4 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Ben McGinnes
22b7061c38 An exercise in conflicting validation methods
* Removed trailing whitespace and blank lines.
* Needed to pass the GPG checks which are written for code.
* DocBook was valid without this step, but could not be committed
  regardless.  OTOH, it did remove 8KB from the file so not a total
* Would have been painful except I already have a function in
  oXygenXML Editor to open a current file in Emacs and it did the work
  here.  :)
2016-04-14 19:42:56 +10:00
Ben McGinnes
7d00d1958c Generated documentation.
* DocBook 5.0 documentation for gpgmekeys.xsd.
* Documentation and images generated with oXygenXML Editor 17.1.
* DocBook to HTML conversion to follow.
2016-04-14 19:20:22 +10:00
Ben McGinnes
37b563a6aa Schema licensing
* All the same as GPG/GPGME, plus added Apache 2.0.
2016-03-26 04:10:52 +11:00
Ben McGinnes
b18f6a5124 XML Schemas
* Generated XML schemas in all four schema types (Relax-NG, Relax-NG
  Compact, W3C XSD and DTD) for the GPGME keylist XML output.
2016-03-26 03:59:14 +11:00