 This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without even the