Python bindings tests: Near PEP8 compliance

* PEP8 compliance for the vast majoeity of the tests.
This commit is contained in:
Ben McGinnes 2018-08-18 20:29:14 +10:00
parent b5fbe90676
commit 5facba45c8
31 changed files with 771 additions and 498 deletions

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@ -18,12 +18,15 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import os
import subprocess
import support
_ = support # to appease pyflakes.
"tests", "start-stop-agent"), "--stop"])
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
os.path.join(os.getenv('top_srcdir'), "tests", "start-stop-agent"),

View File

@ -18,17 +18,20 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import os
import subprocess
import gpg
import support
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
print("Using gpg module from {0!r}.".format(os.path.dirname(gpg.__file__)))
"tests", "start-stop-agent"), "--start"])
os.path.join(os.getenv('top_srcdir'), "tests", "start-stop-agent"),
with gpg.Context() as c:
alpha = c.get_key("A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734", False)

View File

@ -17,10 +17,8 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import, division
from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
import argparse
import glob
@ -28,33 +26,49 @@ import os
import subprocess
import sys
del absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
class SplitAndAccumulate(argparse.Action):
def __call__(self, parser, namespace, values, option_string=None):
current = getattr(namespace, self.dest, list())
setattr(namespace, self.dest, current)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run tests.')
parser.add_argument('tests', metavar='TEST', type=str, nargs='+',
help='A test to run')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", default=False,
help='Be verbose.')
parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet', action="store_true", default=False,
help='Be quiet.')
parser.add_argument('--interpreters', metavar='PYTHON', type=str,
default=[], action=SplitAndAccumulate,
help='Use these interpreters to run the tests, ' +
'separated by spaces.')
parser.add_argument('--srcdir', type=str,
'tests', metavar='TEST', type=str, nargs='+', help='A test to run')
'-v', '--verbose', action="store_true", default=False, help='Be verbose.')
'-q', '--quiet', action="store_true", default=False, help='Be quiet.')
help='Use these interpreters to run the tests, ' + 'separated by spaces.')
default=os.environ.get("srcdir", ""),
help='Location of the tests.')
parser.add_argument('--builddir', type=str,
default=os.environ.get("abs_builddir", ""),
help='Location of the tests.')
parser.add_argument('--python-libdir', type=str,
help='Optional location of the in-tree module lib directory.')
parser.add_argument('--parallel', action="store_true", default=False,
help='Ignored. For compatibility with run-tests.scm.')
args = parser.parse_args()
@ -64,25 +78,30 @@ if not args.interpreters:
out = sys.stdout if args.verbose else None
err = sys.stderr if args.verbose else None
def status_to_str(code):
return {0: "PASS", 77: "SKIP", 99: "ERROR"}.get(code, "FAIL")
results = list()
for interpreter in args.interpreters:
version = subprocess.check_output(
[interpreter, "-c", "import sys; print('{0}.{1}'.format(sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]))"]).strip().decode()
version = subprocess.check_output([
interpreter, "-c",
"import sys; print('{0}.{1}'.format(sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]))"
if args.python_libdir:
python_libdir = args.python_libdir
pattern = os.path.join(args.builddir, "..",
pattern = os.path.join(args.builddir, "..", "{0}-gpg".format(
os.path.basename(interpreter)), "lib*")
libdirs = glob.glob(pattern)
if len(libdirs) == 0:
sys.exit("Build directory matching {0!r} not found.".format(pattern))
"Build directory matching {0!r} not found.".format(pattern))
elif len(libdirs) > 1:
sys.exit("Multiple build directories matching {0!r} found: {1}".format(
"Multiple build directories matching {0!r} found: {1}".format(
pattern, libdirs))
python_libdir = libdirs[0]
@ -95,16 +114,22 @@ for interpreter in args.interpreters:
for test in args.tests:
status =
[interpreter, os.path.join(args.srcdir, test)],
env=env, stdout=out, stderr=err)
if not args.quiet:
print("{0}: {1}".format(status_to_str(status), test))
def count(status):
return len(list(filter(lambda x: x == status, results)))
def failed():
return len(list(filter(lambda x: x not in (0, 77, 99), results)))
if not args.quiet:
print("{0} tests run, {1} succeeded, {2} failed, {3} skipped.".format(
len(results), count(0), failed(), count(77)))

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import contextlib
import shutil
@ -27,20 +26,28 @@ import tempfile
import time
import gpg
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
def assert_gpg_version(version=(2, 1, 0)):
with gpg.Context() as c:
clean_version = re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+', c.engine_info.version).group(0)
clean_version = re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+',
if tuple(map(int, clean_version.split('.'))) < version:
print("GnuPG too old: have {0}, need {1}.".format(
c.engine_info.version, '.'.join(map(str, version))))
def have_tofu_support(ctx, some_uid):
keys = list(ctx.keylist(some_uid,
keys = list(
mode=(gpg.constants.keylist.mode.LOCAL |
return len(keys) > 0
# Skip the Python tests for GnuPG < 2.1.12. Prior versions do not
# understand the command line flags that we assume exist. C.f. issue
# 3008.
@ -53,13 +60,18 @@ encrypt_only = "F52770D5C4DB41408D918C9F920572769B9FE19C"
sign_only = "7CCA20CCDE5394CEE71C9F0BFED153F12F18F45D"
no_such_key = "A" * 40
def make_filename(name):
return os.path.join(os.environ['top_srcdir'], 'tests', 'gpg', name)
def in_srcdir(name):
return os.path.join(os.environ['srcdir'], name)
verbose = int(os.environ.get('verbose', 0)) > 1
def print_data(data):
if verbose:
@ -75,10 +87,12 @@ def print_data(data):
def mark_key_trusted(ctx, key):
class Editor(object):
def __init__(self):
self.steps = ["trust", "save"]
def edit(self, status, args, out):
if args == "keyedit.prompt":
result = self.steps.pop(0)
@ -91,6 +105,7 @@ def mark_key_trusted(ctx, key):
result = None
return result
with gpg.Data() as sink:
ctx.op_edit(key, Editor().edit, sink, sink)
@ -103,9 +118,11 @@ class TemporaryDirectory(object):
def __enter__(self):
self.path = tempfile.mkdtemp()
return self.path
def __exit__(self, *args):
shutil.rmtree(self.path, ignore_errors=True)
def EphemeralContext():
with TemporaryDirectory() as tmp:

View File

@ -18,13 +18,14 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import os
import gpg
import support
_ = support # to appease pyflakes.
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
c = gpg.Context()
@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ sink = gpg.Data()
# Valid passphrases, both as string and bytes.
for passphrase in ('foo', b'foo'):
def passphrase_cb(hint, desc, prev_bad, hook=None):
assert hook == passphrase
return hook
@ -40,10 +42,12 @@ for passphrase in ('foo', b'foo'):
c.set_passphrase_cb(passphrase_cb, passphrase)
c.op_encrypt([], 0, source, sink)
# Returning an invalid type.
def passphrase_cb(hint, desc, prev_bad, hook=None):
return 0
c.set_passphrase_cb(passphrase_cb, None)
c.op_encrypt([], 0, source, sink)
@ -55,9 +59,12 @@ else:
# Raising an exception inside callback.
myException = Exception()
def passphrase_cb(hint, desc, prev_bad, hook=None):
raise myException
c.set_passphrase_cb(passphrase_cb, None)
c.op_encrypt([], 0, source, sink)
@ -66,10 +73,12 @@ except Exception as e:
assert False, "Expected an error, got none"
# Wrong kind of callback function.
def bad_passphrase_cb():
c.set_passphrase_cb(bad_passphrase_cb, None)
c.op_encrypt([], 0, source, sink)
@ -78,8 +87,6 @@ except Exception as e:
assert False, "Expected an error, got none"
# Test the progress callback.
parms = """<GnupgKeyParms format="internal">
Key-Type: RSA
@ -93,21 +100,26 @@ Expire-Date: 2099-12-31
messages = []
def progress_cb(what, typ, current, total, hook=None):
assert hook == messages
"PROGRESS UPDATE: what = {}, type = {}, current = {}, total = {}"
.format(what, typ, current, total))
c = gpg.Context()
c.set_progress_cb(progress_cb, messages)
c.op_genkey(parms, None, None)
assert len(messages) > 0
# Test exception handling.
def progress_cb(what, typ, current, total, hook=None):
raise myException
c = gpg.Context()
c.set_progress_cb(progress_cb, None)
@ -117,7 +129,6 @@ except Exception as e:
assert False, "Expected an error, got none"
# Test the edit callback.
c = gpg.Context()
@ -127,11 +138,15 @@ alpha = c.get_key("A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734", False)
cookie = object()
edit_cb_called = False
def edit_cb(status, args, hook):
global edit_cb_called
edit_cb_called = True
assert hook == cookie
return "quit" if args == "keyedit.prompt" else None
c.op_edit(alpha, edit_cb, cookie, sink)
assert edit_cb_called
@ -141,8 +156,11 @@ c.set_pinentry_mode(gpg.constants.PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK)
c.set_passphrase_cb(lambda *args: "abc")
sink = gpg.Data()
def edit_cb(status, args):
raise myException
c.op_edit(alpha, edit_cb, None, sink)
except Exception as e:
@ -150,18 +168,19 @@ except Exception as e:
assert False, "Expected an error, got none"
# Test the status callback.
source = gpg.Data("Hallo Leute\n")
sink = gpg.Data()
status_cb_called = False
def status_cb(keyword, args, hook=None):
global status_cb_called
status_cb_called = True
assert hook == cookie
c = gpg.Context()
c.set_status_cb(status_cb, cookie)
c.set_ctx_flag("full-status", "1")
@ -172,9 +191,11 @@ assert status_cb_called
source = gpg.Data("Hallo Leute\n")
sink = gpg.Data()
def status_cb(keyword, args):
raise myException
c = gpg.Context()
c.set_status_cb(status_cb, None)
c.set_ctx_flag("full-status", "1")
@ -186,13 +207,16 @@ else:
assert False, "Expected an error, got none"
# Test the data callbacks.
def read_cb(amount, hook=None):
assert hook == cookie
return 0
def release_cb(hook=None):
assert hook == cookie
data = gpg.Data(cbs=(read_cb, None, None, release_cb, cookie))
@ -201,8 +225,11 @@ except Exception as e:
assert False, "Expected an error, got none"
def read_cb(amount):
raise myException
data = gpg.Data(cbs=(read_cb, None, None, lambda: None))
@ -215,6 +242,8 @@ else:
def write_cb(what, hook=None):
assert hook == cookie
return "wrong type"
data = gpg.Data(cbs=(None, write_cb, None, release_cb, cookie))
@ -223,8 +252,11 @@ except Exception as e:
assert False, "Expected an error, got none"
def write_cb(what):
raise myException
data = gpg.Data(cbs=(None, write_cb, None, lambda: None))
@ -237,6 +269,8 @@ else:
def seek_cb(offset, whence, hook=None):
assert hook == cookie
return "wrong type"
data = gpg.Data(cbs=(None, None, seek_cb, release_cb, cookie))
try:, os.SEEK_SET)
@ -245,8 +279,11 @@ except Exception as e:
assert False, "Expected an error, got none"
def seek_cb(offset, whence):
raise myException
data = gpg.Data(cbs=(None, None, seek_cb, lambda: None))
try:, os.SEEK_SET)

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import io
import os
@ -27,6 +26,8 @@ import gpg
import support
_ = support # to appease pyflakes.
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
data = gpg.Data('Hello world!')
assert == b'Hello world!'
assert == b''
@ -94,7 +95,8 @@ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp:
# Open using name, offset, and length.
data = gpg.Data(, offset=23, length=42)
assert == binjunk[23:23+42]
assert == binjunk[23:23 + 42]
# Test callbacks.
class DataObject(object):
@ -118,6 +120,7 @@ class DataObject(object):
assert not self.released
self.released = True
do = DataObject()
cookie = object()
data = gpg.Data(cbs=(, do.write,, do.release, cookie))

View File

@ -18,11 +18,13 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import gpg
import support
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
def check_verify_result(result, summary, fpr, status):
assert len(result.signatures) == 1, "Unexpected number of signatures"
sig = result.signatures[0]
@ -32,7 +34,9 @@ def check_verify_result(result, summary, fpr, status):
assert len(sig.notations) == 0
assert not sig.wrong_key_usage
assert sig.validity == gpg.constants.validity.FULL
assert gpg.errors.GPGMEError(sig.validity_reason).getcode() == gpg.errors.NO_ERROR
assert gpg.errors.GPGMEError(
sig.validity_reason).getcode() == gpg.errors.NO_ERROR
c = gpg.Context()
@ -47,10 +51,9 @@ assert not result.unsupported_algorithm, \
verify_result = c.op_verify_result()
gpg.constants.sigsum.VALID | gpg.constants.sigsum.GREEN,
verify_result, gpg.constants.sigsum.VALID | gpg.constants.sigsum.GREEN,
"A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734", gpg.errors.NO_ERROR)
# Idiomatic interface.
with gpg.Context() as c:
@ -60,14 +63,13 @@ with gpg.Context() as c:
c.decrypt(open(support.make_filename("cipher-2.asc")), verify=[alpha])
assert plaintext.find(b'Wenn Sie dies lesen k') >= 0, \
'Plaintext not found'
gpg.constants.sigsum.VALID | gpg.constants.sigsum.GREEN,
verify_result, gpg.constants.sigsum.VALID | gpg.constants.sigsum.GREEN,
"A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734", gpg.errors.NO_ERROR)
verify=[alpha, bob])
open(support.make_filename("cipher-2.asc")), verify=[alpha, bob])
except gpg.errors.MissingSignatures as e:
assert len(e.missing) == 1
assert e.missing[0] == bob

View File

@ -18,11 +18,12 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import gpg
import support
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
c = gpg.Context()
source = gpg.Data(file=support.make_filename("cipher-1.asc"))

View File

@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import sys
import os
@ -27,6 +26,9 @@ import gpg
import support
_ = support # to appease pyflakes.
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
class KeyEditor(object):
def __init__(self):
self.steps = ["fpr", "expire", "1", "primary", "quit"]
@ -47,11 +49,12 @@ class KeyEditor(object):
result = None
if self.verbose:
sys.stderr.write("Code: {}, args: {!r}, Returning: {!r}\n"
.format(status, args, result))
sys.stderr.write("Code: {}, args: {!r}, Returning: {!r}\n".format(
status, args, result))
return result
c = gpg.Context()
c.set_passphrase_cb(lambda *args: "abc")
@ -59,13 +62,15 @@ c.set_armor(True)
# The deprecated interface.
editor = KeyEditor()
c.interact(c.get_key("A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734", False),
c.get_key("A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734", False),
assert editor.done
# The deprecated interface.
sink = gpg.Data()
editor = KeyEditor()
c.op_edit(c.get_key("A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734", False),
c.get_key("A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734", False),
editor.edit_fnc, sink, sink)
assert editor.done

View File

@ -18,13 +18,14 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import sys
import random
import gpg
import support
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
nbytes = int(sys.argv[1])
@ -33,6 +34,8 @@ else:
c = gpg.Context()
ntoread = nbytes
def read_cb(amount):
global ntoread
chunk = ntoread if ntoread < amount else amount
@ -41,12 +44,16 @@ def read_cb(amount):
assert chunk >= 0
return bytes(bytearray(random.randrange(256) for i in range(chunk)))
nwritten = 0
def write_cb(data):
global nwritten
nwritten += len(data)
return len(data)
source = gpg.Data(cbs=(read_cb, None, None, lambda: None))
sink = gpg.Data(cbs=(None, write_cb, None, lambda: None))
@ -61,5 +68,5 @@ assert not result.invalid_recipients, \
assert ntoread == 0
if support.verbose:
"plaintext={} bytes, ciphertext={} bytes\n".format(nbytes, nwritten))
sys.stderr.write("plaintext={} bytes, ciphertext={} bytes\n".format(
nbytes, nwritten))

View File

@ -18,15 +18,17 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import sys
import gpg
import support
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
c = gpg.Context()
def check_result(r, typ):
if r.invalid_signers:
sys.exit("Invalid signer found: {}".format(r.invalid_signers.fpr))
@ -42,7 +44,8 @@ def check_result(r, typ):
sys.exit("Wrong pubkey algorithm reported: {}".format(
if signature.hash_algo not in (,
if signature.hash_algo not in (,
sys.exit("Wrong hash algorithm reported: {}".format(
@ -53,6 +56,7 @@ def check_result(r, typ):
if signature.fpr != "A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734":
sys.exit("Wrong fingerprint reported: {}".format(signature.fpr))
keys = []
keys.append(c.get_key("A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734", False))
keys.append(c.get_key("D695676BDCEDCC2CDD6152BCFE180B1DA9E3B0B2", False))
@ -61,7 +65,8 @@ for recipients in (keys, []):
source = gpg.Data("Hallo Leute\n")
sink = gpg.Data()
c.op_encrypt_sign(recipients, gpg.constants.ENCRYPT_ALWAYS_TRUST, source, sink)
c.op_encrypt_sign(recipients, gpg.constants.ENCRYPT_ALWAYS_TRUST, source,
result = c.op_encrypt_result()
assert not result.invalid_recipients, \
"Invalid recipient encountered: {}".format(
@ -72,13 +77,11 @@ for recipients in (keys, []):
# Idiomatic interface.
with gpg.Context(armor=True) as c:
message = "Hallo Leute\n".encode()
ciphertext, _, sig_result = c.encrypt(message,
ciphertext, _, sig_result = c.encrypt(
message, recipients=keys, always_trust=True)
assert len(ciphertext) > 0
assert ciphertext.find(b'BEGIN PGP MESSAGE') > 0, 'Marker not found'
check_result(sig_result, gpg.constants.sig.mode.NORMAL)

View File

@ -18,13 +18,14 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import os
import gpg
import support
_ = support # to appease pyflakes.
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
for passphrase in ("abc", b"abc"):
c = gpg.Context()
@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ for passphrase in ("abc", b"abc"):
cipher = gpg.Data()
passphrase_cb_called = 0
def passphrase_cb(hint, desc, prev_bad, hook=None):
global passphrase_cb_called
passphrase_cb_called += 1
@ -55,7 +57,7 @@ for passphrase in ("abc", b"abc"):
c.op_decrypt(cipher, plain)
# Seems like the passphrase is cached.
#assert passphrase_cb_called == 2, \
# assert passphrase_cb_called == 2, \
# "Callback called {} times".format(passphrase_cb_called)
@ -70,12 +72,12 @@ for passphrase in ("abc", b"abc"):
# Check that the passphrase callback is not altered.
def f(*args):
assert False
message = "Hallo Leute\n".encode()
ciphertext, _, _ = c.encrypt(message,
ciphertext, _, _ = c.encrypt(
message, passphrase=passphrase, sign=False)
assert ciphertext.find(b'BEGIN PGP MESSAGE') > 0, 'Marker not found'
plaintext, _, _ = c.decrypt(ciphertext, passphrase=passphrase)

View File

@ -18,11 +18,12 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import gpg
import support
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
c = gpg.Context()
@ -41,36 +42,37 @@ support.print_data(sink)
# Idiomatic interface.
with gpg.Context(armor=True) as c:
ciphertext, _, _ = c.encrypt("Hallo Leute\n".encode(),
ciphertext, _, _ = c.encrypt(
"Hallo Leute\n".encode(),
assert len(ciphertext) > 0
assert ciphertext.find(b'BEGIN PGP MESSAGE') > 0, 'Marker not found'
c.encrypt("Hallo Leute\n".encode(),
"Hallo Leute\n".encode(),
recipients=[c.get_key(support.encrypt_only, False)],
sign=False, always_trust=True)
c.encrypt("Hallo Leute\n".encode(),
"Hallo Leute\n".encode(),
recipients=[c.get_key(support.sign_only, False)],
sign=False, always_trust=True)
except gpg.errors.InvalidRecipients as e:
assert len(e.recipients) == 1
assert support.sign_only.endswith(e.recipients[0].fpr)
assert False, "Expected an InvalidRecipients error, got none"
# People might be tempted to provide strings.
# We should raise something useful.
ciphertext, _, _ = c.encrypt("Hallo Leute\n",
ciphertext, _, _ = c.encrypt(
"Hallo Leute\n", recipients=keys, sign=False, always_trust=True)
except TypeError as e:
# This test is a bit fragile, because the message
# may very well change. So if the behaviour will change

View File

@ -18,11 +18,12 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import gpg
import support
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
c = gpg.Context()

View File

@ -18,13 +18,14 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import os
import gpg
import support
_ = support # to appease pyflakes.
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
testname = "abcde12345"
c = gpg.Context()

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import sys
import io
@ -28,14 +27,17 @@ import gpg
import support
_ = support # to appease pyflakes.
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
# Both Context and Data can be used as context manager:
with gpg.Context() as c, gpg.Data() as d:
leak_c = c
leak_d = d
assert leak_c.wrapped == None
assert leak_d.wrapped == None
assert leak_c.wrapped is None
assert leak_d.wrapped is None
def sign_and_verify(source, signed, sink):
with gpg.Context() as c:
@ -53,6 +55,7 @@ def sign_and_verify(source, signed, sink):, os.SEEK_SET)
assert == b"Hallo Leute\n"
# Demonstrate automatic wrapping of file-like objects with 'fileno'
# method.
with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as source, \
@ -73,7 +76,7 @@ if sys.version_info[0] == 3:
if len(bio.getvalue()) != 1:
# This version of Python is affected, preallocate buffer.
preallocate = 128*b'\x00'
preallocate = 128 * b'\x00'
preallocate = b''

View File

@ -18,45 +18,47 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import gpg
import support
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
def check_result(result, fpr, secret):
assert result.considered == 1 or (secret and result.considered == 3)
assert result.no_user_id == 0
assert not ((secret and result.imported != 0)
or (not secret and (result.imported != 0
and result.imported != 1)))
assert not ((secret and result.imported != 0) or
(not secret and
(result.imported != 0 and result.imported != 1)))
assert result.imported_rsa == 0
assert not ((secret and (result.unchanged != 0 and result.unchanged != 1))
or (not secret and ((result.imported == 0
and result.unchanged != 1)
or (result.imported == 1
and result.unchanged != 0))))
assert not ((secret and
(result.unchanged != 0 and result.unchanged != 1)) or
(not secret and
((result.imported == 0 and result.unchanged != 1) or
(result.imported == 1 and result.unchanged != 0))))
assert result.new_user_ids == 0
assert result.new_sub_keys == 0
assert not ((secret
and ((result.secret_imported == 0
and result.new_signatures != 0)
or (result.secret_imported == 1
and result.new_signatures > 1)))
or (not secret and result.new_signatures != 0))
assert not ((secret and (
(result.secret_imported == 0 and result.new_signatures != 0) or
(result.secret_imported == 1 and result.new_signatures > 1))) or
(not secret and result.new_signatures != 0))
assert result.new_revocations == 0
assert not ((secret and result.secret_read != 1 and result.secret_read != 3)
or (not secret and result.secret_read != 0))
assert not ((secret and result.secret_imported != 0
and result.secret_imported != 1
and result.secret_imported != 2)
or (not secret and result.secret_imported != 0))
assert not ((secret
and ((result.secret_imported == 0
and result.secret_unchanged != 1
and result.secret_unchanged != 2)
or (result.secret_imported == 1
and result.secret_unchanged != 0)))
or (not secret and result.secret_unchanged != 0))
assert not (
(secret and result.secret_read != 1 and result.secret_read != 3) or
(not secret and result.secret_read != 0))
assert not (
(secret and result.secret_imported != 0 and result.
secret_imported != 1 and result.
secret_imported != 2) or (not secret and result.
secret_imported != 0))
assert not ((secret and
((result.secret_imported == 0 and result.
secret_unchanged != 1 and result.
secret_unchanged != 2) or (result.
secret_imported == 1 and result.
secret_unchanged != 0))) or
(not secret and result.secret_unchanged != 0))
assert result.not_imported == 0
if secret:
assert not (len(result.imports) in (0, 3))
@ -67,6 +69,7 @@ def check_result(result, fpr, secret):
assert len(result.imports) == 1 or fpr == result.imports[1].fpr
assert result.imports[0].result == 0
c = gpg.Context()
result = c.key_import(open(support.make_filename("pubkey-1.asc"), 'rb').read())

View File

@ -18,13 +18,15 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import gpg
import support
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
support.assert_gpg_version((2, 1, 14))
# Check expration of keys. This test assumes three subkeys of which
# 2 are expired; it is used with the "Whisky" test key. It has
# already been checked that these 3 subkeys are available.
@ -37,68 +39,121 @@ def check_whisky(name, key):
assert sub1.expires == 1129636886 and sub2.expires == 1129636939, \
"Subkey of `{}' has wrong expiration date".format(name)
keys = [
[ "A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734", "6AE6D7EE46A871F8",
[ [ "Alfa Test", "demo key", "" ],
[ "Alpha Test", "demo key", "" ],
[ "Alice", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "D695676BDCEDCC2CDD6152BCFE180B1DA9E3B0B2", "5381EA4EE29BA37F",
[ [ "Bob", "demo key", "" ],
[ "Bravo Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "61EE841A2A27EB983B3B3C26413F4AF31AFDAB6C", "E71E72ACBC43DA60",
[ [ "Charlie Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "6560C59C43D031C54D7C588EEBA9F240EB9DC9E6", "06F22880B0C45424",
[ [ "Delta Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "3531152DE293E26A07F504BC318C1FAEFAEF6D1B", "B5C79E1A7272144D",
[ [ "Echelon", "demo key", "" ],
[ "Echo Test", "demo key", "" ],
[ "Eve", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "56D33268F7FE693FBB594762D4BF57F37372E243", "0A32EE79EE45198E",
[ [ "Foxtrot Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "C9C07DCC6621B9FB8D071B1D168410A48FC282E6", "247491CC9DCAD354",
[ [ "Golf Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "9E91CBB11E4D4135583EF90513DB965534C6E3F1", "76E26537D622AD0A",
[ [ "Hotel Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "CD538D6CC9FB3D745ECDA5201FE8FC6F04259677", "C1C8EFDE61F76C73",
[ [ "India Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "F8F1EDC73995AB739AD54B380C820C71D2699313", "BD0B108735F8F136",
[ [ "Juliet Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "3FD11083779196C2ECDD9594AD1B0FAD43C2D0C7", "86CBB34A9AF64D02",
[ [ "Kilo Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "1DDD28CEF714F5B03B8C246937CAB51FB79103F8", "0363B449FE56350C",
[ [ "Lima Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "2686AA191A278013992C72EBBE794852BE5CF886", "5F600A834F31EAE8",
[ [ "Mallory", "demo key", "" ],
[ "Mike Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "5AB9D6D7BAA1C95B3BAA3D9425B00FD430CEC684", "4C1D63308B70E472",
[ [ "November Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "43929E89F8F79381678CAE515F6356BA6D9732AC", "FF0785712681619F",
[ [ "Oscar Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "6FAA9C201E5E26DCBAEC39FD5D15E01D3FF13206", "2764E18263330D9C",
[ [ "Papa test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "A7969DA1C3297AA96D49843F1C67EC133C661C84", "6CDCFC44A029ACF4",
[ [ "Quebec Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "38FBE1E4BF6A5E1242C8F6A13BDBEDB1777FBED3", "9FAB805A11D102EA",
[ [ "Romeo Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "045B2334ADD69FC221076841A5E67F7FA3AE3EA1", "93B88B0F0F1B50B4",
[ [ "Sierra Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "ECAC774F4EEEB0620767044A58CB9A4C85A81F38", "97B60E01101C0402",
[ [ "Tango Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "0DBCAD3F08843B9557C6C4D4A94C0F75653244D6", "93079B915522BDB9",
[ [ "Uniform Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "E8143C489C8D41124DC40D0B47AF4B6961F04784", "04071FB807287134",
[ [ "Victor Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "E8D6C90B683B0982BD557A99DEF0F7B8EC67DBDE", "D7FBB421FD6E27F6",
[ [ "Whisky Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 3,
check_whisky ],
[ "04C1DF62EFA0EBB00519B06A8979A6C5567FB34A", "5CC6F87F41E408BE",
[ [ "XRay Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "ED9B316F78644A58D042655A9EEF34CD4B11B25F", "5ADFD255F7B080AD",
[ [ "Yankee Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "23FD347A419429BACCD5E72D6BC4778054ACD246", "EF9DC276A172C881",
[ [ "Zulu Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
"A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734", "6AE6D7EE46A871F8",
[["Alfa Test", "demo key", ""],
["Alpha Test", "demo key", ""],
["Alice", "demo key", ""]], 1
"D695676BDCEDCC2CDD6152BCFE180B1DA9E3B0B2", "5381EA4EE29BA37F",
[["Bob", "demo key", ""],
["Bravo Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"61EE841A2A27EB983B3B3C26413F4AF31AFDAB6C", "E71E72ACBC43DA60",
[["Charlie Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"6560C59C43D031C54D7C588EEBA9F240EB9DC9E6", "06F22880B0C45424",
[["Delta Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"3531152DE293E26A07F504BC318C1FAEFAEF6D1B", "B5C79E1A7272144D",
[["Echelon", "demo key",
""], ["Echo Test", "demo key", ""],
["Eve", "demo key", ""]], 1
"56D33268F7FE693FBB594762D4BF57F37372E243", "0A32EE79EE45198E",
[["Foxtrot Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"C9C07DCC6621B9FB8D071B1D168410A48FC282E6", "247491CC9DCAD354",
[["Golf Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"9E91CBB11E4D4135583EF90513DB965534C6E3F1", "76E26537D622AD0A",
[["Hotel Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"CD538D6CC9FB3D745ECDA5201FE8FC6F04259677", "C1C8EFDE61F76C73",
[["India Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"F8F1EDC73995AB739AD54B380C820C71D2699313", "BD0B108735F8F136",
[["Juliet Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"3FD11083779196C2ECDD9594AD1B0FAD43C2D0C7", "86CBB34A9AF64D02",
[["Kilo Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"1DDD28CEF714F5B03B8C246937CAB51FB79103F8", "0363B449FE56350C",
[["Lima Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"2686AA191A278013992C72EBBE794852BE5CF886", "5F600A834F31EAE8",
[["Mallory", "demo key", ""],
["Mike Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"5AB9D6D7BAA1C95B3BAA3D9425B00FD430CEC684", "4C1D63308B70E472",
[["November Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"43929E89F8F79381678CAE515F6356BA6D9732AC", "FF0785712681619F",
[["Oscar Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"6FAA9C201E5E26DCBAEC39FD5D15E01D3FF13206", "2764E18263330D9C",
[["Papa test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"A7969DA1C3297AA96D49843F1C67EC133C661C84", "6CDCFC44A029ACF4",
[["Quebec Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"38FBE1E4BF6A5E1242C8F6A13BDBEDB1777FBED3", "9FAB805A11D102EA",
[["Romeo Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"045B2334ADD69FC221076841A5E67F7FA3AE3EA1", "93B88B0F0F1B50B4",
[["Sierra Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"ECAC774F4EEEB0620767044A58CB9A4C85A81F38", "97B60E01101C0402",
[["Tango Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"0DBCAD3F08843B9557C6C4D4A94C0F75653244D6", "93079B915522BDB9",
[["Uniform Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"E8143C489C8D41124DC40D0B47AF4B6961F04784", "04071FB807287134",
[["Victor Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"E8D6C90B683B0982BD557A99DEF0F7B8EC67DBDE", "D7FBB421FD6E27F6",
[["Whisky Test", "demo key", ""]], 3, check_whisky
"04C1DF62EFA0EBB00519B06A8979A6C5567FB34A", "5CC6F87F41E408BE",
[["XRay Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"ED9B316F78644A58D042655A9EEF34CD4B11B25F", "5ADFD255F7B080AD",
[["Yankee Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"23FD347A419429BACCD5E72D6BC4778054ACD246", "EF9DC276A172C881",
[["Zulu Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
def check_global(key, uids, n_subkeys):
assert not key.revoked, "Key unexpectedly revoked"
assert not key.expired, "Key unexpectedly expired"
@ -107,17 +162,17 @@ def check_global(key, uids, n_subkeys):
assert key.can_sign, "Key unexpectedly unusable for signing"
assert key.can_certify, "Key unexpectedly unusable for certifications"
assert not key.secret, "Key unexpectedly secret"
assert not key.protocol != gpg.constants.protocol.OpenPGP, \
"Key has unexpected protocol: {}".format(key.protocol)
assert not key.issuer_serial, \
assert not key.protocol != gpg.constants.protocol.
OpenPGP, "Key has unexpected protocol: {}".format(key.protocol)
assert not key.issuer_serial,
"Key unexpectedly carries issuer serial: {}".format(key.issuer_serial)
assert not key.issuer_name, \
assert not key.issuer_name,
"Key unexpectedly carries issuer name: {}".format(key.issuer_name)
assert not key.chain_id, \
assert not key.chain_id,
"Key unexpectedly carries chain ID: {}".format(key.chain_id)
assert key.owner_trust == gpg.constants.validity.UNKNOWN, \
assert key.owner_trust == gpg.constants.validity.UNKNOWN,
"Key has unexpected owner trust: {}".format(key.owner_trust)
assert len(key.subkeys) - 1 == n_subkeys, \
assert len(key.subkeys) - 1 == n_subkeys,
"Key `{}' has unexpected number of subkeys".format(uids[0][0])
@ -128,50 +183,51 @@ def check_subkey(fpr, which, subkey):
assert not subkey.invalid, which + " key unexpectedly invalid"
if which == "Primary":
assert not subkey.can_encrypt, \
assert not subkey.can_encrypt,
which + " key unexpectedly usable for encryption"
assert subkey.can_sign, \
assert subkey.can_sign,
which + " key unexpectedly unusable for signing"
assert subkey.can_certify, \
assert subkey.can_certify,
which + " key unexpectedly unusable for certifications"
assert subkey.can_encrypt, \
assert subkey.can_encrypt,
which + " key unexpectedly unusable for encryption"
assert not subkey.can_sign, \
assert not subkey.can_sign,
which + " key unexpectedly usable for signing"
assert not subkey.can_certify, \
assert not subkey.can_certify,
which + " key unexpectedly usable for certifications"
assert not subkey.secret, which + " key unexpectedly secret"
assert not subkey.is_cardkey, "Public key marked as card key"
assert not subkey.card_number, "Public key with card number set"
assert not subkey.pubkey_algo != ( if which == "Primary"
else, \
which + " key has unexpected public key algo: {}".\
assert subkey.length == 1024, \
assert not subkey.pubkey_algo !=
( if which == "Primary" else,
which + " key has unexpected public key algo: {}".format(subkey.
assert subkey.length == 1024,
which + " key has unexpected length: {}".format(subkey.length)
assert fpr.endswith(subkey.keyid), \
assert fpr.endswith(subkey.keyid),
which + " key has unexpected key ID: {}".format(subkey.keyid)
assert which == "Secondary" or subkey.fpr == fpr, \
assert which == "Secondary" or subkey.fpr == fpr,
which + " key has unexpected fingerprint: {}".format(subkey.fpr)
assert not subkey.expires, \
assert not subkey.expires,
which + " key unexpectedly expires: {}".format(subkey.expires)
def check_uid(which, ref, uid):
assert not uid.revoked, which + " user ID unexpectedly revoked"
assert not uid.invalid, which + " user ID unexpectedly invalid"
assert uid.validity == gpg.constants.validity.UNKNOWN, \
assert uid.validity == gpg.constants.validity.UNKNOWN,
which + " user ID has unexpected validity: {}".format(uid.validity)
assert not uid.signatures, which + " user ID unexpectedly signed"
assert == ref[0], \
assert == ref[0],
"Unexpected name in {} user ID: {!r}".format(which.lower(),
assert uid.comment == ref[1], \
"Unexpected comment in {} user ID: {!r}".format(which.lower(),
assert == ref[2], \
assert uid.comment == ref[1],
"Unexpected comment in {} user ID: {!r}".format(which.lower(), uid.comment)
assert == ref[2],
"Unexpected email in {} user ID: {!r}".format(which.lower(),
# Export all the data from our keyring...
key_data = gpg.Data()
with gpg.Context() as c:
@ -206,6 +262,6 @@ with support.EphemeralContext() as c:
check_uid("Third", uids[2], key.uids[2])
if misc_check:
misc_check (uids[0][0], key)
misc_check(uids[0][0], key)
assert len(list(c.keylist())) == 0, "Keys were imported"

View File

@ -18,13 +18,15 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import gpg
import support
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
c = gpg.Context()
# Check expration of keys. This test assumes three subkeys of which
# 2 are expired; it is used with the "Whisky" test key. It has
# already been checked that these 3 subkeys are available.
@ -37,68 +39,121 @@ def check_whisky(name, key):
assert sub1.expires == 1129636886 and sub2.expires == 1129636939, \
"Subkey of `{}' has wrong expiration date".format(name)
keys = [
[ "A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734", "6AE6D7EE46A871F8",
[ [ "Alfa Test", "demo key", "" ],
[ "Alpha Test", "demo key", "" ],
[ "Alice", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "D695676BDCEDCC2CDD6152BCFE180B1DA9E3B0B2", "5381EA4EE29BA37F",
[ [ "Bob", "demo key", "" ],
[ "Bravo Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "61EE841A2A27EB983B3B3C26413F4AF31AFDAB6C", "E71E72ACBC43DA60",
[ [ "Charlie Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "6560C59C43D031C54D7C588EEBA9F240EB9DC9E6", "06F22880B0C45424",
[ [ "Delta Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "3531152DE293E26A07F504BC318C1FAEFAEF6D1B", "B5C79E1A7272144D",
[ [ "Echelon", "demo key", "" ],
[ "Echo Test", "demo key", "" ],
[ "Eve", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "56D33268F7FE693FBB594762D4BF57F37372E243", "0A32EE79EE45198E",
[ [ "Foxtrot Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "C9C07DCC6621B9FB8D071B1D168410A48FC282E6", "247491CC9DCAD354",
[ [ "Golf Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "9E91CBB11E4D4135583EF90513DB965534C6E3F1", "76E26537D622AD0A",
[ [ "Hotel Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "CD538D6CC9FB3D745ECDA5201FE8FC6F04259677", "C1C8EFDE61F76C73",
[ [ "India Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "F8F1EDC73995AB739AD54B380C820C71D2699313", "BD0B108735F8F136",
[ [ "Juliet Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "3FD11083779196C2ECDD9594AD1B0FAD43C2D0C7", "86CBB34A9AF64D02",
[ [ "Kilo Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "1DDD28CEF714F5B03B8C246937CAB51FB79103F8", "0363B449FE56350C",
[ [ "Lima Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "2686AA191A278013992C72EBBE794852BE5CF886", "5F600A834F31EAE8",
[ [ "Mallory", "demo key", "" ],
[ "Mike Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "5AB9D6D7BAA1C95B3BAA3D9425B00FD430CEC684", "4C1D63308B70E472",
[ [ "November Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "43929E89F8F79381678CAE515F6356BA6D9732AC", "FF0785712681619F",
[ [ "Oscar Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "6FAA9C201E5E26DCBAEC39FD5D15E01D3FF13206", "2764E18263330D9C",
[ [ "Papa test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "A7969DA1C3297AA96D49843F1C67EC133C661C84", "6CDCFC44A029ACF4",
[ [ "Quebec Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "38FBE1E4BF6A5E1242C8F6A13BDBEDB1777FBED3", "9FAB805A11D102EA",
[ [ "Romeo Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "045B2334ADD69FC221076841A5E67F7FA3AE3EA1", "93B88B0F0F1B50B4",
[ [ "Sierra Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "ECAC774F4EEEB0620767044A58CB9A4C85A81F38", "97B60E01101C0402",
[ [ "Tango Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "0DBCAD3F08843B9557C6C4D4A94C0F75653244D6", "93079B915522BDB9",
[ [ "Uniform Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "E8143C489C8D41124DC40D0B47AF4B6961F04784", "04071FB807287134",
[ [ "Victor Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "E8D6C90B683B0982BD557A99DEF0F7B8EC67DBDE", "D7FBB421FD6E27F6",
[ [ "Whisky Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 3,
check_whisky ],
[ "04C1DF62EFA0EBB00519B06A8979A6C5567FB34A", "5CC6F87F41E408BE",
[ [ "XRay Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "ED9B316F78644A58D042655A9EEF34CD4B11B25F", "5ADFD255F7B080AD",
[ [ "Yankee Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
[ "23FD347A419429BACCD5E72D6BC4778054ACD246", "EF9DC276A172C881",
[ [ "Zulu Test", "demo key", "" ] ], 1 ],
"A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734", "6AE6D7EE46A871F8",
[["Alfa Test", "demo key",
""], ["Alpha Test", "demo key", ""],
["Alice", "demo key", ""]], 1
"D695676BDCEDCC2CDD6152BCFE180B1DA9E3B0B2", "5381EA4EE29BA37F",
[["Bob", "demo key", ""],
["Bravo Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"61EE841A2A27EB983B3B3C26413F4AF31AFDAB6C", "E71E72ACBC43DA60",
[["Charlie Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"6560C59C43D031C54D7C588EEBA9F240EB9DC9E6", "06F22880B0C45424",
[["Delta Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"3531152DE293E26A07F504BC318C1FAEFAEF6D1B", "B5C79E1A7272144D",
[["Echelon", "demo key",
""], ["Echo Test", "demo key", ""],
["Eve", "demo key", ""]], 1
"56D33268F7FE693FBB594762D4BF57F37372E243", "0A32EE79EE45198E",
[["Foxtrot Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"C9C07DCC6621B9FB8D071B1D168410A48FC282E6", "247491CC9DCAD354",
[["Golf Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"9E91CBB11E4D4135583EF90513DB965534C6E3F1", "76E26537D622AD0A",
[["Hotel Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"CD538D6CC9FB3D745ECDA5201FE8FC6F04259677", "C1C8EFDE61F76C73",
[["India Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"F8F1EDC73995AB739AD54B380C820C71D2699313", "BD0B108735F8F136",
[["Juliet Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"3FD11083779196C2ECDD9594AD1B0FAD43C2D0C7", "86CBB34A9AF64D02",
[["Kilo Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"1DDD28CEF714F5B03B8C246937CAB51FB79103F8", "0363B449FE56350C",
[["Lima Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"2686AA191A278013992C72EBBE794852BE5CF886", "5F600A834F31EAE8",
[["Mallory", "demo key", ""],
["Mike Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"5AB9D6D7BAA1C95B3BAA3D9425B00FD430CEC684", "4C1D63308B70E472",
[["November Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"43929E89F8F79381678CAE515F6356BA6D9732AC", "FF0785712681619F",
[["Oscar Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"6FAA9C201E5E26DCBAEC39FD5D15E01D3FF13206", "2764E18263330D9C",
[["Papa test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"A7969DA1C3297AA96D49843F1C67EC133C661C84", "6CDCFC44A029ACF4",
[["Quebec Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"38FBE1E4BF6A5E1242C8F6A13BDBEDB1777FBED3", "9FAB805A11D102EA",
[["Romeo Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"045B2334ADD69FC221076841A5E67F7FA3AE3EA1", "93B88B0F0F1B50B4",
[["Sierra Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"ECAC774F4EEEB0620767044A58CB9A4C85A81F38", "97B60E01101C0402",
[["Tango Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"0DBCAD3F08843B9557C6C4D4A94C0F75653244D6", "93079B915522BDB9",
[["Uniform Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"E8143C489C8D41124DC40D0B47AF4B6961F04784", "04071FB807287134",
[["Victor Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"E8D6C90B683B0982BD557A99DEF0F7B8EC67DBDE", "D7FBB421FD6E27F6",
[["Whisky Test", "demo key", ""]], 3, check_whisky
"04C1DF62EFA0EBB00519B06A8979A6C5567FB34A", "5CC6F87F41E408BE",
[["XRay Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"ED9B316F78644A58D042655A9EEF34CD4B11B25F", "5ADFD255F7B080AD",
[["Yankee Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
"23FD347A419429BACCD5E72D6BC4778054ACD246", "EF9DC276A172C881",
[["Zulu Test", "demo key", ""]], 1
def check_global(key, uids, n_subkeys):
assert not key.revoked, "Key unexpectedly revoked"
assert not key.expired, "Key unexpectedly expired"
@ -107,24 +162,24 @@ def check_global(key, uids, n_subkeys):
assert key.can_sign, "Key unexpectedly unusable for signing"
assert key.can_certify, "Key unexpectedly unusable for certifications"
assert not key.secret, "Key unexpectedly secret"
assert not key.protocol != gpg.constants.protocol.OpenPGP, \
assert not key.protocol != gpg.constants.protocol.OpenPGP,
"Key has unexpected protocol: {}".format(key.protocol)
assert not key.issuer_serial, \
assert not key.issuer_serial,
"Key unexpectedly carries issuer serial: {}".format(key.issuer_serial)
assert not key.issuer_name, \
assert not key.issuer_name,
"Key unexpectedly carries issuer name: {}".format(key.issuer_name)
assert not key.chain_id, \
assert not key.chain_id,
"Key unexpectedly carries chain ID: {}".format(key.chain_id)
# Only key Alfa is trusted
assert key.uids[0].name == 'Alfa Test' \
or key.owner_trust == gpg.constants.validity.UNKNOWN, \
"Key has unexpected owner trust: {}".format(key.owner_trust)
assert key.uids[0].name != 'Alfa Test' \
or key.owner_trust == gpg.constants.validity.ULTIMATE, \
assert key.uids[0].name == 'Alfa Test' or
key.owner_trust == gpg.constants.validity.UNKNOWN,
"Key has unexpected owner trust: {}".format(key.owner_trust)
assert key.uids[0].name != 'Alfa Test' or key.owner_trust == gpg.constants.
validity.ULTIMATE, "Key has unexpected owner trust: {}".
assert len(key.subkeys) - 1 == n_subkeys, \
assert len(key.subkeys) - 1 == n_subkeys,
"Key `{}' has unexpected number of subkeys".format(uids[0][0])
@ -152,39 +207,41 @@ def check_subkey(fpr, which, subkey):
assert not subkey.secret, which + " key unexpectedly secret"
assert not subkey.is_cardkey, "Public key marked as card key"
assert not subkey.card_number, "Public key with card number set"
assert not subkey.pubkey_algo != ( if which == "Primary"
else, \
which + " key has unexpected public key algo: {}".\
assert subkey.length == 1024, \
assert not subkey.pubkey_algo !=
( if which == "Primary" else,
which + " key has unexpected public key algo: {}".format(subkey.
assert subkey.length == 1024,
which + " key has unexpected length: {}".format(subkey.length)
assert fpr.endswith(subkey.keyid), \
assert fpr.endswith(subkey.keyid),
which + " key has unexpected key ID: {}".format(subkey.keyid)
assert which == "Secondary" or subkey.fpr == fpr, \
assert which == "Secondary" or subkey.fpr == fpr,
which + " key has unexpected fingerprint: {}".format(subkey.fpr)
assert not subkey.expires, \
assert not subkey.expires,
which + " key unexpectedly expires: {}".format(subkey.expires)
def check_uid(which, ref, uid):
assert not uid.revoked, which + " user ID unexpectedly revoked"
assert not uid.invalid, which + " user ID unexpectedly invalid"
assert uid.validity == (gpg.constants.validity.UNKNOWN
not in {'Alfa', 'Alpha', 'Alice'} else
gpg.constants.validity.ULTIMATE), \
which + " user ID has unexpectedly validity: {}".format(uid.validity)
assert not uid.signatures, which + " user ID unexpectedly signed"
assert == ref[0], \
assert == ref[0],
"Unexpected name in {} user ID: {!r}".format(which.lower(),
assert uid.comment == ref[1], \
assert uid.comment == ref[1],
"Unexpected comment in {} user ID: {!r}".format(which.lower(),
assert == ref[2], \
assert == ref[2],
"Unexpected email in {} user ID: {!r}".format(which.lower(),
i = 0
c.op_keylist_start(None, False)
key = c.op_keylist_next ()
key = c.op_keylist_next()
while key:
if len(keys[i]) == 4:
@ -209,15 +266,14 @@ while key:
check_uid("Third", uids[2], key.uids[2])
if misc_check:
misc_check (uids[0][0], key)
key = c.op_keylist_next ()
misc_check(uids[0][0], key)
key = c.op_keylist_next()
i += 1
result = c.op_keylist_result()
assert not result.truncated, "Key listing unexpectedly truncated"
# We test for a parameter-less keylist
keyring_length = len(list(c.op_keylist_all()))
assert keyring_length > 1,\
@ -226,13 +282,12 @@ assert keyring_length > 1,\
# Then we do want to call with a pattern, only
# i.e. without giving secret=0
alpha_keys = list(c.op_keylist_all(b"Alpha"))
assert len(alpha_keys) == 1, "Expected only one key for 'Alpha', got %r" % len(alpha_keys)
assert len(alpha_keys) == 1, "Expected only one key for 'Alpha', got %r" % len(
# Check negative result.
assert len(list(c.keylist("no such key in sight"))) == 0
for i, key in enumerate(c.keylist()):
if len(keys[i]) == 4:
@ -257,8 +312,7 @@ for i, key in enumerate(c.keylist()):
check_uid("Third", uids[2], key.uids[2])
if misc_check:
misc_check (uids[0][0], key)
misc_check(uids[0][0], key)
# check get_key()
with gpg.Context() as c:

View File

@ -18,20 +18,21 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import gpg
import support
_ = support # to appease pyflakes.
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
with gpg.Context(protocol=gpg.constants.protocol.ASSUAN) as c:
# Do nothing.
err = c.assuan_transact('nop')
assert err == None
assert err is None
err = c.assuan_transact(b'NOP')
assert err == None
assert err is None
err = c.assuan_transact(['NOP'])
assert err == None
assert err is None
err = c.assuan_transact('idontexist')
assert err.getsource() == gpg.errors.SOURCE_GPGAGENT
@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ with gpg.Context(protocol=gpg.constants.protocol.ASSUAN) as c:
c.assuan_transact(['GET_CONFIRMATION', 'Hello there'])
data = []
def data_cb(line):
@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ with gpg.Context(protocol=gpg.constants.protocol.ASSUAN) as c:
# XXX HELP sends status lines if we could use ASSUAN_CONVEY_COMMENTS.
status = []
def status_cb(line, args):
status.append((line, args))

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import gpg
import itertools
@ -27,6 +26,8 @@ import time
import support
support.assert_gpg_version((2, 1, 2))
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
alpha = "Alpha <>"
with support.EphemeralContext() as ctx:
@ -51,14 +52,16 @@ with support.EphemeralContext() as ctx:
res2 = ctx.create_key(alpha, force=True)
assert res.fpr != res2.fpr
# From here on, we use one context, and create unique UIDs
uid_counter = 0
def make_uid():
global uid_counter
uid_counter += 1
return "user{0}".format(uid_counter)
with support.EphemeralContext() as ctx:
# Check gpg.constants.create.NOEXPIRE...
res = ctx.create_key(make_uid(), expires=False)
@ -77,10 +80,8 @@ with support.EphemeralContext() as ctx:
"Primary keys expiration time is off"
# Check capabilities
for sign, encrypt, certify, authenticate in itertools.product([False, True],
[False, True],
[False, True],
[False, True]):
for sign, encrypt, certify, authenticate in itertools.
product([False, True], [False, True], [False, True], [False, True]):
# Filter some out
if not (sign or encrypt or certify or authenticate):
# This triggers the default capabilities tested before.
@ -89,8 +90,12 @@ with support.EphemeralContext() as ctx:
# The primary key always certifies.
res = ctx.create_key(make_uid(), algorithm="rsa",
sign=sign, encrypt=encrypt, certify=certify,
res = ctx.create_key(
key = ctx.get_key(res.fpr, secret=True)
assert key.fpr == res.fpr
@ -125,13 +130,16 @@ with support.EphemeralContext() as ctx:
recipient = make_uid()
passphrase = "streng geheim"
res = ctx.create_key(recipient, passphrase=passphrase)
ciphertext, _, _ = ctx.encrypt(b"hello there", recipients=[ctx.get_key(res.fpr)])
ciphertext, _, _ = ctx.encrypt(
b"hello there", recipients=[ctx.get_key(res.fpr)])
cb_called = False
def cb(*args):
global cb_called
cb_called = True
return passphrase
ctx.pinentry_mode = gpg.constants.PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import os
import gpg
@ -27,6 +26,8 @@ import sys
import support
support.assert_gpg_version((2, 1, 14))
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
alpha = "Alpha <>"
bravo = "Bravo <>"
@ -111,9 +112,11 @@ with support.EphemeralContext() as ctx:
ctx.key_tofu_policy(key, policy)
keys = list(ctx.keylist(key.uids[0].uid,
keys = list(
mode=(gpg.constants.keylist.mode.LOCAL |
assert len(keys) == 1
if policy == gpg.constants.tofu.policy.AUTO:

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import gpg
import itertools
@ -27,8 +26,11 @@ import time
import support
support.assert_gpg_version((2, 1, 1))
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
with support.EphemeralContext() as ctx:
uid_counter = 0
def make_uid():
global uid_counter
uid_counter += 1
@ -43,10 +45,16 @@ with support.EphemeralContext() as ctx:
return key, uids
def check_sigs(key, expected_sigs):
keys = list(ctx.keylist(key.fpr, mode=(gpg.constants.keylist.mode.LOCAL
keys = list(
mode=(gpg.constants.keylist.mode.LOCAL |
assert len(keys) == 1
key_uids = {uid.uid: [s for s in uid.signatures] for uid in keys[0].uids}
key_uids = {
uid.uid: [s for s in uid.signatures]
for uid in keys[0].uids
expected = list(expected_sigs)
while key_uids and expected:
@ -76,9 +84,12 @@ with support.EphemeralContext() as ctx:
assert s.exportable
assert s.expires == 0
check_sigs(key_b, itertools.product(uids_b, [key_b], [exportable_non_expiring]))
itertools.product(uids_b, [key_b], [exportable_non_expiring]))
check_sigs(key_b, itertools.product(uids_b, [key_b, key_a], [exportable_non_expiring]))
itertools.product(uids_b, [key_b, key_a], [exportable_non_expiring]))
# Create a non-exportable signature, and explicitly name all uids.
key_c, uids_c = make_key()
@ -89,10 +100,11 @@ with support.EphemeralContext() as ctx:
assert s.expires == 0
ctx.key_sign(key_c, local=True, uids=uids_c)
list(itertools.product(uids_c, [key_c],
+ list(itertools.product(uids_c, [key_b, key_a],
list(itertools.product(uids_c, [key_c], [exportable_non_expiring])) +
itertools.product(uids_c, [key_b, key_a],
# Create a non-exportable, expiring signature for a single uid.
@ -106,16 +118,16 @@ with support.EphemeralContext() as ctx:
assert abs(time.time() + expires_in - s.expires) < slack
ctx.key_sign(key_d, local=True, expires_in=expires_in, uids=uids_d[0])
list(itertools.product(uids_d, [key_d],
+ list(itertools.product(uids_d[:1], [key_c],
list(itertools.product(uids_d, [key_d], [exportable_non_expiring])) +
itertools.product(uids_d[:1], [key_c], [non_exportable_expiring])))
# Now sign the second in the same fashion, but use a singleton list.
ctx.key_sign(key_d, local=True, expires_in=expires_in, uids=uids_d[1:2])
list(itertools.product(uids_d, [key_d],
+ list(itertools.product(uids_d[:2], [key_c],
list(itertools.product(uids_d, [key_d], [exportable_non_expiring])) +
itertools.product(uids_d[:2], [key_c], [non_exportable_expiring])))

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import gpg
import itertools
@ -26,6 +25,8 @@ import time
import support
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
alpha = "Alpha <>"
bravo = "Bravo <>"
@ -59,16 +60,15 @@ with support.EphemeralContext() as ctx:
"subkeys expiration time is off"
# Check capabilities
for sign, encrypt, authenticate in itertools.product([False, True],
[False, True],
[False, True]):
for sign, encrypt, authenticate in itertools.
product([False, True], [False, True], [False, True]):
# Filter some out
if not (sign or encrypt or authenticate):
# This triggers the default capabilities tested before.
res = ctx.create_subkey(key, sign=sign, encrypt=encrypt,
res = ctx.create_subkey(
key, sign=sign, encrypt=encrypt, authenticate=authenticate)
subkey = get_subkey(res.fpr)
assert sign == subkey.can_sign
assert encrypt == subkey.can_encrypt
@ -92,18 +92,21 @@ with support.EphemeralContext() as ctx:
# so that we have a key with just one encryption subkey.
bravo_res = ctx.create_key(bravo, certify=True)
bravo_key = ctx.get_key(bravo_res.fpr)
assert len(bravo_key.subkeys) == 1, "Expected one primary key and no subkeys"
assert len(
bravo_key.subkeys) == 1, "Expected one primary key and no subkeys"
passphrase = "streng geheim"
res = ctx.create_subkey(bravo_key, passphrase=passphrase)
ciphertext, _, _ = ctx.encrypt(b"hello there",
ciphertext, _, _ = ctx.encrypt(
b"hello there", recipients=[ctx.get_key(bravo_res.fpr)])
cb_called = False
def cb(*args):
global cb_called
cb_called = True
return passphrase
ctx.pinentry_mode = gpg.constants.PINENTRY_MODE_LOOPBACK

View File

@ -18,29 +18,30 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import os
import gpg
import support
_ = support # to appease pyflakes.
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
expected_notations = {
"laughing@me": ("Just Squeeze Me", gpg.constants.sig.notation.HUMAN_READABLE),
"": ("pgpmime",
| gpg.constants.sig.notation.CRITICAL),
"laughing@me": ("Just Squeeze Me",
("pgpmime", gpg.constants.sig.notation.HUMAN_READABLE |
None: ("", 0),
# GnuPG prior to 2.1.13 did not report the critical flag correctly.
with gpg.Context() as c:
version = c.engine_info.version
have_correct_sig_data = not (version.startswith("1.")
or version.startswith("2.0.")
or version == "2.1.1"
or (version.startswith("2.1.1")
and version[5] < '3'))
have_correct_sig_data = not (
version.startswith("1.") or version.startswith("2.0.") or
(version.startswith("2.1.") and int(version[4:]) < 13))
def check_result(result):
assert len(result.signatures) == 1, "Unexpected number of signatures"
@ -48,8 +49,8 @@ def check_result(result):
assert len(sig.notations) == len(expected_notations)
for r in sig.notations:
assert not 'name_len' in dir(r)
assert not 'value_len' in dir(r)
assert 'name_len' not in dir(r)
assert 'value_len' not in dir(r)
assert in expected_notations
value, flags = expected_notations.pop(
@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ def check_result(result):
assert len(expected_notations) == 0
source = gpg.Data("Hallo Leute\n")
signed = gpg.Data()

View File

@ -18,15 +18,18 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import os
import gpg
import support
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
def fail(msg):
raise RuntimeError(msg)
def check_result(r, typ):
if r.invalid_signers:
fail("Invalid signer found: {}".format(r.invalid_signers.fpr))
@ -43,16 +46,15 @@ def check_result(r, typ):
if signature.hash_algo !=
fail("Wrong hash algorithm reported: {}".format(
fail("Wrong hash algorithm reported: {}".format(signature.hash_algo))
if signature.sig_class != 1:
fail("Wrong signature class reported: {}".format(
fail("Wrong signature class reported: {}".format(signature.sig_class))
if signature.fpr != "A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734":
fail("Wrong fingerprint reported: {}".format(signature.fpr))
c = gpg.Context()

View File

@ -18,14 +18,17 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import gpg
import support
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
def fail(msg):
raise RuntimeError(msg)
def check_result(r, typ):
if r.invalid_signers:
fail("Invalid signer found: {}".format(r.invalid_signers.fpr))
@ -53,6 +56,7 @@ def check_result(r, typ):
fail("Wrong fingerprint reported: {}".format(signature.fpr))
c = gpg.Context()

View File

@ -18,19 +18,22 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import gpg
import support
_ = support # to appease pyflakes.
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
c = gpg.Context()
def dump_item(item):
print("l={} k={} t={} o={} v={} u={}".format(
item.level, item.keyid, item.type, item.owner_trust,
print("l={} k={} t={} o={} v={} u={}".format(item.level, item.keyid,
item.type, item.owner_trust,
c.op_trustlist_start("alice", 0)
while True:
item = c.op_trustlist_next()

View File

@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import sys
import os
@ -26,8 +25,10 @@ import gpg
import support
_ = support # to appease pyflakes.
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
test_text1 = b"Just GNU it!\n"
test_text1f= b"Just GNU it?\n"
test_text1f = b"Just GNU it?\n"
test_sig1 = b"""-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
@ -60,6 +61,7 @@ UqVooWlGXHwNw/xg/fVzt9VNbtjtJ/fhUqYo0/LyCGEA
def check_result(result, summary, validity, fpr, status, notation):
assert len(result.signatures) == 1, "Unexpected number of signatures"
sig = result.signatures[0]
@ -76,14 +78,16 @@ def check_result(result, summary, validity, fpr, status, notation):
if sys.version_info[0] < 3 else
b"\xc3\xb6\xc3\xa4\xc3\xbc\xc3\x9f".decode() +
" das waren Umlaute und jetzt ein prozent%-Zeichen"),
"foobar.1": "this is a notation data with 2 lines",
None: "",
"this is a notation data with 2 lines",
assert len(sig.notations) == len(expected_notations)
for r in sig.notations:
assert not 'name_len' in dir(r)
assert not 'value_len' in dir(r)
assert 'name_len' not in dir(r)
assert 'value_len' not in dir(r)
assert in expected_notations
assert r.value == expected_notations[], \
"Expected {!r}, got {!r}".format(expected_notations[],
@ -96,7 +100,9 @@ def check_result(result, summary, validity, fpr, status, notation):
assert sig.validity == validity, \
"Unexpected signature validity: {}, want: {}".format(
sig.validity, validity)
assert gpg.errors.GPGMEError(sig.validity_reason).getcode() == gpg.errors.NO_ERROR
assert gpg.errors.GPGMEError(
sig.validity_reason).getcode() == gpg.errors.NO_ERROR
c = gpg.Context()
@ -108,9 +114,8 @@ c.op_verify(sig, text, None)
result = c.op_verify_result()
check_result(result, gpg.constants.sigsum.VALID | gpg.constants.sigsum.GREEN,
gpg.errors.NO_ERROR, True)
"A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734", gpg.errors.NO_ERROR,
# Checking a manipulated message.
text = gpg.Data(test_text1f)
@ -127,8 +132,8 @@ c.op_verify(sig, None, text)
result = c.op_verify_result()
check_result(result, gpg.constants.sigsum.VALID | gpg.constants.sigsum.GREEN,
gpg.errors.NO_ERROR, False)
"A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734", gpg.errors.NO_ERROR,
# Checking an invalid message.
text = gpg.Data()
@ -141,33 +146,32 @@ except Exception as e:
assert False, "Expected an error but got none."
# Idiomatic interface.
with gpg.Context(armor=True) as c:
# Checking a valid message.
_, result = c.verify(test_text1, test_sig1)
check_result(result, gpg.constants.sigsum.VALID | gpg.constants.sigsum.GREEN,
result, gpg.constants.sigsum.VALID | gpg.constants.sigsum.GREEN,
gpg.errors.NO_ERROR, True)
"A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734", gpg.errors.NO_ERROR, True)
# Checking a manipulated message.
c.verify(test_text1f, test_sig1)
except gpg.errors.BadSignatures as e:
check_result(e.result, gpg.constants.sigsum.RED,
"2D727CC768697734", gpg.errors.BAD_SIGNATURE, False)
gpg.constants.validity.UNKNOWN, "2D727CC768697734",
gpg.errors.BAD_SIGNATURE, False)
assert False, "Expected an error but got none."
# Checking a normal signature.
sig = gpg.Data(test_sig2)
data, result = c.verify(test_sig2)
check_result(result, gpg.constants.sigsum.VALID | gpg.constants.sigsum.GREEN,
result, gpg.constants.sigsum.VALID | gpg.constants.sigsum.GREEN,
gpg.errors.NO_ERROR, False)
"A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734", gpg.errors.NO_ERROR, False)
assert data == test_text1
# Checking an invalid message.

View File

@ -18,13 +18,14 @@
# License along with this program; if not, see <>.
from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
import time
import gpg
import support
_ = support # to appease pyflakes.
del absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals
c = gpg.Context()