* package.json:
- the old webpack-cli version depended on two packages
with vulnerabilities, set to minimum version 3.0.8 to fix this
(nodesecurity.io/advisories/157, nodesecurity.io/advisories/612)
- added License identifier
* README: Updated documentation
* jsdoc.conf: Added a configuration file for jsdoc
* some minor documentation changes, indentations
* trying to stick to eslint from now on for readability
* As some attribution was lost in previous git confusions, I added my
name into some of the licence headers
* The majority of tests needs to be run in a nativeMessaging context.
Offering the few tests that don't need this context at two places
introduces issues with maintainability. All tests now removed can be
found in ./unittests.js
* Introduced Mocha/chai as testsuite. After development build
'npm test' should run the unit tests. Functionality exclusive to
Browsers/WebExtensions cannot be run this way, so some other testing
is still needed.
- package.json: Added required development packages
- .babelrc indirect configuration for mocha. ES6 transpiling
needs some babel configuration, but mocha has no setting for it.
- test/mocha.opts Vonfiguration for mocha runs
* Fixed errors:
- Helpers.js toKeyIdArray; isLongId is now exported
- Key.js Key constructor failed
- Message.js will not throw an Error during construction, a new
message is now created with createMessage, which can return an
Error or a GPGME_Message object
* Tests:
- test/Helpers: exports from Helpers.js, GPGME_Error handling
- test/Message: first init test with bad parameters
* Compatibility class gpgme_openpgpjs offers an API that should accept
openpgpjs syntax, throwing errors if a parameter is unexpected/not
* tried to be more generic in methods
* waiting for multiple answers if 'more' is in the answer
* more consistency checking on sending and receiving
* updated the example extension
Note this code misses all the legal boilerplate; please add this as
soon as possible and provide a DCO so we can merge it into master.
I also removed the dist/ directory because that was not source code.