/* t-addexistingsubkey.cpp This file is part of qgpgme, the Qt API binding for gpgme Copyright (c) 2022 g10 Code GmbH Software engineering by Ingo Klöcker <dev@ingo-kloecker.de> QGpgME is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. QGpgME is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give permission to link the code of this program with any edition of the Qt library by Trolltech AS, Norway (or with modified versions of Qt that use the same license as Qt), and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey the GNU General Public License in all respects for all of the code used other than Qt. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception statement from your version. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #include "t-support.h" #include "addexistingsubkeyjob.h" #include "protocol.h" #include <QSignalSpy> #include <QTest> #include "context.h" #include "data.h" #include "engineinfo.h" #include <algorithm> using namespace QGpgME; using namespace GpgME; static const char *requiredVersion = "2.3.5"; /* Test keys sec# ed25519 2022-01-13 [SC] 1CB8C6A0317AA83F44FE009932392C82B814C8E0 uid [ unknown] source-key@example.net ssb cv25519 2022-01-13 [E] ssb cv25519 2022-01-13 [E] [expires: 2100-01-01] sec ed25519 2022-01-13 [SC] C3C87F0A3920B01F9E4450EA2B79F21D4DD10BFC uid [ unknown] target-key@example.net ssb cv25519 2022-01-13 [E] * generated with export GNUPGHOME=$(mktemp -d) gpg -K gpg --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase abc --quick-gen-key source-key@example.net default default never fpr=$(gpg -k --with-colons source-key@example.net | grep ^fpr | head -1 | cut -d ':' -f 10) gpg --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase abc --quick-add-key ${fpr} default default 21000101T120000 gpg --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase abc --quick-gen-key target-key@example.net default default never gpg -K gpg --export-secret-subkeys --armor --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase abc --comment source-key@example.net source-key@example.net | sed 's/\(.*\)/ "\1\\n"/' gpg --export-secret-keys --armor --batch --pinentry-mode loopback --passphrase abc --comment target-key@example.net target-key@example.net | sed 's/\(.*\)/ "\1\\n"/' #rm -rf ${GNUPGHOME} unset GNUPGHOME */ static const char *testKeyData = "-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----\n" "Comment: source-key@example.net\n" "\n" "lDsEYd/ujBYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdAwiZPINTcrpgmu6ZWSaPZlcRSd4nDuofVMhe7\n" "c2XrFyT/AGUAR05VAbQWc291cmNlLWtleUBleGFtcGxlLm5ldIiUBBMWCgA8FiEE\n" "HLjGoDF6qD9E/gCZMjksgrgUyOAFAmHf7owCGwMFCwkIBwIDIgIBBhUKCQgLAgQW\n" "AgMBAh4HAheAAAoJEDI5LIK4FMjgupIA/Au2YEAT9dYdJd0eJCJerG5YAeoB+uBs\n" "mBkgr6xXE0bIAP43b6u1Jtvf/Wm3BhRbLd5Tg67Ba4CIZ8ZLGng73FBoBpyLBGHf\n" "7owSCisGAQQBl1UBBQEBB0Cpg8Qof/WShxROZZtmPnw24vTk0R8nIAF1CZJ0bG/C\n" "SwMBCAf+BwMCtzxziVxQEor8w/VVzHp4/hVSCUyrpiX7Djf04cIMs2bFPduZLgxb\n" "c1SXhlgiqU0YBNntbGGNdKjTP6FMbYWq1+NwQm6ZXtC76LPG7syM94h4BBgWCgAg\n" "FiEEHLjGoDF6qD9E/gCZMjksgrgUyOAFAmHf7owCGwwACgkQMjksgrgUyOCI0wEA\n" "+f56fkvDDUwMOMw7n4+GKpfJXpWhVL08ttccbBOa/9IA/2HYA/78ZaD8E5EyqAEK\n" "Aj9Au+2oJu9V5qo92QEoqwYHnIsEYd/vgxIKKwYBBAGXVQEFAQEHQBa9FxJkm/9D\n" "xABildkaYMrbJbu8BPk6uv9V8aLmv9FnAwEIB/4HAwIPhcbN8s6OzPz8/g78TrCh\n" "xqQb2kygCEj+OQ4/XXU3lus2b5xS5h44LGt99Wisqx+wVPDXmPDJOaxjhHXDmJxd\n" "/LplIEhykojSm3uUDxERiH4EGBYKACYWIQQcuMagMXqoP0T+AJkyOSyCuBTI4AUC\n" "Yd/vgwIbDAUJkqcQPQAKCRAyOSyCuBTI4IUjAP9BTfOD+jy6lLmzNO9pquRSAxi/\n" "PQuglGtpS0LQEJMEOwD+PFnsMe2EtQ+WVSDBeB7O0m61EXeY+RhpuhNtsNXVuwc=\n" "=wIPU\n" "-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----\n" "-----BEGIN PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----\n" "Comment: target-key@example.net\n" "\n" "lIYEYd/v/RYJKwYBBAHaRw8BAQdAKoILWXG3yaLb2EniNKQLUjwsrvy5vgAN299J\n" "W5cFbrz+BwMC/uKbCq3sK5H8QVtEQ/IxGmjWNBpy6c8EDlOG4APi4o4VE+bEYD8w\n" "J3Kk/lzSm6ZT5vC6DDASks797omjXD+J7zZ0vtTPvheYi/nsVz2UebQWdGFyZ2V0\n" "LWtleUBleGFtcGxlLm5ldIiUBBMWCgA8FiEEw8h/CjkgsB+eRFDqK3nyHU3RC/wF\n" "AmHf7/0CGwMFCwkIBwIDIgIBBhUKCQgLAgQWAgMBAh4HAheAAAoJECt58h1N0Qv8\n" "rXcBAPxnkXqpp4IY3iTKV5XAdo7Uys7U/joUD73rj2XEvgI1AQDhKK4PLxPhf3ki\n" "FKU0RA7itxzOH+F8bQ5BdYS49jDPCpyLBGHf7/0SCisGAQQBl1UBBQEBB0Dq9rwA\n" "hAA2UFJShFsLFp7+g4uhWDfuDa3VjeIQRM+9QgMBCAf+BwMCMfCTl0LNqsn836t5\n" "f2ZHBuMcNs4JWYmdLAIVaewEHq7zhOsX3iB+/yxwu9g2mXc4XUJ1iQzXLOYwgGov\n" "8jIovrr01hDkSg4rvM9JKMWdd4h4BBgWCgAgFiEEw8h/CjkgsB+eRFDqK3nyHU3R\n" "C/wFAmHf7/0CGwwACgkQK3nyHU3RC/xyfAEAqnMdSv6FTAwAWrYvJqJtSVoEhjMn\n" "3c2qMsu34Bk86/MBAKHbLFmdyePvHaxKeO8CkQDoJzK8rYzw3RAmq/5JsQkL\n" "=rOVf\n" "-----END PGP PRIVATE KEY BLOCK-----\n"; class AddExistingSubkeyJobTest : public QGpgMETest { Q_OBJECT private Q_SLOTS: void initTestCase() { QGpgMETest::initTestCase(); // set up the test fixture for this test qputenv("GNUPGHOME", mGnupgHomeTestFixture.path().toUtf8()); QVERIFY(importSecretKeys(testKeyData, 2)); } void init() { if (GpgME::engineInfo(GpgME::GpgEngine).engineVersion() < requiredVersion) { QSKIP("gpg does not yet support adding an existing subkey to another key via the command API"); } // set up a copy of the test fixture for each test function mGnupgHomeTestCopy.reset(new QTemporaryDir{}); QVERIFY(copyKeyrings(mGnupgHomeTestFixture.path(), mGnupgHomeTestCopy->path())); qputenv("GNUPGHOME", mGnupgHomeTestCopy->path().toUtf8()); } void testAddExistingSubkeyAsync() { // Get the key the subkey should be added to auto key = getTestKey("target-key@example.net"); QVERIFY(!key.isNull()); // Get the key with the subkey to add auto sourceKey = getTestKey("source-key@example.net", 3); QVERIFY(!sourceKey.isNull()); auto job = std::unique_ptr<AddExistingSubkeyJob>{openpgp()->addExistingSubkeyJob()}; hookUpPassphraseProvider(job.get()); Error result; connect(job.get(), &AddExistingSubkeyJob::result, job.get(), [this, &result](const Error &result_) { result = result_; Q_EMIT asyncDone(); }); QVERIFY(!job->start(key, sourceKey.subkey(1))); job.release(); // after the job has been started it's on its own QSignalSpy spy (this, SIGNAL(asyncDone())); QVERIFY(spy.wait(QSIGNALSPY_TIMEOUT)); QCOMPARE(result.code(), static_cast<int>(GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR)); key.update(); QCOMPARE(key.numSubkeys(), 3u); } void testAddExistingSubkeySync() { // Get the key the subkey should be added to auto key = getTestKey("target-key@example.net"); QVERIFY(!key.isNull()); // Get the key with the subkey to add auto sourceKey = getTestKey("source-key@example.net", 3); QVERIFY(!sourceKey.isNull()); auto sourceSubkey = sourceKey.subkey(1); QVERIFY(sourceSubkey.expirationTime() == 0); auto job = std::unique_ptr<AddExistingSubkeyJob>{openpgp()->addExistingSubkeyJob()}; hookUpPassphraseProvider(job.get()); const auto result = job->exec(key, sourceSubkey); QCOMPARE(result.code(), static_cast<int>(GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR)); key.update(); QCOMPARE(key.numSubkeys(), 3u); QCOMPARE(key.subkey(2).expirationTime(), 0); } void testAddExistingSubkeyWithExpiration() { // Get the key the subkey should be added to auto key = getTestKey("target-key@example.net"); QVERIFY(!key.isNull()); // Get the key with the subkey to add auto sourceKey = getTestKey("source-key@example.net", 3); QVERIFY(!sourceKey.isNull()); auto sourceSubkey = sourceKey.subkey(2); QVERIFY(sourceSubkey.expirationTime() != 0); auto job = std::unique_ptr<AddExistingSubkeyJob>{openpgp()->addExistingSubkeyJob()}; hookUpPassphraseProvider(job.get()); const auto result = job->exec(key, sourceSubkey); if (sourceSubkey.expirationTime() > 0) { QCOMPARE(result.code(), static_cast<int>(GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR)); key.update(); QCOMPARE(key.numSubkeys(), 3u); // allow 1 second different expiration because gpg calculates with // expiration as difference to current time and takes current time // several times const auto allowedDeltaTSeconds = 1; const auto expectedExpirationRange = std::make_pair( uint_least32_t(sourceSubkey.expirationTime()) - allowedDeltaTSeconds, uint_least32_t(sourceSubkey.expirationTime()) + allowedDeltaTSeconds); const auto actualExpiration = uint_least32_t(key.subkey(2).expirationTime()); QVERIFY2(actualExpiration >= expectedExpirationRange.first, ("actual: " + std::to_string(actualExpiration) + "; expected: " + std::to_string(expectedExpirationRange.first)).c_str()); QVERIFY2(actualExpiration <= expectedExpirationRange.second, ("actual: " + std::to_string(actualExpiration) + "; expected: " + std::to_string(expectedExpirationRange.second)).c_str()); } else { // on 32-bit systems the expiration date of the test key overflows; // in this case we expect an appropriate error code QCOMPARE(result.code(), static_cast<int>(GPG_ERR_INV_TIME)); } } private: Key getTestKey(const char *pattern, unsigned int expectedSubkeys = 2) { auto ctx = Context::create(OpenPGP); VERIFY_OR_OBJECT(ctx); Error err; auto key = ctx->key(pattern, err, /*secret=*/true); VERIFY_OR_OBJECT(!err); VERIFY_OR_OBJECT(!key.isNull()); COMPARE_OR_OBJECT(key.numSubkeys(), expectedSubkeys); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < key.numSubkeys(); ++i) { VERIFY_OR_OBJECT(!key.subkey(i).isNull()); } return key; } private: QTemporaryDir mGnupgHomeTestFixture; std::unique_ptr<QTemporaryDir> mGnupgHomeTestCopy; }; QTEST_MAIN(AddExistingSubkeyJobTest) #include "t-addexistingsubkey.moc"