PEP8 compliance edits

* Fixed,, and
  for PEP8 compliance.
* Removed PyGtkGpgKeys.* and pygpa.* due to massive number of errors in
  conversion process, PEP8 compliance and reliance on a gtk module that
  is not present in PyPI, with no indication as to its origin or source.
This commit is contained in:
Ben McGinnes 2015-05-18 21:32:27 +10:00
parent 90405ac84b
commit 0267c15147
9 changed files with 39 additions and 9102 deletions

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> <!--*- mode: xml -*-->
<!DOCTYPE glade-project SYSTEM "">

View File

@ -1,663 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# $Id$
# Copyright (C) 2005,2008 Igor Belyi <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import gtk, gobject,
import time, sys, os
from pyme import callbacks, core, errors
from pyme.core import Data, Context, pubkey_algo_name
from pyme import constants
from pyme.constants import validity
from pyme.constants.keylist import mode
# Thanks to Bernhard Reiter for pointing out the following:
# gpgme_check_version() necessary for initialisation according to
# gpgme 1.1.6 and this is not done automatically in pyme-0.7.0
print("gpgme version:", core.check_version(None))
# Convert trust constant into a string
trusts = {validity.UNKNOWN: "",
validity.UNDEFINED: "Undefined",
validity.NEVER: "Never",
validity.MARGINAL: "Marginal",
validity.FULL: "Full",
validity.ULTIMATE: "Ultimate"}
# Convert seconds into a date
def sec2str(secs):
if secs > 0: return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.gmtime(secs))
elif secs == 0: return "Unlimited"
else: return ""
index = 0
class KeyColumn:
"Helper class for data columns."
def __init__(self, name, gtype, vattr=None, tcols=None,
func=lambda x:x, view=None):
"""new(name, qtype, vattr, column, ocolumn, func):
name - column title
qtype - gobject type to use in TreeStore for this column
vattr - column data is visible if method vattr present in the object
tcols - list of type specific columns to append its name to.
func - function converting object data into viewable presentation
view - to put or not the column in the view menu"""
global index = name
self.type = gtype
self.vattr = vattr
self.func = func
self.view = view
self.index = index
self.attrs = {}
if tcols != None: tcols.append(name)
index += 1
# List column names specific to an object type
key_columns = [] # names only in key
uid_columns = [] # names only in uids
sub_columns = [] # names only in subkeys
sign_columns = [] # names only in signatures
sub_sign_columns = [] # names in subkeys and signatures
# Explicite columns
visible_columns = [
KeyColumn("Secret", gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, "subkeys"),
KeyColumn("Name", gobject.TYPE_STRING, "name", uid_columns,
lambda x: and " (%s)"%x.comment)),
KeyColumn("Email", gobject.TYPE_STRING, "email", uid_columns,
lambda x:,
KeyColumn("Owner Trust", gobject.TYPE_STRING, "owner_trust", key_columns,
lambda x: trusts[x.owner_trust], True),
KeyColumn("Type", gobject.TYPE_STRING, "pubkey_algo", sub_sign_columns,
lambda x: pubkey_algo_name(x.pubkey_algo)),
KeyColumn("Length", gobject.TYPE_INT, "length", sub_columns,
lambda x: x.length),
KeyColumn("Can Auth", gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN,"can_authenticate", sub_columns,
lambda x: x.can_authenticate, False),
KeyColumn("Can Cert", gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, "can_certify", sub_columns,
lambda x: x.can_certify, False),
KeyColumn("Can Encr", gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, "can_encrypt", sub_columns,
lambda x: x.can_encrypt, False),
KeyColumn("Can Sign", gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, "can_sign", sub_columns,
lambda x: x.can_sign, False),
KeyColumn("Created", gobject.TYPE_STRING, "timestamp", sub_sign_columns,
lambda x: sec2str(x.timestamp), True),
KeyColumn("Expires", gobject.TYPE_STRING, "expires", sub_sign_columns,
lambda x: sec2str(x.expires), True),
KeyColumn("Id", gobject.TYPE_STRING, "keyid", sub_sign_columns,
lambda x: x.keyid)
helper_columns = [
KeyColumn("Name Invalid", gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, None, uid_columns,
lambda x: x.revoked or x.invalid),
KeyColumn("Subkey Invalid", gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, None, sub_sign_columns,
lambda x: x.revoked or x.invalid or x.expired),
KeyColumn("FPR", gobject.TYPE_STRING, None, sub_columns,
lambda x: x.fpr)
# Calculate implicite columns - defining visibility of the data in a column.
# In the same loop calculate tuple for rows having only name in them.
name_only = ()
for item in visible_columns:
vis_item = KeyColumn("Show", gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN)
item.attrs["visible"] = vis_item.index
name_only += (vis_item.index, == "Name")
columns = {}
for item in visible_columns + helper_columns:
columns[] = item
# Use strikethrough to indicate revoked or invalid keys and uids
columns["Name"].attrs["strikethrough"] = columns["Name Invalid"].index
columns["Id"].attrs["strikethrough"] = columns["Subkey Invalid"].index
def pair(name, value):
"pair(name, value) creates (index, func(value)) tuple based on column name"
item = columns[name]
if item.index < len(visible_columns):
return (item.index, item.func(value), columns["Show"+name].index, True)
return (item.index, item.func(value))
class PyGtkGpgKeys:
"Main class representing PyGtkGpgKeys application"
def error_message(self, text, parent=None):
dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent or self.mainwin,
def yesno_message(self, text, parent=None):
dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent or self.mainwin,
result = == gtk.RESPONSE_YES
return result
def load_keys(self, first_time=False):
if not first_time: self.model.clear()
secret_keys = {}
for key in self.context.op_keylist_all(None, 1):
secret_keys[key.subkeys[0].fpr] = 1
for key in self.context.op_keylist_all(None, 0):
self.add_key(key, key.subkeys[0].fpr in secret_keys)
def add_key(self, key, secret):
"self.add_key(key) - add key to the TreeStore model"
iter = self.model.append(None)
# Can delete only the whole key
param = (iter,) + pair("Secret", secret)
# Key information is a combination of the key and first uid and subkey
for col in key_columns: param += pair(col, key)
for col in uid_columns: param += pair(col, key.uids[0])
for col in sub_columns: param += pair(col, key.subkeys[0])
for col in sub_sign_columns: param += pair(col, key.subkeys[0])
if key.uids:
self.add_signatures(key.uids[0].signatures, iter)
self.add_uids(key.uids[1:], iter)
self.add_subkeys(key.subkeys[1:], iter)
def add_subkeys(self, subkeys, iter):
"self.add_subkeys(subkey, iter) - add subkey as child to key's iter"
if not subkeys:
key_iter = self.model.append(iter)
self.model.set(key_iter, columns["Name"].index, "Subkeys", *name_only)
for subkey in subkeys:
child_iter = self.model.append(key_iter)
param = (child_iter,)
for col in sub_columns: param += pair(col, subkey)
for col in sub_sign_columns: param += pair(col, subkey)
def add_uids(self, uids, iter):
"self.add_uids(uid, iter) - add uid as a child to key's iter"
if not uids:
uid_iter = self.model.append(iter)
self.model.set(uid_iter,columns["Name"].index,"Other UIDs",*name_only)
for uid in uids:
child_iter = self.model.append(uid_iter)
param = (child_iter,)
for col in uid_columns: param += pair(col, uid)
self.add_signatures(uid.signatures, child_iter)
def add_signatures(self, signs, iter):
"self.add_signatures(sign, iter) - add signature as a child to iter"
if not signs:
sign_iter = self.model.append(iter)
for sign in signs:
child_iter = self.model.append(sign_iter)
param = (child_iter,)
for col in uid_columns: param += pair(col, sign)
for col in sign_columns: param += pair(col, sign)
for col in sub_sign_columns: param += pair(col, sign)
def add_columns(self):
"Add viewable columns for the data in TreeStore model"
view_menu = gtk.Menu()
for item in visible_columns:
if item.type == gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN:
renderer = gtk.CellRendererToggle()
item.attrs["active"] = item.index
renderer = gtk.CellRendererText()
item.attrs["text"] = item.index
column = self.treeview.insert_column_with_attributes(
item.index,, renderer, **item.attrs)
# Create callback for a View menu item
if item.view != None:
check = gtk.CheckMenuItem(
lambda x, y: y.set_visible(x.get_active()),
def on_GPGKeysView_button_press_event(self, obj, event):
if event.button != 3:
return False
menu = gtk.Menu()
for title, callback in [
("Reload", self.on_reload_activate),
(None, None),
("Delete", self.on_delete_activate),
("Export (txt)", self.on_export_keys_text_activate),
("Export (bin)", self.on_export_keys_activate)
if title:
item = gtk.MenuItem(title)
item.connect("activate", callback)
item = gtk.SeparatorMenuItem()
menu.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time)
return True
def editor_func(self, status, args, val_dict):
state = val_dict["state"]
prompt = "%s %s" % (state, args)
if prompt in val_dict:
val_dict["state"] = val_dict[prompt][0]
return val_dict[prompt][1]
elif args:
sys.stderr.write("Unexpected prompt in editor_func: %s\n" % prompt)
raise EOFError()
return ""
def change_key_trust(self, key, new_trust):
val_dict = {
"state": "start",
"start keyedit.prompt": ("trust", "trust"),
"trust edit_ownertrust.value": ("prompt", "%d" % new_trust),
"prompt edit_ownertrust.set_ultimate.okay": ("prompt", "Y"),
"prompt keyedit.prompt": ("finish", "quit")
out = Data()
self.context.op_edit(key, self.editor_func, val_dict, out)
def on_change_trust(self, new_trust):
selection = self.treeview.get_selection()
if selection.count_selected_rows() <= 0:
key_list = []
selection.selected_foreach(self.collect_keys, key_list)
message = "Change trust to %s on the following keys?\n" % \
for key, row in key_list:
message += "\n%s\t" % key.subkeys[0].keyid
if key.uids: message += key.uids[0].uid
else: message += "<undefined>"
if self.yesno_message(message):
for key, row in key_list:
if key.owner_trust != new_trust:
self.change_key_trust(key, new_trust)
row[columns["Owner Trust"].index] = trusts[new_trust]
def on_undefined_trust_activate(self, obj):
def on_never_trust_activate(self, obj):
def on_marginal_trust_activate(self, obj):
def on_full_trust_activate(self, obj):
def on_ultimate_trust_activate(self, obj):
def collect_keys(self, model, path, iter, key_list):
row = model[path[:1]]
keyid = row[columns["FPR"].index]
key = self.context.get_key(keyid, 0)
key_list.append((key, row))
def export_keys(self):
selection = self.treeview.get_selection()
if selection.count_selected_rows() <= 0:
export_file = None
dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog("Export Keys (Public only) into a File",
while == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
filename = dialog.get_filename()
if os.path.exists(filename):
if os.path.isdir(filename):
self.error_message("%s is a directory!" % filename,
elif not self.yesno_message("%s exists. Override?" % filename,
# FIXME. Verify that file can be written to
export_file = open(filename, "wb")
if export_file == None:
key_list = []
selection.selected_foreach(self.collect_keys, key_list)
expkeys = Data()
for key, row in key_list:
self.context.op_export(key.subkeys[0].fpr, 0, expkeys),0)
def on_export_keys_activate(self, obj):
def on_export_keys_text_activate(self, obj):
def on_import_keys_activate(self, obj):
import_file = None
dialog = gtk.FileChooserDialog("Import Keys from a File",
while == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
filename = dialog.get_filename()
if os.path.exists(filename):
if os.path.isdir(filename):
self.error_message("%s is a directory!" % filename,
# FIXME. Verify that file can be open.
import_file = filename
self.error_message("%s does not exist." % filename,
if import_file == None:
impkeys = Data(file=import_file)
status = self.context.op_import(impkeys)
if status:
self.error_message("Import return an error message %d" % status)
result = self.context.op_import_result()
if result.considered == 0:
self.error_message("There's no keys in the file.")
# FIXME. Instead of rereading everything we could find out what's new
# from the result based on the ORed value of impkey:
# constants.import.NEW - The key was new.
# constants.import.UID - The key contained new user IDs.
# constants.import.SIG - The key contained new signatures.
# constants.import.SUBKEY - The key contained new sub keys.
# constants.import.SECRET - The key contained a secret key.
# It would be nice to highlight new things as well.
#if result:
# impkey = result.imports
# while impkey:
# if impkey.status & constants.import.NEW:
# self.add_key(self.context.get_key(impkey.fpr, 0))
# impkey =
def on_delete_activate(self, obj):
"self.on_delete_activate(obj) - callback for key deletion request"
selection = self.treeview.get_selection()
if selection.count_selected_rows() > 0:
key_list = []
selection.selected_foreach(self.collect_keys, key_list)
message = "Delete selected keys?\n"
for key, row in key_list:
message += "\n%s\t" % key.subkeys[0].keyid
if key.uids: message += key.uids[0].uid
else: message += "<undefined>"
if self.yesno_message(message):
for key, row in key_list:
self.context.op_delete(key, 1)
def get_widget_values(self, widgets):
"Create an array of values from widgets' getter methods"
return [getattr(self.wtree.get_widget(w),"get_"+f)() for w,f in widgets]
def set_widget_values(self, widgets, values):
"Set values using widgets' setter methods"
for (w,f), v in zip(widgets, values):
# ComboBox.set_active_iter(None) does not reset active. Fixing.
if f == "active_iter" and v == None:
f, v = "active", -1
getattr(self.wtree.get_widget(w), "set_"+f)(v)
def key_type_changed(self, which):
"""self.key_type_changed([\"key\"|\"subkey\"]) - helper function to
adjust allowed key length based on the Algorithm selected"""
(key_type,) = self.get_widget_values([(which+"_type", "active_iter")])
if key_type:
key_type = self.wtree.get_widget(which+"_type").get_model(
length_widget = self.wtree.get_widget(which+"_length")
if key_type == "DSA":
length_widget.set_range(1024, 1024)
elif key_type == "RSA" or key_type == "ELG-E":
length_widget.set_range(1024, 4096)
def on_key_type_changed(self, obj):
def on_subkey_type_changed(self, obj):
def on_expire_calendar_day_selected(self, obj):
"Callback for selecting a day on the calendar"
(year, month, day)=self.wtree.get_widget("expire_calendar").get_date()
expander = self.wtree.get_widget("expire_date")
# Past dates means no expiration date
if time.localtime() < (year, month+1, day):
expander.set_label("%04d-%02d-%02d" % (year, month+1, day))
def on_generate_activate(self, obj):
"Callback to generate new key"
# Set of (widget, common suffix of getter/setter function) tuples
# from the GenerateDialog prompt for new key properties.
widgets = [
("key_type", "active_iter"),
("key_length", "value"),
("key_encrypt", "active"),
("key_sign", "active"),
("subkey_type", "active_iter"),
("subkey_length", "value"),
("subkey_encrypt", "active"),
("subkey_sign", "active"),
("name_real", "text"),
("name_comment", "text"),
("name_email", "text"),
("expire_date", "label"),
("passphrase", "text"),
("passphrase_repeat", "text")
saved_values = self.get_widget_values(widgets)
result = None
dialog = self.wtree.get_widget("GenerateDialog")
if == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
(key_type, key_length, key_encrypt, key_sign,
subkey_type, subkey_length, subkey_encrypt, subkey_sign,
name_real, name_comment, name_email, expire_date,
passphrase, passphrase2) = self.get_widget_values(widgets)
if key_type and passphrase == passphrase2:
key_type = self.wtree.get_widget("key_type").get_model(
result = "<GnupgKeyParms format=\"internal\">\n"
result += "Key-Type: %s\n" % key_type
result += "Key-Length: %d\n" % int(key_length)
if key_encrypt or key_sign:
result += "Key-Usage:" + \
((key_encrypt and " encrypt") or "") + \
((key_sign and " sign") or "") + "\n"
if subkey_type:
result += "Subkey-Type: %s\n" % subkey_type
result += "Subkey-Length: %d\n" % int(subkey_length)
if subkey_encrypt or subkey_sign:
result += "Subkey-Usage:" + \
((subkey_encrypt and " encrypt") or "") + \
((subkey_sign and " sign") or "") + "\n"
if name_real:
result += "Name-Real: %s\n" % name_real
if name_comment:
result += "Name-Comment: %s\n" % name_comment
if name_email:
result += "Name-Email: %s\n" % name_email
if passphrase:
result += "Passphrase: %s\n" % passphrase
if expire_date != "Unlimited":
result += "Expire-Date: %s\n" % expire_date
result += "Expire-Date: 0\n"
result += "</GnupgKeyParms>\n"
if not key_type:
message = "Type of the primary key is not specified."
elif passphrase != passphrase2:
message = "Passphrases do not match."
message = "Unknown error."
self.error_message(message, dialog)
self.set_widget_values(widgets, saved_values)
if result:
# Setup and show progress Dialog
self.progress = ""
self.progress_entry = self.wtree.get_widget(
gobject.timeout_add(500, self.update_progress)
# Start asynchronous key generation
self.context.op_genkey_start(result, None, None)
def gen_progress(self, what=None, type=None, current=None,
total=None, hook=None):
"Gpg's progress_cb"
if self.progress != None:
self.progress += "%c" % type
sys.stderr.write("%c" % type)
def update_progress(self):
"Timeout callback to yeild to gpg and update progress Dialog view"
status = self.context.wait(False)
if status == None:
return True
elif status == 0:
fpr = self.context.op_genkey_result().fpr
self.add_key(self.context.get_key(fpr, 0), True)
self.progress = None
if status:
self.error_message("Got an error during key generation:\n%s" %
# Let callback to be removed.
return False
def on_generating_close_clicked(self, obj):
# Request cancelation of the outstanding asynchronous call
def get_password(self, hint, desc, hook):
"Gpg's password_cb"
dialog = self.wtree.get_widget("PasswordDialog")
label = self.wtree.get_widget("pwd_prompt")
entry = self.wtree.get_widget("password")
label.set_text("Please supply %s's password%s:" %
(hint, (hook and (' '+hook)) or ''))
if == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
result = entry.get_text()
result = ""
return result
def on_reload_activate(self, obj):
def on_about_activate(self, obj):
about = self.wtree.get_widget("AboutDialog")
def __init__(self, path):
"new(path) path - location of the glade file"
gladefile = os.path.join(path, "")
self.wtree =
self.mainwin = self.wtree.get_widget("GPGAdminWindow")
self.treeview = self.wtree.get_widget("GPGKeysView")
self.model = gtk.TreeStore(*[x.type for x in visible_columns +
self.context = Context()
self.context.set_passphrase_cb(self.get_password, "")
self.progress = None
self.context.set_progress_cb(self.gen_progress, None)
# Use mode.SIGS to include signatures in the list.
def on_Exit(self, obj):
# Glade file is expected to be in the same location as this script
except IOError as message:
print("%s:%s" %(sys.argv[0], message))

View File

@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
# $Id$ # $Id$
# Copyright (C) 2004,2008 Igor Belyi <> # Copyright (C) 2004,2008 Igor Belyi <>
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
# (at your option) any later version. # the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# 02111-1307 USA
# Sample of key deletion # Sample of key deletion
# It deletes keys for generated by script # It deletes keys for generated by script
@ -23,9 +24,10 @@ from pyme import core
core.check_version(None) core.check_version(None)
# Note that we need to collect all keys out of the iterator return by c.op_keylist_all() # Note that we need to collect all keys out of the iterator return by
# method before starting to delete them. If you delete a key in the middle of iteration # c.op_keylist_all() method before starting to delete them. If you
# c.op_keylist_next() will raise INV_VALUE exception # delete a key in the middle of iteration c.op_keylist_next() will
# raise INV_VALUE exception
c = core.Context() c = core.Context()
# 0 in keylist means to list not only public but secret keys as well. # 0 in keylist means to list not only public but secret keys as well.

View File

@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
# Copyright (C) 2008 Igor Belyi <> # Copyright (C) 2008 Igor Belyi <>
# Copyright (C) 2002 John Goerzen <> # Copyright (C) 2002 John Goerzen <>
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
# (at your option) any later version. # the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@ -15,7 +15,8 @@
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# 02111-1307 USA
""" """
This program will try to encrypt a simple message to each key on your This program will try to encrypt a simple message to each key on your
@ -46,11 +47,11 @@ for key in c.op_keylist_all(None, 0):
valid = 0 valid = 0
for subkey in key.subkeys: for subkey in key.subkeys:
keyid = subkey.keyid keyid = subkey.keyid
if keyid == None: if keyid is None:
break break
can_encrypt = subkey.can_encrypt can_encrypt = subkey.can_encrypt
valid += can_encrypt valid += can_encrypt
print(" Subkey %s: encryption %s" % \ print(" Subkey %s: encryption %s" %
(keyid, can_encrypt and "enabled" or "disabled")) (keyid, can_encrypt and "enabled" or "disabled"))
except UnicodeEncodeError as e: except UnicodeEncodeError as e:
print(e) print(e)
@ -64,5 +65,3 @@ passno = 0
print("Encrypting to %d recipients" % len(names)) print("Encrypting to %d recipients" % len(names))
print(sendto(names)) print(sendto(names))

View File

@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
# $Id$ # $Id$
# Copyright (C) 2004,2008 Igor Belyi <> # Copyright (C) 2004,2008 Igor Belyi <>
# #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
# (at your option) any later version. # the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# 02111-1307 USA
# Sample of export and import of keys # Sample of export and import of keys
# It uses keys for generated by script # It uses keys for generated by script
@ -63,11 +64,11 @@ result = c.op_import_result()
if result: if result:
print(" - Result of the import - ") print(" - Result of the import - ")
for k in dir(result): for k in dir(result):
if not k in result.__dict__ and not k.startswith("_"): if k not in result.__dict__ and not k.startswith("_"):
if k == "imports": if k == "imports":
print(k, ":") print(k, ":")
for impkey in result.__getattr__(k): for impkey in result.__getattr__(k):
print(" fpr=%s result=%d status=%x" % \ print(" fpr=%s result=%d status=%x" %
(impkey.fpr, impkey.result, impkey.status)) (impkey.fpr, impkey.result, impkey.status))
else: else:
print(k, ":", result.__getattr__(k)) print(k, ":", result.__getattr__(k))

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@ -14,9 +14,11 @@
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
# 02111-1307 USA
import os, sys import os
import sys
from pyme import core from pyme import core
from pyme.core import Data, Context from pyme.core import Data, Context
from pyme.constants import status from pyme.constants import status
@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ for name in dir(status):
if not name.startswith('__') and name != "util": if not name.startswith('__') and name != "util":
stat2str[getattr(status, name)] = name stat2str[getattr(status, name)] = name
# Print the output received since the last prompt before giving the new prompt # Print the output received since the last prompt before giving the new prompt
def edit_fnc(stat, args, helper): def edit_fnc(stat, args, helper):
global stat_strings global stat_strings

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